I'll ref this, as I usually ref the first matches people have anyways.
Well, this is my first battle, so I hope I do well
Anyway I`d like 3 vs. 3 battle (one at a time).
With moves, Attract, Toxic, Perish song, and Destiny Bond banned.
Opponent can choose the arena.
The ref will decide who sends out a pokemon and attacks first.
DQ time is 5 days.
Last edited by EraGam; 17th June 2012 at 01:56 PM.
I'll ref this, as I usually ref the first matches people have anyways.
I'll take you on! I've only got one battle going on at the moment :3
As for an arena, I'm feeling uncreative so...
Does a simple rocky field sound good? A small pool (roughly 4m wide) is in the centre, slightly off to the right. Most of the field is covered in rough, rocky terrain and a medium patch of sand around the pool. A little bit of sparse, hardy grass grows between the rocks, but other than that there is very little plant life.
Ok then, let the ref decide who starts!
Also, I feel like a complete idiot, but how do you change the threads title?
Just go and hit edit on your first post and you can edit the original thread title along with any other info from your original post.
Good luck to you in ASB!
*coin flip*
Damn, dropped it. Erm, Era, you can send out, then Cynder issues attacks.
Alright then, I choose Arnov (treecko, male, Overgrow).
EraGam, you've not been approved yet in the tower. You need to wait for one of the mods to do it! I'm sure everything's fine, but tis just the rules.
X-rated since April 2012!
Weasel Overlord says:
Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
Or i will hog tie you
and ram you
with my train
I wasn`t? I`m really sorry, I must`ve mistaken something. But I think I`m approved now, so we can continue the battle.
Okay then, I'll go with my shiny male Pawniard Isao Machii with Defiant ability!
Let's begin with Swords Dance, then follow it up Thunder Wave and Night Slash! Replace Night Slash with Sucker Punch if Arnov attacks that turn, and if Thunder Wave is blocked/reflected in any way use Rock Polish instead.
Last edited by Cynder; 24th April 2012 at 02:47 PM.
Since we don`t want Isao to heighten his attack, try and surprise him with a Quick Attack, then use Detect to protect yourself from the Thunder Wave. Finally, boost your speed with Agility. Also, when using the Quick attack, try and push him into the little pond, so the electricity from the Thunder wave travels through it.
Round 1
A heartless, barren wasteland, with little plant growth and a small, stagnant pond in the centre, with its own little beach to comfort it as it weeps in sorrow. This arena brought to you by Tim Burton.
Team of Era (OOO)
100% HP
100% EN
Quick Attack ~ Detect ~ Agility
Team of Cynder (OOO)
[Isao Machii][M]
100% HP
100% EN
Swords Dance ~ Thunder Wave ~ Night Slash
We being this match with the two competitors meeting at this barren land area, probably somewhere in Orre, but I'm not too sure, as Wobbuffet has been in charge of the PokeNav. The suave Cynder looks at the newest addition to the ASB, Era and smirks. Era returns the look and sends out his Treecko. Cynder responds with his blue Pawniard. And with that exchange, the battle commences.
We now begin with Arnov moving fast and furious and slamming into Isao, surprising the blue blade. Although Arnov tries to knock Isao into the pool, Isao's just too heavy, being made of heavy steel and all and the pool's just a bit too far away. Isao shrugs the hit off and starts dancing in the ancient art of something or other, raising his attack by a load.
: -0% health, -5% energy
: -2% health, 7% energy
[Atk +2]
Arnov senses a great disturbance in the for- I mean, in the air as Isao draws in electricity. Arnov's eyes flash blue and when the weak jolt of electricity comes, he gracefully dodges it. Isao frowns, he must have suffered an accuracy drop along the way, surely.
: -0% health, -7% energy
: -0% health, 7% energy
[Atk +2]
Arnov believes his speed to be inadequate and thus raises it further. Now he's much, much faster than Isao. Still, that doesn't change how Isao will come at him with dark scythe hand things and slash him. And that really hurt.
: -11% health, -7% energy
[Spd +2]
: -0% health, 6% energy
[Atk +2]
Team of Era (OOO)
89% HP
80% EN
*Speed +2*
Team of Cynder (OOO)
[Isao Machii][M]
98% HP
80% EN
*Attack +2*
End Notes
Now Arnov is lightning fast!
Team of Era to issue attacks.
Ok, start off with getting really far away from Isao and shoot a energy ball while moving away from him. Then stay there, untill he uses his second attack. That's when you return to Isao with a Quick attack and before he can react, use giga drain, to get back some health. If he however manages to react, use brick break.
Since he's backing off, counteract that with Pursuit! Then use the speed hit against him with Revenge, and finish up with a X-Scissor.
oh my god, I just realized I'm not the newest newb anymore! we have to battle sometime when I'm not full on battles!![]()
Ok, the DQ time is up, maybe we should look for a new referee?
We could leave it a little longer and then send him a VM? Might as well, although it's up to you.
Hmm ok, lets wait till tomorrow. If he doesn`t reply, I`ll send him a message.
I apologise for not doing this, but I have not been too well and I only ref when I feel like doing so. I feel bad as this affects my other reffings as well, but I just haven't been up to it.
I'll try to get it done tomorrow.![]()
Oh, I'm sorry! Don't worry about it if you're not feeling great, I can wait c:
Oh not at all. I should have said something. I just haven't really been in the best of shape. After all, it is getting to be that time again in the summer, which every student dreads.
Hey, don`t worry. Just get well soon Rossy![]()
Just bumping for Rossy :3
Round 2
A heartless, barren wasteland, with little plant growth and a small, stagnant pond in the centre, with its own little beach to comfort it as it weeps in sorrow. This arena brought to you by Tim Burton.
Team of Era (OOO)
89% HP
80% EN
*Speed +2*
Energy Ball ~ Quick Attack + Giga Drain/Brick Break
Team of Cynder (OOO)
[Isao Machii][M]
98% HP
80% EN
*Attack +2*
Pursuit ~ Revenge ~ X-Scissor
We begin this round with Arnov moving away from Isao, speeding across the barren wasteland. But not so fast! Isao glows a dark black and chases after Arnov with even greater speed and strikes him. Arnov replies by firing a green ball of energy at him. It looks like it did something.
: -9% health, -9% energy
[Spd +2]
: -5% health, -7% energy
[Atk +2]
Arnov now speedily...goes the metre or so between them and smacks Isao with a glowing green hand, surprising Isao. He sucks up some health, as in, a bit. Isao seems it fit for some revenge! He gives Arnov a bit of a smack.
: -13% health, -10% energy
[Spd +2]
: -8% health, -9% energy
[Atk +2]
With Arnov not doing a whole lot, Isao slashes at him with a cross motion, hurting him quite the some.
: -18% health, -0% energy
[Spd +2]
: -0% health, -8% energy
[Atk +2]
Team of Era (OOO)
49% HP
61% EN
*Speed +2*
Team of Cynder (OOO)
[Isao Machii][M]
85% HP
56% EN
*Attack +2*
End Notes
I interpreted the last two attacks as a combo. Er, are they?
Cynder to issue attacks.
It can`t be a combo, that would be 4 attacks for one round, which isn`t possible I think.
Well a combo combines two moves into one action. If the Pokemon reaches three moves, any actions leftover are spent doing nothing. That's why Arnov did nothing in the third action.
Thanks for reffing Rossy, good to hear you're able to ref again c:
Alright Isao, this is going brilliantly! Keep it up by going for another X-Scissor followed by a Swords Dance and Slash. If it goes for another fighting type (damaging) attack sub in Revenge, and if it tries to use another long distance attack sub in another Pursuit. If you need to use a sub move, shift the original commands forwards one.
Well, that wasn`t supposed to be a combo attack... but lets not make things complicated..
Arnov start with Super Brick Break (2x Brick Break <- I`ll make that a combo move), then Leach Seed.
Just bumping this back to the first page for Rossy c:
Maybe we should look for a sub-ref?
Bumpity bump.
This battle is stretching on for ages.
If you'd guys would like I can take over reffing this, since I'm basically only reffing one battle ATM, which ironically enough is also one of Era's battles. Let me know if you guys are OK with that!
That's fine by me! Thanks c:
Hmmm, I'm assuming that Era would also be OK, but I guess I'll have to wait until he gets back just to be sure![]()
It's okay, go for it.
PKMN Trainer Cynder
PKMN Trainer EraGam
A heartless, barren wasteland, with little plant growth and a small, stagnant pond in the centre, with its own little beach to comfort it as it weeps in sorrow. This arena brought to you by Tim Burton.
Rules: Damage Cap (Auto)
Banned Moves: Attract, Toxic, Perish song, and Destiny Bond
DQ Time: 5 Days
-=- Pre-Round -=-
49% HP
61% EN
[+2 Speed]
Super Brick Break (Brick Breakx2) ~ Leech Seed
[Isao Machii]85% HP[M]
56% EN
[+2 Attack]
Revenge ~ X-Scissor ~ Swords Dance
-=- Round 3 -=-
Round 3 is set to get underway, since good ol' Rossymore seems to have fallen off from the face of the TPML, hopefully he may return to continue other reffings for us! Let's get underway with this battle between EraGam and Cynder!
Taking advantage of the boost to his already ridiculous speed, Arnov rushes forward, both his hands glowing white with energy and begins to really let Isao have it, pounding away him away to pieces. Isao grunts in pain but manages to steady himself, glowing in a bright orange aura, retaliates against Arnov for that massive assault! Karma's a bitch, ain't it Arnov?
: -26% health, -14% energy
: -24% health, -10% energy
Arnov, not at all expecting such a massive revenge strike, launches several small brown seeds from his tail, which proceed to latch onto Isao and sap away some vitally needed health for Arnov. Isao's bladed arms begin to glow light blue in color as he proceeds to ignore the lost health and charges at Arnov, crossing his arms CM-punk style and dealing a hefty blow at Arnov. So much for that gained health. Arnov looks on defiantly at Isao as he beings to glow a bright green aura.
: -16% health, +2 % health, -4% energy
: -2% health, -8% energy
With Arnov sitting around like a sitting...gecko, Isao takes advantage of this moment of reprieve to perform yet another Pawniard war dance, furthur strengthening his attack prowess! However, he feels a bit more weakened now, as the Leech Seed continues to sap away his health, while Arnov looks a bit more healthy now.
: +2 % health, -0% energy
: -2% health, -4% energy
[+2 Atk.]
-=- End of Round 3 -=-
11% HP
48% EN
[+2 Speed]
[Isao Machii]57% HP[M]
34% EN
[+4 Attack]
End of Round 3 Notes
–It seems like I've increased the damage by alot for some of the moves for this round. I tried using a damage calculator I found online to try and determine what would be right based on the moves issued. If a Head Ref wants to come in and take look, by all means, please do so.
–I really need to get back to reffing more battles nowadays.
–Team Cynder to attack first next round!
X-Scissor ~ Sucker Punch/Night Slash ~ X-Scissor
Sucker Punch if it goes to attack, Night Slash if it uses a priority move or a non-damaging move.
Dig on the first turn, then come up on the second with both hands charging a brick break.
Dig ~ Dig + 2x Brick Break