Pokemon Centers In Japan Giving Away Pokemon with Mega Stones

Pokemon Centers Japan Mega Pokemon Events

The Pokemon Company released a video on their Japanese Youtube channel today going over some summer events they will be having at Pokemon Centers all over Japan. Starting May 10 through June 22 they will be holding Battle Tournaments and as a gift they will be giving away Pokemon with their Mega Stones attached. There will be 6 Pokemon with Mega Evolution given away, so check out the list below to see when each one will be released.

Start End Pokemon Moves Item
May 10th May 18th Gyarados Waterfall, Earthquake, Ice Fang, Dragon Dance Gyaradosite
May 19th May 25th Scizor Bullet Punch, Swords Dance, Roost, U-Turn Scizorite
May 26th June 1st Kangaskhan Fake Out, Return, Earthquake, Sucker Punch Kangaskhanite
June 2nd June 8th Gengar Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Will-o-Wisp, Destiny Bond Gengarite
June 9th June 15th Tyranitar Stone Edge, Crunch, Earthquake, Ice Punch Tyranitarite
June 16th June 22nd Mawile Iron Head, Play Rough, Fire Fang, Sucker Punch Mawilite

Still no word on when the United States will get another Event Pokemon.

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