I will gladly ref this battle if you'd like.
Looking for opponent. 3 on 3 match, one out at a time, nothing banned, I send first, you attack first, DQ period of one week.
To apply. come to the ruined castle arena. Mind the loose rocks and crumbled walls, and let your pokemon partake in the interview.
Looking for referees: see above. - Referee found.
Aerodactyl (male) awaits.
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 1st June 2009 at 09:49 PM. Reason: Update for mystic clown, and another update for asilynne
I will gladly ref this battle if you'd like.
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
I didn't know you were a ref Mystic. Cool.
I would battle but I'm already doing that, ah well.
Consider yourself challenged, I have one battle slot left so why not. Shoot. lol Although its dangerous to choose first against me ;D
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Alrighty, well Asi, he's already chosen his pokemon, so it's up to you.
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
Oops ^-^()
Round One
Sushi (m), Piplup
Asi blushed with embarrassment as her trashtalking backfired on her. "Oops..." she muttered, tossing out her pokeball. "I mustve missed that ^-^()". The pokeball opened with a flash of light, revealing her small penguin pokemon. "Ok Sushi, time for some fun. Go ahead and start us off with a Yawn, then an Ice Beam, and finally a nice fun Surf."
Yawn~Ice Beam~Surf
Last edited by Asilynne; 1st June 2009 at 11:07 PM. Reason: changing safeguard to yawn since I was told piplup cant learn safeguard T.T sorry
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Aerodactyl looks up to the sky as the clouds part, making it quite sunny, then flies down with fangs fizzling with electricity, and gets two bites out of Sushi.
Sunny Day ~ Thunder Fang ~ Thunder Fang
Chaos Redefined
Round One
Arena: The Castle Ruins
Banned Moves: none
Sunny Day: Lasts 5 more rounds
Chaos Redefined and Aerodactyl [M]
[////////////////////] (100%)
[////////////////////] (100%)
Sunny Day – Thunder Fang – Thunder Fang
Status: Ready to chow some piplup
Asilynne and Sushi the Piplup [M]
[////////////////////] (100%)
[////////////////////] (100%)
Yawn – Ice Beam – Surf
Status: Ready to go!
Amongst the crumbling ruins of an old castle, two trainers met, drawn together by a desire for battle. The day was overcast, a suitable weather for a place like this. The first trainer was the new comer, Chaos Redefined, just starting out and eager to prove himself. The other, was the pokemon researcher Asilynne, accepting his challenge, pokeball in hand. The two release their pokemon, Chaos’ aerodactyl soaring into the air, glaring menacingly down at the small Pilup that Asi had chosen.
Atop the remains of one of the old towers, stood a third person, a pale man with a top hat and leaning on a cane. Mystic Clown, the referee for this match. “Alright, this is a no holds barred match, any move’s legal,” the pale man smiled, twirling his cane, “Now give us a show, and let the best fighter win!”
Still in the air, the aerodactyl looked to the sky and roared. As if obeying his command, the clouds began to part, the sun shining brightly down onto the castle, causing a couple of people (namely Mystic) to shield their eyes from the light.
Giving what could be a smirk, the aerodactyl looked down expecting the piplup to be impressed by his powers, only to be greeted by a yawn from the smaller pokemon. The nerve! The prehistoric pokemon would have roared something indignantly, but suddenly yawned himself.
Aerodactyl [5E]
Trying to shake off the sleepiness that was starting to overcome him, Aerodactyl began to dive down, his teeth crackling with electricity, ready to chomp down on the small little puffball.
Only to find a blast of cold heading his way. The ancient pokemon swerved to avoid it, simply catching the blast in the wing. Thankfully, it didn’t freeze him, but it was still cold. Wasn’t the sunny day meant to prevent this!?
Anyway, he wasn’t frozen, so he was still able to swoop down and clamp his teeth onto the small penguin. Thankfully he brought them down early, or he might have accidently swallowed the poor thing whole. The small penguin squeaked and squirmed as electricity ran through its small frame.
Aerodactyl[5E 14H]
Sushi[6E 12H]
A little irritated that the piplup was still able to move about, Aerodactyl pushed his teeth down harder on the small pokemon, sending another charge through its small body. The small pokemon jerked, but otherwise seemed unaffected.
Sushi[Flinched 12H]
Despite the fact that it had a piplup squirming frantically in his mouth, Aerodactyl still couldn’t shake off this feeling of sleepiness that was enveloping him. He was having trouble simply keeping awake now.
Post Battle Status
Sunny Day: Lasts 4 more rounds
Chaos Redefined and Aerodactyl [M]
[////////////////////] (86%)
[////////////////////] (85%)
Drowzy (will fall asleep next turn)
Status: Sleepy
Asilynne and Sushi the Piplup [M]
[////////////////////] (76%)
[////////////////////] (90%)
Status: It’s gonna frikken’ eat me!!!!
Surf failed because Piplup flinched.
Chaos attacks first
Last edited by Mystic_clown; 2nd June 2009 at 12:39 AM.
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
Aerodactyl lands on top of the remnants of a wall, and rests. He starts talking in his sleep.
Rest - Sleep Talk - Sleep Talk
Round Two
Sushi (m), Piplup
Asi slapped her forehead, cursing inwardly. "Focus...Asi, you cant keep making mistakes like that! Im sorry Sushi.." She muttered the last as she wiped her glasses on the edge of her labcoat and placed them back on her face, sighing. "Ok, lets do this right. Toxic him first of all, then do a Rain Dance and a Hydro Pump to follow. I know all of those should be fine..."
Toxic~Rain Dance~Hydro Pump
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Chaos Redefined
Round Two
Arena: The Castle Ruins
Banned Moves: none
Sunny Day: Lasts 4 more rounds
Chaos Redefined and Aerodactyl [M]
[////////////////////] (86%)
[////////////////////] (85%)
Rest – Sleep Talk - Sleep Talk
Drowzy (will fall asleep next turn)
Status: Sleepy
Asilynne and Sushi the Piplup [M]
[////////////////////] (76%)
[////////////////////] (90%)
Toxic – Rain Dance – Hydro Pump
Status: It’s gonna frikken’ eat me!!!!
The sun shines down brightly on the castle ruins. The aerodactyl yawns sleepily while poor little sushi struggles to get out of his jaws. Both trainers seem afraid that the prehistoric pokemon would simply eat him any minute. The ref on the other hand, just pulled out a deck chair and umbrella and was now working on his tan.
Frantically wanting to get the hell out of the aerodactyl’s mouth, Piplup followed his trainer’s orders immediately, spitting up a purple ooze right into his opponent’s throat, causing the pokemon to gag violently, releasing the small pokemon.
Aftera bit of coughing, the drowsy pokemon seemed to have finally cleared his throat, unable to stay awak any longer, he decided to make the most of it and curled up on the ground, taking a rest, the last remnents of that purple gunk crawling down his throat.
Aerodactyl [15E +10H poisoned]
As the ancient pokemon rested, Piplup decided it was time that blasted sun went back behind the clouds. Giving a loud chirp, dark clouds began to form, covering the sunlight. With a loud rumble of thunder, rain began to pour from the sky, resulting in a loud “GOD DAMMIT!” from the ref, who was now forced to hide under his umbrella. That’s what he gets for ignoring the match.
As the piplup was enjoying the rain, he was suddenly hit hard by what Asi recognised as an Ancient Power. All eyes turned to the sleeping Aerodactyl, who looked as if it did nothing this whole time.
Aerodactyl[5E +10H]
Sushi[5E 6H]
Sushi just stared at the sleeping Aerodactyl in surprise. Suddenly, over the rain and lightly, the small penguin could feel a cold, shapr wind run over him. Not cold as in freezing, cold as in it chilled him to the very soul. An Ominous Wind.
The small pokemon had finally had enough. Even asleep it was causing him problems. Letting our a loud, angered chirp, he let loose a powerful blast of water, striking the sleeping pokemon hard and sending him slamming into the wall.
Aerodactyl[5E +10H 24H]
Sushi[7E 6H]
The water seemed to have roused Aerodactyl from his sleep as it shook his, refreshed and ready to fight.
That was, until a sharp pain shot through its body.
Aerodactyl [2H]
Post Battle Status
Rain Dance: Lasts 4 more rounds
Chaos Redefined and Aerodactyl [M]
[////////////////////] (84%)
[////////////////////] (60%)
Poisoned (4% next turn)
Status: I must have slept wrong
Asilynne and Sushi the Piplup [M]
[////////////////////] (64%)
[////////////////////] (73%)
Status: It’s show time ugly!
Hydropump did so much damage because of rain dance and aerodactyl’s weakness.
Asilynne attacks first.
Last edited by Mystic_clown; 3rd June 2009 at 12:32 AM.
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
Round Three
Sushi (m), Piplup
Asi growled at the Aerodactyl. Even asleep it still managed to do a good bit of damage! "Sushi, time to kick it up a notch. Do another Hydro Pump, then Ice Beam him and finally finish it up with Brine. We'll see how that goes..."
Hydro Pump~Ice Beam~Brine
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Aerodactyl wakes up and starts spinning. A cyclone starts to appear, but then draws loose sand and rocks from the crumbling castle walls. From the midst of the sandstorm, a glow starts to appear. Before piplup has a chance to figure out what it is, it gets struck by a stone wing, demonstrating Aerodactyl's Aerial Ace. Before Piplup has the chance to respond, Aerodactyl catches it with it's other wing, a second manuever of it's Aerial Ace.
Sandstorm ~ Aerial Ace ~ Aerial Ace
Whoa :kids in and points:: Aero's a bit cooky there MC. He used rest after being Toxic'd and Aero's Health didn't drop much at all...
Last edited by DarkestLight; 3rd June 2009 at 12:28 AM.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Chaos Redefined
Round Three
Arena: The Castle Ruins
Banned Moves: none
Rain Dance: Lasts 4 more rounds
Chaos Redefined and Aerodactyl [M]
[////////////////////] (86%)
[////////////////////] (60%)
Sandtorm – Aerial Ace – Aerial Ace
Poisoned (4% next turn)
Status: I must have slept wrong
Asilynne and Sushi the Piplup [M]
[////////////////////] (64%)
[////////////////////] (73%)
Hydro Pump – Ice Beam – Brine
Status: It’s show time ugly!
Where once there was sunlight, there was now pouring rain, drenching the field, the pokemon, and their trainers. The ref on the other hand was standing safely under an umbrella, now finally paying attention to the battle below. Both were up and ready for combat.
Today was going to be a weatherman’s worst nightmare, as Aerodactyl let out a fearsome roar, as it screeching at the rain to leave. In response, the rain appeare to dissapate, and the wind picked up, sending harsh, scratching sand through the air.
However, as the weather began to change, Aerodactyl was struck hard in the head by a blast of water, sending the flying pokemon reeling back in the air. Suchi chirped, happy to have hit him with another hydro pump No matter, at least the rain was gone now.
Aerodactyl [5E +15H]
Shaking off the shot from the Hydro Pump, Aerodactyl shot a venomous glare at the small, proud little pokemon and nose dived towards him. Before Sushi could even react, the prehistoric flyer had slammed into him, sending him bouncing along the ground.
Mid bounce however, the piplup let out a beam if intense cold, and in a rather humorous fashion, scored the flying pokemon right in the behind. While it still remained unfrozen, it was still funny watching the expression on his face as his backside suddenly got really cold.
Aerodactyl[6E +12H]
Sushi[7E 6H]
Ok, now the ancient pokemon was mad. Sending a hateful glare at the small bird, he circled around for another shot with Aerial Ace. As he swooped down, a predatory glint in his eyes, the Piplup fired a desperate burst of brine, right into the pterodactyl’s face. Aerodactyl shrieked as his Aerial Ace suddenly turned into a flying tackle, crashing right onto the small pokemon. Not the most graceful of attacks, but still effective.
Aerodactyl[6E 10H]
Sushi[7E 6H]
Shaking his head, Aerodactyl kicked off the Piplup, going back into the air, and then tensing up as the poison ran through his veins. Meanwhile the sand buffered the small Piplup.
Aerodactyl [4H]
Sushi [5H]
Post Battle Status
Sandstorm: Lasts 4 more rounds
Chaos Redefined and Aerodactyl [M]
[////////////////////] (49%)
[////////////////////] (43%)
Poisoned (8% next turn)
Status: That’s it! Now I’m mad!
Asilynne and Sushi the Piplup [M]
[////////////////////] (52%)
[////////////////////] (51%)
Status: Damn that guy’s heavy!
The second Aerial Ace did the same as usual, I just thought I’d make it more dramatic.
Chaos attacks first.
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
Thunderfang - Thunderfang - Thunderfang
Sub: Sandstorm if sushi Rain Dances.
Round Four
Sushi (m), Piplup
Asi thought for a moment, a small smile playing at her lips. "So, he thinks hes got it covered does he? And using my style of attacking as well...we'll have to show him a thing or two. Sushi, he wanted Sandstorm to sub if you rain dance, but he said nothing about Hail, so start one of those up first. Then, form an Aqua Ring around yourself, and finally slap him with a nice cold Blizzard." Smirking slightly Asi brought out her umbrella and got ready for the weather to change, making sure to button her labcoat to prepare for the icy weather ahead.
Hail~Aqua Ring~Blizzard
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Chaos Redefined
Round Four
Arena: The Castle Ruins
Banned Moves: none
Sandstorm: Lasts 4 more rounds
Chaos Redefined and Aerodactyl [M]
[////////////////////] (49%)
[////////////////////] (43%)
Thunder Fang (x3)
Subs: Sandstorm
Poisoned (8% next turn)
Status: That’s it! Now I’m mad!
Asilynne and Sushi the Piplup [M]
[////////////////////] (52%)
[////////////////////] (51%)
Hail – Aqua Ring – Blizzard
Status: Damn that guy’s heavy!
Roaring winds send the dry sand flying everywhere, striking rock, pokemon and person alike. The two contestants are trying to shield themselves from the sand, and the judge is now using his Umbrella as a shield. Piplup can only flinch as the sand hits her, while Aerodactyl appears to be the only one unaffected, and rather smug about that fact.
Having had enough of the roaring sand, the Piplup let out a loud cry, which seems to lessen the harsh winds carrying the sand. This however was followed by a loud cry of pain as Aerodactyl’s jaws clamped down on the small penguin, sending a rather powerful, and painful electric shock through the small bird.
However, his little glorious moment was interrupted by a small piece of ice landing on his head. Aerodactyl’s eyes widen when he realises that the air is now longer filled with comfortable sand, but falling chunks of ice.
Aerodactyl [6E]
Sushi[5E 12H]
Sushi was in no doubt a fair amount of pain. But he remembered his orders. He consentrates and a small ball of water began to form around him, almost chocking the poor Aerodactyl that currently held in him his mouth. In retaliation, Aerodactyl bit down again, sending another charge through him.
Sushi[6E 12H]
Aerodactyl was now starting to get peeved that this annoying little penguin wouldn’t stop squirming. So he bit down AGAIN! Man, talk about cruel. The prehistoric pokemon was half tempted to just swallow the annoying penguin and be done with it. He was satisfied though when he felt the penguin pokemon’s body shudder as an electrical current went through him.
However, at that point, the winds picked up. And I mean big time. Aerodactyl tried to shake it off, but eventually was forced to let go of the small pokemon as the powerful blast of cold forced him into the air.
Aerodactyl[6E 17H]
Sushi[8E 12H Paralyzed]
Sushi shivered as he felt his body relax a little as the aqua ring helped him, only a little though mind you, as the hail quickly undoes all the good it did.. Meanwhile Aerodactyl was extremely irritated, not only by the poison in his system, but also by the hail. It looks like anyone’s ma-Oh SONOFA- The hail ruined my umbrella! That’s it! Next person to alter the weather gets a rock to the head!
Aerodactyl [13H]
Sushi [+2H]
Post Battle Status
Hail: Lasts 4 more rounds
Chaos Redefined and Aerodactyl [M]
[////////////////////] (19%)
[////////////////////] (25%)
Poisoned (12% next turn)
Status: Cold! So cold!
Asilynne and Sushi the Piplup [M]
[////////////////////] (18%)
[////////////////////] (32%)
Aqua Ring
Status: I feel all stiff...
Asilynne attacks first
Last edited by Mystic_clown; 22nd June 2009 at 06:55 AM.
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
Round Five
Sushi (m), Piplup
Asi pondered her next move very carefully. There were many ways she could deal with this situation, and she tried thinking of all the ways her opponent could choose to deal with it as well. After a long moment weighing her options she finally spoke. "Ok Sushi this may get a bit tricky. First of all, catch him up in a whirlpool so that a little extra damage gets dealt, then hit him with another Blizzard. If hes down for the count after that, take a Rest, but if not slap him with another Blizzard." Sushi nodded wearily and proudly puffed himself up, refusing to give up though he was tired and sore.
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
First, take another electric bite of Sushi. Then, let the winds roar ominously. If, after that, it falls over, roost, otherwise, try the good old "Rocks fall, opponent dies" with Ancient Power.
Thunder Fang - Ominous Wind - Roost/Ancient Power
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Bump for Mystic Clown. I know you're busy and all, but if you get the chance to, it would be nice to get this bit concluded.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Chaos Redefined
Round Four
Arena: The Castle Ruins
Banned Moves: none
Hail: Lasts 4 more rounds
Chaos Redefined and Aerodactyl [M]
[////////////////////] (19%)
[////////////////////] (25%)
Poisoned (12% next turn)
Thunder Fang – Ominus Wind- Ancient Power
Sub: Roost
Status: Cold! So cold!
Asilynne and Sushi the Piplup [M]
[////////////////////] (18%)
[////////////////////] (32%)
Aqua Ring
Whirlpool – Blizzard x2
Subs: Rest
Status: Damn that guy’s heavy!
Thankfully the weather’s remained the same, as our two fighters stare off at eachother, weary, and barely standing from the pounding they’ve been laying on eachother. With one poisoned and the other paralysed, it looks like this part of the battle is ending right here, right now.
Aerodactyl lets out an enraged bellow as he dived bombed towards the small pokemon, his teeth charged to give the small bird another painful chomp. However, before he could even reach him, he found himself being swirled around by a massive pull of water, keeping him in the air, and successfully away from his oppoent. God dammit…
Aerodactyl [5H trapped]
Sushi chirps with glee, happy that his opponent can no longer bite him from where he is. He then remember his master’s orders and gets ready to hit his helpless opponent.
Only for his body to become rigid as the paralysis stops him from moving…lame…
However, since getting up close is out of the question, Aerodactyle decides on a more long ranged approach. Despite the water buffering him, he manages to call up a ghostly wind, which sends a chill down the small penguin’s spine.
Aerodactyl[6E 5H]
Sushi tries to perform his final attack. However, the paralysis simply wont let up this time. What the hell’s going on?
Meanwhile, within the whirlpool, Aerodactyl’s body glows, as chunks of rock lift up from the ground and hurl themselves at the frozen pokemon, causing him to bounce across the ground. Only at the point is he able to move his body.
Aerodactyl[6E 5H]
Thankfully, Sushi’s aqua ring at least gives him some relief. Although it’s short lived thanks to the hail raining down on them. Suddenly, much to everyone’s surprise, the whirlpool stops. Aerodactyl falls to the ground limp. The hail and the poison in his system more than enough to finish him.
Aerodactyl [17H KO]
Post Battle Status
Hail: Lasts 3 more rounds
Chaos Redefined and Aerodactyl [M]
[////////////////////] (KO)
[////////////////////] (12%)
Asilynne and Sushi the Piplup [M]
[////////////////////] (6%)
[////////////////////] (26%)
Aqua Ring
Status: I won!?
Ok, my little explanation on how Whirlpool works:
Attacks that require the pokemon to be up close (like Thunder Fang) fail, while long range attacks still work. That’s why Thunder Fang failed, but Ominous Wing and Ancient Power succeeded.
Chaos releases and attacks first, Asi attacks second.
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
I bring out my Elekid. Fear it's baby wrath.
Elekid starts off with a Shockwave, followed by a Quick Attack. If that doesn't kill him off, something went wrong. Try a low kick.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
bump for asi
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Round Six
Sushi (m), Piplup
Asi smiled with pride at her little penguin. Though he was nearly spent he was still trying. "Good job Sushi! You deserve to evolve after this. And your not down yet, lets try and cheat death. Try and get a Rest off before he makes an attack, then just keep using Sleep Talk at him til you wake up."
Rest~Sleep Talk~Sleep Talk
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Hey. Asi's back now. Bump for Ben
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Chaos Redefined
Round Four
Arena: The Castle Ruins
Banned Moves: none
Hail: Lasts 3 more rounds
Chaos Redefined and Elekid[M]
[////////////////////] (100%)
[////////////////////] (100%)
Shockwave – Quick Attack – Low Kick
Status: Ready to fry some birds
Asilynne and Sushi the Piplup [M]
[////////////////////] (6%)
[////////////////////] (26%)
Rest – Sleep Talk (x2)
Aqua Ring
Status: Must. Keep. Going
Well, Aerodactyl’s gone, so one point Asilynne’s side. However, it’s still hailing (much to the judge’s chagrin), and Chaos has two more pokemon waiting in the wings. Calling back his prehistoric fighter, he calls out a more recent pokemon. The electric baby known as Elekid!
It has been a long, hard battle for Sushi, but he can rest knowing he took down a pokemon over three times its size. Snuggling on the cold ground, ignoring the hail, he closes his eyes for a long nap.
Or does he!?
Unfortunately, a blast of electricity from Elekid says “No!”, as Sushi convulses before falling to the floor. This time, unconscious.
Elekid [5E]
Sushi[12H KO]
Post Battle Status
Hail: Lasts 2 more rounds
Chaos Redefined and Elekid[M]
[////////////////////] (100%)
[////////////////////] (95%)
Status: And the penguin is down!
Asilynne and Sushi the Piplup [M]
[////////////////////] (KO%)
[////////////////////] (26%)
Status: Out cold
Asi releases and attacks first.
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
Ill send out Katty-did my nincada <3
Ill use mind reader so my next attack will not miss, then Ill do toxic. Finally Mud slap him just to be a bitch lol
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
hmm... That mind reader gives me a one-round start to take advantages for myself. Start with substitute to make the toxic irrelevant. Then levitate with Magnet Rise, allowing you to avoid the Mud Slap. (And all those other super-effective ground moves that magnet rise makes you not care about). Finally, fight toxic with toxic.
Substitute ~ Magnet Rise ~ Toxic
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 11th October 2009 at 07:37 PM. Reason: evil typos
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
omg you bastard T.T lol
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Chaos Redefined
Round Five
Arena: The Castle Ruins
Banned Moves: none
Hail: Lasts 2 more rounds
Chaos Redefined and Elekid[M]
[////////////////////] (100%)
[////////////////////] (95%)
Status: Bring on the next player!
Asilynne and Katty-did the Nincada [M]
[////////////////////] (100%)
[////////////////////] (100%)
Status: Ready for action!
With Sushi down, it’s time for Asilynne to send another out to fight the electric pokemon. The hail still falls as she calls forth a Nincada. Interesting choice. Let’s see what happens.
Katty-did closes its eyes and begins concentrating, trying to probe deep into Elekid’s mind. Taking advantage of Katty-did’s state, the electric pokemon gets to work, trying to shield his thoughts. Katty-did’s eyes then fly open, ready to do battle with…
…and elekid doll…
The REAL Elekid is nowhere to be soon, and a simple doll sits in the middle of the battlefield, in front of the bewildered bug pokemon.
Elekid [8E 25H]
Katty-did [6E]
Substitute [+25]
Katty-did had a nice amount of toxic goop prepared to spit in its opponent’s face, and now all it had was this doll. Knowing swallowing it was a bad idea, it spits the toxic onto the doll.
Meanwhile, Elekid, in hiding, crosses his legs and imitating a monk begins to hover off of the ground.
Elekid [5E]
Katty-did [5E]
Substitute [poisoned]
Elekid smirks and decides to go on the attack. Coming out from hiding, he spits a toxic loogie at the bug pokemon, scoring a direct hit before floating out of range. Katty-did’s obviously not happy about this. Not only did its poison plan failed, but its next attack wont work either.
So, instead of attacking Elekid, it takes its anger out on the doll, hitting it with splashes of mud. Oddly enough it proves pretty effective.
Elekid [5E]
Katty-did [6E poisoned]
Substitute [8H]
The hail continues to fall, buffeting both contestants (much to Elekid’s irritation), and Katty-did shudders as the poison runs through it. Now that I mention it, the substitute seems to be sizzling too? If poison does that to dolls, imagine what it does to living creatures. O.O
Elekid [5H]
Katty-did [7H]
Substitute [7H]
Post Battle Status
Hail: Lasts 1 more round
Chaos Redefined and Elekid[M]
[////////////////////] (70%)
[////////////////////] (78%)
Magnet Rise (five more rounds)
Status: Can’t touch this!
Asilynne and Katty-did the Nincada [M]
[////////////////////] (93%)
[////////////////////] (83%)
poisoned (4% next round)
Status: damn electric runt!
Elekid Doll (Substitute)
[/////] (15%)
Poisoned (4% next round)
25% of Elekid’s health went to the Substitute
Chaos attacks first
Last edited by Mystic_clown; 19th October 2009 at 10:36 PM.
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
Ready yourself for a powerful 1-2 elemental pair of punches. Meditate ~ Fire Punch ~ Ice Punch
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Ok lets do what he did only better and use Double Team, now we have more copies than him lol. Then hit that sub with Facade, which should be more powerful since your poisoned. Then if the sub is dead hit that stupid thing with Toxic, this time it should work lol. If the sub isnt dead then do Facade again.
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Bump for some sexy ref action!
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Bump for MC.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Chaos Redefined
Round Eight
Arena: The Castle Ruins
Banned Moves: none
Hail: Lasts 1 more round
Chaos Redefined and Elekid[M]
[////////////////////] (70%)
[////////////////////] (78%)
Magnet Rise (five more rounds)
Meditate – Fire Punch – Ice Punch
Status: Can’t touch this!
Asilynne and Katty-did the Nincada [M]
[////////////////////] (93%)
[////////////////////] (83%)
poisoned (4% next round)
Double Team – Façade – Toxic
Sub: Façade
Status: damn electric runt!
Elekid Doll (Substitute)
[/////] (15%)
Poisoned (4% next round)
Elekid’s keeping out of the bug’s way so far, keeping his distance as the bug bristles with anger. Hail still falls as that infuriating doll sits on the field, almost wrecked, but still there.
Elekid closes his eyes and begin to hum, feeling his mind and body growing stronger. Katty-did too closes its eyes but, but instead of growing stronger, three more copies of the bug appear. A bit of a surprise for the Elekid when he opens his eyes.
The substitute…just sits there.
Elekid [5E Att +1]
Katty-did [6E Three copies]
Unsure which one to go for, his hand is surrounded by flames, as he flies down, ready to deliver a bone crunching punch.
…and much to the shock of everyone, hits.
Ktty-did shrieks as the flaming punch hits it, causing the other doubles to fade. Such much for that. In anger, Katty-did takes its frustration out on the doll with a super charged façade. Much to the bug’s fury, it’s still there!
Elekid [7E]
Katty-did [6E 13]
Substitute [14H]
Elekid wastes no time in pulling his fist back, and striking Katty-did with a fist full of ice. The Nincada shrieks in rage before firing another Façade at the doll. This time, the doll is completely shredded, with a good deal of the fallout hitting Elekid. Now with the doll gone, it’s just the two of them.
Elekid [7E 9H]
Katty-did [6E 13]
Substitute [destroyed]
Much to the relief of the ref, the hail slowly subsides and the sky begins to clear. Yay! No more accursed ice! However, that doesn’t remove the poison in Katty-did’s veins, causing the bug to cringe.
Katty-did [4H]
Post Battle Status
Chaos Redefined and Elekid[M]
[////////////////////] (61%)
[////////////////////] (59%)
Magnet Rise (four more rounds)
Status: It’s you and me buggy!
Asilynne and Katty-did the Nincada [M]
[////////////////////] (63%)
[////////////////////] (65%)
poisoned (8% next round)
Status: I hate you!
Asi attacks first
Last edited by Mystic_clown; 4th November 2009 at 04:40 PM.
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
Bump for asi
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
I hate having to do this, but this battle has been going on for too long, and it's not even half-way. It needs to end one way or another. As a result, I'm gonna ask for a DQ on asi. If she posts before Mystic Clown comes along, then I'm fine to continue. If that does happen, I'm also going to ask for the DQ period to be knocked down to 4 days.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
rawr fine toxic then rest then sleep talk lol
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.