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Thread: PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

  1. #121
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Yes, you may. Train him well!

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
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    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  2. #122
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Updates are easier to come up with when the changes are fewer

    ~ Seel (F)
    She loves swimming but sometimes she swims too far and gets herself lost!

    ~Ekans (F)
    Lv. 7
    She loves to dance and one day hopes to become a professional! Extra TM move: Glare.

    ~Absol (F)
    Lv. 5
    The sunlight frightens her so she very rarely goes outside during the daytime.

    ~Misdreavus (F)
    Lv. 6
    She's always showing off to anyone who is prepared to listen.

    ~Psyduck (F)
    She only pretends to be absentminded to confuse her opponents. In reality, she's as sharp as a tack.

    ~Lickitung (F)
    She loves eating. Especially sweets. Extra TM move: Slam.

    ~Swablu (F)
    Lv. 7
    She is a day dreamer and often gets into trouble because she's not paying enough attention to the real world.

    ~Gastly (M)
    He was found wandering around a burnt house.

    ~Chikorita (M)
    He's always trying to look tough, but deep inside he's rather shy.

    Spinarak (M)
    For such a small creature, he can make quite a lot of noise. Extra TM move: Sonicboom.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  3. #123
    Beginning Trainer
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    I'll take the gastly, no need for explanations, it will all come in time.
    mmm... I'll call it Gastly...for now.

    BOM> I'll decide soon.

  4. #124
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    The Gastly's yours.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  5. #125

    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    I would also like to adopt the Absol, and I will name her Dione. Please.

  6. #126
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Take care of her, Kiara.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  7. #127
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    OK a starter, this should be intresting. Chikorita looks cool. I don't know much about the difference between the pokezoo and the dragon tamers. But I like chikorita. I have a whole new inspiration. Please.
    Pokemon Pearl FC: 3479 9091 3139

  8. #128
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Hi I'm back after a long break. Although you probably dont remember me. I was wondering if I still have my old pokemon, Houndour, Vulpix, Chikorita, and Charmander? I have all there old stats.

  9. #129
    Elite Trainer
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    I remember you from the Crystal Caves Capture Center.

    Anyway, if you have all your pokemons information then yes, you still have them. You only need to restart if you don't have their info any more. Hope that helped!

  10. #130
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Cheesey gets a stamp for his help and Sceptile_Master gets a Chikorita for... asking for him. I'd like to see what comes out of that whole new inspiration.

    The difference between the 2 ACs is that here the pokemon have random types and each of them has a description, while at Dragon Tamers pokemon have no descriptions and are somewhat grouped by types. And also that Soo works here and Karin works there.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  11. #131
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Can I adopt the Lickitung? She would be interesting to write battles for.

  12. #132
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Yes, you can. Take care of her, Linc!

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  13. #133
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default UPDATE

    ~Seel (F)
    She loves swimming but sometimes she swims too far and gets herself lost!

    ~Ekans (F)
    Lv. 7
    She loves to dance and one day hopes to become a professional! Extra TM move: Glare.

    ~Cyndaquil (M)
    Lv. 5
    He's a bit shy and hasn't been seen using his fire yet.

    ~Misdreavus (F)
    Lv. 6
    She's always showing off to anyone who is prepared to listen.

    ~Psyduck (F)
    She only pretends to be absentminded to confuse her opponents. In reality, she's as sharp as a tack.

    ~Drowzee (M)
    He's been around the Snorlax since they both arrived for some unknown reason.

    ~Swablu (F)
    Lv. 7
    She is a day dreamer and often gets into trouble because she's not paying enough attention to the real world.

    ~Snorlax (M)
    He fell asleep on his way here and hadn't woken up by the time this description was written, so there isn't much to say about him.

    ~Heracross (M)
    He likes being with other pokemon. He's usually following some of the others around.

    Spinarak (M)
    For such a small creature, he can make quite a lot of noise. Extra TM move: Sonicboom.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  14. #134
    phOEnixsong, not EO, plzthx Advanced Trainer
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    In Phoenixsonglandatopia. You're not invited.

    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    If I may, can I have the little Cyndaquil? I think I'll call him Aihure, and his TM can be Rollout.

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

  15. #135
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Yes, you may. Take care of him, Phoenixsong!

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  16. #136
    Join Date
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Hi! ^^ May I have Ekans, please?

  17. #137
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Take care of her
    Silver Wolf
    Amy's Links

    Adoptees, Captees, Expedia, & Plushies
    Recent Success: Christopher Redman (12-16-11)

    Got CSI?
    Thanks to froggy_freek at lj for the icon

  18. #138
    Join Date
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    I would like to adopt the Drowzee. His free move will be Shadow Ball. If you guys would like a complete Pokedex of all 386 Pokemon that have all the FR/LG moves that they can all learn, I've found one. Just tell me if you need it, thanks.

  19. #139
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Take good care of your new Drowzee. And thanks for the offer; we don't need one right now, but we appreciate your help.

    I'd keep checking the board but my connection is painfully slow today. See you all tomorrow or the day after. Sorry. And sorry for posting it at a hardly visible place such as this one, but it's not likely to let me load the two extra pages it would take to post at the Battle Range. When I say painfully slow, I mean it. I just hope this message goes through.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  20. #140
    Survivor of the Sheikah Cool Trainer
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Hey, Gabi, just thought I'd let you know that I'm back, and that I'm evolving my Eevee twins. I have a Day and Night Stone, and I'm going to use them.
    My Adopted Pokemon

    "I've been waiting for you...
    Hero of Time..."

    "The flow of time is always cruel...
    Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it...
    A thing that doesn't change with time is a memory of younger days..."

    "Time passes, people move...
    Like a river's flow, it never ends...
    A childish mind will turn to noble ambition...
    Young love will become deep affection...
    The clear water's surface reflects growth..."

  21. #141
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Alright, J! Welcome back... yet again.
    I hope I can see you at the Battle Range soon.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  22. #142
    Survivor of the Sheikah Cool Trainer
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    I think I'll give the Spinarak a good home. His bred on move will be Signal Beam.
    My Adopted Pokemon

    "I've been waiting for you...
    Hero of Time..."

    "The flow of time is always cruel...
    Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it...
    A thing that doesn't change with time is a memory of younger days..."

    "Time passes, people move...
    Like a river's flow, it never ends...
    A childish mind will turn to noble ambition...
    Young love will become deep affection...
    The clear water's surface reflects growth..."

  23. #143
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Take good care of him, J!

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  24. #144
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    Default UPDATE

    ~Seel (F)
    She loves swimming but sometimes she swims too far and gets herself lost!

    ~Misdreavus (F)
    Lv. 6
    She's always showing off to anyone who is prepared to listen.

    ~Psyduck (F)
    She only pretends to be absentminded to confuse her opponents. In reality, she's as sharp as a tack.

    ~Swablu (F)
    Lv. 7
    She is a day dreamer and often gets into trouble because she's not paying enough attention to the real world.

    ~Snorlax (M)
    He fell asleep on his way here and hadn't woken up by the time this description was written, so there isn't much to say about him.

    ~Heracross (M)
    He likes being with other pokemon. He's usually following some of the others around.

    ~Horsea (M)
    He prefers to swim in large extensions of water. He doesn't mind the temperature.

    ~Smeargle (F)
    She likes painting herself with her tail. Bright colors are her favorites. Attached item: Sketch TM

    ~Sableye (M)
    He tries to battle everyone he meets for some unknown reason.

    ~Spheal (M)
    He likes playing with other pokemon. When he's alone, he spends his time bouncing around.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  25. #145
    Survivor of the Sheikah Cool Trainer
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    I would like to adopt the Horsea, please.
    My Adopted Pokemon

    "I've been waiting for you...
    Hero of Time..."

    "The flow of time is always cruel...
    Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it...
    A thing that doesn't change with time is a memory of younger days..."

    "Time passes, people move...
    Like a river's flow, it never ends...
    A childish mind will turn to noble ambition...
    Young love will become deep affection...
    The clear water's surface reflects growth..."

  26. #146
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Wow, you and I seem to be the only ones to post here lately! Train your new Horsea well, and make sure he has enough water to swim around.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  27. #147

    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    (: I'd like to adopt the Swablu, please.

  28. #148

    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    She's yours! What are you going to call her/give her for a bred on move?

    By the way your sig is cool but it scares me a little ^^;;

    ~-~-~-~ DON'T COVER MY GEM!! ~-~-~-~


    Click on me!

    ~~Avatar by Orion~~

  29. #149

    Default Here's Silver!

    Hi, it's me! I'm here to adopt, and adopt lots!

    I'd like to take in the overzealous , and the crafty . Will that be all right?

  30. #150
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Take good care of them
    Silver Wolf
    Amy's Links

    Adoptees, Captees, Expedia, & Plushies
    Recent Success: Christopher Redman (12-16-11)

    Got CSI?
    Thanks to froggy_freek at lj for the icon

  31. #151

    Default Hooray!

    Of course I'll take good care of them.

    Psyduck will be called Sailor Mercury, in honor of my favorite blue-haired Scout. Her bred-on move shall be (what else?) Psychic.

    Sableye will be called Murray, after everyone's favorite Evil Skull (although this Murray this evil, just tempermental). His bred-on move will be Recover.

  32. #152
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Can I adopt the male Snorlax and the female Smeargle, please?
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  33. #153
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Yes, you can. Train them well!

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  34. #154
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Okay, thanks a bunch.

    Snorlax is going to be nicknamed Bobbery. His trait will be Immunity, and his bred-on move will be Surf.

    Smeargle will be named Mona, with the trait of Own Tempo.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  35. #155
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    34.625 S, 58.50595 W (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

    Default UPDATE - Thanks to Amy for the descriptions

    ~Seel (F)
    She loves swimming but sometimes she swims too far and gets herself lost!

    ~Misdreavus (F)
    Lv. 6
    She's always showing off to anyone who is prepared to listen.

    ~Heracross (M)
    He likes being with other pokemon. He's usually following some of the others around.

    ~Spheal (M)
    He likes playing with other pokemon. When he's alone, he spends his time bouncing around.

    ~Ninetales (F)
    Lv. 10
    She couldn't wait to evolve so she decided to do so, but hasn't gotten used to her new form yet.

    ~Treecko (F)
    She loves to keep busy. She doesn't deal with being bored very well.

    ~Growlithe (M)
    He is fascinated by watching flying pokemon and wishes he'd been born a flying type. He has come to deal with the fact that he's a fire type but that doesn't change his hopes...

    ~Kecleon (M)
    He likes being the center of attention, and does his best to stand out.

    ~Baltoy (-)
    For some reason it has problems with spinning. Everytime it tries it either crashes into something or falls down. Thus it becomes embarrassed easily.

    ~Beldum (-)
    This Beldum is annoyed that it can only use one move. Can't wait to evolve so that it can learn more moves and become a force to be reckoned with.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  36. #156
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Awesome, a Growlithe.

    May I adopt him please? He'll be my third last adopted Pokemon.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  37. #157
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Alright, take good care of him, Kyle.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  38. #158
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    May I adopt the Beldum?
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  39. #159
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default PokeZoo Adoption Center Version 4 {Mod App. Nala98 & Lady Vulpix}

    Okay, thanks a lot Gabi.

    I'm not going to name my new Growlithe after my old Arcanine (Hector), but instead, I'm going to name this one Bombos. For his trait and bred-on move, I'd like them to be Intimidate and Heat Wave respectively, please.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  40. #160

    Default Leaf power!

    For my second Pokémon today, I'd like to adopt Treecko.

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