Sure, I'm game for this as well. I'll use Vigil, my female Pidgey.
Gust my lil birdee . Gust, then Agility and then Double Team.
Gust--Agility--Double Team
Well, let's give it our best try!
Pokémon: 2 (1 on 1)
I'll send first
You can attack first
Banned Moves: Hmm.. Recover moves and Attract. However damaging-recovery moves are okay (Giga Drain, Dream Eater, ect...)
DQ Time: 1 Week
Arena: A playground with a Jungle Gym off to the side, a sand-box a few yards in the opposite direction and a slide next to them. Few trees in the area. Low-cut grass.
Alright! Let's go for it Liger (Eevee, Male)!
Last edited by Mew Master; 13th December 2006 at 08:58 PM. Reason: Heh... thought I was gonna be a wee bit confusing ^^U
~Mew Master
ASB Battle Art
Bring your Battles to Life
Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.
We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!
Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096
Sure, I'm game for this as well. I'll use Vigil, my female Pidgey.
Gust my lil birdee . Gust, then Agility and then Double Team.
Gust--Agility--Double Team
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Alright Liger, Let's show them what we're made of.
For starters, let's Protect ourselves from that Gust. Then Tickle him silly while he tries to increase his speed. Before he uses Double Team, Quick Attack!
Protect~Tickle~Quick Attack
Now we just need a Ref ^^U
Last edited by Mew Master; 13th December 2006 at 01:40 AM.
~Mew Master
ASB Battle Art
Bring your Battles to Life
Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.
We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!
Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096
o.O This battle is already sickeningly cute. Yes, ref n_n :ets up an old school rabbit trap. Puts points on a tray and slides it under the trap.::
n_o..This should work...
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Nah, it would be sickingly cute if we had... o... say.. Two Pichu going at it... or a Pichu and an Iglybuff..
Now now now... you have to realize that Refs need sustinance..
*Puts Cheese beside points on the Tray* THERE! Now it should work. ^^
~Mew Master
ASB Battle Art
Bring your Battles to Life
Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.
We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!
Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096
*stops the cheese and points* ..... *takes*
*is caught* Eep... >.< I'll ref! I'll ref! It'll be up soon to, just let me out of this thing!
Ok ::Lets CT out.:: No running away either. Promise ;_;
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Don't run away..
*holds lead pipe*
Or I be breaking some legs... not only yours...
~Mew Master
ASB Battle Art
Bring your Battles to Life
Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.
We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!
Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096
Mew Master vs. DarkestLight
1 on 1
Captured Ref >.<
100 / 100
(HP / MP)
Protect ~ Tickle ~ Quick Attack
100 / 100
(HP / MP)
Gust ~ Agility ~ Double Team
After being released from her painful trap, the ref greedily grabs the cheese and munches away. Waving her hand in a “whatever, do what you must” fashion, signaling the beginning of the battle.
Vigil, a Pidgey on Darkest Light’s side appears she glares down at Liger, the Eevee that Mew Master chose and flaps her wings: Harder and harder, causing a strong gust of wind to sweep down the field towards Liger. The Eevee though, is prepared, stamping his paws on the ground with a confident smile, a strong shield morphs around its body, and the wind and dust it has swept it flows over the dome shield.
Grumbling in distaste for the furry creature, Pidgey concentrates, her heart rate increases and her muscles become ready for dramatic action when Liger suddenly leaps onto the bird, his paws and tail lightly touching the Pidgey, cause it to chirp.
And chirp happily.
Though the Tickling didn’t stop the agility right off the bat, Vigil didn’t get the entire boost of the concentration attack, instead, she was tickled madly by a fluffy Eevee.
Now that Vigil is superior to Liger in speed, she decides to be at the evasive advantage. She concentrates, but even with the adrenaline running through her body, it doesn’t heighten her mind, and she is hit back a blur of fur which turns out to be Liger, he watches the Pidgey wobble back with a cocky grin on his face. Vigil grumbles, concentrating again before splitting into four, three of the birds being fake.
Let’s see Liger hit her now.
100 / 090
(HP / MP)
096 / 091
(HP / MP)
Agility: Adrenaline {50%}
Adrenaline: Spd. + 1
NOTE: Agility’s effect was cut in half due to tickling. And Adrenaline doesn’t last forever, once that 50% hits zero, Pidgey’s speed will return to normal.
Oh and I promise not to run away! ^_~
Allright, if I understand the rules. It's my turn to attack first.
Liger, we had a good first round but stay on your guard. Swift at all those clones to find the real thing. Then use the sandbox to launch a Sand Attack to disorient her. Fianlly let's go with our favorite thing: A nice little round of ShadowBall!
Swift~Sand Attack~Shadow Ball
Thanks for getting the ref post up... And where on earth do you guys get those sprites? O.o?!
Last edited by Mew Master; 14th December 2006 at 11:05 AM. Reason: The Pidgey is a She, not a he o.oU
~Mew Master
ASB Battle Art
Bring your Battles to Life
Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.
We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!
Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096
Ok Vigil. Playtime over. Use those Clones to your advantage and start off with a Sand-Attack of your own to disorient the little fox/cat/dog/animal.
Then, use Gust to throw that sand back in his face. Then, fly through the Shadowball and hit that Eevee with an Aerial Ace.
Sand Attack~Gust~Aerial Ace
Last edited by DarkestLight; 14th December 2006 at 11:22 AM. Reason: Hehe Same mistake, Liger's a he
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Mew Master vs. DarkestLight
1 on 1
Captured Ref >.<
100 / 090
(HP / MP)
Swift ~ Sand Attack ~ Shadow Ball
096 / 091
(HP / MP)
Agility: Adrenaline {50%}
Adrenaline: Spd. + 1
Sand Attack ~ Gust ~ Aerial Ace
Vigil is off first! The Pidgey swoops in low, the sheer speed of her over the dirty ground and sand box whips up a small storm of sand that, guide by the breeze Pidgey has created, ‘slams’ into Liger, who cringes and attempts to wipe it out of his eyes.
Ah, but the magic of super-speedy ninja stars never fails! Liger ignores the dirt for a moment and lets several golden ninja stars fly forward, they due a sharp u-turn before cutting deep into Pidgey’s flesh.
Hearing the small cries of the bird, Liger turns around, going to the sand box isn’t an option; he has no idea where it is. Luckily, the dirt on the ground is nice and plentiful, and the Eevee has no trouble kicking up a lot of dirt to form a slightly dirtier sand attack. Vigil is ready however, she flaps her wings hard and the dirt is caught in her gust attack. Which flies towards Eevee and forces him back a bit.
Squinting his eyes, Eevee can just make out the outline if Vigil, who hovers about 5 or 6 inches off the ground. Recalling his roders, the normal type charges up a shadowy ball of darkness and fires it at Pidgey.
Vigil bravely calls out her name and swoops forward, her body glowing as she passes right through the Shadow ball unharmed! She continues her assault and slams right into Liger, who cries out and tumbles back a bit.
90 / 082
(HP / MP)
Sand: {60%}
Visbility Blurred: {45% Slight Strike} {15% Miss}
090 / 083
(HP / MP)
Agility: Adrenaline {42%}
Adrenaline: Spd. + 1
NOTE: Shadow Ball does not affect Pidgey due to its normal type counter-part.
Vigil-let's start an offensive. Start with a Quick Attack to get in close, then blow that Eevee away with a Whirlwind. Then Fly up high and evade anything that comes your way. If he doesn't do anything, relax.
Quick Attack~Whirlwind~Evade
If no attack comes, relax.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Liger! Sorry buddy, my mind slipped about Shadow Ball being a Ghost attack and Pidgey's part Normal. My Bad!
Let's try and rectify that though.
Avoid Vigil's Quick Attack by Digging underground. Stay there for as long as you can. Relax and spend the time getting that sand out of your eyes. Finally get ready by using Wish and we'll start our offensive next round.
Dig (making a small burrow)~Relax~Wish
~Mew Master
ASB Battle Art
Bring your Battles to Life
Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.
We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!
Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096
::Kick:: Waiting for Sub-ref here, so I'm kicking this back up
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
90 / 082
(HP / MP)
Sand: {60%}
Visibility Blurred: {45% Slight Strike} {15% Miss}
Dig ~ Relax ~ Wish
090 / 083
(HP / MP)
Agility: Adrenaline {42%}
Adrenaline: Spd. + 1
Quick Attack ~ Whirlwind ~ Evade
Vigil: a tiny, little bird warrior, eyes her prey warily. The cat-fox combination squints his eyes, trying to see through the water that has been pouring from his eyes in an attempt to be rid of the sand. Liger doesn't seem to concerned, and instead of continuing his search for his opponent; he turns to the ground and quickly begins to dig into the ground.
Vigil will have none of this. Not wasting another second, she dives, the adrenaline in her veins making her faster then ever. Liger is hit directly on his rump by a sharp beak, and then the Pidgey's body. He squeals in discontent, but digs even faster, disappearing under the ground.
Vigil scans the arena, but it seems that Liger doesn't plan on coming up just yet.
Now in the comfort of darkness and soft dirt, the Eevee focuses on his eyes. Licking his paws his gently begins to remove the sand when a light breeze blows down into the hole. Liger looks over his shoulder, a frown on his face. Apparently the whirlwind ruffled him a bit, but failed to do anything else.
Vigil frowns, the arena is dead quiet, given the exception of the swings that sway lightly in the whirlwind and the faint call other species of bird.
But a light is growing, the Pidgey looks upwards, the light cloud cover clears, revealing a brilliant star. It seems brighter then the sun, and yet its soft on the eyes.
Starlight, Star bright...
Liger peers out of his hole, his eyes gleaming as the star shines bright.
First star I see tonight,
I wish I may,
I wish I might...
The Eevee closes his eyes, concentrating hard.
Have the wish I wish tonight...
" I wish I had to strength to fight..."
Energy flowed through the creature that moment, quiet and subtle at first... But when it hit Liger's heart, it echoed. Growing louder, and again, and again... Until his own ears were deafened for a moment by a dark, brooding chorus that brought courage and hope to his heart.
His wish had been granted.
086 / 078
(HP / MP)
Sand: {36%}
Visibility Blurred: {20% Slight Strike}
Wish: Star of Strength
*Star of Strength: {100% Visibility}
Atk. + 3, Spc. Atk. +1
090 / 079
(HP / MP)
Agility: Adrenaline {35%}
Adrenaline: Spd. + 1
Alright Liger, time for Offencive Tactics 101!
Lets keep up with that annoying Pidgey by using a Quick Attack outta the Burrow like a BAT OUTTA HELL!. Then hit her with a Body Slam to pin her down. Finally tie it in with an Iron Tail.
Quick Attack~Body Slam~Iron Tail
~Mew Master
ASB Battle Art
Bring your Battles to Life
Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.
We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!
Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096
Vigil. Aerial Ace that foxdog....and then play round robin. Double Team all over the swing set to shake that Eevee, and then give that Eevee a large Featherdance.
Aerial Ace--Double Team--Featherdance
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
90 / 082
(HP / MP)
Sand: {60%}
Visibility Blurred: {45% Slight Strike} {15% Miss}
Quick Attack ~ Body Slam ~ Iron Tail
090 / 083
(HP / MP)
Agility: Adrenaline {42%}
Aerial Ace ~ Double Team ~ Featherdance
Liger’s tail twitches wildly as his eyes narrow. The bird was the prey, and he was the hunter, graced with the strength that the gods had granted him. He was about to make them proud... His shaking legs tear him away from the ground, propelling him forward, a brown streak following close behind him.
Vigil cringes, the extra strength wrapped in that attack sounds her toppling backwards, but she quickly recovers and flaps her wings twice, sending a white streak of compressed air towards the Eevee.
The air sweeps across the ground and strikes the Eevee hard, but the cute little warrior isn’t deterred. Not until his opponent flies quickly over to the swing set and suddenly splits into four identical copies. Liger growls, and launches himself forward again, but unfortunately he hits the wrong Pidgey! The copy disappears and Liger hands on the swing. Rather peeved.
Vigil smiles; her opponent is just where she wanted him to be. She flies down in front of her important, and begins a rather graceful dance. Liger is hypnotized for a moment, he begins to question if he really wants the strength he has… Maybe it’s a curse… Something to be rid of… The star above the battlefield wanes, its light diminishing as the Eevee begins to question their gift to him.
His mind coming back to him, he sees that the copies have disappeared; the dance was too intricate and complicated to pull without losing the concentration to keep the clones about. Liger smiles…
Gift or curse, now it was his turn to show off his strength.
His tail gleams suddenly, and then, as the light fades… It reveals itself again to be made of metal. The Eevee lets a sadistic smile crawl across his face before he lashes out; doing a skilled back flip that makes the tail slam into the Pidgey’s head. Vigil cries out as she falls to the ground, her beak aches with pain as a bit of blood trickles from it.
080 / 071
(HP / MP)
Sand: {22%}
Visibility Blurred: {5% Slight Strike}
Wish: Star of Strength
*Star of Strength: {86% Visibility}
Atk. + 3
073 / 072
(HP / MP)
Agility: Adrenaline {27%}
Adrenaline: Spd. + 1
Note: Spec. Atk. +1 is gone because of Featherdance, and Quick Attack always go first. Even against Aerial Ace.
Nobody makes me bleed my own blood!
Vigil! Sand Attack again, this time follow it up with a Steel Wing. Crack some sense in that foxhound. End with a Faint Attack.
Sand Attack--Steel Wing--Faint Attack
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Liger, Offensive Lesson #2!
Quick Attack again to get right in her face before Vigil can get her little dust cloud off. Then Bite her, preferibly her wing but if you get a good taste of her, hang on. While you have her in your teeth, tie it into a Take Down!
Quick Attack~Bite~Take Down
We'll show them how aggressive we can be!
~Mew Master
ASB Battle Art
Bring your Battles to Life
Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.
We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!
Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096
080 / 071
(HP / MP)
Sand: {22%}
Visibility Blurred: {5% Slight Strike}
Wish: Star of Strength
*Star of Strength: {86% Visibility}
Atk. + 3
Quick Attack ~ Bite ~ Take Down
073 / 072
(HP / MP)
Agility: Adrenaline {27%}
Adrenaline: Spd. + 1
Sand Attack ~ Steel Wing ~ Faint Attack
Vigil’s trainer is enraged by the Pidgey wounds, and quickly calls out his plan. The flying type leaps off the ground, flapping her wings quickly to start the sand attack. But a brown blur whizzes forward, to fast for any of the bits of sand to hit, and slams right into Pidgey. Liger sounds lands on the ground after the strike, fully confident in his abilities.
Vigil grumbles, but flaps her wings again and takes off. Using her adrenaline to help full her get away. Liger watches intently as Vigil does one large loop in the air, and then comes at full speed. Her wings shimmer and glow in the midday light and suddenly they are made of solid metal.
Liger, despite knowing this isn’t going to work well, races towards Vigil, his teeth glowing with a dark purplish hue.
Within seconds the two attacks collide…
Vigil has made a direct hit, and Liger has bitten onto steel. His cringes and tears threaten to come from his eyes as the sheer pain races through his body, and then directly to his head. He lets go, and Vigil pulls up, her wings fading back to their feathered form.
Twisting his body over, Liger lands safely on the ground, though his mouth is aching. He looks up to see the speedy bird do another loop and then completely disappears.
The Eevee is confused, but all that goes away when he is struck from behind by the bird. He growls in frustration and races forward, his leg moving as fast as they can as he tries to keep up with the bird. Liger leaps onto the swing set and uses its swinging momentum to catapult himself forward.
Vigil feels a sudden weight on his back and then both Pokemon go crashing back down to earth…
As some of the dust clears, Vigil and Liger are on the ground, attempting to stand up. But both Pokemon are rather dazed from the fall.
063 / 061
(HP / MP)
Wish: Star of Strength
*Star of Strength: {74% Visibility}
Atk. + 3
054 / 063
(HP / MP)
Agility: Adrenaline {19%}
Adrenaline: Spd. + 1
Liger, let's keep it up.
Tag that lil' speed demon with a Secret Power. Then rush in with a Body Slam and tie it in with a Take Down.
Secret Power~Body Slam~Take Down
~Mew Master
ASB Battle Art
Bring your Battles to Life
Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.
We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!
Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096
First off, Protect Vigil. We need to weaken that ratdog down. As it comes toward you, evade that hit and then retaliate with a Double Edge yourself.
Protect~Evade~Double Edge
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
063 / 061
(HP / MP)
Wish: Star of Strength
*Star of Strength: {74% Visibility}
Atk. + 3
Secret Power ~ Body Slam ~ Take Down
054 / 063
(HP / MP)
Agility: Adrenaline {19%}
Adrenaline: Spd. + 1
Protect ~ Evade ~ Double-Edge
Liger is off to a great start; he quickly charges a small beam and fires it at Vigil. The Pidgey cringes but then flaps her wings abnormally fast, the beam slams into a shield that glimmers and reveals that its made of tightly pressed together hexagons that reflect the ‘spell’.
Growling in annoyance, Liger takes another approach. He leaps up, ready to strike when suddenly the speed freak bird darts out of the way, using her agility to fly away.
But Liger isn’t going to let Pidgey get away that easily! He darts after her, but is surprised when the injured pidgey does a brilliant loop and comes at him. Fueled by speed and power, both pokemon careen towards each other…
As they both lay on the ground, either trainer cringes, apparently telling your pokemon to charge at one another isn’t very smart… For now, they both have one hell of a headache…
051 / 051
(HP / MP)
Wish: Star of Strength
*Star of Strength: {65% Visibility}
Atk. + 3
044 / 052
(HP / MP)
Agility: Adrenaline {10%}
Adrenaline: Spd. + 1
Ok. Time for the secret defense attack of doom Vigil
....Which I haven't actually thought up yet. Anyway u_u'
Let's cover the field in a Whirlwind, to rip sand around Liger's face. While that occurs, Faint Attack him from the left and then come back for a Steel Wing to the right.
Whirlwind--Faint Attack--Steel Wing
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Bump. DQ pending Mew Master come back 'n post before tomorrow plz ;_; Dun want this battle to be DQ'ed
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
GAH! Sorry... didn't know you posted... my bad.
Liger! Let's get up in her face again!
Quick Attack before she gets the Whirlwind up, then Double Team so she can't tell which one to hit. Finally toss some sand in her face with a Sand Attack!
Quick Attack~Double Team~Sand Attack
Come on... yeah... spaced. @_#
~Mew Master
ASB Battle Art
Bring your Battles to Life
Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.
We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!
Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096
051 / 051
(HP / MP)
Wish: Star of Strength
*Star of Strength: {65% Visibility}
Atk. + 3
Quick attack ~ Double Team ~ Sand Attack
044 / 052
(HP / MP)
Agility: Adrenaline {10%}
Adrenaline: Spd. + 1
Whirlwind ~ Faint Attack ~ Steel Wing
Another round starts with Vigil flapping her wings as fast as she can, wind begins to pick up around Liger, but the Eevee darts quickly at the flyer and hits her square in the face! Vigil grunts and its thrown off a bit, but her whirlwind does sustain itself. It whips sand and debris around, that attacks Liger’s eyes and body.
Grunting, Liger does as he’s commanded and causes three more of him to appear. Vigil disappears suddenly, using dark energies to dart quickly to the left, evading the eevee’s sights.
Now its sort of even, while Liger has copies, he does not know where the persistent Pidgey has flown too. He has to dart around to find the flying type, who dives at the Eevee, clone or not. Her wings shining as a coat of metal covers them.
Vigil swipes at one of the Eevees, who cries out in pain as it is sent flying! The others disappear as it seemed that Vigil had luck on her side. Oddly enough, the metal on the wings disappear, but some of Vigil’s feathers have remained as steel; Increasing her defense a bit. Liger growls, the sand in his eyes causing a bit of blindness, but he still manages to shot off a Sand attack, that hits Vigil’s body more then her face.
042 / 044
(HP / MP)
Wish: Star of Strength
*Star of Strength: {54% Visibility}
Atk. + 3
037 / 043
(HP / MP)
Agility: Adrenaline {02%}
Adrenaline: Spd. + 1
Sorry I'm late! Here we go!
Liger, duplicate yourself with a Double Team. Then get back in that Pidgey's face with a Quick Attack, then tie it all up with a Body Slam!
Double Team~Quick Attack~Body Slam
~Mew Master
ASB Battle Art
Bring your Battles to Life
Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.
We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!
Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096
WHOA! What happened with my post!?!?!
Man, that blows! I had a post here on the 26th!!
Anyway umm to restate it. Sorry Mew Master. Thank you CT for alerting me.
Vigil. The Eevee's gonna try to hit us quick. Let's slow it down with a Whirlwind around the area. While its confused, unleash a Faint Attack! Follow through with a Steel Wing to Liger's belly
Whirlwind~Faint Attack Attack~Steel Wing
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
042 / 044
(HP / MP)
Wish: Star of Strength
*Star of Strength: {54% Visibility}
Atk. + 3
Double Team ~ Quick Attack ~ Body Slam
037 / 043
(HP / MP)
Agility: Adrenaline {02%}
Adrenaline: Spd. + 1
Whirlwind ~ Faint Attack ~ Steel WingGO!Vigil uses the last of her adrenaline to create a wide and powerful whirl wind that whips through the park and utterly destroys Liger’s clones, and stirs up even more sand! Liger knows a bit better though; he closes his eyes somewhat, preventing some sand.
But the powerful Whirl Wind as a slow time fading, for Liger as to wait and see if Vigil is still where he thinks she is. He sees a blur of her and then he launches himself. However, he never hits the bird, and is instead struck in the back by a beak laced with dark energy.
The final moves are issued and Liger launches himself at Vigil again. But the flyer’s wings turn to solid steel and the poor Eevee barely lays a hit before the metal is smashed into his stomach. Ouch.
029 / 034
(HP / MP)
Wish: Star of Strength
*Star of Strength: {42% Visibility}
Atk. + 3
030 / 031
(HP / MP)
And I'm replying now xD.
Vigil. Don't let Liger rest. Aerial Ace across its face.
While it tries to attack, follow after it and Faint Attack again. End with a Fly. dive bomb!
Aerial Ace~~Faint Attack~~Fly
Hey CT-Is my defense still up?
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Defense? The Adrenaline/Agility? No, it ran out if thats what your asking about. ^^''
Okay Liger you took a good hit but lets show that bird-brain what we're really made of!
Now, Hit her hard before she hits you with a Quick Attack. Then Double Team when she disappears to keep her guessing. Finally as she flies up, Dig underground and see if she likes the feel of hitting the ground at 40 mph.
Quick Attack~Double Team~Dig
~Mew Master
ASB Battle Art
Bring your Battles to Life
Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.
We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!
Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096
No....::Finds post::
Oddly enough, the metal on the wings disappear, but some of Vigil’s feathers have remained as steel; Increasing her defense a bit.
Its from your reffing two reffings up.
O.o Was that just coincedental?
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Omg I'm such an idiot. >.<' Sorry DL it'll b edited in this round. ._.
029 / 034
(HP / MP)
Wish: Star of Strength
*Star of Strength: {42% Visibility}
Atk. + 3
Quick Attack ~ Double Team ~ Dig
030 / 031
(HP / MP)
Steel Feathers: Def. +1
Aerial Ace ~ Faint Attack ~ Fly
After making a rather nice comeback, Darkest orders Vigil not to let up. Vigil does a couple of loops in the air gaining considerable speed before she streaks towards Liger, who bolts forward. Both pokemon slam head first into each other and both hit the ground, dazed from the hit.
Liger recovers first, he growls as his head aches, but focuses. Multiple copies of the normal type appear before the dazed Pidgey. Who blinks... Damn, she just got hit in the head, and now she's seeing quadruple. Four Eevees stand before her, all of then identical. Vigil disappears suddenly, and then swooshes through one of the copies as she brims with dark energy. The Eevee dissipates and now there are three on the field.Liger smirks, his plan as worked. Now he begins digging as Vigil climbs high into the sky. He digs faster, his new attack making his clones dissipate, and giving his position away to his flying foe. She lets out a mighty... Tweet and dives towards the ground, her wings closing in around her body.Eevee will have none of this! He digs faster, and faster. Ignoring the fact that Vigil is right on top of him. Her beak glowing with aerial energy.
As Pidgey darts upwards she blows up a cloud of dust, making it impossible to see if she hit Liger.
Liger has escaped harm, but it seems he underestimated the flyer's skills. She didn't hit the ground, but came extremely close.
023 / 024
(HP / MP)
Wish: Star of Strength
*Star of Strength: {31% Visibility}
Atk. + 3Vigil
024 / 019
(HP / MP)
Steel Feathers: Def. +1
Liger, Swift Attack through the hole, then jump out in a Quick Attack, then tie it all in with a Take Down.
Swift Attack~Quick Attack~Take Down
~Mew Master
ASB Battle Art
Bring your Battles to Life
Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.
We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!
Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096
Vigil, he's in a hole. So, let's make it sucky for him. First, an Aerial Rain Dance. Follow up with a Pursuit when he makes his way out and then Faint Attack him to end
Rain Dance~~Pursuit~~Faint Attack
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Mew Master versus DarkestLight
two on two
Eevee ♂
HP: 23%
MP: 24%
Wish: Atk +3 For Five more Actions
Swift ~ Quick Attack ~ Take Down
Pidgey ♀
HP: 24%
MP: 19%
Steel Feathers: Def +1
Rain Dance ~ Pursuit ~ Faint Attack
Read me tonight, when the warnings said leave a shudder upon you
Running from all that you feared in your life
Soul of the night, when the sun mislead paint a horror upon you
Marking the moment, displaying in my ghost of a life!
Finally having time to ref again, this match continues. Liger closes his eyes, summon five super sharp stars that fly out of the hole he is hiding. They fly across the field, chasing down Vigil who is doing a rather graceful rain dance in the air. She ends up getting cut (8 DMG @ Vigil, 2 ENG @ Liger), but her dance works. The clouds gather, and suddenly the sky is blocked out as rain begins to pour (5 ENG @ Vigil).
Liger’s attack plus vanishes as the star cannot shine through the rain clouds. Liger sighs, its quite wet and disgusting in this hole, so he uses a super fast attack to leap out of it (2 ENG @ Liger). But another attack is on the horizon, as Liger flies through the air, he’s hit hard from above but a pursuing Pidgey (5 DMG @ Liger, 2 ENG @ Vigil).
Liger recovers, groaning as he gets to his feet. He sees a rather content Vigil sitting on the ground in front of him. Growling he bounds forward, ready to take down the flying type until suddenly she vanishes! Poor Liger had already bounded, he hits the ground hard (5 DMG @ Liger, 3 ENG @ Liger), and then is struck in the back by the ninja Pidgey (6 DMG @ Liger, 3 ENG @ Vigil).
Eevee ♂
HP: 7%
MP: 17%
Wish: Atk +3 For Two more Actions
Pidgey ♀
HP: 16%
MP: 9%
Steel Feathers: Def +1
Rain Dance: Seven Actions