With tomorrow’s release of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire quickly approaching, the Pokemon Company released an animated trailer today showing off the two main characters and all of the announced Mega Evolutions. Check it out below.
Tag Archives: Mega Latios
Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Animated Trailer
Two New Mega Evolved Pokemon Revealed
After the leaking of Coro Coro magazine a couple days ago, The Pokemon Company have officially announced two new Mega Pokemon along with a lot more details about the upcoming Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire release.
Pokemon X and Y Mythical Pokemon And New Forms Unveiled
French hacker, smealum, has uncovered three mythical Pokemon yet to be discovered in Pokemon X and Y. You can find the following three Pokemon’s names by searching the Global Trade System, so they do indeed exist. Not only that, he’s released 2 more Mega Evolutions and 4 more Pokemon forms we haven’t seen yet.
Remember, the following has possible spoilers, so continue at your own risk.