Thanks Cadmus, Ada and Becca for your comments.

Progress update: I've just finished synopsising all of Book I (Chapters 1 - 20) and I'm really enjoying looking back at all these early chapters, it takes me right back to the time when I wrote them. The synopsis so far is ten pages - I'm handwriting it, which is the way I started writing the fic itself, too - but I expect it will have to be condensed down to express only the most crucial details, otherwise the synopsis will end up being so long that it'll need its own synopsis.

I'm also thinking I might produce a little "Companion Guide" to the fic, just something where I can give a few character bios on the main and secondary characters that have appeared so far and things like that. I'd probably just tack this on in the same post as the overall synopsis once it's done.

Cheers for your patience, everyone!