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Thread: The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

  1. #161

    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    « soggy_cardboard »

    You continue to walk on through the Forest with your 'Farfetch'd' and notice a flash of purple zip past you. Turning around to see what it was, you see a Gligar latched onto a thick tree trunk, seemingly inspecting the bark. It continues to move up and down the tree, and as it is doing so a Dustox flutters over you. You brush off the dust that has landed in your hair, and watch as it circles the area for some reason. A Beautifly you hadn't noticed before join the Dustox in flying around the place. What do you want to do?
    I'll continue on pls...

  2. #162
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    [Quote]Originally posted by Cheesey
    « Green Lanturn »

    When you tell the Steelix why you're here his face lights up in wonder. "Really?! I've never met a traveller before... I was actually waiting for someone to come along, because this part of the desert seems rather barren." When you hold out a Heavy Ball to the gigantic beast it immediately nods before you even get to say a word. One click, and Steelix gets sucked in. ~ Steelix, M, Lv 17 ~ Congratulations! What do you want to do now?


    Ill move to the Forest.



    and just to keep track:1 pokeball,1 great ball,1 ultra ball, and 4 special balls left,lol.
    ...just call me G.L.

  3. #163
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey


    You pat the Bulbasaur on the head (as you seem to do with quite a lot of pokemon =P) and continue on to the next room. This area has a small pond near the centre, and as you near the rippling waters you see lots of Tentacool swimming about. You look in for a while, and then you see a faint red glow... There is a Tentacruel right at the very bottom! None of the pokemon seem to be disturbed by you looking at them, thankfully. What do you want to do?
    West Caverns

    Hey, I'm naturally friendly towards Pokémon XD
    I'll ignore them and continue on, none of them are the Pokémon I'm looking for.

  4. #164
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    « Girafarig »

    You toss a Master Ball at the motionless Nosepass, and it's far too surprised and slow to be able to retaliate. Congratulations! ~ Nosepass, M, Lv 14 ~ What would you like to do now?

    « Tidra »

    You lie down in the comfy grass and look up into the sky. The clouds are making some interesting shapes, almost all like pokemon! There's a Persian shape... a Lapras shape... and even a Kingler shape! As you admire the clouds a little Mareep comes up and nudges you. You sit up and it pokes you with one of its hooves in a friendly manner. You pat it on the head and it snuggles down into the grass, the hot sunshine making him feel sleepy. A Pidgeotto is also circling the area, simply taking some exercise. What do you want to do?

    « soggy_cardboard »

    You wander on through the forest, now accustomed to the atmosphere around you. Suddenly something rather large dashes past you. As you ponder about what it is, it dashes past you yet again. Next time it passes you it isn't dashing, but flying - It's a Scyther, flying up into one of the tallest trees. As it's doing so, the breeze from its wings knocks a sleeping Pineco down from a branch and onto the ground. A Gligar watches this happen from the treetop - Slightly dopily though, as he's only just woekn up. What do you want to do?

    « Green Lanturn »

    You get out of the extreme heat and into the breezy forest, ready to catch some different types of pokemon. As soon as you arrive a Skiploom slowly floats down from a tree and onto your head, and it pads about in your hair. hen it asks what you're doing here, and pads around some more. Just as you're about to answer a Chikorita runs into your leg accidentally. "Sorry. I was running away from my brother. He's a Bayleef. We were playing tag and I wasn't looking where I was going. Sorry again." What do you want to do?

    « Sneasel(h)Obsessive »

    You continue on through the West Caverns, determined to find a particular species of pokemon... Snd as you're thinking about finding it, a Ponyta catches your eye. It is sleeping peacefully aginst a wall, its flames peacefully wavering in the dim light. A couple of Paras scuttle across the floor somewhat cauyiously, taking no notice of you wahtsoever, Just as you think you've seen everything in the room, you notice a Crobat gently flapping its wings, not making even the tiniest noise. It's near the ceiling, and it's looking down at everything in the room - What do you want to do?

  5. #165
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    While Bolt grants a wish on the Houndour, Absol speeds up towards the firey camel and pounds into him. The walking volcano doesn't really budge at all, he's very sturdy. He charges up a Fire Blast, but you a very strong gust of wind strikes and disrupts the Camerupts plans of scorching your Absol. It still appears to be quite healthy, and the Camerupt resumes its plans to launch a Fire Blast! What will you do?

  6. #166
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    « Girafarig »

    You toss a Master Ball at the motionless Nosepass, and it's far too surprised and slow to be able to retaliate. Congratulations! ~ Nosepass, M, Lv 14 ~ What would you like to do now?

    I think I'll just keep walking aimlessly.

  7. #167
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey


    The Swinub doesn't smell anything in particular on you, it's just sniffing you to see if it can tell where you were before. Then it starts to shuffle about on the floor, which seems rather random. O_o The Delibird continues to examine the wall, and then it suddenly starts trying to get one of them out. o_o It's furiously chiselling away at it, desperate to remove it. Swinub walks over, and sees if a Powder Snow attack will help it come out, but it didnt work. What do you want to do?
    I'll smile about the two of them and go over and ask if I can help them get the chrstals out (I can't spell)

  8. #168
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    « Girafarig »

    You continue to walk on through the desert, slowly getting used to the heat. Sweat trickles down your neck, but it doesn't bother you too much, given that you have a lot of sand in your shoes that makes you feel uncomfortable anyway. As you're walking you trip over something that seems small, but sturdy. You turn around and see a rather confused little Aron standing there. It looks up at you with inquisitive blue eyes. Then a Magnemite buzzes behind you, and goes round in front of you to have a little look at you and what you might be doing. What do you want to do?

    « Pikachu101 »

    Remember your location.

    The Delibird said you're welcome to try and get that crystal out of the wall, but you've either got to be very strong or have a lot of willpower. You tug at it, but it refuses to budge, The Swinub cocks its head at you, not really sure what you're trying to do. The Delibird watches you hopefully, but there's no way you'll be able to get that out by yourself. What do you want to do?

    Originally posted by Jay

    While Bolt grants a wish on the Houndour, Absol speeds up towards the firey camel and pounds into him. The walking volcano doesn't really budge at all, he's very sturdy. He charges up a Fire Blast, but you a very strong gust of wind strikes and disrupts the Camerupts plans of scorching your Absol. It still appears to be quite healthy, and the Camerupt resumes its plans to launch a Fire Blast! What will you do?
    South Caverns

    Just as it launches Fire Blast, Tourniquet'll get out of the way with a Quick Attack. Then he'll fire a series of Shadow Balls into Camerupts side.

  9. #169
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    « Sneasel(h)Obsessive »

    You continue on through the West Caverns, determined to find a particular species of pokemon... Snd as you're thinking about finding it, a Ponyta catches your eye. It is sleeping peacefully aginst a wall, its flames peacefully wavering in the dim light. A couple of Paras scuttle across the floor somewhat cauyiously, taking no notice of you wahtsoever, Just as you think you've seen everything in the room, you notice a Crobat gently flapping its wings, not making even the tiniest noise. It's near the ceiling, and it's looking down at everything in the room - What do you want to do?
    West Caverns

    I'll continue on into the next room please.

  10. #170
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    « Green Lanturn »

    You get out of the extreme heat and into the breezy forest, ready to catch some different types of pokemon. As soon as you arrive a Skiploom slowly floats down from a tree and onto your head, and it pads about in your hair. hen it asks what you're doing here, and pads around some more. Just as you're about to answer a Chikorita runs into your leg accidentally. "Sorry. I was running away from my brother. He's a Bayleef. We were playing tag and I wasn't looking where I was going. Sorry again." What do you want to do?

    Ill answer the skiploom and pardon the chikorita. Then ill go on my way.

    ...just call me G.L.

  11. #171
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    « Girafarig »

    You continue to walk on through the desert, slowly getting used to the heat. Sweat trickles down your neck, but it doesn't bother you too much, given that you have a lot of sand in your shoes that makes you feel uncomfortable anyway. As you're walking you trip over something that seems small, but sturdy. You turn around and see a rather confused little Aron standing there. It looks up at you with inquisitive blue eyes. Then a Magnemite buzzes behind you, and goes round in front of you to have a little look at you and what you might be doing. What do you want to do?

    Hmm, an Aron! I want it! I'm gonna send out my recently captured Nosepass to attack Aron, with the intent of capture.

  12. #172

    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    « soggy_cardboard »

    You wander on through the forest, now accustomed to the atmosphere around you. Suddenly something rather large dashes past you. As you ponder about what it is, it dashes past you yet again. Next time it passes you it isn't dashing, but flying - It's a Scyther, flying up into one of the tallest trees. As it's doing so, the breeze from its wings knocks a sleeping Pineco down from a branch and onto the ground. A Gligar watches this happen from the treetop - Slightly dopily though, as he's only just woekn up. What do you want to do?
    I'll continue on pls.


  13. #173

    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    You wander past all the Pokemon in the room and continue on to the next. You hear a fluttering and it seems the Crobat wants to tag along. You watch as the purple bat flaps its wings and begins to talk about how boring it is just hanging around. He says you seem like an adventurous person and he wants some adventure :o You blush and modestly say he can come along. So, the two of you walk toward the next room. The hallway echos with an annoying buzzing sound, you look at Crobat and you shush it, but it whispers that it wasn't making any noise. You look at him bewildered, and you become even more bewildered at the face he's making. You turn around and see giant combs with many Beedrill eating the honey. To your left, you see Kakuna plastered to the wall. On the ground, millions of tiny yellow Weedle inch around, crawling around and over your shoes. You realize that this isn't the safest place to be and turn around to see Crobat flying away...only to get hit by a stream of honey and wax as the doorway is plastered. You can't help but smile as you see the Crobat stuck in what now is a wax wall. The Beedrills suddenly fly down at you, buzzing angry insults, calling you a trespasser and threatening to sting you o_o Hope your not allergic o-o;;; What do you do?

    Green Lanturn
    You pardon the Chikorita and the green leaf Pokemon runs off in search of his big brother. You begin to answer the Skiploom, even though it didn’t ask anything o_O So it just looks at you, puzzled. It jumps back onto your head and pads around your hair some more. You ask it to get off, but it continues to burrow. Frustrated, you grab it and yank. Unfortunately, it was attached to your hair :/ You scream in agony as your hair was pulled. Fortunately, your hair is still intact. Unfortunately, there is a grass Pokemon stuck in it. You sigh and continue onward. The trees rustle as the wind blows through them, some of the leaves falling all around you. You hear the birds chirp as they fly around above you, hopping from tree to tree. You come across a large patch of mushrooms, with a few Paras tending to it. A Parasect walks up to you and grunts, telling you to walk around the mushrooms and not on them. What do you do?

    You send out your Nosepass to attack the Aron. The Nosepass looks at you funny, as he/she does not know what to do. It decides run into it. The Nosepass cries as it rubs its rocky head, the steel Aron not even flinching. Maybe you should tell him what to attack with :/ What do you do?

    As you walk off, the perturbed Pineco explodes. You jump, and amazingly, are not hurt. Suddenly, the Pineco begin raining down on you. You quickly dodge as the falling Pineco, the explosions missing by hairs. You hear a laugh echo through the forest. You look up, and see the Scyther, pointing at you, laughing. It flys down and tells you that its been watching you. He challenges you to a fight :O What do you do?

    The Camerupt lets out a burst of fire at Tourniquet. Tourniquet runs to the side, dashing in a blur to the side. He begins shooting a barrage of Shadow Balls at the Camerupt. The purple balls burst on contact, the Camerupt crying in pain. What do you do?

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  14. #174

    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by pokemasterfranksoggy

    As you walk off, the perturbed Pineco explodes. You jump, and amazingly, are not hurt. Suddenly, the Pineco begin raining down on you. You quickly dodge as the falling Pineco, the explosions missing by hairs. You hear a laugh echo through the forest. You look up, and see the Scyther, pointing at you, laughing. It flys down and tells you that its been watching you. He challenges you to a fight :O What do you do?
    I'll refuse and carry on. if it persists, ill send out my Kecleon and use Sunny Day, then Flamethrower.


  15. #175
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    « soggy_cardboard »

    You refuse, and the Scyther sighs disappointedly. He flies off up into the tree again, and you continue on walking through the forest. It isn't long until you see a couple of Ledyba fluttering near a tree, talking so quietly you can't hear a word they say. There's also a Roselia a few metres away from them, not really doing very much, so it seems. You look up away from them, and see a Weepinbell hanging from a branch, its wide mouth hanging open with little droplets of acid falling out. A Yanma is flying about nearby it, but it's being careful not to get damaged by the grass pokemon. What do you want to do?

    Originally posted by pokemasterfrank


    The Camerupt lets out a burst of fire at Tourniquet. Tourniquet runs to the side, dashing in a blur to the side. He begins shooting a barrage of Shadow Balls at the Camerupt. The purple balls burst on contact, the Camerupt crying in pain. What do you do?
    South Caverns

    Yay. I'll throw an Ultra Ball at the Camerupt now. If I capture him, I'll continue on. If I don't, Tourniquet will use Aerial Ace and I'll either a) Use an Ultra Ball if it can be retreived from the last attempt or b) Use a Great Ball. ^_^;;

  16. #176
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    « DarkPrince The Dark Knight »

    You continue to walk on through the South Caverns. As you're walking, you trip up on a stone which is on the ground and hurt your foot x_x The darkness makes it difficult. You sit down for a moment on a nearby rock to give your foot time to get better - You can't continue on with it as sore as it is. As you're sitting there, a Growlithe wanders over to see what you're doing. It sniffs your foot curiously, and then it sits down and wags its tail after it's done. Seeming quite satisfied, it then turns to call one of its friends over - A rather dopey Slugma comes over to the pair of you and lies down, tired. What do you want to do?
    South Caverns

    I'm going to wave to the Growlithe and Slugma as I go on.
    Knight of Time

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  17. #177
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA


    You send out your Nosepass to attack the Aron. The Nosepass looks at you funny, as he/she does not know what to do. It decides run into it. The Nosepass cries as it rubs its rocky head, the steel Aron not even flinching. Maybe you should tell him what to attack with :/ What do you do?

    At Lv. 14, he has some terrible attacks... Eh, go at it with a Rock Throw...

  18. #178
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally Posted by Cheesey
    You ask the Kabuto if they would like to engage in a battle with you. The leader of the group sits and thinks it over but then decides he doesn't want to. When you ask Feraligatr if it would like to battle he nods his head. "Sure. After everything you did for Mudkip I'll battle you if you wish." The Kabuto shuffle about excitedly, and Feraligatr moves Mudkip out of the way so she doesn't have to worry about being injured. A couple of Seel jump up onto the riverbank to see what's going on, and when they realise they start to clap their fins. "Who do you want to battle?" you ask the Feraligatr. "Your choice" he replies.
    I'll send Alalkazam forward and tell him to put up a Barrier. Then I'll tell him to use Psychic

  19. #179
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by pokemasterfrank
    You wander past all the Pokemon in the room and continue on to the next. You hear a fluttering and it seems the Crobat wants to tag along. You watch as the purple bat flaps its wings and begins to talk about how boring it is just hanging around. He says you seem like an adventurous person and he wants some adventure You blush and modestly say he can come along. So, the two of you walk toward the next room. The hallway echos with an annoying buzzing sound, you look at Crobat and you shush it, but it whispers that it wasn't making any noise. You look at him bewildered, and you become even more bewildered at the face he's making. You turn around and see giant combs with many Beedrill eating the honey. To your left, you see Kakuna plastered to the wall. On the ground, millions of tiny yellow Weedle inch around, crawling around and over your shoes. You realize that this isn't the safest place to be and turn around to see Crobat flying away...only to get hit by a stream of honey and wax as the doorway is plastered. You can't help but smile as you see the Crobat stuck in what now is a wax wall. The Beedrills suddenly fly down at you, buzzing angry insults, calling you a trespasser and threatening to sting you o_o Hope your not allergic o-o;;; What do you do?
    West Caverns

    o_O Ah, ok, I'll apologise to the Beedrill and say that I didn't mean to trespass, and if they'll let me, I promise that I'll leave right away. I'll then pull Crobat out of the wax wall and walk onto the next room.
    If they still look like they'll attack, I'll send out Deveus(Houndoom L17) and Omega(Shelgon L20) and ask them if they really want to face them. If they then attack, I'll have Deveus use Ember quickly to free Crobat, then get him to use it on the Beedrill and have Omega use Dragon Claw. I'll then leg it to the next room.

  20. #180
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    « Pikachu101 »

    Remember your location.

    The Delibird said you're welcome to try and get that crystal out of the wall, but you've either got to be very strong or have a lot of willpower. You tug at it, but it refuses to budge, The Swinub cocks its head at you, not really sure what you're trying to do. The Delibird watches you hopefully, but there's no way you'll be able to get that out by yourself. What do you want to do?[color]
    Hmm I thought I said North Caves

    Anyway I'll send out Wildfire the Level 9 Male Torchic to use Ember on the ice around the crystal to try and get it out. And make sure not to melt the crystal. Afterwards, don't go anywhere.

  21. #181
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Excuse me, but I posted awhile back on page 9 and no one has replied to it. I'm still playing just to let someone know.

  22. #182

    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey« soggy_cardboard »

    You refuse, and the Scyther sighs disappointedly. He flies off up into the tree again, and you continue on walking through the forest. It isn't long until you see a couple of Ledyba fluttering near a tree, talking so quietly you can't hear a word they say. There's also a Roselia a few metres away from them, not really doing very much, so it seems. You look up away from them, and see a Weepinbell hanging from a branch, its wide mouth hanging open with little droplets of acid falling out. A Yanma is flying about nearby it, but it's being careful not to get damaged by the grass pokemon. What do you want to do?
    I'll continue on pls...


  23. #183
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    X_x Thisis why I tried updating more often... Anyway.

    « DarkPrince The Dark Knight »

    You wave to the friendly and the dopey fire pokemon before wandering down deeper into the South Caverns. You hear a loud roaring and then some hard slams into either a wall or a rock. You cautiuosly tiptoe nearer, hoping to distinguish what the creature may be by listening intently to its cry. Then you reach a doorway, and you peer in to see the biggest room you've seen in the caverns so far. Near the centre is a massive Tyranitar smashing rocks with his tough fists, roaring while he does so. What do you want to do?

    « Girafarig »

    Nosepass tosses a huge pile of rocks at Aron. The little steel pokemon is damaged, but not by much. In irritation it decides to ram Nosepass right in the nose! Nosepass clutches his poor little nose in pain, hopping up and down (although that's not going to make him feel better). What do you want to do?

    « Ice_Maiden »

    *thwap* Put your location x_o

    Alakazam manages to quickly put up a defensive barrier just before Feraligatr lets out a powerful Water Gun. It punctures the psychic wall, but it doesn't break it, thankfully. Alakazam then unleashes a powerful psychic attack on Feraligatr, damaging him quite a lot and giving him a stinging headache. Then he starts to ram the barrier mightily - it's not going to last long at this rate. What do you want to do?

    « Sneasel(h)Obsessive »

    You're very lucky that the Beedrill let you out, but they does fly right behind you, ready to attack at any moment until you're out of the way. You manage to escape from them and you find a couple of Vulpix playing about. They're poking each other with their soft paws in a cute fashion. You also feel that there is something else in the room... Something powerful, but invisible. It makes you feel uncomfortable x_x. What do you want to do?

    « Pikachu101 »

    Wildfire manages to melt the ice which is keeping the ice securely fixed in the wall. You don't touch the crystal for a while because it's quite hot, but when you leave it long enough it slips out quite easily. The Delibird hops up and down with joy, and looks at the little blue crystal in wonder. What do you want to do?

    « Wild Eevee »

    Frank skipped you. *pokes him*

    Machop seems to be ok, just shocked and a bit bruised. When you go over to Absol and ask if he needs any assistance, he just glares you you for a few moments before looking at it again. There seems to be some sort of aura radiating from that jewel, and it seems to be hypnotizing Absol - that must be why he's being so firm about wanting it... He continues to focus hard on it, bluntly ignoring you and Machop. What do you want to do?

    « soggy_cardboard »

    You walk on through the Forest, not finding any pokemon tha take your interest so far. You cross over a clearing with lots of sticks that crackle under your feet, and soon you catch four red things glowing out of the corner of your eye. You turn around and see two rounded little purple bugs - They're Venonat, and they're looking at you with those big eyes. Then you see something rather hard bump into your foot - It's an Anorith, and it wasn't looking at where it was going. What do you want to do?

  24. #184
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA


    Nosepass tosses a huge pile of rocks at Aron. The little steel pokemon is damaged, but not by much. In irritation it decides to ram Nosepass right in the nose! Nosepass clutches his poor little nose in pain, hopping up and down (although that's not going to make him feel better). What do you want to do?

    Okay, this is futile... Let's just leave.

  25. #185
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    « Sneasel(h)Obsessive »

    You're very lucky that the Beedrill let you out, but they does fly right behind you, ready to attack at any moment until you're out of the way. You manage to escape from them and you find a couple of Vulpix playing about. They're poking each other with their soft paws in a cute fashion. You also feel that there is something else in the room... Something powerful, but invisible. It makes you feel uncomfortable x_x. What do you want to do?
    West Caverns

    Aww, cute Vulpix^_^ Um, anyway, I'll send out Deveus(Houndoom M L17) and see if he can pin-point where-ever the invisible thing is. I'll then have him use Ember, to see if it will make whatever it is reveal itself.
    If he can't pin-point it, I'll have him shoot Ember randomly around the room to see if he gets a lucky shot xD

  26. #186
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by PokemasterFrank
    Green Lanturn

    You pardon the Chikorita and the green leaf Pokemon runs off in search of his big brother. You begin to answer the Skiploom, even though it didn’t ask anything o_O So it just looks at you, puzzled. It jumps back onto your head and pads around your hair some more. You ask it to get off, but it continues to burrow. Frustrated, you grab it and yank. Unfortunately, it was attached to your hair :/ You scream in agony as your hair was pulled. Fortunately, your hair is still intact. Unfortunately, there is a grass Pokemon stuck in it. You sigh and continue onward. The trees rustle as the wind blows through them, some of the leaves falling all around you. You hear the birds chirp as they fly around above you, hopping from tree to tree. You come across a large patch of mushrooms, with a few Paras tending to it. A Parasect walks up to you and grunts, telling you to walk around the mushrooms and not on them. What do you do?

    Ill walk around the mushrooms and keep going. As for the skiploom I assume is still on my head, ill just ignore it and continue going until it does something,lol.

    And BTW, PokemasterFrank,
    Originally posted by CheeseySkiploom slowly floats down from a tree and onto your head, and it pads about in your hair. then it asks what you're doing here, and pads around some more.
    ...just call me G.L.

  27. #187
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    « Girafarig »

    You give up on battling the Aron, who, slightly dazed, walks away once he sees you're going to stop attacking it. You too continue to walk on, and soon you spot a star shaped thingy that seems to be floating in midair. As you get closer the object becomes clearer, and you make it out to be a Solrock. There also appears to be a Lunatone at its side. As you look at them for longer they appear to have a very focused look on their face, like they're talking to each other telepathically. What do you want to do?

    « Sneasel(h)Obsessive »

    Houndoom's dark senses can tell him that there's a ghost somewhere in the room, and he takes a few minutes to pinpoint it. He does manage to figure out where it is, and when he fires a Gengar shows itself. It looks down at the pair of you with manic red eyes, showing that it wants to wreak havoc. The two Vulpix squeal with fear and run behind you, trembling. What do you want to do?

    « Green Lanturn »

    You wander past the mushrooms, and you can feel the Skiploom comfortably sitting there in your hair. As you continue to walk on with your hitchiker, you come across a Cacnea swinging its arms around, trying to shake a few loose needles off. Then you notice some powder falling from the sky, and as you look up you see a Venomoth flying about, loose dust falling from its large wings. What do you want to do?

  28. #188
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    [color=steelblue]« Pikachu101 »

    Wildfire manages to melt the ice which is keeping the ice securely fixed in the wall. You don't touch the crystal for a while because it's quite hot, but when you leave it long enough it slips out quite easily. The Delibird hops up and down with joy, and looks at the little blue crystal in wonder. What do you want to do?[color]
    North Caves

    I'll tell the Delibird that the crystal is very nice and to have fun with it. Then I'll see how the Swinub is doing and only leave if the Delibird and Swinub seem to not care about me anymore.

  29. #189
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    « Sneasel(h)Obsessive »

    Houndoom's dark senses can tell him that there's a ghost somewhere in the room, and he takes a few minutes to pinpoint it. He does manage to figure out where it is, and when he fires a Gengar shows itself. It looks down at the pair of you with manic red eyes, showing that it wants to wreak havoc. The two Vulpix squeal with fear and run behind you, trembling. What do you want to do?
    West Caverns

    Uh-oh o_O I'll have Deveus use a Smog attack to block Gengars' sight, then grab the two Vulpixs', then leg it, carrying them, with Deveus into the next room.

  30. #190
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    « Green Lanturn »

    You wander past the mushrooms, and you can feel the Skiploom comfortably sitting there in your hair. As you continue to walk on with your hitchiker, you come across a Cacnea swinging its arms around, trying to shake a few loose needles off. Then you notice some powder falling from the sky, and as you look up you see a Venomoth flying about, loose dust falling from its large wings. What do you want to do?

    Ill climb a tree and approach the venomoth, making sure that the skiploom doesnt get hit.

    ...just call me G.L.

  31. #191
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Machop seems to be ok, just shocked and a bit bruised. When you go over to Absol and ask if he needs any assistance, he just glares you you for a few moments before looking at it again. There seems to be some sort of aura radiating from that jewel, and it seems to be hypnotizing Absol - that must be why he's being so firm about wanting it... He continues to focus hard on it, bluntly ignoring you and Machop. What do you want to do?
    East cavern

    We'll stand back and watch for awhile to see if anything happens.

  32. #192
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    « Pikachu101 »

    The Delibird gives great thanks for your help, and takes the crystal gratefully. It looks at it in awe as you look down at Swinub in case it wants you to stay - It seems to be busy snuffling the floor, so it's safe to go on ;P. As you enter the next area of the chilly caverns you see a Snorunt sitting in the corner, whipping of a little Powder Snow and playing about with it rather happily. You look up and see a Misdreavus floating about with a very thoughtful expression on its face, but not for very long, as a playful Poochyena walks up to you and headbutts you on the leg playfully. What do you want to do?

    « Sneasel(h)Obsessive »

    Deveus manages to blind Gengar - not for ong though. Still, it's long enough for you to make an escape, so you pick up a Vulpix in each arm and run down the passage in front of you, Deveus following, before the Gengar can do anything else. Stop stop and put the two Vulpix down before catching your breath. The Vulpix rub against your legs affectionately, like little kittens. You stroke them, and as you are a Ledian comes up and pokes you on the forehead in a curious fashion. There are also a male and a female Nidoran nearby, hopping across the room. What do you want to do?

    « Green Lanturn »

    You climb up a medium-sized tree, making sure you don't bump Skiploom's head off of any of the branches =P. You manage to reach a fairly sturdy branch which is as high as Venomoth is. You go along it quietly, and get near to the flying bug. It's still flying about, covering the ground below it in slightly sparkly purple dust. It knows you're there, but doesn't object to your presence and continues to flutter about. What do you want to do?

    « Wild Eevee »

    The Absol continues to stand up tall, focusing on that jewel very, very hard. It gives you a chance to admire his beauty... His silky white fur, his sharp, black horn, and his sleek tail. So beautiful... yet dark. Then suddenly, he slashes at the wall in a flurry of swipes! You watch in fascination, and then look in amazement as the jewel lies on the ground - He managed to slash it out. He lies down, and simply gazes at that beautiful jewel. What do you want to do?

  33. #193
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally Posted by Cheesey
    Alakazam manages to quickly put up a defensive barrier just before Feraligatr lets out a powerful Water Gun. It punctures the psychic wall, but it doesn't break it, thankfully. Alakazam then unleashes a powerful psychic attack on Feraligatr, damaging him quite a lot and giving him a stinging headache. Then he starts to ram the barrier mightily - it's not going to last long at this rate. What do you want to do?
    I'll have Alakazam wait until Feraligatr is just about to break through, then I'll tell him to use Teleport. Then I'll get him to use Confusion while the Feraligatr still has it's back turned.

  34. #194
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    « Girafarig »

    You give up on battling the Aron, who, slightly dazed, walks away once he sees you're going to stop attacking it. You too continue to walk on, and soon you spot a star shaped thingy that seems to be floating in midair. As you get closer the object becomes clearer, and you make it out to be a Solrock. There also appears to be a Lunatone at its side. As you look at them for longer they appear to have a very focused look on their face, like they're talking to each other telepathically. What do you want to do?
    I'll approach and see if they'll bring me into their conversation.

  35. #195
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    « Sneasel(h)Obsessive »

    Deveus manages to blind Gengar - not for ong though. Still, it's long enough for you to make an escape, so you pick up a Vulpix in each arm and run down the passage in front of you, Deveus following, before the Gengar can do anything else. Stop stop and put the two Vulpix down before catching your breath. The Vulpix rub against your legs affectionately, like little kittens. You stroke them, and as you are a Ledian comes up and pokes you on the forehead in a curious fashion. There are also a male and a female Nidoran nearby, hopping across the room. What do you want to do?

    West Caverns

    I'll poke Ledian back, then continue onto the next room.

  36. #196
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    « DarkPrince The Dark Knight »

    You wave to the friendly and the dopey fire pokemon before wandering down deeper into the South Caverns. You hear a loud roaring and then some hard slams into either a wall or a rock. You cautiuosly tiptoe nearer, hoping to distinguish what the creature may be by listening intently to its cry. Then you reach a doorway, and you peer in to see the biggest room you've seen in the caverns so far. Near the centre is a massive Tyranitar smashing rocks with his tough fists, roaring while he does so. What do you want to do?
    South Caverns

    I'll backtrack out of this room as quickly and as quietly as I can when the best time to do so presents itself.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

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  37. #197
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    « Pikachu101 »

    The Delibird gives great thanks for your help, and takes the crystal gratefully. It looks at it in awe as you look down at Swinub in case it wants you to stay - It seems to be busy snuffling the floor, so it's safe to go on ;P. As you enter the next area of the chilly caverns you see a Snorunt sitting in the corner, whipping of a little Powder Snow and playing about with it rather happily. You look up and see a Misdreavus floating about with a very thoughtful expression on its face, but not for very long, as a playful Poochyena walks up to you and headbutts you on the leg playfully. What do you want to do?
    North Caves
    Since I have no clue what a Snorut is, and I don't want to distract the Misdreavous cause I no what ghosts can do if they want to :shudders: I'll look at the playful Poochyena and ask how it's doing.

  38. #198
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Dang...I haven't posted here since Version 7...o.o;; I forget where I was last, so I'll start out at the North Caverns...^^

    I have captees, also:

    -Dusk(Level 8, Male, Houndour)
    -Tsukasa(Level 14, Female, Umbreon)
    -Samara(Level 10, Female, Feebas)
    -Bender(Level 10, Male, Bagon)
    -Gardenia(Level 6, Female, Chikorita)

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  39. #199
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    Default Split updates whee :o

    « DarkPrince »

    You cautiously tiptoe away from the enraged Tyranitar, and find another doorway to walk down. As you're walking down, you see little orbs of light glowing down at the far end. You look at them curiously, and walk down some more. A little Natu hops ups to you, and you kneel down. It seems rather lost, so tt jumps up onto your hand. You walk on down a bit more with it in your palm, and realise that the orbs of light were the tails of Charmanders. They turn around and greet you and Natu in a happy voice. What do you want to do?

    « Pikachu101 »

    You greet the little Poochyena in a nice way, and ask it how it is. "I'm perfectly happy" he replies, his tail wagging like crazy. He headbutts your leg playfully. Then the Misdreavus comes up behind you, and just its presence makes you shiver x_x. It starts singing a soft tune... And the Poochyena's cheerful face turns deadly serious. "That's her Perish Song!" What are you going to do?!

    « Gothic Latias »

    Welcome back.. um... Laura? o.o

    You return to the adventures you had started before, and decide to go to the chilly North Caverns. When you enter the first part, you see a Smoochum dancing about O_o. It's having a lot of fun, and has no idea that you're there. It's spinning in circles, attempting to waltz... o.o. There are a couple of Sneasel near the other wall, talking to each other and comparing their claws to see whose is sharper. What do you want to do?

  40. #200
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: Split updates whee :o

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    « DarkPrince »

    You cautiously tiptoe away from the enraged Tyranitar, and find another doorway to walk down. As you're walking down, you see little orbs of light glowing down at the far end. You look at them curiously, and walk down some more. A little Natu hops ups to you, and you kneel down. It seems rather lost, so tt jumps up onto your hand. You walk on down a bit more with it in your palm, and realise that the orbs of light were the tails of Charmanders. They turn around and greet you and Natu in a happy voice. What do you want to do?
    South Caverns

    Hmmm, I have a funny feeling this might be the same group of Charmander I ran into earlier here, so I'll say hello to them (again) as well as the Natu.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

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