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Thread: New Nintendo DS to be announced next year? Generation V to follow with it?

  1. #1
    Elite Trainer
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    Default New Nintendo DS to be announced next year? Generation V to follow with it?

    Quote Originally Posted by pokécharms
    Sources talking with Tech news site, BSN, are reporting that nVidia are working with Nintendo on a new DS, due to be announced next year.

    If true (and it's not confirmed, although pretty possible), it would allow a proper next-generation DS, with enhanced graphics and processing power, but allow backwards compatibility to be maintained.

    What's important about this, to us, though is that it indicates that a new DS could be on the way within the next couple of years. With Generation IV seemingly drawing to a close - and the possibility of the first Generation V Pokemon being announced within the next few months - this would match up strongly with the recurring constant pattern of a new Generation of Pokemon tying in with the launch of Nintendo's latest handheld.

    The timing of this is hard to ignore - and while this is all speculative - it does all add up. Don't be surprised if this story holds true, and next year bring with it a brand new DS - with the year after likely bringing us our first Gen V games exclusively for it.
    I would have posted this up on the site but for some unknown reason it's saying my user name and password and my e-mail is invalid... -_-; but yeah even if Pokecharms posted this fist at lest the big three are not aware of this yet.

    Oh and for those of you that did not notice the Spriter's resource went down recentlly, but it's back up now although it might still be showing that crazy , Domain Expired message still be showing for you.

    but yeah yeah just random news, but hey at lest I beat serebii and Water Pokemon Master and TTEchidna on reporting it, as well as Dragonfree and who ever dose the news on Pokémon 2000 nowadays as well.

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    Default Re: New Nintendo DS to be announced next year? Generation V to follow with it?

    Thanks, I'll put it up there. As for the username issue, did you remember the underscore? It's Charles_Legend not Charles Legend. If that's not it, I'll try resetting your password and see if that works.

    Also, moving this to VG.
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    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: New Nintendo DS to be announced next year? Generation V to follow with it?

    UGh don't come too early. I've been a lazy bastard.
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

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  4. #4
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: New Nintendo DS to be announced next year? Generation V to follow with it?

    A new DS with enhanced graphics and processing power...?

    We've had the original DS, the DS Pocket, and the DS Camera. Could this be the long-awaited (I think.) DS Advance?

    If it's true, I hope they don't fuck it up. The DS is in need of three things: GBA compatability being brought back, a stronger backlight (It is impossible to play my DS Phat outside even when it's cloudy.), and a Wii connection/controller use. Fuck the constant motion sensing: If I could have black-and-white Tetris on a SNES 20 years ago and Pokemon Ruby on my Gamecube ten years ago, I damn well BETTER be able to play fucking Chrono Trigger DS on my Wii sometime within the next few years or some skulls are gonna get split.

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  5. #5
    The cult of personality..... Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: New Nintendo DS to be announced next year? Generation V to follow with it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post
    If I could have black-and-white Tetris on a SNES 20 years ago and Pokemon Ruby on my Gamecube ten years ago, I damn well BETTER be able to play fucking Chrono Trigger DS on my Wii sometime within the next few years or some skulls are gonna get split.
    He'll do it too.....I'm telling you this man is not stable

    Don't know what to make of yet another new DS. While the DSi does have some new features I feel that the biggest shortcoming is the lack of GBA support. I'm with Blade on that factor. Bring back the GBA support and ditch the camera. Backlight wise I'm happy with my DS Lite.

    All in all I think that for a next gen DS that we need the features of the DSi sans camera, GBA support and a graphical jump equal to the one we saw going from the GBC to the GBA. As for other features perhaps maybe an interface where you can connect to the Wii and download classic GB and Game Gear games via the Virtual Console? Maybe as another selling point perhaps do a Super GB/GB Player type feature between the new DS and the Wii? Blade already mentioned something along those lines in his post. If they did go that route then perhaps the way to do it would be to allow you to play the classic DS games on your TV and then have the Wiimote take the place of the stylus. Granted with some games this could potentially make some games hard or impossible to play but it would be pretty damn sweet with those that make little or no use of the DS touch screen.

    EDIT-Oh and as a fun little correction in regards to Blade's years I believe the Super GB for the SNES came in 94/95 and the Player on the Cube came in 2005. Not quite 20 and 10 years but hey...... ^_~
    Last edited by Master Rudy; 16th October 2009 at 03:16 AM.
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    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: New Nintendo DS to be announced next year? Generation V to follow with it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Master Rudy View Post
    As for other features perhaps maybe an interface where you can connect to the Wii and download classic GB and Game Gear games via the Virtual Console?

    Which is something the Goddamn DSi should have had.

    Quote Originally Posted by Master Rudy View Post
    If they did go that route then perhaps the way to do it would be to allow you to play the classic DS games on your TV and then have the Wiimote take the place of the stylus.
    I think you mean "and then have the stylus take the place of the Wiimote," considering the DS would be the controller. Unless the Nunchuk was used, and even then it'd be awkward, there's no way to incorporate the motion sensing AND all the DS's 12 buttons (if you count the mic and touch screen as "buttons").

    Quote Originally Posted by Master Rudy View Post
    EDIT-Oh and as a fun little correction in regards to Blade's years I believe the Super GB for the SNES came in 94/95 and the Player on the Cube came in 2005. Not quite 20 and 10 years but hey...... ^_~
    The SGB came out in 1994. Fifteen years ago. Going by basic mathematics, that rounds up to 20 in the tens column since the ones column is already a whole number and thus cannot be rounded. The GBA Player came out in 2003 and, by the same mathematical laws, rounds up from 6 to 10.

    Don't try to out-semantic a semanticst, Rudy. I've got years of training on the matter.

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  7. #7
    The cult of personality..... Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: New Nintendo DS to be announced next year? Generation V to follow with it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post
    The SGB came out in 1994. Fifteen years ago. Going by basic mathematics, that rounds up to 20 in the tens column since the ones column is already a whole number and thus cannot be rounded. The GBA Player came out in 2003 and, by the same mathematical laws, rounds up from 6 to 10.

    Don't try to out-semantic a semanticst, Rudy. I've got years of training on the matter.
    Wrong is wrong my friend. Bottom line is the Super NES itself was not even out in 1989. Same goes for the Cube in 1999. The only way this would be possible much less excusable is if you were God himself......

    .......or Mike Ditka

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    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: New Nintendo DS to be announced next year? Generation V to follow with it?


    SNES release year: 1990

    19 rounds up to 20.

    Gamecube release year: 2001

    8 rounds up to 10.

    God owns you in elementary school mathemetatics.

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    Μπισκοτοφαγος Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: New Nintendo DS to be announced next year? Generation V to follow with it?

    Freaking losers! How many DS we should get? It's been nearly a month since i got my DS lite, just so that i could play my GBA games.

    Can't they just make a console with all those features from the beginning?

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