This one's mine.
All right, it seems I got a new opponent, we have never fought in the same battle. Plus, I feel like haven't battled for ages anyway so we'll see how this will go.
So I chose Chiquita, my female Tropius. Her ability is Solar Power!
Chiquita, start with Swords Dance.
Then Strength.
End with Ominous Wind.
Last edited by Mikachu Yukitatsu; 24th September 2012 at 11:25 PM.
This one's mine.
What the deuce? I could've swore I posted attacks up earlier
Guess I better do it again. Sending out Yum Kaax my male Grovyle. His Ability's Unburden and he also knows *Dragon Dance.
So Kaax, let's start things off by lulling that banana tree wannabe into La-La-Land with a melodious tune, then make use of your new draconic dance moves and finish off by slamming into that fruity dinosaur
Grasswhistle ~ Dragon Dance ~ Body Slam
Round ONE
We enter the first round of the tournament for dragon users, and both trainers in this battle have elected to use pokémon that... aren't really dragons at all. Oh well. Mikachu releases and Chaos releases Chiquita and Yum Kaax, respectively.
The two pokémon stare one another down before making their first moves. The awkward brontosaur is less manueverable than her opponent, but she still manages to sharpen her strength before being lulled to sleep by Kaax's whistling.
Chiquita - -5PP, +2 Atk, Asleep // -3PP - Yum Kaax
With his opponent unconscious, Kaax is free to dart around the vacant arena floor, gathering strength and speed. Chiquita, meanwhile, is dreaming about bananas or something. I dunno.
Chiquita - +5PP // +1 Atk, +1 Spd, -5PP - Yum Kaax
Feeling satisfied with his grace, Kaax now goes on the offensive, driving his tiny gecko's frame right into the grass behemoth. The body slam is powerful and manages to jolt Quita completely out of her slumber. She shakes it off and remembers her orders to summon a ghastly wind to sweep across the arena floor.
Chiquita - -11HP, Awake, -4PP // -6HP, -8PP - Yum Kaax
Ref Notes:
~Perfect Chaos attacks first.~
:Cracks up every time he reads that name:: XD Its sooo wrong
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Hmm...hit it with another melody Kaax to make sure he stays asleep longer, then throw in another mystical dance to up your attack and finish off with a hardened tail slam!. If he throws up a Safeguard, then sub in Swords Dance for the first turn and follow that by biting him and then slamming your hardened tail
Grasswhistle ~ Swords Dance ~ Iron Tail
Subs: If used Safeguard on first turn - Swords Dance ~ Crunch ~ Iron Tail
Chiquita, ride the wind you just summoned in Round 1 and use Fly as your first Super Effective move!
End this round with Body Slam.
Round TWO
Unsatisfied with the lack of sleep her opponent got in the previous round, Kaax decides to lull her back to it. The whistling was just as strong as last time, but Quita was developing a bit of a resistance to it. However, even with the resistance, she still ultimately succumbed to it.
Chiquita - Asleep // -3PP - Yum Kaax
Quita lays down for quite a bit as Yum Kaax sharpens his senses.
Chiquita - +5PP // +2 Atk, -5PP - Yum Kaax
Kaax now drives himself forward as his grassy tail shimmers with a steel coating. He leaps into the air and slams his blunt instrument into the brontosaur, dealing great damage and once more awakening her. Quita roars out before retaliating with a swift body slam.
Chiquita - -13HP, Awake, -6PP // -10HP, -8PP - Yum Kaax
Ref Notes:
~Mikachu Yukitatsu attacks first.~
Chiquita, falling asleep every turn must be frustrating, so use Frustration!
Have another Body Slam.
Summon a Sunny Day ending this turn.
Counter ~ Counter ~ Captivate
Tired of this laying down bidness, Quita hones her frustration and utilizes it in a technique. The large brontosaur stamps her large feet into the ground and charges at Yum Kaax with a certain ferocity. SLAM!, she knocks into the smaller gecko, but something happens! He latches on and uses her own force against her, slamming her to the floor.
Chiquita - -5PP, -15HP // -7PP, -12HP - Yum Kaax
Quita groans and picks herself back up for another go-around. Kaax merely smirks in anticipation as she backs away a few feet for a body slam. The beast collides with Kaax, dealing great damage, but her attack is countered once more.
Chiquita - -7PP, -17HP // -7PP, -14HP - Yum Kaax
Feeling satisfied, Kaax decides to flash his 10 dollar grin, making Quita blush a little bit. Conflicted, she starts summoning the sunlight, perhaps hoping to impress her new crush.
Chiquita - -2 SpA, -7PP, Sunny Day activated // -5PP - Yum Kaax
Sunny Day - 10 actions
Ref Notes:
~While Sunny Day is in effect, fire-type attacks and weather-based healing moves will be 50% stronger, while water-type attacks will be 50% weaker; Solar Beam will fire instantly.~
~While @Solar Power is active, Chiquita will endure a 2HP loss per action; her special attacks will be 50% more powerful.~
~Perfect Chaos attacks first.~
Last edited by Greyfox; 11th October 2012 at 12:14 PM.
Captivate lowers Sp. Attack Grey, not Attack. I think you might've gotten it confused with Charm
Good work so far Kaax, let's start things off by strutting your swag self around to piss off Chiquita off, then follow through with healing yourself with the sun's power and follow through with hitting another hardened tail
If he uses any physical moves, then counter them back.
Swagger ~ Synthesis ~ Iron Tail
Sub: Counter for any physical moves used
Chiquita, Safeguard against that Swagger!
Next, Stomp to force him to Counter, and hopefully also have him flinch.
Hyper Beam, then!
Round FOUR
Quita prepares herself for a nice protective spell, but Kaax begins strutting around the arena as if he owns the place, lighting a fire in the brontosaur's eyes. She halts her plans immediately, and dive tackles Kaax with a certain ferocity. Perhaps that wasn't the best plan, Kaax?
Chiquita - -3PP, Angry, -2HP // -3PP, -7HP - Yum Kaax
Sunny Day - 9 actions
Still feeling angry, Quita raises her strong forelegs and slams them down, triggering Kaax's counter. However, the attack is a lot stronger than Kaax had prepared for, and he ends up flinching instead.
Chiquita - -7PP, -2HP // -10HP, *flinch* - Yum Kaax
Sunny Day - 8 actions
At this point, all bets are off as Yum Kaax and Chiquita spread themselves out. Kaax's tail begins covering itself in a steel presense as Quita bagin's charging up a super-attack. 3, 2, 1, Go! Kaax drives forward and bashes Quita with his iron tail only to get blasted back to his corner of the arena by a hyper beam!
Chiquita - -12HP, -20PP, -2HP // -8PP, -18HP, @Unburden activated - Yum Kaax
Sunny Day - 7 actions
Ref Notes:
~While Sunny Day is in effect, fire-type attacks and weather-based healing moves will be 50% stronger, while water-type attacks will be 50% weaker; Solar Beam will fire instantly.~
~While @Unburden is active, Yum Kaax will be 30% faster.~
~While @Solar Power is active, Chiquita will endure a 2HP loss per action; her special attacks will be 50% more powerful.~
~As a result of Hyper Beam, Chiquita must recharge and will only be able to use two attacks next round.~
~Mikachu Yukitatsu attacks first.~
Chiquita, use Solar Beam next!
Lastly, time for something Super Effective, Air Slash!
Agility + Rock Slide + Rock Slide
Round FIVE
As Quita takes time to gather some lost energy, Kaax capitalizes on his newfound sense of free time. Swiftly, he charges at the large brontosaur, maxing out his speed and summoning a pair of boulders from his sides before slamming them into his opponent. Critical hits! Chiquita goes down and Yum Kaax goes onto the next round!
Chiquita - +10PP, -17HP *Crit*, -9HP, KOed // -35PP - Yum Kaax
Sunny Day - 6 actions
Ref Notes:
~Yum Kaax has used two super-effective attacks during the battle.~
~While Sunny Day is in effect, fire-type attacks and weather-based healing moves will be 50% stronger, while water-type attacks will be 50% weaker; Solar Beam will fire instantly.~
~Perfect Chaos is awarded 4 points and moves onto the next round.~
~Mikachu Yukitatsu gets 2 points.~
~Greyfox gets 4 points for reffing.~
Good battle Mika, hope to challenge you in a regular battle in the future.
Thanks for reffing this Grey. Quick question. Would I be able to evolve Grovyle into Sceptile for the tourney, or is that a no-no?
I don't see why not.
Great battle. Perfect Chaos, just tell me when you wish and we'll battle again, with different rules, of course. But for now...
*grabs some popcorn, sitting back and watching the rest of the tournament*