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Thread: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

  1. #321
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Clamperl (LV10)
    Ability: Shell Armor
    Name: Kadia
    Extra Move: Ice Beam
    TM Move: Toxic
    Bred On Move: Confuse Ray

    is this okay?

  2. #322
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Sure! Take care of her.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
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    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

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  3. #323
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    I would like to adopt Slugma and Bulbasaur please.

    Slugma (F), Shalys, bred-in move- Heat Wave

    Bulbasaur (M), Saereth, bred-in move- Magical Leaf

    I hope that's okay...

    this is hell
    we have a little something called integrity

    Weasel Overlord says:
    spanner cock?

  4. #324
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Take good care of them. Remember you can give your Slugma a free TM or HM for being above level 10.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
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    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  5. #325
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Oo, in that case, I'll take...Hidden Power (Electric) if that's ok...

    this is hell
    we have a little something called integrity

    Weasel Overlord says:
    spanner cock?

  6. #326
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Yes, that's definitely ok. Thanks for adopting them.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  7. #327
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    *falls on her knees* I can't take it anymore! I have to adopt the Meditite! I feel like I owe her a home since I couldn't even help her win a battle! Please? Her name will be Ali and her bred on move will be Foresight. Please! I can't fail her again!
    Random Quote:
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  8. #328
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Don't feel so guilty, Shonta. In every battle someone wins and someone else doesn't.
    She's all yours.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  9. #329
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Caledor's Nature Protection Agency
    Torkoal LV12 (f)
    Swinub LV8 (f)
    Chinchou LV10 (m)

    Antarctic Survivor Recovery Agency
    Goldeen LV9 (f) - Extra TM Move: Horn Attack
    Corsola LV8 (m) - Extra TM Move: Bubble
    Luvdisc LV13 (f)

    Jungle Deforestation Recovery Agency
    Anorith LV7 (m)
    Gulpin LV5 (f) - Extra TM Moves: Sludge, Spit Up, Stockpile, Poison Gas.
    Gligar LV9 (f) - Extra TM Moves: Sand Tomb, Wing Attack

    Professional Sports Breeding System
    Machop LV9 (m) - Extra TM Moves: Smellingsalt, Rock Slide
    Heracross LV7 (f)
    Makuhita LV6 (m) - Extra TM Move: Helping Hand

    Electric Shutdown Retirement System
    Voltorb LV11 (-)
    Mareep LV13 (f)
    Aron LV5 (m) - Extra TM Move: Metal Sound

    Free Range Corral
    Lickitung LV9 (f)
    Snorlax LV8 (m)
    Spinda LV7 (m) - Extra TM Move: Wish

    Universal Adoption Center
    Slowpoke LV8 (m) - Extra TM Move: Confusion
    Nosepass LV7 (f) - Extra TM Move: Lock-On
    Exeggcute LV13 (m)

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  10. #330
    Passion's Flames Burns Bright Junior Trainer
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    Its not important....

    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Could i adopt the Heracross please?
    Penname( Twilight The Umbreon

    Am I back? Maybe...just maybe...

    250 posts - October 6th, 2006

    I'm a pokefan, writer and gamer. And don't you forget it!

  11. #331
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Of course. Take care of her, Ben!

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  12. #332
    ' 3 ' Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Eh, I'm not too sure on how this adoptation things go(lots of words in the rule), but can I adopt the Gulpin, please?
    Please take it easy~

  13. #333
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Sure! She's been waiting here for a long time, I'm glad she's finally found a trainer. Take care of her!

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  14. #334
    Back?! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    I'd like to adopt the Anorith I'll name him Kaseki, and I'd like his bred-on move to be Rockslide.
    Yeah, I can break necks with my mind.

  15. #335
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Thanks for adopting him. It's been a while since any pokemon were adopted. Take good care of him.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  16. #336
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    *Wanders in* Yes, me again. Hopefully for the last time.

    *Pays five Stamps* Gotta stop listening to ideas about impulse adoptions.

    L5 F
    Trait: Flash Fire
    Moves: Tackle, Growl, Flamethrower

    Impulse adoption (well, breeding), and all my ideas flunked months ago. Kept her around longer than I would incase something new idea-wise crept up, but meh.

  17. #337
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    I started worrying at the moment I saw you had posted here. You have abandoned so many pokemon... Maybe you should refrain from adopting more.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  18. #338
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Caledor's Nature Protection Agency
    Torkoal LV12 (f)
    Ponyta LV5 (f)
    - Knows Tackle, Growl, Flamethrower. Trait: Flash Fire.
    Bagon LV5 (m) - Extra TM Move: Super Fang.

    Antarctic Survivor Recovery Agency
    Goldeen LV9 (f) - Extra TM Move: Horn Attack.
    Chinchou LV10 (m)
    Luvdisc LV13 (f)

    Jungle Deforestation Recovery Agency
    Exeggcute LV13 (m) - Extra TM Move: Sleep Powder.
    Swinub LV8 (f)
    Gligar LV9 (f) - Extra TM Moves: Sand Tomb, Wing Attack.

    Professional Sports Breeding System
    Machop LV9 (m) - Extra TM Moves: Smellingsalt, Rock Slide, Karate Chop.
    Mankey LV9 (f)
    Makuhita LV6 (m) - Extra TM Move: Helping Hand.

    Electric Shutdown Retirement System
    Voltorb LV11 (-)
    Mareep LV13 (f)
    Aron LV5 (m) - Extra TM Move: Metal Sound.

    Free Range Corral
    Lickitung LV9 (f)
    Snorlax LV8 (m) - Extra TM Move: Lick.
    Spinda LV7 (m) - Extra TM Move: Wish.

    Universal Adoption Center
    Slowpoke LV8 (m) - Extra TM Move: Confusion.
    Nosepass LV7 (f) - Extra TM Move: Lock-On.
    Corsola LV8 (m) - Extra TM Move: Bubble.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  19. #339
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Ackm, I'm going to kill myself over this. It's nothing wrong with the Pokemon, it's me. I left to work harder on my school work. now my school work is fairing so-so considering my dang anxiety depression dissorder always comes back this time of year, contributing to abandoning the forum. >.<;;; And I REALLY don't want to do this, but I have to write battles here. I have such a terrible writer's block and I crave writing @-@ It's a terrible feeling, so I'm going to have to release Rayne(Kabuto, 30), Naois(Charmander, 10), Amaris(Absol, 10), Kalil(Growlithe, 5), Kai(Eevee, 5), Hinto(Ditto, 10), Alana(Ponyta, 5), Ayende(Eevee, 5), Ares(Umbreon, 10), Kenshin(Meowth, 5), and Symbol(Porygon, 10). I need a fresh start and new characters that I can deal with working with. I can't really deal with so many at once at the moment, my head can only take so much... Please forgive me, my friends. *pays 55 stamps and huddles in a corner, depressed*
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  20. #340

    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Uhm, yeah school kinda got in the way of me posting and battling on here. So, I suppose I need to restart, my info that I had dissappeared and I dunno where to look for it so ima release all my pokemon for another start ^^; Hopefully I can at least post and battle more now since school is going KINDA better.

  21. #341
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Are you sure you want to do that, Darkfire? I remember your stories, and came to like your characters as much as your writing style. It would be sad to see them go. If you want to start a different story, why don't you capture some pokemon and start a new story at the CC Battle Arena? That way you'll still be able to go back to your Battle Range story whenever you want.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  22. #342
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Yeah... I'm sure that I can work with the Dratini twins, but it's awkward for me to write on characters that I haven't written on for so long. I even gave Symbol a purpose in everything, but now I wouldn't know what to do. So I'm pretty much just restarting my stories too, and I probably might have to not base them on the scenario until I learn more about the Dragon Tamers. Or at least enough to write a story that is decently accurate.
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  23. #343

    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Uhm could I possily adopt the Ponyta? Please and thank you ^^

  24. #344
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Hn... After careful thought I've decided to adopt the Bagon.
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  25. #345
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Sorry, Darkfire, you can't adopt a pokemon yet. Please read the rules. By the way, if you want to learn more about the Dragon Tamers, there's some good info at I'm going to miss your old pokemon, especially Rayne. He was quite an original character.

    Kiara, you can have the Ponyta. Take care of her.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  26. #346
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Well, I released them at 8:45 PM my time yesterday, adn the rule is worded, 'no trainer is allowed to adopt any pokemon on the same day they abandon one.' But I can wait.
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  27. #347
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    We define 'day' as a 24-hour period. We have different timezones, it wouldn't make sense to base days on every member's time. But chances are the Bagon will still be there tomorrow.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
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    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  28. #348
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Yeah, that makes sense to me. But I'm just odd, so I would like to adopt Bagon now if I may. xx;
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  29. #349
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Take care of him please
    Silver Wolf
    Amy's Links

    Adoptees, Captees, Expedia, & Plushies
    Recent Success: Christopher Redman (12-16-11)

    Got CSI?
    Thanks to froggy_freek at lj for the icon

  30. #350
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    If the Voltorb and Machop are still available, I'd like to adopt them.

    ASB Team:Can you believe I only wanted 6?

    Thanks, Saffire Persian!(If you like the banner, go ask her to make you one, too.)

    ASBRPG Card

  31. #351
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    They are indeed available. Take care of them, Ace!

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  32. #352

    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Okay! I have thought more about this then anything..... if I could possibly get the Mareep, unless its taken... then I would like....Aron please?

  33. #353
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    You can have the Mareep, Kiara. Train her well!

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  34. #354
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Caledor's Nature Protection Agency
    Torkoal LV12 (f)
    Bagon LV6 (f)
    Houndour LV7 (m)

    Antarctic Survivor Recovery Agency
    Goldeen LV9 (f) - Extra TM Move: Horn Attack.
    Chinchou LV10 (m)
    Luvdisc LV13 (f)

    Jungle Deforestation Recovery Agency
    Exeggcute LV13 (m) - Extra TM Move: Sleep Powder.
    Swinub LV8 (f)
    Gligar LV9 (f) - Extra TM Moves: Sand Tomb, Wing Attack.

    Professional Sports Breeding System
    Shuckle LV11 (m)
    Mankey LV9 (f)
    Makuhita LV6 (m) - Extra TM Move: Helping Hand.

    Electric Shutdown Retirement System
    Magnemite LV10 (-)
    Electrike LV7 (f)
    Aron LV5 (m) - Extra TM Move: Metal Sound.

    Free Range Corral
    Lickitung LV9 (f)
    Snorlax LV8 (m) - Extra TM Move: Lick.
    Spinda LV7 (m) - Extra TM Move: Wish.

    Universal Adoption Center
    Slowpoke LV8 (m) - Extra TM Move: Confusion.
    Nosepass LV7 (f) - Extra TM Move: Lock-On.
    Corsola LV8 (m) - Extra TM Move: Bubble.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  35. #355
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    If it's possible to adopt the Bagon and Houndour, I'd really appreciate it. It would bring my total of adoptees to six, which I think I will stick with a while before thinking of more. Not sure if this counted as more than one in a day, since my earlier request was on Jan. 8, but you answered today...

    ASB Team:Can you believe I only wanted 6?

    Thanks, Saffire Persian!(If you like the banner, go ask her to make you one, too.)

    ASBRPG Card

  36. #356

    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    Awe!!! Now that aint fair -sighs- Oh well.... I think I will adopt the Electrike. If that is okay ^^;

  37. #357
    Passion's Flames Burns Bright Junior Trainer
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    Its not important....

    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    T_T man, did i miss out!

    Oh well.

    i would like to adopt the shuckle than plz if that's ok?
    Penname( Twilight The Umbreon

    Am I back? Maybe...just maybe...

    250 posts - October 6th, 2006

    I'm a pokefan, writer and gamer. And don't you forget it!

  38. #358
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    34.625 S, 58.50595 W (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    You all get the pokemon you requested.

    Sorry, Ben. What was the pokemon you were looking for? Maybe the person who adopted it can help you breed for one.

    I thought it was odd that the randomizer rolled another Bagon right after one was adopted.

    By the way, is anyone giving their new pokemon names and/or bred-on moves?

    [Edit: and another Bagon at PokeZoo! What's this? An invasion?]

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  39. #359
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    lol. Sorry guys. But I'll help in breeding if you want.Bagon's bred move will be Dragon Dance. Houndour's bred move will be Will o'Wisp. Voltorb doesn't get one, but Machop will have Light Screen. I'll come up with nicknames later. Thanks again, you won't see me adoptig anymore for a while. And if anyone wants to try and breed, just PM me.

    ASB Team:Can you believe I only wanted 6?

    Thanks, Saffire Persian!(If you like the banner, go ask her to make you one, too.)

    ASBRPG Card

  40. #360

    Default Re: Dragon Tamers Adoption Center version 26

    More adoption yay! Go me I really need to stop .__.

    Anyways, I would like to adopt the Snorlax, and the Aron please? >>;

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