Brian1: Thanks for the grammatical corrections. I guess those sentences are just indicative of some stylistic traits I've picked up and grown to like over the years. But I'll keep in mind that what I find pleasing to read might come across as slightly jarring to an audience. It's definitely something I'll need to be aware of if I want to look at publishing in the future.

Ada: I think I remember you voicing some similar predictions and tentative suspicions about the Guard - and Lance - as far back as when I first posted Chapter 58 (almost two years ago now, egad). I like your thought processes, but I prefer not to comment to my readers about their predictions; I'd hate to tacitly shoot an idea down in flames, or confirm it. Speculation and mystery are fun.

Lance's relationship with Darius, however ... well, I'm glad my prose made it clear that it will be, in some way, significant to ... something. Bwahaha.

About Lance's Dad ... time shall tell.

And yes, Lance's phone conversation with Darius would definitely be an interesting one to read, though you're right to question whether or not I'll include it in a future chapter.

I'm glad you guys both liked the characterisation. I always hope I'm improving in that area.

Brian2: "No, Lance. I - am - your father." Hee. If I had published my character profiles on here, you might have the answer to your question. About Lance's father that is, not the prospect of a red herring.

Would I deliberately try to confuse my readers?

You bet.

Thanks to both of you for your replies, I'm glad you're still finding the fic engaging. Chapter 65 - here we come!
