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Thread: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

  1. #161
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ As usual.

    < Has been like sitting at this computer doing absolutely nothing except staring at mirc.
    < Should really be starting on what to type for Karrde's RPG of Cardcaptor Sakura (But I can like think of nothing)
    < Alternative I could be watching anime, but too lazy to do that either
    < I want my figure skating forum to come back
    < I could be doing youtube or something like that
    < I had some of the strangest macaroni cheese I think I've ever had.
    < Has decided will go watch the Megumi anime.

    V Is much more productive than I am.
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  2. #162
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Maybe

    < Has just finished an exam

    \/ Has an exam coming up soon

    ~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~
    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

  3. #163
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ at least not soon

    < has only basic education and lukio (lukio is somewhat equal to senior high school)
    < is apparently a Japanese teacher without papers
    < would get a better salary with papers

    v wants to play a videogame right now?

  4. #164
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Never, never, never, never, never, never

    < Donated to BMG today and did so because when TPM needed donations I wasn't at the time with money I had horrid credit bills and the like so gave more than I probably should have but I have money at this time.
    < Wonders has tpm forums been upgraded or am I seeing things, I'm sure it didnt say 3.6.9 two days ago.
    < Is going to Casino tonight for my partners birthday and will not be online at all that night which is weird because I haven't been off the computer since then.
    < Really hopes he has won Pokemon Hangman
    < Hopes The Missing Link will read their private messages I want my game approved already.
    < Wonders whether the game is dumb or not
    < Thinks it porbably is

    V Also has a new game they want approved
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  5. #165
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ No, but I'd like the old Axis Mundi (or some version of it) restored, even if I'm the one who has to do it.

    < Has been utterly swamped with work lately.
    < Plans to start ficcing again soon.
    < Is still exhausted from the aforementioned excessive responsibilities.
    < Has to take a trip later this week.

    \/ Will be visiting somewhere else later this year?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  6. #166
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Yes, yes I will.

    < Wrote an essay until 3.30am last night.
    < However, then slept in and missed uni fucking versity.
    < Is a fucking idiot.

    V Is a fucking idiot too.

  7. #167
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Damn straight

    < Watching Ghost in the shell while reffing

    \/ Is watching an anime

    ~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~
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  8. #168
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Not tonight, nope sorry am not.

    < Was meant to have an internet free night but it did not happen. The food was gross, disgusting. Sucked at the pokies and well no sex because my boyfriend was tired and wanted to go to bed and he was farting after eating way too much food.
    < Is pissed off at TML because she won't fucking hurry up and approve my game. Its not hard to say approve. Jesus.
    < Will hopefully have an internet free night tomorrow after 8pm. But somehow I doubt it.
    < Feels sick after eating that shitty Casino food.
    < Casinos cheat I'm quite sure of that their pokies are the most pathetic machines I have ever seen.

    V Has been at the casino and enjoyed themselves?
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  9. #169
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ no, I only have watched people playing something like such games at shops

    < left this answer so because didn't find the English word for hedelmäpeli (literally 'fruit game')

    v has difficulties in finding correct terms, even in his/her own language?

  10. #170
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ All the time

    < Is now posting after Mikachu Yukitatsu

    \/ Thinks that this trend wont continue

    ~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~
    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

  11. #171
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ I don't really know/care.

    < Is at university right now in the computer labs, I find it a bit gay I'm on a pokemon forum.
    < Is reading The Herald Sun.
    < Got 17/20 for his essay, I'm pretty happy.
    < Is going to his friends mums 50th this weekend.
    < Needs a haircut.
    < Has lost 17kg thus far.

    V Has also lost weight?

  12. #172
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ From the high that was 80 but that was like a year ago. Keeps hovering anywhere from about 71-75

    < TML has still not approved my game. I am getting shitty. Majorly fucking shitty. What a lazy bitch she is.
    < Is sad that more meerkats have died in the Kalahari desert
    < Is glad that one of Mozart's daughters are pregnant hopefully she will have babies that will survive even if she isn't dominant
    < I love meerkats
    < Reminisced about pets that I had owned yesterday at BMG
    < Irc has been dead today even on channels that should be active

    V Also ircs.
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  13. #173
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ IRC?

    < Watching Shaun of the Dead

    \/ Thinks Simon Pegg is a good actor

    ~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~
    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

  14. #174
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ hm, I really don't know, I don't know if I've seen him.

    < is posting after Crazy Elf Boy, again
    < thinks someone may find this a bit weird
    < thinks it's not CEB's fault, we just happen to post due to time zones and threads

    v wonders why I don't play Pokemon Hangman?

  15. #175

    Smile Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Not really.

    < Has posted on this forum for sometime.
    < Was too busy to post.

    \/ Is always too busy.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  16. #176
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Not at the moment but very soon i will be

    < Burning off stuff to clear out my hard drive

    \/ Is doing the same thing

    ~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~
    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

  17. #177
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ I don't even know if this computer I found at the dumb is a dvd burner or whatever. I think it just plays dvds. I need to go buy myself a hard drive.

    < Is no longer grumpy, isnt that lovely?
    < BMG is so slow, they need a server, I like tpms because it is so fast but we are blessed i that we don't have as many members. Which, can or can not be a good thing depending on your view.
    < Had to laugh at some of the usernames that looked so so wrong in the elbow game, remember people you can have a second go.
    < has still watched that much anime and I need to increase my bandwidth limit. I only have a crappy 5GB.
    < I also wonder why I didn't participate in RPG, ASB and hel even adopted pokemonor anything like that. Far too busy with dramas clearly.
    < I must have been up so focused on drama because I ended up losing touch with a lot of former people I knew.
    < Has still not posted for the Cardcaptor Sakura RPG, I keep procastinating.
    < Wonders whether social networking tools and the ability to change how your profile looks are meaningful additions to vBulletins.
    < I so need to vacumn the carpers but I am lazy today. Isn't it interesting in that some people say lux the carpet , others say hoover, others vacumn and I'm sure their are others as well. But you don't have people saying, well I'll go nilflisk the carpets.

    V Have never considered what people say if they vacumn the carpets ie. "lux", "hoover" etc, etc.
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  18. #178

    Smile Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ True, since I have no idea what you are talking about.

    < Loves crosswords and word searches.

    \/ Likes challenging puzzles
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  19. #179
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ yes

    < Has a cold

    \/ Also has a sickness of some kind

    ~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~
    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

  20. #180
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Not anymore.

    < Is about to watch a lecture online.
    < Has a friend staying over for a couple of nights.

    V Is also meeting up with a friend soon?

  21. #181

    Smile Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Nope, wish I did though.

    < Got a game yesterday at Blockbuster.
    < Owns two consule systems.

    \/ Loves to play video games.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  22. #182
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ hates video games well hate is a strong word I just have never been that keen to play video games or anything.

    < I stuffed my taping of Meerkat Manor and will not to have a few more days to watch it and that makes me sad
    < Once again I woke up late today, its just so disturbing how late I am getting up.
    < Finally have real aim instead of some lame aim express and surprisingly it works well.
    < I wish people wouldn't idle.
    < Will someone address Mikachu's twisted wish I want to play the game
    < Is Mr. Pikachu busy because I want to know who got the pokemon hangman game
    < Is enjoying rating fanfics again but I don't like to write fanfics that have like five chapters or so already it gets boring.
    < I feel like evading my ban at serebii but then I would have to use internet explorer and it sucks shit.
    < I am sick of listening about brawl it sounds stupid and now I get the feeling everyone will be talking about Mario Kart something

    V Plays brawl.
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  23. #183
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ No its not out here yet......

    < Totally got the hangman game

    \/ Thinks so too

    ~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~
    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

  24. #184

    Smile Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Sure (Has no idea what Crazy Elf Boy is talking about.)

    < Is watching Zorc & Pals
    < Likes most of the Abridged series on Youtube.

    \/ Has watched at least one Abridged Series on
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  25. #185
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ no, unfortunately not

    < has never used Youtube himself mainly because doesn't have Internet at home
    < has a friend who downloads videos there for him

    v likes many kinds of music?

  26. #186
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ I like some music. Typically anything in the 60s and 70s I like. Pop 80s was a fine period and some 90s songs are great. I wouldn't have much of a clue about anything post 2000 just not interested. I love, love girl groups of the 1960s.

    < Is weird that I don't like that much modern music I just don't thats all.
    < I also don't think much of video games.
    < There is this exact game over at BMG except they clearly don't have as tight rules as we have so I called them lazy shits. Haha.
    < Thinks people in this thread could however do a few more < Its not that difficult you know.
    < Sometimes I moan too much but thats me.
    < Has not seen Fox news for eight weeks, before i had the internet I would watch it all the time but not anymore.
    < The internet has however made me addicted to it once again.
    < Does not like forums where the name, avatar etc is at the top instead of on the side but I wonder if thats just a default type setting but who knows.
    < Is still weirded out about vbulletin 3.7.0 having social networking tools and fully customised profiles. It just seems silly to me.

    V Seems silly to you?
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  27. #187
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Just a little

    < Thinks it sounds more Myspace-like than the comment/personal picture options on Invisionfree-based boards
    < Hasn't been feeling too well lately
    < Might attempt to play through Pearl again
    < Is going to Jacksonville twice this upcoming week

    v Has been to a city on two or more separate occasions in a period of time, excluding commutes to work/school?

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  28. #188
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ at least not a short period, I think, I try to handle everything in the same visit

    < wonders if his skill of reading increased

    v wonders why I don't change signature

  29. #189
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ You've run out of ideas?

    < Needs to update own signature

    \/ Wants to change their signature

    ~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~
    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

  30. #190
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^I'm pretty happy with it. Would like to make signatures for other forums, at two I don't even have a signature. But to be honest I've never really been that fussed about signatures, and I certainly don't have the skills to make a nice looking signature anyway. At least this forum doesn't have sig elitists like at other boards. There are just so many stupid people out there I guess.

    < Remembers when I would add a new picture in my signature every week but not anymore.
    < Finally posted in the Cardcaptor Sakura game, it was so pathetic that I just couldn't come up with anything.
    < I feel like writing a fanfic, but I just know I'll run out of ideas quickly and of course it will require so much editing due to me being useless as sentence structure and grammar.
    < Did a major computer clean up today, my god I had spyware and stuff it was gross.
    < I hate how virus scanners need to update everyday and why do they have to be so large.
    < I hate how slow my internet is because my bittorrent is taking forever.

    V Is currently bittorrenting?
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  31. #191

    Smile Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Nope, wish I did.

    < Is currently in pain from an accident pain.
    < Wishes he wasn't accident prone.

    \/ Is clusmy or accident prone.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  32. #192
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ I'm usually pretty cautious, but when I don't pay attention, I am

    < needs to get ideas for her own fic straightened out
    < has had a stressful past few days
    < somehow can't help but think of the "Baby Mine" scene from Dumbo
    < is a little depressed because of that

    v has something that will make them cry no matter how many times you've seen or thought about it

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  33. #193
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Thinking when Mozart dies, watching Empire of the Sun or The Last Unicorn always makes me cry.

    < Woke up just before 12pm which was really pathetic and I'm quite angry that it happened.
    < Needs to clean this house in a serious way, but I keep procastinating and being lazy.
    < Had my partner's sister round yesterday for dinner she was drunk and pathetic as usual.
    < I hate win snobs I really really do.
    < My computer just made a loud noise, which, i don't know why it did.
    < I was number 25 for irc stats at a chat room I go to and incredibly I had the longest lines.
    < I so remember when irc stats were all the rage (I just nearly said rape then) and you just knew people were saying stuff just to get on it. I always think I do well, considering my hours are so different than that of others cause they live in america and the United States.
    < I hope Toxicity does write a nice fanfic.
    < Is having trouble with the current hangman game its a weird one that I won't get.
    < I get really annoyed that the spelling thing for forums is american english, I don't speak or type american english thank you very much.

    V Also gets annoyed at it.
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  34. #194
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Nope. And I don't think we have a spellcheck feature now... are you sure it isn't Firefox or some other browser doing it automatically?

    < Is still suffering from jetlag.
    < Doesn't really want to go to class tomorrow.
    < Has way too much work to do this week.
    < Has way too much work to do next week.
    < Would rather play Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
    < Likes procrastinating.

    \/ Also likes procrastinating.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  35. #195
    I Finnished last Moderator
    Mikachu Yukitatsu's Avatar
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ no, I always run into things

    < is trying to obey the second rule in Questions Only better than before
    < didn't even remember the rule until shazza pointed it out
    < noticed that the links I gave in Truth or Dare don't work
    < tries to re-upload them perhaps tomorrow
    < is afraid of being dropped out from the game

    v tries to make long posts?

  36. #196

    Smile Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Nope, not my style.

    < Keeps tabs on his favorite fanfics when they are updated.
    < Has a bunch of fanfiction that I like to read.

    \/ Has a favorite fanfiction story or genre.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  37. #197
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Fantasy

    < Is going to eat an Apple

    \/ Is eating fruit

    ~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~
    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

  38. #198
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Eat fruit never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever unless its in a pudding on ice cream or something special but I might just eat a banana and I don't mind Oranges I don't like fruit juice, strawberries and cream are very nice even though theres lots of pesticides. I don't really like fruit never gonna like it I'd rather eat a Broccoli. (I was singing along to that which is so pathetic lol).

    < I do typically try and not make long posts but try and make posts that are more than one line or two and I kinda consider it to be lazy if you don't. I realise all people are different but thats just how I feel about it all.
    < that of course doesn't mean that one line posts or two lines or a short post is necessarily bad. But I do dislike it when in polls and such people choose to just write as little as possible. But we're all different.
    < I love Ugly Betty it is so good and we're nearly finished. It had the most hilarious scene where Betty White was talking on the phone to Wilhemena (sp) about how lovely her fans are and then she mentioned that she doesn't like the weirdos who write lesbian fanfiction about her and Bea Arthur. I just thought that was funny.
    < I loved the Golden Girls, such an excellent series and very funny too hopefully the television here does replays at some stage.
    < I am really annoyed as I just found out that Underbelly a great Australian tv series is no longer going to be screening, apparently due to low ratings. I don't know what us kiwis are watching but obviously tripe.

    V Hates when good quality tv series are cancelled due to low ratings.
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  39. #199

    Smile Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Yeah, I hear ya. Some of the best shows are cancelled.

    < Wishes Producers would not make such rash decisions.
    < Wants to start collecting TV Series on DVD.
    < Wishes that they was an explosion of TV Series on DVD so people can enjoy their favorite series from the comfort of their couch or their computer.

    \/ Has a favorite Television show.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  40. #200
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
    Crazy Elf Boy's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Crazy Space Vortex

    Default Re: Game: The Personality Game V2 (M.A by T_M_L)

    ^ Who doesn't

    < Eating a Meat pie

    \/ Likes to eat meat pies

    ~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~
    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

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