There was a collective squeal from the other patients; a second later, Gavin gave a grunt of triumph as he flung the window open.
“Go, Skarmory!” he cried, hurling a pokéball at his feet. A burst of radiant light revealed the sleek, metallic form of the steel-winged pokémon.
“Slash the security screen!” Gavin ordered fervently. “Everyone else, stand back!”
The five adults backed away from the window. Lisa let her mouth fall open as Skarmory raised a gleaming scythe and, in two deft strokes, reduced the security screen to shreds of metal frame and wire.
“Gavin, THAT’S your plan?!” screeched Lisa, losing her cool completely; she had just seen Natu fluttering about the ceiling in distress.
“You got a better one?”
Gavin let his eyes roll back in his head in bitter realisation. “Fuck – I forgot.”