Hmm, what to use...I think I'll use a pokemon Blade gave me. I'll use Raticate! (m)
Ok! Ive been wanting to do this highly unusual battle for quite awhile! This is like your typical 1v1 except that when you are making your attacks, you have to do it in the form of a song lyric. As an example if you want to use "Flash" you would have to write something like "Its all right, Im jumpin jack Flash" (Rolling stones). If you manage to tie all three moves together with the same genre of music or the lyrics fit together especially well, it gives a bonus to the damage you deal that round (for the ref to decide how much). Think of it like a contest almost but its a battle at the same time!
Arena: A karaoke club with a huge audience of slightly drunk people all looking to be entertained! Drinks are on the ref ;D
Banned Moves: None (make suggestions if you want)
You send out first and Ill attack first! Let the singing begin!
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Hmm, what to use...I think I'll use a pokemon Blade gave me. I'll use Raticate! (m)
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
Interesting....well Ive decided to bring out my female Chatot, A Cappella. It seemed fitting ;D
Round One
A Cappella (f), Chatot
Asi sipped on a chocolate martini as she gave her small bird pokemon a peptalk before the show. "Ok while your battling I will have to sing so if the moves come out sounding unusual you know whats up, do the best you can and so will I!" Clearing her throat she went up to to mic and glanced at her opponent with a smirk. Then, giving one last look at her pokemon she turned her attention to the audience and began to sing the battleplan.
" 'Who says that opposites dont Attract.' 'I was born to Sing for you...' 'Just look into your heart my friend, that will be the Return to yourself' " Stepping back from the mic, she put her hands on her hips and waited to see her opponents first moves.
(Songs are Opposites attract-Billie Myers, Magnificent-U2, and Return to Innocence-Enigma)
This is turning out to be a lot harder than I thought XD
Last edited by Asilynne; 18th July 2009 at 08:26 PM. Reason: fixing a song title ^-^()
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
I like how the songs stay close to their roots but no. People were taking dumpsness in with street bath 2. No guy esaeded.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
....what? lol
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Relevance=0. That last post of mine was completely irrelevant.
Last edited by DarkestLight; 19th July 2009 at 06:45 PM.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
"...why did I choose Raticate again?" Ben muttured as he stepped onto the stage. He looked over the lyrics sheet at the number of attacks available. Twirling the mic in his hand, he began to sing.
"I hear your money talkin but you ain't loud enough
it cost to be a boss but you ain't got enough
now get ya swagger up, now get ya swagger up"
At that point, the music changed to a slower beat, and Ben began singing in another language
"Sen Tuulen tuolta tunnen
Sen tuulen tuolta tunnen
Sen tuulen tunnen latvuksissa
Tunnen tuimat tuiskaukseses
Tunnen henkes hehkuvaisen"
Ok, back to English.
"Peep the scene, remember Cappadon' from Ice Cream
I got my nice clean, my ice beam, my nice jeans"
Swagger - Icy Wind - Ice Beam
The songs were:
Swagger - Letoya
Viima - Korpiklaani
I Don't Even Know You - Cappadonna
Vimma Lyrics translate to:
I can feel the icy wind
I can feel the icy wind
I can feel the wind in treetops
I can feel your biting burst
I can feel your spirit glow
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
Arena: A karaoke club with a huge audience of slightly drunk people all looking to be entertained! Drinks are on the ref ;D
Banned Moves: None (make suggestions if you want)
A Capella, F Chatot
Chipper chirper
Mystic Clown
Raticate M
Bite biter
Swagger~Icy Wind~Ice Beam
===Round 1===
So, I'm at a bar with a karaoke night, thinking I'd have a peaceful night off from Reffing. Hear some singers, do some heckling, it would be great. NOOOOOOOO! Asi comes barreling like like a jar full of drink sea horses and runs up to the microphone. She just tackles teh girl off the mic adn starts splurging words together. She'd have a pretty voice, if she wasn't so damn drunk.
I turn to see if anyoone else is goona come stumbling in, and yep, here comes Mystic. With his Raticate out.
"Seriously you guys? Yer gonna battle? Like right now?"
"Umm yeah DL? Mind reffing? I'm gonna go sing my lyrics too."
"You gotta be %^&$^%& kidding right now..shes more sloshed than a Irish bum on St Patricks and yer in agreeance with this?"
But no. No there he goes and he's singing some c-what the hell language was that? "We don't respond to Klingon here!" But no. Capella is released somehow, as Asi stumbles to try and get me to buy her a drink...which is immediatly refuted, as Capella tries to attract teh attention of Raticate. But Raticate is also buffing himself up, and trying to get Capella's attention.
So, both sides get a plus out of this, as they both fall for the other's spell. only Capella, is now walking along the bar, o snap she's about to drink my VodkaSprite!!!
Cap: -3E +2 Atk/Cfn==///== Rat: -3E <3.<3 (50)
Eww Rat on bar! People are so going to leave! Yeap there goes three people aready., Man that's unsanitary as..Capella get the HELL out my drink! Oh no Don't drink it too Ratica---.-...Wait 'til this is over Mystic.. ::Looking at Asi.::
Cap: @_@ Tart! ==///== Rat: Yum (47)
Seems Raticate has some sense (and some level of tolerance) as he jumps off the bar. The bartender quickly wipes off the counter and tells me I have to pay for that? Hellz no! I didn't even drink it! Anyway, Capella is still up there, walking around and being dumb, slamming its notehead into the baseboard of the bar as she climbs down. Perfect place to be pegged by an Ice Beam.
As she hit the ground Raticate ran over, concerned. But no, the glazed eyes were still there, and Raticate was no longer worried.
Cap: -16H @_<! ==///== Rat: -8E (44)
A Capella, F Chatot
Chipper chirper
+2 Atk
Cfn and slow...
Mystic Clown
Raticate M
Atr (44)
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Bump for Benneh!
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Just when I was clearing out my battle queue, you come and start bumping old willy nilly.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Nothing dies on my watch!!!! Cept my pokemon >.> *glares at Ben and his superior lyrics* lol
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Ben, you have until sunday (mon for you) otherwise Im DQing this >.< and I dont want to so dont make me!!!!!! lol
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Stay the F away Ben lol
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Well, this was a good start. Ben was surprised how effective Raticate was proving in this battle. Well, time to keep it up. Stepping back onto the stage, he cleared his throat, took the microphone and began singing.
I want you,
You taunt: “Screw!”
I haunt you so bad.
Honey, I taunt you.
He tapped his foot as the lyrics changed to a familier tone.
"Peep the scene, remember Cappadon' from Ice Cream
I got my nice clean, my ice beam, my nice jeans"
Time for something new with this.
You've got to go and dig those holes,
with broken hands and whithered soles,
emancipated from all you know,
you've got to go and dig those holes
Taunt - Ice Beam - Dig
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
"Ok Ben you want some of this shit?! DO YOU?!" Asi knocked down another drink and pointed full out at her opponent. "We'll see if your rat can take this!" She grabbed the mic and smirked, singing at her opponent and his rat.
"Have you heard the new sensation?
Can I give you some good news?
Well, let me tell you what it's all about
Cause it's sure to make you move
You never really see it coming
Cause it hits you so so fast
And when ur getting Supersonic, baby, then you know it's gonna last "
Hoping that she was able to get that Supersonic off in time, she decided to accept what Bens first move was, and settle for straight up attacking. Switching to a different song, she continued to lay the smackdown on him.
"With the taste of your lips I'm on a ride
You're toxic I'm slippin' under
With the taste of the poison paradise
I'm addicted to you, don't you know that you're toxic?
And I love what you do, don't you know that you're toxic?"
Smirking, she thought briefly on what to do next. Then deciding to go all out she began to sing an old song.
"Whenever I'm with him
Something inside
Starts to burning
And I'm filled with desire
Could it be the devil in me
Or is this the way love's supposed to be
It's like a heat wave
Burning in my heart
Can't keep from crying
It's tearing me apart"
*Handing the mic back to Ben she grinned. "We'll see how THIS goes!" ;D
Supersonic~Toxic~Heat Wave
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Arena: A karaoke club with a huge audience of slightly drunk people all looking to be entertained! Drinks are on the ref ;D
Banned Moves: None (make suggestions if you want)
A Capella, F Chatot
Chipper chirper
+2 Atk
Cfn and slow...
Supersonic~Toxic~Heat Wave
Mystic Clown
Raticate M
Atr (44)
Taunt~Ice Beam~Dig
===Round 2===
Well now, I almost forgot this battle existed. With both battlers returning, the Pokemon kinda get out of freeze frame and resume. They're hoggin' up all the kareoke mic space!!
Capella sneers at Raticate, and belts out her own tune, making Raticate not so focused anymore on her, as he is on licking the bar counter.
Cap: -2E ==///== Rat: *Slurp* Salty n_N! (40) Cfn
Asi is reaching over me for another drink but I learned that was not a good idea last time. Capella now is gonna, O god DUN SPIT UP ON THE BAR! And all over Raticate and someone elses drink.
Man yo I dun own the bird, its hers.
My woman? Hells no. Man, all I do is ref battles. Looks here's 8 bux, get another and stay clear of th--O snap.
Despite the confusion and attraction, an Ice Beam struck Capella down. Good hit there!
Cap: -3E/-16H ==///== Rat: -8E Txc (36)
Scampering around now, Raticate once again lunges off the bar and Capella tries to fly after. But...she flies into a wall. What? Oh no, she grabbed a candle off the wall, and is now diving down toward the Raticate who just dug into the bar >.> O Jeez who uses DIG IN A BAR!!?!?!
O crap!
:ives as Capella uses Heat Wave ON THE BAR.:: Save the RUM! SAVE THE FRICKING RUM!
::Now a nice circle of fire can be seen around the bar, and I'm stuck behind the bar keeping the liquor from spilling.:: When did this turn into ring of death?
Cap: -9E ==///== Rat: -3E (32)
In the little Rathole he made, Raticate kaffs, cause stuff comes flying out. Ew. (2)
A Capella, F Chatot
Chipper chirper
+2 Atk
o.O Whoa weird round
Mystic Clown
Raticate M
Atr (32)
Txc lvl 1
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Looking around the bar, Asi decided there was too much chaos so rather than let the patrons be angry and start to leave she tailored her next attack towards them and the rat. Taking the mic she began to sing her first song.
"Twas that night, so superb in flight
The raven flies majestic
Upon it's wings a maiden sings
As the knell for mankind rings..."
Hoping her first attack at the very LEAST works on the rat this time, she moves on to the next part of the same song for her second attack.
"And as the song echoes among the distant hills
Carried by pestilent winds, the last breath of man it kills
As the raven finds it's roost to watch the babes of god die
Sits high on judgements throne as mans rebirth is denied."
These lyrics were hard to find so heres a link
Switching to another song, Asi decides to kick it up a notch.
"Where are you tonight?
When the morning comes
I want you by my side
STEEL WINGS - Power builds inside
To the gates of hell, fire in their eyes
STEEL WINGS - Metal kings abide
To the end of the earth, Fire in the sky"
Putting down the mic she goes to the bar to look around for a fire extinguisher as her opponent takes the stage.
Sing~Roost~Steel Wing
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Bump: I actually have a reason for this to finish soon >>
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Ben cleared his throat. time to kick this up a bit. First of all, getting Raticate out of the ground.
You've got to go and dig those holes,
with broken hands and whithered soles,
emancipated from all you know,
you've got to go and dig those holes
Time for another new song.
you know i hate it
evetyime you sleeptalk
through the night
you say all the things
that you oh so deny
Surprisingly enough, the music looped.
you know i hate it
evetyime you sleeptalk
through the night
you say all the things
that you oh so deny
Dig - Sleep Talk (x2)
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
Arena: A karaoke club with a huge audience of slightly drunk people all looking to be entertained! Drinks are on the ref ;D
Banned Moves: None (make suggestions if you want)
A Capella, F Chatot
Chipper chirper
+2 Atk
o.O Whoa weird round
Sing~Roost~Steel Wing
Mystic Clown
Raticate M
Atr (32)
Txc lvl 1
Dig~Sleep Talk x 2
===Round 3===
The bar had cleared of a few patrons, but luckily enough, the college crowd came in. A few people sneered at the fact there was a battle going on, but then everything turns to cheers cause..
well hey, its a bar, everyone cheers in a bar.. Raticate, still highly in love with Capella listened intently as the songbird of his heart sang a beautiful melody. A melody that knocked him out.
Cap: -2E ==///== Rat: zzzZZ (29)
Asi's being really flirty. Oh no, she just wants another. Man Mystic, she really is a drinkwench...but hrm, here's a twist. Attract seems to have less of an effect as Raticate goes on the attack suddenly. Capella flew in low to smash the rodents stomach in. At that close though, Raticate released a forthy beam of justce-and Capella got a faceful of freezing cold. She spun out of control and crashed near the fiery end of the bar.
Cap: -6E/-16H ==///== Rat: -8E/-10H (24)
Again, the bird tries for a Steel wing. This time its a success as Raticate sits there, asleep. The hit slams the rat into the ground a bit, and Raticate seems to shake it off. He then chases after the flier and manages to outrun her-oooh and Headbutt her face on!
Cap: -6E/-8H ==///== Rat: -5E/-10H (19)
Raticate coughs. Ew. (4)
A Capella, F Chatot
Chipper chirper
+2 Atk
O.o! Wow he hurts!
Mystic Clown
Raticate M
Atr (19)
Txc lvl 2
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
K guys. Are we calling this match over or what? Been a month or so..
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
NEVER!!! Ben hurry up and kick my ass lol
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Ideas formed in his mind as he pondered what to do next. A small sigh escaped him. "I'm going to regret this," he murmured, stepping onto the stage.
With a taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
You're toxic, I'm slipping under
With a taste of poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic?
And I love what you do
Don't you know that you're toxic?
When you left before I didn't care too much
Cause I just wished you'd go away (go away, yeah)
And I see you now and it's just too much
Takes my breath away...just like a suckerpunch
Cause I'd sail with across the South Pacific.
Stand beside him on the bow of that battle ship.
See him kiss the ground and thank the Good Lord Jesus.
And watch him run to Grandma, cryin' on the dock.
He opened up, every time he opened up
That ole tackle box.
Toxic - Suckerpunch - Tackle
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
Asi was starting to feel nervous, it seemed this battle wasnt going her way. "Well," she muttered, giving her musical noted bird pokemon a wary look. "We'll just have to keep on fighting and try our best!" Clearing her throat she stepped up to the mic, trying not to be nervous.
"Hey cheap chatter, oh cheap chatter
I saw you walking on the street alone
He didn't even take the time to take you home
You were so blind to my attentions
You were dignified to mention why you don't trust this song
"Get in the car", I said, "I'll take you home". "
Satisfied that that song has confused her opponent, she went on.
"Can you be yourself?
Or is it easier to lie?
I am who I am
Can you be yourself
Right next to me
Look into the mirror
Move the way you want to
I just want to be in the same frame."
Thinking for a long moment, she chose a third song.
"If we're not one, but two,
Are we evil or good?
Do we walk the fine line -
That we'd cross if we could?
Are we waiting -
To break through the façade?"
Feeling satisfied, she handed the mic to Ben with a smirk.
Chatter~Mirror Move~Facade
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Arena: A karaoke club with a huge audience of slightly drunk people all looking to be entertained! Drinks are on the ref ;D
Banned Moves: None (make suggestions if you want)
A Capella, F Chatot
Chipper chirper
+2 Atk
O.o! Wow he hurts!
Chatter~Mirror Move~Facade
Mystic Clown
Raticate M
Atr (19)
Txc lvl 2
Toxic~Sucker Punch~Tackle
===Round 4===
Whoa here again. After the duo sung their attacks, Capella translates hers and begins to chirp around all sorts of loud. Raticate, still harboring some love for the flier, sits and listens. The shrill shrieks were all part of the harmony.
Cap: -2E ==///== Rat: <3 -5E Cfn(16)
MC watches with a slight hint of anger as the Raticate wanders around the bar, sniffing for something. Cap, flies over, glad that her attack worked! But, with Raticate not really paying her any mind, she couldn't anything.
Cap: o.O ==///== Rat: @_@ (13)
Capella lands next to Raticate who shakes his head and instantly recognizes...that girl he kinda likes. Bad for Capella, as she finds herself suddenly pinned under the rat. Capella shakes and scratches with her free feet, cutting up his belly pretty danged good for a weak Facade.
Cap: -5E/-4H ==///== Rat: -2E/-9H (7)
Raticate hacks summore. (6)
A Capella, F Chatot
Chipper chirper
+2 Atk
Hrm, wasn't ready for all that
Mystic Clown
Raticate M
Atr (19)
Txc lvl 3
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Feeling like the battle is now a bit closer, Asi decided to play a bit more defensively. Thinking quietly before taking the stage she decided to cover her tracks a bit, not wanting her opponent to be able to heal himself.
"So everything we do is uproar (uproar)
And everywhere we go is
hardcore (hardcore)
So dont test me on the m-i-c
Coz u kno we gonna do it more"
Trying not to laugh at the evilness of her plan, she begins the second song.
"Seductive rain dancer, she thinks I'm waterproof
Like Superman doesn't need a roof over his head
When I come home to roost, I'll need truth to hold in bed
But I'm seeking salvation in a booth, and the phones are dead
And the lights are out
And I'm the only thing that's living in this ghost town
Except for the clouds
And man, they're coming down"
Trying to decide what she should do next, she finally chose her last song of the round.
"Swiftly swirling, gravity twirling
Neutron stars about to collide
Off in a galaxy so far away
Catastrophic interplay
A roller coaster gamma ray ride
Superbright explosion then
Never to repeat again
How are we supposed to know?
How about a telescope rotation
Swiftly onto the location
Of its panchromatic afterglow?"
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Ben slapped his forehead. That was it. Time to spam the ice again.
"Peep the scene, remember Cappadon' from Ice Cream
I got my nice clean, my ice beam, my nice jeans"
"Sen Tuulen tuolta tunnen
Sen tuulen tuolta tunnen
Sen tuulen tunnen latvuksissa
Tunnen tuimat tuiskaukseses
Tunnen henkes hehkuvaisen"
They're always hitting on me
But I'm getting thin
From waiting on
They just want me to be
Behind the counter
Ice Beam - Icy Wind - Counter
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
Arena: A karaoke club with a huge audience of slightly drunk people all looking to be entertained! Drinks are on the ref ;D
Banned Moves: None (make suggestions if you want)
A Capella, F Chatot
Chipper chirper
+2 Atk
Hrm, wasn't ready for all that
Mystic Clown
Raticate M
Atr (19)
Txc lvl 3
Ice Beam~Icy Wind~Counter
===Round 5===
Ok yeah the match is picking up. The lyrics are sang, and Raticate seems to be on the attack! He wasted no time in charging up an Ice Beam, even though he still loved that bird that clawed his belly up. But she crossed the line. And with her throwing a Uproarious tantrum, this would be the fastest way to calm her down.
That Ice beam struck and ..o snap....froze her to the bar!
Cap: -4E/-16H Frz ==///== Rat: <3 -8E/-6H(15)
Capella struggles to relax and be able to roost, but the Ice doesn't give. Raticate stumbles over, still slightly confused, but not enough to know h needs to end this bird. An Icy wind blows around the whole bar and it takes him a bit before he fires it at her, that spiteful stuck-on-ugly bird. Capella chirps, this is not boding well for her at all now.
Cap: -8H ==///== Rat: -4E (11)
Capella shrieks, and the ice begins to crack (well its the wood from the bar, but I'm saying..) Asi cheers her Pokemon on, and then proceeds to proposition me, ASI GET AWAY. Thank you M_C for pulling her away and taking said proposition. But Capella frees herself by shooting Stars that then hit Raticate-which hes's unable to Counter.
Cap: -4E ==///== Rat: Ow!! -6H (7)
Raticate hacks summore. (8)
A Capella, F Chatot
Chipper chirper
+2 Atk
O jeez no good.
Mystic Clown
Raticate M
Atr (7)
Txc lvl 4
Bird must be broken
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
We don't mind sucking on toes!
Good luck finding a boyfriend who sucks toe, ow!
Havin' sex with me and KG,
Now you're talkin' double team supreme.
"Peep the scene, remember Cappadon' from Ice Cream
I got my nice clean, my ice beam, my nice jeans"
"I hear your money talkin but you ain't loud enough
it cost to be a boss but you ain't got enough
now get ya swagger up, now get ya swagger up"
Double Team - Ice Beam - Swagger
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
Ok its down to the wire. Asi sighed and rubbed her head. "Well, lets see if we can stay alive a little longer."
"I'm getting up, you're getting down
I'm coming in, you're going out
You are my sunshine when it rains
And when I'm cold you'll make me warm again
Day, night, black, white
You and me together prove that opposites attract"
"Hopefully thatll prevent him from attacking you for awhile, now quickly do this next one!"
"When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest, leave out all the rest."
Taking a deep breath she began to sing the final song of the round.
"Sleep talking, but no real words come out your mouth
Sleep walking, your feet face north but your brain's gone south
Dreaming again, just lying in bed
Your movement is minimal
Now you're leaving your bed, got ideas in your head
But if they remain a dream you know it's criminal"
Attract~Rest~Sleep Talk
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Arena: A karaoke club with a huge audience of slightly drunk people all looking to be entertained! Drinks are on the ref ;D
Banned Moves: None (make suggestions if you want)
A Capella, F Chatot
Chipper chirper
+2 Atk
O jeez no good.
Attract~Rest~Sleep Talk
Mystic Clown
Raticate M
Atr (7)
Txc lvl 4
Bird must be broken
Double Team~Ice Beam~Swagger
===Round 6===
Capella shook off that nasty chill and began singing in her sweet songbird voice again. The airwaves were littered with that uplifting music, but Raticate was far too busy being quite angered. He split into three clones and none were affected.
Cap: -3E ==///== Rat: -4E (4)
Cap doesn't dare try to risk losing this match and so what does she do? She flies down and tried to take a nap. Raticate looks longingly at her, uh oh is there still love there.
Hell no. an Ice Beam rips across the back of Capella, once again slamming her into the bar. This time though, I do not think she's getting up.
Cap: -16H ==///== Rat: -8E (1)
Raticate waddles over, feeling no more love and pokes Capella. Nope, she's down, unable to rest before the Beam did her in. He squeaks in affirmation.
A Capella, F Chatot
Damnit too slow.
+2 Atk
O jeez no good.
Mystic Clown
Raticate M
Atr (1)
Txc lvl 4
M_C is the winner!
2 points to Mystic
1 point to Asi
2 points to me and that's the way the kareoke crumbles, Asi PUT YOUR DRESS DOWN!
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.