Name: Bulbie4
Reason for absence: Getting prepared for big language final, getting prepared to leave China (lots of mini trips and shopping before hand) and then getting readjusted to America and lots of traveling for Christmas.
Time gone: I won't really be gone, I'll just be pretty busy and at least until Tuesday my posts might die down a bit with all my studying. (Writing is hard to do when you're brain is fried). Then I might be gone for two days or so at a time, due to Hangzhou exploring and going to Nanjing and then the 20th I'm flying back to America and will be busy around Christmas until January 2nd. (LOTS of traveling. China to LA, LA to MN, MN to WI, WI to IL, then IL to WI again... @_@ )
Active RPGs: Fuurinkazan, Lock/Fate.GO, Final Fantasy: Darkness Descends, CotR
Donations to Bulbasaur4's bank: *deposits RMB*
Other: Much like Weasel's form, I too am just forewarning everyone. I'm not going to be gone really (like today I'm around) but due to the end of China trip and then Christmas, I might be gone for a while. ESPECIALLY around Christmas, which I guess from the 21 - 2nd I'll be gone a lot, except when I come online to post the News. I get to see family and NINNY again!!!