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Thread: From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

  1. #121

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Question for Charizard: Are you offended by the R/S sprite of Charizard?

    Question for Kecleon: Do you ever feel like Chris has completely lost interest in using you?

    I'd really want to ask Kingdra one question, but I'd rather not if I want to live.
    The Quest for the Legends

    Chapter seventy-seven, THE END, up!

    Also check out the spin-off, Scyther's Story, as well as its sequel, The Fall of a Leader.

    Winner of six 2008 Silver Pencils, including Best Fiction Overall and Best Plot
    Now concluded with chapter fourteen!

  2. #122
    Master Trainer
    Master Trainer

    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Bulbasaur: You? what makes you think you're better than anybody else? You're not a complete fool like Chris, i'll give you credit for that, but all humans are just MORONS. I hate you all, really. Walking around, trying to be like Ash Ketchum 24/7! I wish I was back home...

    Chris:Hey PAL, don't try and steal my Pokemon! Bulbasaur, you'll aways remain loyal to me, won't you?

    Bulbasaur: You can't spell Obituary without I.O.U, and U owe ME big time, you Pokenapping idiot.

    Chris: I WISH i knew what you were saying...

    Bulbasaur: No, you don't.

    Umbreon: Yea, I miss her. She sends me Psymail to my brain, and we stay in touch, but I hope I can see her soon. I heard she's in Celadon City, so We can see her hopefully! It'd be great...


    Wobbuffet: My meals? there isn't anything wrong with my meals! Hahaha! I stay in the house with Annie (Chris' Mum), cooking and such, so I don't see the other Pokemon much. I DO have a crush on Wigglytuff...but Smeargle is stealing her off me...damned beagle...

    Smeargle:Well, If it isn't my favourite blue blob! Hey wobbs!

    Wobbuffet: ... GET ... OFF ... ME ... *walks off*

    Smeargle: Well, He's just a grumpy sod. Nevermind. Wiggly and I are gonna go to the reserve for some quality time...

    Dustox: TAKE ME! TAKE ME!

    Smeargle: I meant ... you know ... *wink wink* stuff...

    Dustox: ... TAKE ME!

    Chris: Well, I started out ... picked Mudkip (cute!) and then got to about Rustboro...but then i got stuck. Mudkip is doing well, but I ended up kinda...ditching him in my box and training up a Taillow instead. Unfortunately, he's my main Pokemon along with Jigzagoon and Dustox, so you can see my problem.

    Krystal: well I have:
    Latios lv 100
    Salmenace lv 100
    Altaria lv 100
    Blaziken lv 100
    Kingdra lv 100
    Marill lv 100
    They're all super great!

    Chris: NEXT question! Well, Pidgeot is a cool Pokemon. I'd (secretly) like a Marcargo or a Torkoal, but I doubt it. Oh! I'd also sorta like an Absol or a Huntail...


    Krystal: Of course not. Nobody deserves to die so painfully, when all he wanted was me. I feel very sorry for the poor guy.

    Chris: *Krystal and Damien, In a tree*

    Krystal: SHUT UP!

    Damien's Ghost: Who-o-o-o-o-o-O-o-O-o! DONT ASK ME ANY QUESTIONS, OR I'LL GOUGE YOUR EYES OUT.................



    Bulbasaur: I probably would. Anyway, If you're just a small castform I can bully you...he he he...

    Kecleon: To hell you will! *slash*

    Charizard: They got it ALL're one is much better ^___^

    Kecleon: Nah...I mean, i HAVENT battled for ages, but I really cant be bothered, especially with what HE goes against. I'm pleased Granbull got mashed against Rhyhorn, not me!

    Thanks for that, guys! Loadsa questions! All the people here are seemingly satisfied...and to thank you, here is Part 2 of Tales of Trechery! *Opens the book, begins to read...*

    The Indigo Road - Chapter 16
    Tales of Trechery - part 2
    By Shinymarill


    I lost my last match in the tournament against a guy and his Jolteon. He was called Nick. His Jolteon was wickedly strong. In Krystal’s match against Dane, she had lost too, but gained a faithful (yet scraggy and annoying) Flaaffy.

    Last night, However, I had a very strange dream. Atop a radio tower, I felt myself next to Krystal, Tony and even Al. We all faced Sandra, Duncan, Megan and Jet …it was confusing. A woman was gagged, tied up and to the left of us, and we continued to stare from each other, to the rockets, to the woman.

    “Enough silence” Sandra snapped. A weird gremlin stood at her side. “Eat lead!”
    I watched, horror struck, as Sandra shot her gun forward. It felt…familiar…it felt like that image was already in my mind…Al ran forward, before cowering to the bullet as it pierced his chest.

    I heard screams, laughs, cries…it all faded and dissolved before me…

    “Never mind” I told Krystal, coming back to reality as Dane walked off with a silver trophy full of vouchers. “It was a stupid tournament anyway”

    “It wasn’t that bad” She muttered, looking across at Dane. “I wonder if Dane wants lunch with us?”
    “Well us, IE: Me, doesn’t want lunch with Dane” I said rudely.

    “Oh, grow up” She snapped. “Just have lunch on your own then”
    Krystal got up from the lockers and wandered over to see Dane. I grumbled to myself. I hated that guy.


    Krystal spent the afternoon flirting with Dane over a milkshake. ‘I just adore strawberry’ she said. Dane just chuckled. Marill was with Kecleon and me as we slurped our vanilla.

    “So, I hear that you won a Cascade Badge” Dane said to me.
    “That’s right,” I boasted back. “I won an earth badge, too”
    “Very impressive” Dane said. Shut up. You’re not my dad…

    “Well then” He continued. “Why don’t we have a quick Battle? Just a 1-1…to see how good we are against each other and sharpen our skills”
    “No thanks” I mumbled back.

    “Chris!” Krystal snapped. “Dane is helping to train you, you should be grateful!”
    “Fine then” I growled. “Lets head to a battlefield”

    We were at an outside table when drinking our milkshakes, but Dane took me to the center of Pourie Town for our fight. The arena was a light yellow colour in honour of the electric festival.

    “Just one Pokemon each” Dane told me. He got out a Pokeball, which was black on the top. I could see a yellow ‘D’ on the front. He threw it out.

    “Go Ninetales!” He said. The ball opened and released white light, which steadily took the form of the beautiful cream-coloured fox. I remembered this from my match against Rika in the Miami Islands…

    “Kecleon, get out there” I told my friend. Kecleon hadn’t battled for ages, because he was smaller than my average opponent, but I felt he needed to battle a lot more. He walked onto the arena and prepared to battle.

    “Flamethrower!” Dane spat. Ninetales blasted a scorching stream of flames forward at Kecleon. Kecleon leapt out the way and got down on all fours, evading the attack as best he could.

    “Kecleon! Lick!” I shouted. Kecleon whipped his tongue out and licked Ninetales across the cheek, but she simply chomped onto it. Kecleon winced in pain as Ninetales shook the tongue like a dead animal.

    “Ninetales! Flamethrower!” Dane ordered again. Ninetales set Kecleon’s tongue alight, which made my Pokemon dance around madly. He whipped it against the ground to put the flames out, but Ninetales used quick attack to take him down.

    “Kecleon! Psybeam!” I commanded. Kecleon blasted a purple beam from his stripe and smacked Ninetales in the jaw, pushing her back. She hissed, before running forward and preparing to headbutt my chameleon.

    “Agility!” I ordered. Kecleon leapt to the left, to the right, and then to the left again to evade Ninetales and her barrage of attacks. Ninetales then leapt back and landed on all fours. It looked like Dane and she had a plan.

    “Fire spin!” Dane cried. Ninetales released a shooting whirlwind of flames from her mouth, which shrouded around Kecleon. He screamed in pain as flames engulfed him. I had to take action.

    “Endure, please!” I said. Kecleon’s stripe burst with white light, which soon created a white bubble around my Pokemon, shielding him from any of the fire. I bit my lip nervously to see if Kecleon would survive…



    I had already won by Rising badge in Blackthorn City. It was really easy! Politoad’s ice beam had taken down a Seadra and a Dragonair that belonged to the Gym Leader. Now with eight badges, I was making my way up the hilly path towards Mount Silver and the Johto League.

    However, I saw something up ahead. It was a Pokemon, and was a purple colour. It had red beads around its neck (although it consisted mainly of a head), and part of its head looked like hair of some sort…

    “Misdreavus” I told myself. These were strong Pokemon, all right. I battled one in Croclan Island Gym. I knew I could capture one of these, and I had only 5 Pokemon on my team, too.

    “I choose you, Quilava!” I shouted. Throwing the ball, I released Quilava out to battle Misdreavus. His back and forehead flames flared up before he prepared to fight this cunning ghost Pokemon.

    “Use tackle!” I cried. Quilava had known this attack since he was young, and had perfected this physical blow very well. He raced forward at Misdreavus and pounced at her, but she disappeared instantly, leaving Quilava to smash against the ground.

    “Oh, you poor thing!” I said. Misdreavus formed into the air again, before shooting forward and hitting him hard. It was either a tackle, or a headbutt…although it could even be a body (or rather, head) slam.

    “Flamethrower!” I ordered. Quilava spewed a thick stream of flames from his mouth and caught Misdreavus up in them. She screamed out loud, meaning I had to cover my ears.

    “Quilava! Its screech is strong” I warned my Pokemon. “Try an ember”
    Quilava hissed and spat a glowing ember forward. It struck Misdreavus in the face and she screamed loudly.

    “You’re mine!” I shouted. I hurled a Pokeball forward and smacked the Misdreavus in the face. She was sucked inside the ball and landed on the ground. I picked the ball up and cheered loudly: Politoad, Pidgeot, Quilava, Delibird, Vileplume and now Misdreavus!

    I put the ball away onto my belt. The mountain trek was a little further, so I continued on. I hoped with all my heart I could win the Johto League…



    Kecleon leapt out the surge of flames, scorched and worn out. He faced Ninetales, but she swung her tails around elegantly, smacking him in the face. Kecleon rolled along the ground.

    “Now! Hyper beam!” I spat. Kecleon just lay there. He was exhausted. I could see a large graze on his right elbow, so I picked him up. “Stop the fight, Dane”

    “Good job” He told me. Ninetales landed by his side. “We both picked up some… valuable techniques there”
    “Yea, yea” I snapped. “Come on, let’s head to the Pokemoncenter, heal Kecleon and get us some rooms for the night”

    “Oh, I have an idea” Dane began. “I can get us rooms; I know the best hotels in Pourie Town. You two go to the Pokemoncenter, and I’ll fix us up some rooms”

    I muttered. There was no way this was going to be all right. What if Dane tried to murder us? I didn’t want that. I had a plan.

    “Great idea” Krystal said. “Come on, Chris”
    She grabbed my arm and dragged me off. I almost thought she was in on this murder…even if the murder idea was complete rubbish.


    “Kecleon should be ok in the morning,” Joy told us. “Pop back then”
    “Thanks” I said emptily. Ten minutes had passed, maybe even less. Kecleon was staying overnight, so we decided to go to the Hotel.

    “This map says there’s only one hotel IN Pourie Town” Krystal explained. She was looking at a map in the Pokemoncenter. I thought to myself. Maybe Dane was in some scheme of some sort…I didn’t trust him.

    “It’s called ‘Hotel La Roca’” Krystal explained. “Just north of here. Let’s go”
    We wandered through town, many people congratulating us both on our battles in the tournament yesterday. It was nice, and reminded me of my Miami League days.

    We wandered over to the desk, and I cleared my throat. Krystal sat down on the chairs and read a magazine.

    “Excuse me, has anybody called Dane checked in?” I asked pleasantly. “We’re staying with him”
    “I’m sorry,” The man said. “But I can’t reveal that information”

    This would be tricky. I released a Pokeball by my side (under the desk), and Umbreon appeared next to me.
    “Ooops, need to tie my shoes” I told the man, bending down.

    “Listen” I whispered to Umbreon. “Use faint attack and create a distraction”
    Umbreon nodded, before turning invisible. I got back up and looked at the man. I smiled, but he returned it with a severe ‘I’m pissed off’ look.

    Suddenly, Umbreon knocked him clean of his chair. He looked around wildly, trying to find out what happened exactly, when a psychic force picked up his computer. The force drove the pc into the wall, sending shards of glass all over.

    “Come back!” The man cried. Umbreon re-appeared and dashed up the stairs. I smirked. Krystal stared at me from beneath ‘Gardening weekly’, but I slipped behind the desk, ignoring her.

    There was a wooden board with keys hung on it. Three were missing: Room 12, room 35 and room 71. A name was written on a card underneath the hook of who was in that room.

    I saw Dane’s name under hook 71. So, the little weasel was there, was he? I looked in a draw under the pc and found the exact same keys, numbered key rings attached. I scampered around for number 71.

    I found a few I didn’t need…13, 57, 24…. However, I soon found 71: the desired key that would lead me to our culprit.

    “Lets go,” I told Krystal. She looked up from ‘Yoga or Yoghurt?’ and stared at me.
    “We don’t need to go,” She said. “And why did you ransack the whole reception area?”

    “Dane’s up to something” I snapped. “He’s planning something sinister, and I don’t want to have to go through with it any longer. Krystal, open your eyes. Look infront of you. Dane’s not right”

    I received a sharp slap. Krystal stared at me ferociously as I lay on the ground.

    How can you even think that? Dane is a lovely, sweet kind person, not like you at all. Now YOU look around: He’s getting us a room, he’s helped you battle: He’s a saint!”

    “Well, I’m going to get him” I snapped. I got up and ran up the stairs. Marill at her side, Krystal gave chase.

    Up the stairs we ran, and I slowly saw Umbreon appear by my side. He chirped his name, and I thanked him. Krystal was on our tail as we headed off. This was perfect: We could finally frame Dane, or at least catch him!



    “Ok then, go and check the east gate. Duncan! Head to the west gate and send Mike and Lilly to the north and south gates” I snapped. “Al is IN Saffron, make sure he can’t get OUT”

    With those orders in their minds, the respected people hung up and went off. I stood atop Silph Co, watching the industrial city from my view. My phone then rang, so I picked it up and placed it to my ear.

    “Hello?” I spat.
    “It’s me,” Dane said down the phone. I’d been expecting a call from this guy for a while.

    “Good to hear you” I said. “How is the mission?”
    “It’s coming along nicely,” Dane purred.
    “No suspicions?” I inquired.

    “Of course” Dane told me. “But Chris’ suspicions are just seen as green envy. He suspects me, but I’m just toying around; creating a climax of tension for him until he makes an idiot of himself”

    “Good, good” I murmured. I never realised how clever that kid was! He had this thing sussed out. “And when is everything falling into place?”

    “Tomorrow” Dane said. “4pm”
    “You have this scheduled out, haven’t you?” I sneered.
    “We’ll be at Saffron by then” Dane assured me. “I…I have to go now”

    “Why?” I asked, as Dane hung up. I cursed. I didn’t know if he’d been rumbled or not, but I just put the phone away. Saffron was an industrial town, clogged with clouds of exhaust from factories.

    I wandered off through the town, strumming Starmie’s Pokeball. If this mission went successfully, then I might even get a promo Pokemon! When we did a successful mission, we were given a special Pokemon from James. Megan got a Vileplume after her robbery in Pontaricò, so I wanted a new Pokemon too!



    We shot past door 68…69…70…before arriving at door 71. I jammed the key in the lock, but I stopped when I heard something.

    “Tomorrow” Dane said. “4pm. we’ll be at Saffron by then”
    What was going on? I wanted to hear more, but I heard Krystal coming down the corridor after me.

    I rattled the door and turned it.
    “I…I have to go” Dane said. I burst through the door and stared across the room at him. He had a phone in his hand, and an angry look splattered across his face.

    “Alright Dane!” I snapped. “What’s been going on?”
    Dane eyed me furiously. However, when Krystal ran in, he suddenly smiled sweetly.

    “What on earth are you talking about?” He asked.
    “Tomorrow, 4pm” I snarled. “What’s going on?”

    “Oh, that!” He said lightly. He paused. “I need to do something so very, very important”

    There was a silence as he stared into Krystal’s eyes. “I can’t stand it any longer!” He cried out. “Krystal…”

    “Yes?” Krystal inquired, as Dane walked towards her. He pushed me onto the bed, and I watched, horror-struck, as Dane cradled Krystal’s hands in his own two.

    “Will you go out with me, Krystal?” Dane asked. Krystal opened her mouth widely.
    “Dane…of course!” She cried. The two hugged passionately, Dane swinging Krystal round happily.

    Dane glared at me. I stared back, confused. Umbreon sat on my lap as we watched Dane and Krystal twirl. This was confusing. Krystal would HATE me if I tried to stop Dane, but I knew he was up to something. I stroked Umbreon’s fur gently, thinking things over. If I cared for Krystal, then I had to stop Dane. But if I cared for her (possibly even more), then I’d leave her to enjoy life with Dane. What do I do?



    I’d left Cerulean after winning my second badge, and I headed onward to Vermillion City. It had taken two days to walk down there, and the lovely seaside waves crashing against the bank was great.

    “We…we need a new friend on our team” I told Squirtle. “We only have five”
    Squirtle nodded. We walked on further, seeing all sorts of tourists and such. I stopped dead when I saw a little lobster infront of me.

    “Corphish” He gurgled.
    “Aii!” I squealed, leaping back. Bubbles frothed from its mouth and it snapped its pincers. It was scary.

    Squirtle saw my fear and raced forward. Corphish leapt into the air and fired a bubblebeam, keeping Squirtle back. Corphish then landed infront of me and screeched his name, frothing more bubbles and snapping his claws.

    “Get it away!” I screamed. Squirtle ran forward and used a rapid spin to knock the Corphish onto the ground. It lay there, unable to move. I was happy I had beaten it, but Squirtle looked pretty tired.

    “Good job” I told him. We walked past Corphish and headed to the Pokemoncenter, where I could heal all of my Pokemon. I had Squirtle, Magby, Aron, Teddiursa and Farfetch’d, but Corphish wasn’t an option really.

    Suddenly, I heard a loud glowing noise behind me. I turned, so see Corphish morphing, changing shape and size. He was now a humongous lobster, with two gigantic claws and a large star on his forehead.

    “Crawdaunt!” He growled. I shook slightly, turning pale. The large lobster stomped towards me, clicking his claws like large scissors. Squirtle looked rather miffed by this…he’d worked hard against that thing!

    “If I catch him…” I thought to myself. “…He wouldn’t hurt me!”
    I fumbled for a Pokeball on my belt. It was a premium ball…given to me by Granny on the day I left. It was precious, and I wanted to have it as a reminder of my journey, but this was important.

    “Go…Po…Pokeball” I muttered. I threw the ball forward as I stepped back from Crawdaunt. However, with a snap of his claws, the ball was rendered to dust. I gasped, walking back further. What could I do?

    “Help me…” I muttered to myself. Squirtle leapt into the air and tried performing a mega punch, but with a flail swoop of his claw, Crawdaunt sent Squirtle flying back towards me. He smacked against the entrance to Diglett Cave, and lay on the ground.

    “No!” I shouted. Suddenly, Crawdaunt opened his mouth and powered up an ice beam! I watched in fascination as he blasted a pearly white beam forward at me. I gasped, cowering from the attack.

    Suddenly, a bolt of electricity flew in from the left. It shot into the ice beam and was conducted through to Crawdaunt’s mouth, the electric shock leaving the red lobster in a daze.

    A Raichu then ran forward and tackled the dizzy Crawdaunt, making him collapse. I watched, as a big muscular man walked forward and joined Raichu. He hoisted me up off the floor and picked Squirtle up.

    “Are you alright son?” He barked.
    “Sir! Yes sir!” I said nervously. The man chuckled.

    “I’m LT Surge,” He told me. “I’m the local Gym leader around these parts”
    “Thanks for saving me from Crawdaunt” I uttered, staring across at the frazzled corpse.

    “That thing’s strong,” He told me.
    “You look strong, too” I said to him. He chuckled.
    “Well, my Raichu is a sucker to ground types” He told me. I gasped. Ground types? That meant Aron would beat him!

    “I need to battle you,” I said. “For a badge”
    “Now…now I don’t know about that,” Surge said. “Maybe you need to train s’more”
    “I’ve already got two badges!” I pined. Sure, I traded a Green Taillow for my cascade Badge, but that bird was the wrong colour!

    “Ok then” Surge told me. “You come to the Gym if you want a battle, k? I’ll give you a 3-3”
    I cheered as he walked off. My 3rd badge was just around the corner!

    I cautiously walked around Crawdaunt, leaping back every time it twitched or moved.

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  3. #123
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Great chapter SM, though it looks like Krystal going lovy-dovy with Dane, also I have a question for Chris, Krystal and Tony
    If you were in any fic on the TPM board, which fic would be in?
    Jon (from Skin Deep): I bet Krystal want to be in Skin Deep!
    Cluffhe must think I’m cute!
    Lotad:No! I’m cute!
    Me: Shut up you three!
    All three: Sorry.

  4. #124
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Jon UKX:
    Chris: I'd be in ... erm ... Lisa The Legend or Electric Buggy To Victory. However, I'd be lead to believe i'd end up destroying the fate of the world in LTL, or breaking the buggy in ETBV. Oh well.

    Krystal: You're a desperate boy, aren't you? Pssh. I'd be in ... *realises Jon is in hysterics* erm ... SKIN DEEP, of course! He..hehe...

    Tony: I like the idea of being in 'Tyler and Magmar', although stepping into that world would result in all my Pokemon having something perculiar with them...

    Wartortle: I'd be obsessed with toiletries and cleaning things...

    Tony: ... right ...

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  5. #125
    Returning Hotshot Junior Trainer
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road


    Id love a quick hi from all of Tim and Suzie's pokemon.

    Watch out for my new fanfic - Changing times

    * Chapter 1 Up! *

  6. #126
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Another good chapter; this is turning more suspensful by the minute;

    So the current teams are:

    Chris - Kecleon, Electabuzz, Umbreon, Pidgeotto, Bulbasaur

    Krystal - Marill, Charizard, Kingdra, Flaffy, Seel

    Tony - Wartortle, Croconaw, Lapras, Wailmer, Octillery, Pelipper, Seaking, Mudkip

  7. #127
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Well, I like it. I like saying well. Anyway, this blob of pokemon can deal a lot, ShinyMarril. just watch me wreak havoc. Na, I am not in the mood. It was a great Chapter, I hated Dane from the start in the first place glad he is from Team Rocket. In the dream were they on a building because if they were could you kill Dane. He he he. Trading a cascade badge for a shiny Taillow lol. This chapter was long, keep it up.
    Keep Bulbasaur.
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  8. #128

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Thanks, Charizard!

    Hey, one question for Chris after this chapter: If you had a gun, Dane was right in front of you and Krystal was watching - would you shoot him or not?
    The Quest for the Legends

    Chapter seventy-seven, THE END, up!

    Also check out the spin-off, Scyther's Story, as well as its sequel, The Fall of a Leader.

    Winner of six 2008 Silver Pencils, including Best Fiction Overall and Best Plot
    Now concluded with chapter fourteen!

  9. #129
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Question for Krystal:

    Why Dane? WHY! WHY! WHY! We all know he's evil! Why not date Chris, you know you like him...

  10. #130
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road


    Tim: Hey, a question! Yay! My name was before yours, sis!

    Suzie: Eat slime! Anyway, I have Corona, my Rapidash, Wigglytuff, Sunflora, Politoad, Bayleef and Sudowoodo. You'll see Sudo in Chapter 26! Say hi everyone!

    Rapidash, Politoad, Wigglytuff, Sunflora, Bayleef and Sudowoodo: HEY OAKBARK!

    Tim: Anyway, my team is Rocky, my Marcargo, Helix, my Donphan, Typhlosion, Golem, Ursaring and Hitmontop! Say Hi, everyone!

    Marcargo, Donphan, Typhlosion, Golem, Ursaring and Hitmontop: HEY OAKBARK!

    Hanada: Chris still has Granbull! Well, he HAS Granbull full stop! Tony also has that Ekans he captured before he was kidnapped.

    Powarun: George thinks it was the wrong colour, and it was worth thousands. I havent written his battle yet, but it will probably be the only George perspective I do, except for this one. I do too Bulbasaur MAY stay, wait and see!


    Chris: No, I would hate to ruin Krystal's feelings, but it IS a good idea. Oh well. You'll see what happens eventually.

    Mr Mayor:

    Krystal: Do you watch too many movies? HE IS NOT EVIL! He is a nice guy (great body), with a lovely personality AND a Ninetales.

    Chris: Why did you tell him that crap story about you having a Ninetales?

    Krystal: Ever heard of flirting? evidently not...

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  11. #131
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    You really like putting Chris down don't you SHiny Marril, Chris what do you say about that. That Ninetails might as well be a ditto.
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  12. #132
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    I have a question for Dustox, are you annoyed that you didn’t evolve into a Beautifly, I mean if I was a Wurmple who wanting to evolve into a Beautifly I would be peed off.
    Also Leah Nium from my fic has a question for Tony.
    Leah: Are you annoyed that Dave has taken your girl, Misty? If you are not annoyed, I could arrange something *wink wink*
    Me:*Whispers* RUN TONY!

  13. #133
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Powarun: He's based off me, I don't mind! Anyway, I have a girlfriend, am generally smart for my age and don't even HAVE ruby or sapphire.

    Jon ukx

    Dustox: Not really. I didn't know WHAT i'd evolve into until I did. I was seperated from my trainer a long time ago on that Island; after three years without our trainer we become wild and the Pokeball is disabled. That happened. I like Chris' house. Also, being a Dustox means i can FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kecleon: I wish I could fly...What's it like, Noctowl?

    Noctowl: ZzZzZzZzZ...

    Kecleon: He's asleep. Hmm...


    Tony : Well, good question. I still love Misty, but what will she do when i get out of captivity and tell her about Dave? will she freak? I hope so, and then I can be taken as the hero!

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  14. #134
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    Oh, I just remembered a question I was going to ask about the electric tournement, you could make Kecleon turn into an Electric type. That would be different. Did you ever think about that.
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  15. #135
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    Powarun: Well, for Kecleon's colour change to actually work, he needs to be hit by an electric attack, IN BATTLE. When chris registered, Kecleon would be a normal type and he couldnt be let in.

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  16. #136
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    I have two more questions for Krystal (who is a very interesting character in the fic. I can't get enough of her. )

    1) Is your hair naturally blue, or do you get it dyed?

    2) If I told you Dane was a member of Team Rocket, is lying too you, and believe I have good evidence that he may try and kill you tomorrow at 4:00 on the roof of Silph Co, would you beilive me?

    Also, a question for Chris's Gandma:

    Has it ever occured to you that you are rude, obnoxious and annoying?

  17. #137
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    I have a question for Noctowl:
    I know you adapted back to Night life but how do feel seeing as you were Chris' first caught pokemon and he just leaves you at home ?
    And a question for Chris and Krystal:
    If the pokemon league changed the team rules and you were only allowed 4 pokemon at a time which 4(incuding ones you have given away or at home) would you have ?

  18. #138
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    Mr Mayor:

    Krystal: WELL, it's naturally blue, which is pretty gnarly, so I don't have to die it. But Shiny's best mate used to have blue hair :-o, Now there's some trivia for you!

    Oh, did Chris feed you his ****-and-bull story of what happened? Did he say something was happening tomorrow at 4pm? Dane was involed? Dane was trying to ... kill me? Haven't heard that one, but I want to tell you now: DANE IS NOT trying to kill me! OKAY? DROP IT!

    Grandma: Eh? what? SPEAK UP!

    Tim: Grandma, Mr Mayor asked if you knew you were rude, obnoxious and annoying?

    Grandma: PHOOEY! kids these days are always playign their 'video games' and never get any fresh air! Where IS Suzie, anywho? They still should have called her Sarah, I said to your Mum, i says 'They'll call her 'Woozy suzie!' but OH, NO, don't listen to me! You'll miss me when i've gone...WHERE'S CHRIS?


    Noctowl: Well, I am peeved with this new Pidgeotto he's gotten...grr...but i don't mind too much really. I prefer life at the reserve; my fighting days are done and dusted, if you ask me. He didn't leave me at home, anyway: I wouldn't go ...

    Chris: for the Miami League? I presume you mean that. If it had changed to four Pokemon, I wouldnt have caught my last two, Eevee and Granbull. Eevee, since he hatched from an egg, would go home i guess.

    Krystal: Yea, I agree. I wouldn't have caught Horsea or Eevee.

    Note to readers: I will be unable to post a chapter tomorrow: Instead, I will post one on Sunday afternoon/evening, as I have a non-Pokemon, 'doesn't know my secret' Friend, so i cant go on TPM! See ya Sunday,


    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  19. #139
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    I can see what you meant. Oh well, I'm here now. Golly at all that has happened, TR, or should I say the James Organization, sure has something big going on. Poor Chris, Krystal has been been lulled by Dane's deception. You never cease to amaze me.

    I guess I should explain why I disappeared. With Serebii back, I thought that there was no point to return to any forum I went to, and make Serebii my home again, but that didn't happen. I don't know if it's because of school or what, but the forums lost most of it's activity and even the regulars are long gone, possibly fed up the forums going down. I think it's slowly dying or has died, I'm not sure. Not even my club is getting anyone anymore, I have only one faithful member left. However, one of my chat friends is making a site inspired by my club. I gave them permission, of course, and I am behind the scenes watching it unfold. It will possibly have everything Serebii has. This site is not up yet, it's still being worked on. We will have forums, but I don't know what kind of forums. Once everything is ready, you are welcome to come by.

    I have also been working on my own fanfic. (Yes, again) I told a lot of ppl about it and I make it seem like I worked hard on it, which may be true, but I can never convince myself. It doesn't compare to you, but not much does. I started it before I had Ruby, and it involved Hoenn and new pokemon, so it needs to be tweaked a bit. I need to rewrite the outline and write a few more chapters, but it could be up on Serebii soon.

    That's all for now, until next time.

  20. #140
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    Jukain: Great to see you again. I am pleased you like my work, you're 6 years older than me, right? hehe. I'm very touched. You've been a close followed of Chris and Krystal, right from the start.

    What can Chris do? If he likes Krystal, he wants her to be happy, but that may mean leaving her with her love OR protecting him. Poor guy.

    Chapter 26 - Lets run away.
    Currently in progress. PM me for info.

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  21. #141
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    Shiny: All my friends except for my best friend are non-Pokemon "doesn't know my secret" friends as well. Whenever the visit, I hide Ruby in the most secritive place I can find.

  22. #142
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    Mr Mayor: ALL my friends are 'non-Pokemon "doesn't know my secret" friends', poor me :-(. Oh well. As TIR moves on, my time here wears thin....*DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!*

    Oakbark: Lets leave these things to me, eh? hehe. Dave with Shiny pokes? Well, ___ _______ _______ _ ______ ____ _____, but keep it to yourself! hehe! Does Oakbark have any quessieS?

    Chris: Questions? Anybody? COME ON! I'll be your friend...

    Tony: We didn't sail around the Miami Islands for this! Argh! Come on...questions for Tony?

    Wartortle: Erm, what about ME? I DID evolve for you, buddy...

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  23. #143
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    Okay, I will back down alright, I forgot that Dane was your creation, and for Shiny Marril you could of had Electabuzz use a light thundershock, to make it electric, and if you say you couldn't then what happened to ditto.???
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  24. #144

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Originally posted by ShinyMarill
    Chris: Questions? Anybody? COME ON! I'll be your friend...

    Tony: We didn't sail around the Miami Islands for this! Argh! Come on...questions for Tony?

    Wartortle: Erm, what about ME? I DID evolve for you, buddy...
    Okay, guys, questions for all of you...

    Chris: Since I asked Kecleon, how do YOU feel about using him so little? I mean, he's your starter and all...

    Tony: Same as I asked Chris in my last post, but with David and Misty.

    Wartortle: What does evolving feel like? I think so much about that...
    The Quest for the Legends

    Chapter seventy-seven, THE END, up!

    Also check out the spin-off, Scyther's Story, as well as its sequel, The Fall of a Leader.

    Winner of six 2008 Silver Pencils, including Best Fiction Overall and Best Plot
    Now concluded with chapter fourteen!

  25. #145
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    I don't know if your accepting the bios anymore, but what the heck, I'll just post mine anyways.

    Name: Antton Hill(Translated it to English
    Gender: Male
    Age: 15
    Black hair, with a touch of warm red. Usually used gel to spike or mess them up to get the "cool" look. Clear blue eyes (some og girls have told me that when they look into my eyes, they see the ocean, lol) Tanned skin. Body built. 178 cms tall and 56 kilos. Likes to wear:
    Black shirt with no sleeves(dunno the word), white long sleeved shirt (wich you can see through abit), dark blue/black denim jeans, black or blue trainers. Golden necklace/black necklace with pearls. Also golden/silver bracelet. Silver chain hanging from the front of jeans to the back of the jeans.
    Selected pokemon: Houndour

  26. #146

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    I meant David. Somehow I mixed you two up.;o
    The Quest for the Legends

    Chapter seventy-seven, THE END, up!

    Also check out the spin-off, Scyther's Story, as well as its sequel, The Fall of a Leader.

    Winner of six 2008 Silver Pencils, including Best Fiction Overall and Best Plot
    Now concluded with chapter fourteen!

  27. #147
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    hey guys! I kinda got caught drinking! hehe. It was so great! i peee-ed in my neighjbors pond :-p REPLIES! WHOO! dont worry, the alcahol is sorta wearing away now.

    Powarun: isn't it eisier using an Electric type? :-p! it is a good point however. Maybe Kecleon gets his spotlight soon? Hmm, as I recall, he helps in a grueling battle in Lavender Town! maybe Ditto is breaking the rules, but WHO saw Dane?


    Chris: Well, we're going against REALLY big Pokemon recently, I don't want him hurt. FEAR NOT! My brave Chameleon does indeed battle soon, mwa-ha-ha...

    Krystal: Don't try to be evil, okay?

    Dane: PROJECT your voice...MWA-HA-HA-HA! see? like that!

    Chris: One day, Krystal, you'll thank me for being jealous...

    Tony: I don't underand, can you type the whole thing? Thanks!

    Wartortle: It's like i'm growing, i'm inflating almost. My soul spreads into my new body; I'm flexing new, sleeker fingers and waging a long, slender tail. I can feel to sharp ears forming from my face: at first they feel rather 'plastic' and 'glued-on', but then my head almost adapts to it and they grow on. It's very cool...

    Tony: If you evolve again, then Misty will like me! Please?

    Wartortle: Let's just say you'll need me as a Wartortle...

    Yinx: Dane IS the winner of the competition. Thanks for filling it out anyway...i hope you keep reading and stuff! ^^;;;


    Chris: I don't have favourite types. I like the Pokemon itself, and in some cases wont know its type UNTIL i catch it. I guess i like dark types, though....


    Brett: Well, being the *ahem* OLIVINE CITY GYM LEADER *cough*, I LOVE steel types! Come on, take me on! BATTLE ME! Whoo! GO ON!

    Chris: I can't believe you're so powerhungry. don't you live above KFC?

    Brett: The pen is mightier than the sword! *gets out a pen* JOUST! JOUST!

    Chris: Sorry. He doesn't APPEAR IN FANFICS much...

    Brett: Dude, you have a fanfic? HEY PEEPS! BOO! HAHA! I choose Magneton! Use a thunderwave and KILL THEM!

    Krystal: Steelix! Lightening rod! TAKE THAT!

    Chris: where did you get Steelix?

    Krystal: Don't you READ Chapter 17? Oh, you guys better had, too!

    Wartortle: HEY Oakbark!

    (Shiny note: This Cha[ter is a great achievement of mine, I hope you enjoy...)

    Tales of Treachery, Part 3
    Chapter 17
    By Shinymarill


    I wandered through town. I seemed so distant from the people around me, almost like I had drifted away from them. Fresh from the pawnshop, I was £100 heavier and three Pokemon lighter: I told myself I had done the right thing.

    “No Pokemon” I said to myself. “Not one”

    I drifted through the streets, alone and helpless. I just needed to get back on my feet and I’d be fine…I’d be fine…

    “Megan!” Jet cried. He raced towards me, Mightyena by his side. I watched, as Jet showed me his stern face.
    “Don’t sell your Pokemon,” He snapped. “I have some money right here”

    “Too late” I said wearily. I showed him the £20 notes. Jet gasped.
    “They’re your Pokemon,” He told me. “They’re a part of you…”

    I stared at him. Jet got out a Pokeball.
    “Take Mightyena,” He said. Mightyena stepped forward. “He can help you, and we both need a Pokemon, right?”

    “I suppose” I began.
    “And I’ll get you Ariados back” Jet told me. I looked at him quizzically. “Trust me. Now I have to go, involved with a large mission in Saffron City”

    “Goodbye” I mumbled, as Jet ran off. I looked down at Mightyena.
    “Remember me?” I asked him. He smiled. I scratched behind his ear, making him grin to himself.

    The winds rustled past us gently. Mightyena looked up at me, and I looked down at him.
    “Let’s go too,” I said. We ran off together, Mightyena and me.



    Dane and me sat together in the Pokemoncenter while Chris phoned Professor Helmsworth. I had released all my Team except Kingdra, who was just sitting in his ball. I tell you, having a fish on land just doesn’t work…

    Flaaffy was talking to Charizard, and Marill was sitting on my knee. Seel, however, just lay on his back, slapping his belly with his fin. I strummed Kingdra’s Pokeball, as we talked some more. Kecleon was now fine, and was with Chris.

    “Chris is just jealous,” I told Dane, which was true. “Don’t worry”
    Dane had released Ninetales, but told us Mareep had been sent home. Did you know that he had his own reserve in Hoenn? He had over 200 Pokemon that he switched around frequently…it sounded great…

    Chris walked over, a newspaper in his hands.
    “Look at this!” He said, pointing at the main headline. It was Duncan, the Team Rocket guy with Sandslash. He had been arrested, as well as two grunts named Mike and Lilly.

    “Wow” I said. “But…what about Sandra?”
    “I hope she’s alright,” Dane blurted out. We both stared at him, Chris and myself.

    “Why would you want to think that?” Chris asked.
    “Do you know her?” I asked. Dane blushed.
    “I meant the Skitty in the bottom headline” Dane said, pointing to an article about an old woman who’s Skitty had been hit by a train.

    “I do hope that woman’s alright,” Dane said. I sighed heavily. I thought he meant Sandra! Chris, however, eyed Dane cautiously. I decided to go and ring Kimi. I said goodbye, before walking over to the phone.

    “Hello?” Kimi asked.
    “Hey!” I answered back. “How is business?”
    “Krystal, we don’t own a salon,” Kimi stated. “But we’re doing fine”

    Kimi lived in a flat with Brock. They spent most the time grooming their Pokemon and whatnot; Kimi had my Steelix and Espeon, as well as a few of her old Pokemon from when she trainer in the Miami League.

    “Good” I said. “Hey…could I maybe take Steelix back off you?”
    “How come?” Kimi asked.
    “Well, I thought you might like to look after Kingdra” I said. “We never battle with him, because he needs water, and it’s becoming rather hard”

    “I guess so,” Kimi said. “We’ve got a pond outside”
    “That’s great,” I said. “And even better, I think Steelix is allowed by the Dragon Tamers!”

    “Well, what are we waiting for?” Kimi asked, placing the Pokeball on the pad. With a bold flash, Kingdra’s Pokeball disappeared, and Steelix’s formed on the pad. They were both ordinary Pokeballs, so I couldn’t tell the difference.

    I picked up the ball and showed Kimi.
    “Thanks” I told her. “We’re in Pourie Town now, so we might see you in the next few weeks”

    “I’ll look forward to it” Kimi said, hanging up. I did the same, and made my way across the Pokemoncenter towards the boys.

    “That’s Steelix on my team” I said, spinning the ball on my finger. Chris gasped.
    “Wanna test it out?” He asked me. I grinned. I could show Chris up infront of Dane! This would be perfect.

    “You’re on”


    Chris was battling on this arena for the 2nd time during his weeklong stay in Pourie Town. He had lost against Dane, and was going to lose against me, too!

    “Ready?” I asked him. Little kids had gathered to see the battle; our travelling gear, which consisted of our backpacks, surrounded us both but my Cape hid my bag, making me look a lot less bogged down.

    “You bet” Chris said. But what could he use against Steelix? No fire Pokemon meant he’d have a hard time. I drew the Pokeball and threw it out, the wind catching my cape and causing it to ripple. Kecleon watched from Chris’ side, eager to battle Steelix himself.

    “Steelix!” I shouted, as the light morphed into the sinewy steel snake. His segments twisted around like drills, and he stared down his hinge jaw at Chris. Chris looked pretty scared.

    “All right then” He said. “Electabuzz, I choose you!”
    His ball burst open, releasing white light that formed into Electabuzz. He clenched his fists angrily, shooting electricity through his body.

    “Steelix!” I cried. I had been told that Steelix had learnt rock smash, so I wanted to test that out. “Rock smash!”

    Steelix squirmed back, and drove his head forward at Electabuzz. Electabuzz waited for an attack from Chris.
    “Endure it!” He snarled. Electabuzz held his palms out and pressed against Steelix’ head, which shot at him like an intercity express.

    “Now, pump a thunderbolt into it!” Chris said. I knew Steelix was ground, but wouldn’t the electricity pass through his metal body?

    I was right. A yellowish tinge shrouded Steelix’ body and lit him up as he slinked back in pain. Electabuzz then prepared himself for the counter attack Steelix would deliver.

    “Iron tail!” Krystal screamed. Steelix thrust his tail around and smashed Electabuzz in the ribs, throwing him back. He shot across the floor, grazed and bruised. Chris ordered Electabuzz to get up.

    “Use Thundershock!” He said. Electabuzz shot a string of sparks forward, causing Steelix to shoot his head from left to right in order to avoid it. Once done, Electabuzz leapt into the air and latched onto one of Steelix’ lower segments.

    Electabuzz clambered up towards Steelix’ head, and my sinewy Pokemon could do very little except wait. Electabuzz eventually got onto the top segment, the head and jaw, and stood up.

    “Thunderbolt!” Chris shouted. Electabuzz pumped a large voltage blast into Steelix’ body, making him glow a golden yellow. He gritted his teeth, before trying to buck Electabuzz off his head.

    Steelix! Dig!” I cried. Steelix shot into the air (using his tail as a spring) and dived down underground, causing Electabuzz to leap off for his own safety. A gaping hole was left from where Steelix smashed underground. All we could do was wait.

    Electabuzz looked around, seemingly confused of my Steelix’ whereabouts. However, the ground shook violently, as Steelix burst through the tough surface of the arena and into the light.

    “Electabuzz! Cross chop!” Chris ordered. Electabuzz crossed his arms in mid-air and fired a white X of energy forward. It smashed Steelix in the face, causing him to screw his eyes shut in pain. Electabuzz then stepped back as Steelix prepared a skull bash.

    “Endure again!” Chris cried, although it was too late. Electabuzz shot to the left and skidded along the ground as Steelix pulled his head back up from the ground. Steelix roared loudly, and Electabuzz growled.

    “Steelix! Rock smash!” I yelled. Steelix threw his head forward at Electabuzz, who started to panic. I smiled gleefully as Chris wore his plastered stare. His stare, which brimmed with fear…

    “Light screen” Chris spat, his look now sinister and cunning. As if he were washing an invisible window, Electabuzz wiped his hand across the air and made a pink barrier. It glistened; soft as it may look, it was sparkling and hard, thin but thick.

    “Steelix!” I cried, as Steelix smashed his head against the screen. Dazed, he flopped back, his large head swaying back and forth. He needed to pull through! “Try a rock throw!”

    Steelix straightened up and prepared to attack, but Electabuzz was already powering up a mach punch. He leapt high into the air and smashed his fist into Steelix’ upper body, causing searing heat to spread across his surface. Roaring, Steelix collapsed backwards and smashed against the floor. Electabuzz landed on the ground and smiled.

    “Yea!” Chris shouted. He shook Electabuzz’ hand as I recalled Steelix. I walked over, past Chris and towards Dane.

    “Very nice match” Dane told me. “You did very well”
    “Thankyou” I blushed. We wandered off with our bags (although I only had a small bag, Dane had a rucksack and Chris had a small bag), and prepared to leave Pourie Town. It was strange, leaving after we’d been here for such a long time.

    Our next stop was Saffron City, the industrial Town. There was a Gym there, or so I thought, so Chris would no doubt try and compete there. I didn’t mind really, I guess I just wanted to get to Seafoam Village more.

    Storm clouds loomed over the large city that peeked out from the hilltops – It looked unwelcoming, but I’m sure it would be fine! Together with Dane, Chris, Kecleon, Marill and me wandered through the fresh open path towards Saffron City.



    I stared around. Groggy, I tried to understand what had happened. The room was familiar…I was here before…I noticed a mark on my arm, no doubt from an injection. The room was composed of four grey brick walls, one of which was lined with bookshelves. Opposite that, Misty and myself hung from chains, having both been tranquillised numerous times.

    David was on the phone, talking to his head probably. Every time I woke up, I was drugged. It wasn’t right.

    “Yea, we’ll take over straight away,” David said. “I’m 3rd in line, and number 2’s here with me! Drugged, asleep…”

    I closed my eyes and breathed through my mouth, pretending to be asleep. If he found out I was awake, I could easily become drugged again. I listened closely, for it was the only sense I had.

    “Well, Jet’s going to Saffron now” Dave said. “Once the bomb goes off, nobody will be allowed in or out, so it’s the perfect opportunity. No, she’s still on the roof I expect.”

    I thought about that last part. The roof? Who was on the roof?

    “Dane’s there now, I think” Dave continued. “He’ll be delivering the cash, and he’ll also be there by 4pm. Yea, that’s right. I think Duncan was caught sir”

    A bomb. 4pm? Money? This Dane must be an undercover character, working for Team Rocket. Maybe he was in Team rocket! I felt myself breathe deeply as I recollected the last few events.

    “So what’s after Saffron?” I heard Dave inquire. “I need to jot this down. Sorry. Ok, my mind, it’ll be in my mind. I suppose nobody can sir, no. Ok, right. Well, he’s still out there somewhere, so I hope we can focus on him soon enough”h

    Who were they talking about? It was confusing, although they had revealed a lot. Dave walked over to us, so I closed my eyes again. It was hard keeping them closed, especially when one knows one can use them.

    Misty stirred. Dave smacked her in the face, causing her to gasp. I squinted, and saw Misty’s face covered in blood. Dave wiped his fist on his sleeve. He then jabbed Misty, causing her to sleep again.

    “We should be expecting the bomb in three quarters of an hour” Dave told the person. “Thankyou sir. It’s been a pleasure”

    Dave then hung up, before dialling another number. I thought about my options:
    1. Break out of this ‘prison’ with Mudkip and Ekans; Wartortle had stayed in the woods when I was taken.
    2. Stay here and find out more about the plot, although time wasn’t keen on this idea.
    3. Stay and get smashed in until I died.

    Truth be told, all the ideas were bad, but they were my only ones. I thought hard to myself. I had to break out; it was my only way of doing something . I was about to reach for a Pokeball, when Dave walked over to me. Damnit! I made eye contact with him…

    He forced his fist into my face, smashing it and showering his knuckles with blood. I whimpered, as he injected me with the greeny-blue liquid. I felt light-headed and woozy, before I eventually started to droop.

    “No” I said lightly. “Let me…let me save the day…”



    Dane eagerly walked towards Saffron City. The walk had been about 25-30 minutes, with occasional stops for water or for our Pokemon to play. Dane’s Ninetales had ended up tackling Bulbasaur after they had a little scuffle. I know Bulbasaur was arrogant, but I still don’t like Dane…

    “Come on guys!” He said. We approached Saffron, which examined us closely from its towering skyscrapers. Krystal and me followed, less enthusiastic about the matter. We entered the city, clouds of exhaust clogging the streets. Koffing and Weezing hovered around higher up in the air, spreading their toxins.

    “This place is awful,” I gasped, clutching my throat. Dane didn’t seem to mind, but even Krystal and Marill seemed to be choking from the lack of oxygen. Kecleon seemed fine, but I was having a hard time myself.

    “It’ll be fine” Dane told us. “Now, who wants to visit Silph Co?”
    “What the hell is Silph Co?” I grumbled.
    “Don’t be like that!” Krystal snapped, slapping me lightly.

    “It’s a Pokeball manufacturers,” Dane explained. “Very educational, plus, you get to see loads of cool Pokeballs”
    “It SOUNDS like a load of Pokeballs” Chris added. (SM’s note: Get it?)

    “Please” Krystal pleaded. “Now Dane lets head inside”
    Dane escorted Krystal inside, Marill in her arms. Kecleon and me wandered behind, not really too thrilled about this.

    “I’d like to join the tour” Dane said, as we stepped inside the building. A lady sat at a desk across the room, and after paying, receiving tickets and joining the large group collecting by the stairwell, we wandered up the stairs.

    “Now then” A camp voice said. I looked over the heads to see a pompous man standing infront of the group. “I’m Vinny, and I’ll be your tour guide today”
    He was probably gay. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate gays, they can just scare me really. I’m never safe!

    Vinny was wearing leather trousers (*Sigh*), and a white button shirt. He had a large badge on his shirt saying ‘VINNY’, with ‘I’m a tour guide, too!’ written underneath. It wasn’t funny.

    Vinny led us up the stairs, telling us all about Pokeballs and how they were made. I looked at my watch. 3:16. Cool. Well, it wasn’t, actually, but it was something to think about…

    As we climbed up the stairs and arrived on the first floor, I thought about what Dane said. ‘At 4pm…’ were Krystal and myself in danger?


    This was boring! However, we were now on floor 7, looking at the reserve. It was a large grassy area inside, where Ponyta frolicked around. The whole thing was surrounded by glass, and we were now on flat conveyor belts that led around the perimeter of the reserve. When we came to a corner, we boarded a metal square, which connected to a conveyor belt shooting off across the next side. Behind the reserve was a large screen, saying ‘Silph Co: Where EVERY day at work is your best day at work!’ Trying to boost worker morale never worked…

    “And if you see this” Vinny said, holding a white Pokeball up. It had an orangey red stripe across the middle. “This is called a Premium Ball. You will each receive one at the end of the tour”

    People applauded and clapped. I sighed. It was actually a cool Pokeball, and I was glad I’d get one at the end of this crummy tour.

    Staring at my watch again, it read 3:33. I watched the second counter as it came closer to 33 seconds. A whole line of threes certainly would be cool. I waited…28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33…

    “Yea!” I cried, disturbing the tour. People looked at me as I showed them my watch. “3:33:33!”

    Suddenly, the lights went off. All the electricity was drained, leaving us in semi-darkness. I looked around wildly. The light came from the Ponyta’s flames, and the windows. It was still rather dark.

    Once again, our attention was diverted. I stared at the large screen, which now showed a picture of a familiar woman. It was her . Sandra .

    “Hello there” She said soothingly. “My name is Jocelyn Chambers, and I’m here to make a little proposition”

    I presumed this was being broadcast throughout the whole building, or even throughout the whole city. We watched in fear, but I noticed Dane watched happily, almost dribbling as he stared at Sandra. What was he up to?

    “We DEMAND £250,000” She snapped. “Or our bomb will go off in precisely 25 minutes from now”
    “4pm” I murmured. Dane WAS behind all of this! He must have been!

    “And” Sandra continued. “To prove I’m not bluffing…”
    She held a remote out. She pushed a red button on it, and the whole reserve exploded. Shards of glass flew at us rapidly, as well as foliage and debris. I shielded myself, dropping to my knees with Krystal.

    “Make it stop!” She cried. Marill and Kecleon were ducking down, too, and I felt plaster and dust shower us. I wished it would stop…please, make it stop! Fear swept over me, (although it could have been Krystal’s cape) and I screwed my eyes shut. This wasn’t happening .

    I stared up at Dane, who leant against the rail, watching silently. I couldn’t believe this! The rest of the group was on the floor, whimpering and crying, while he stared at Sandra with a determined look upon his face.

    What was going on? Dane had betrayed us (or he was about to), and I knew he was strong: he’d beaten Krystal and me in matches. Was it right to get to the bottom of this? Should I risk all in a battle for the truth?

    Plasterboard smashed over my head, and I felt myself collapse, unconscious.

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  28. #148
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Wow, a cliffhanger!

    Good chapter, I can't wait for the next chapter!

  29. #149
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Wow, that was a really great Chapter. I want to know what happens really badly. I have a prediction, however.

    In the first FRTC, in Chris's second dream, they are on the roof of Silph Co, and Sandra points a gun at Chris. Al is there, somehow, and he jumps in the way of a bullet.


  30. #150
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Oh dear. Yes, the's happening, but who knows what will really happen. This is gonna be huge. More, must have more. *knocks sense into self* I'm ok.

  31. #151
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Hanada: The cliffhangers are everywhere - Chris and Silph Co, Tony's kidnap, Megan's stowaway antics. The whole thing starts to center around this part of the fic...but where can we draw a line? A life, perhaps?

    Mr Mayor: Chris did see something in Chapter 16...Al took Sandra's bullet. What does this mean? The end of TIR is starting to become rather hard...I'll say this: Al may not be in at the end...but where are they? Its either Silph or Saffron Gym...but whats with the Gyms? Cerulean AND Saffron... its all falling together...

    Jukain: It's still BIG...and I think it will all flood back to Chris at the end...memories from this trip to Saffron...something he will never forget! I'm glad you're here to see's big...

    There won't be a chapter tomorrow, sorry. Tomorrow is my REVISION DAY! Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I have SATS. I need to do all my revision tomorrow...and to let this Chapter sink in, but that may not be so, it depends.

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  32. #152
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    I have finals this week, but if I remember it's only one day, so that'll be good. I have to move on Friday, and they don't have Internet where I'm moving to. Who knows how long I'll be gone after that, but however long it takes to get a good ISP.

  33. #153
    Returning Hotshot Junior Trainer
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Oh, the suspense.
    I bet you all really hate me......but i don't care!

    -Oakbark regains control-

    Shut up you!
    Good luck on your SATS SM, and bring the next chapter soon!!!!!!!!
    Things are getting interesting, and i hope you'll be able to tie up all the loose ends to make the fic really interesting!

    And SORRY for Ninetales, I think Dane must've been trying to punish Bulbasaur for not joining his team.

    -Dane comes back-

    Too right I was punishing him!
    Stupid weed......

    Watch out for my new fanfic - Changing times

    * Chapter 1 Up! *

  34. #154

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    I loved this chapter. I always love all chapters in any stories where everything seems to be lost. Good luck on the SATS!

    Tony: The question is: If you had a gun and David was standing in front of you, but Misty was watching, would you shoot him?
    The Quest for the Legends

    Chapter seventy-seven, THE END, up!

    Also check out the spin-off, Scyther's Story, as well as its sequel, The Fall of a Leader.

    Winner of six 2008 Silver Pencils, including Best Fiction Overall and Best Plot
    Now concluded with chapter fourteen!

  35. #155
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Jukain: I'm sure you'll get through! I hope you'll be here soon for TIR, and i hope you enjoy the plotline. I am writing Chapter 27 - Finals, which will firstly close up the Rika Battle, re-unite Chris and Krystal, and add more to Megan's final mission. Hopefully som more Tony will be in, which is great, because a large cliffhanger is at the end of Chapter 26!

    Oakbark: The next Chapter is up on thursday. It's so good i read it again :-p

    Dragonfree: thanks! The revision starts here! i'm revising maths . Oh well. it'll all be over in a week! *pant*

    Tony: well, now that Misty knows Dave can do this, I'd pull the trigger. All i need NOW is a gun...

    Dave: Nighty night...*gets out syringe*

    Misty: Please...PLEASE GET HELP! *gets injected* ple...please...we need you...we're at c- we're at ce- *faints*

    Dave: "Don't worry. Cerulean is secured now. Tell Domino to head to Pewter, and is Jet at Saffron? No? Ok. Well, if Sandra is making her way to Fuchsia after The Saffron Bomb, then we're ok. Thankyou for your time, Sir"

    The whole thing is going to plan. Firstly we'll get Kanto, then who knows?

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  36. #156
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Good chapter, sorry Tony, there can only be one hero at times. Was a good chapter, well hope Dane gets caught. He he. Well gues I have to check in on Thursday, sigh
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  37. #157
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Powarun: Tony HAS to be able to escape....or will this be what the Treachery is refering to? Hmm. I really enjoy creating and writing the Tony saga, because he was once such a deadbeat character. I hope you enjoy what happens: I'll say deaths, mazes, pursuit and honour to sum his up!

    Rika: So, any questions for me? I am *cough* THE MIAMI LEAGUE CHAMPION!

    Thomas: Not much longer...*strums Pokeball* Read below for any information, folks.

    ---Thomas is a new character introduced in this next Chapter. Based on my best Mate Thomas Chambers, he will play a minor role in the fic! He is seen a few times: and if Tom is out there in Pokemon land, then PM me and we can talk!----

    and so, the Tales of Trechery conclude with Chapter 18! I hope you enjoy ' Revenge, Back-stabs and bullets'!

    Tales of Treachery, part 4
    Chapter 18
    By Shinymarill


    “This match will be a 6-6” The referee declared. “Pokemon may not be withdrawn from the challenger, Thomas Chambers, or the Champion, Rika Trueman. After one trainer has lost three Pokemon, an arena change will occur”

    I stared across at Thomas. He looked about 14. He had bleached hair, which was gelled to the e-x-t-r-e-m-e. It was spiked at the front, curling over slightly. It looked razor sharp. He had green eyes, but wasn’t as tall as me!

    He wore skater clothes. He had dark baggy jeans on, and wore a navy blue hoody with a Red and white Pokeball on the front. He looked like he gave a damn about his dress sense, which was great for an opponent!

    “Get them, Salmenace!” Tom cried. His Pokeball burst open and released a pearly white light. It then took the form of this hideous dragon. It was a deep purple, with orange wings. On all fours, it roared loudly.

    “Hmm!” I declared. I got out Ditto’s Pokeball. Throwing it out, I imagined Roy boasting to his friends about this. He was such a loser! Ditto formed, and bounced around like flubber! That movie rocked…I suddenly noticed Ditto was a bright blue colour! It was shiny!

    “Salmenace! Flamethrower!” Tom cried. Salmenace ran forward, before pressing down and shooting into the air. It soared high, blasting streaks of flames from its mouth at Ditto. Ditto, however, just leapt to the side with its rubbery body.

    “Haha! Loser!” I cried. “Ditto! Transform!”
    Ditto slowly glowed white, before taking the shape of a Salmenace. However, this one was different. It must be a shiny one. It was a bright green instead of purple. I liked it a little more than Tom’s one.

    “Dragon rage!” I shouted. My Salmenace leapt through the air and fired a blazing streak of green flames forward. Tom’s Salmenace leapt to the right evasively, and blasted another flamethrower, hitting my Pokemon.

    “No!” I whined, biting my lip. I did that a lot when I was nervous. Salmenace got himself up, and shot into the air. Tom’s dragon followed as the fight now switched to the skies. Flamethrowers were fired from Tom’s Salmenace, but mine evaded all three.

    “Aerial Ace” Tom continued. Salmenace soared sharply, turning and shooting at my beaten up dragon. However, he sprung into the air, spreading his bright wings and managing to glide quickly, evading the attack.

    “Skull bash!” I shouted. Turning sharply, Salmenace shot straight at Tom’s, and smacked it head on. Both dropped form the sky, but Tom’s purple dragon pulled out, spiralling across the rocky ground and shooting back through the air. Mine wasn’t as fortunate, smashing against the ground painfully.

    “No!” I shouted again. Salmenace, mine that is, looked terrible. He had burns from the close flamethrowers, and scratches and grazes from his date with the ground. I thought carefully. One Pokemon would be down, but pretty early on. Should I recall Salmenace? He was weak, but that Ditto Roy recommended was in rough shape now; I might not have such a good chance…. Either way, I had worn Salmenace out pretty well, he wouldn’t last much longer…

    “Ditto, return” I said, shooting the beam at Ditto and bringing him back to safety. “Sorry about that”

    The crowd were cheering as I chose my next Pokemon. I thought about my options carefully. What to use…what to use…



    I lay there, among the plaster and dust. My mind swirled as I thought about what it was I could do. Dane, however, had gone up to see the head of Silph, Lionel Hughes, to request something. What it was, I had no idea.

    “Are you Ok?” I asked Krystal. She nodded, before coughing loudly. She picked Marill up and dusted herself off.
    “We need to get out of here,” Krystal said. “It’s the best thing to do”

    “The whole building has been shut off” A man told us. “They’re questioning individuals now, to make sure they weren’t in any connection with the explosion”

    “How will they know?” I asked curiously.
    “Well, Pokemon trainers like you will have ID numbers, right? Those show any links with people like Team Rocket, so unless you are behind it, you’ll be fine”

    “Yea” Krystal said, sighing heavily. Well, we only had to wait now, but how was the money getting delivered? Maybe that’s what Dane was doing…to pass through and leave the building…

    “Look” I said, pointing to the reserve. It was a smashed up, bashed up collection of ruins, smashed trees lying on top of the Ponyta corpses. It was a sickening sight, to see such beautiful Pokemon mauled down underneath large plastic trees. Kecleon looked pretty shaken, but I assured him it would be Ok.

    “Now all we can do is wait,” Krystal said. She released Seel and Flaaffy, her much more portable Pokemon. Charizard and Steelix would just take up room and probably destroy things…

    Seel slapped his stomach with his fin. He was a lazy bugger! Flaaffy seemed more hyper, charging here and there, blasting short streaks of electricity from his horns. He was a truly active Pokemon.

    I got out a Pokeball and released Pidgeotto and Bulbasaur. Pidgeotto shot around the room, cawing his name. Bulbasaur, however, lay down and stared at everybody darkly. He was the different sort of lazy…

    People were rushed in to take care of the injured. There was a shooting pain down my arm, but I didn’t want to cause any hassle. I just shook it off. However, a medic ran over to me. She had short brown hair, and blue eyes.

    “Oh dear” She said, grabbing my arm. I yelped in pain, but she kept examining it. “It looks broken”

    “Broken?” I asked her. “But…”
    “You must have dived down awkwardly,” She told me. I looked at the ground ominously.

    “Come with me” She said, leading me off to a staircase. “I’ll take you to the medical room”

    I watched Krystal, Marill, Seel, Flaaffy and Kecleon as I was dragged off. I hope I wasn’t going to be long; I really wanted to stay and keep them safe.


    I ran down the staircase; at the top of the flight of stairs was a medical room, but the rest of the building had been shut off. I had a cast on, which would stay on for two weeks! It was so unfair!

    “Are you alright?” Krystal asked, hugging me.
    “Yea, apart from this stupid cast” I said. Krystal chuckled. “Where did Dane go?”

    “He’s delivering the money,” Krystal said. “What a hero…”
    I sighed to myself. She was falling into his clutches, but I knew not to show it. The time wasn’t right, and my opinion had to be put aside, just this once…

    “How noble” I said cheerily. Looks like Krystal liked that comment. She nodded, saying ‘Uhh-huh!’ and we wandered around the wreckage. It was all we could do, really.

    “There’s a gym here,” Krystal said. “But the leader’s gone missing”
    “Really?” I asked. This was weird: the Gym leader leaving his post! Maybe I could run it! Yea…Chris the Gym leader. Had a nice ring to it.

    “Don’t worry,” I said. “What’s the next city after Saffron?”
    “I don’t know” Krystal admitted. “I’m sure Kimi is in Celadon, but that might be close or near”

    Kimi was Krystal’s cousin. She lived in Pontaricò with Krystal, and me too, and had chosen a Torchic for her Miami League badge-spree. Krystal had told me that Torchic had remained unevolved, rather like Krystal’s Marill, but Kimi had gathered a nice collection of Pokemon from many Islands we hadn’t visited. The Miami League had 15 Gyms, but only 10 badges were needed, so people took various sea routes to get to various Gyms. Rika, the Champion last year, had taken a different route to us, and therefore had 7 different badges to Krystal and me. Kimi had taken a really long route, but been to many different places.

    I looked at my watch. It was 3:57. Only three minutes until our fate was decided…my heart skipped a beat through fear, and I felt myself gasp uncontrollably. I could die. My whole life could wither away before me. College…University…my first job…my first pint…all these things may never even happen.

    “Krystal” I said to my friend. “We might not have long”
    “Dane is delivering the money,” Krystal told me. “He’s got guts, Dane has”
    Thinking about it, she was right. Dane was (in my opinion) up to no good, so he may well be getting them their money delivered.

    “Maybe you’re right,” I said, thinking a little more. It didn’t sound good, really, but I think we might be all right. I looked around; most people were being treated upstairs with minor or major injuries. Vinny, the tour guide, had been smacked over the head by a shrub and collapsed. He was unconscious.

    Everybody turned to face the screen (it was in ok condition, however) as it flashed on. Sandra appeared again.

    “Thankyou for the donation” She said sweetly. “But now, you will be seeing something very nice indeed”
    The screen turned off. People panicked and worried as they wondered what might happen.

    Suddenly, figures burst through the doors. There were about 30, most charging up to other floors. Leading them was none other than Sandra , flicking her hair back as she paraded onto the scene. She had a Pokeball in her hand, which was a deep violet instead of red. It had a yellow star on the front. It wasn’t Starmie’s…

    “Hey there” She said to us. She held the ball back slightly, before drawing a pistol. “If you beat me in a Pokemon match, then you are all free to go”

    “You’re way too strong,” I said. “You’re a professional evil woman, and we’re just trainers”
    “Oh, it’s you” She said, eyeing me sourly. “Naturally, you couldn’t put up a fight, but somebody else can”

    “You can’t make us!” A man cried, standing up to Sandra. He had bushy brown hair and green eyes. “But I’ll take you on anyway”
    He threw a Pokeball down to the ground and released a Donphan. The Donphan pawed the ground furiously.

    “I don’t really battle those headstrong, ‘leader of the pack’ style people,” Sandra said dully. She aimed the gun at the mans head and pulled the trigger.

    With a sickening squelch, half of the mans face collapsed in a bloody heap on the ground. Krystal screamed loudly, as did many other people. I leapt back in shock, as the figure collapsed in a heap on the floor. Donphan, tears spilling down his face, stepped back in confusion.

    “You witch!” Krystal said, hatred flowing from her tongue. “How DARE you kill that innocent person? He challenged you to a match, which is what you wanted, and you shot him! You’re a demanding old cow!”

    Sandra watched Krystal with interest. “Come here, child”
    “I will” Krystal spat. She wandered over and faced Sandra.
    “I like your style” She said. “How about a battle?”

    “Any day” Krystal said sourly. “Flaaffy, get out there!”
    She hadn’t noticed that Dane hadn’t returned, although Sandra had. I actually wondered if Dane was all right…

    “Flaaffy?” Sandra asked. “What a lovely Pokemon”
    “Thanks” Krystal said, her teeth grinding wildly. Sandra held her Pokeball out, before dropping it onto the ground. It bounced off the floor, and opened up. The light poured out and took the form of her Pokemon…

    It was purple, with two gem-like eyes. It had flat hands and feet, and looked around.
    “Sable” It said. “Sableye”

    I walked over to a thin girl watching the battle. She was wearing tight jeans, and was very skinny. Sorta like a twig. She had thin arms, and wore a quicksilver t-shirt. She had long mousy brown hair in a bobble. She held out a Pokedex.

    “New Pokedex?” I asked. She nodded.
    “It’s got information on over 350 Pokemon” She boasted. While mine was held sorta like a calculator, she held this like a personal organiser, with a large button on the side like a Pokeball. It displayed Sableye on the screen.

    Sableye: Classed as the Immunity Pokemon. As it is ghost and dark, it is immune to every type. It can use its mean look to root a person or Pokemon to the spot, before performing a deadly curse attack to vaporise the human opponent. Pokemon, however, will steadily lose battle stats until they cannot battle. A truly devastating Pokemon, it is rare and dangerous.

    I looked at the somewhat puny Pokemon. Maybe that Pokedex entry applied to bigger, older Sableye? I watched as the battle began.

    “Flaaffy! Thunderbolt!” Krystal screamed. Flaaffy released a humongous jet of blue electricity from his horns. It tore through the air at Sableye, who showed no signs of trying to prevent the attack whatsoever.

    “Sableye! Faint attack!” Sandra cried happily. Sableye’s mysterious eyes flickered a deep blue. The thunderbolt shot straight through him, causing Sableye to become transparent. He then disappeared completely, leaving Flaaffy and Krystal deeply confused.

    “Ssssable!” Sableye screeched, appearing in mid-air and slamming onto Flaaffy. Flaaffy fell onto the ground, as Sableye held a fist back. Sandra was grinning happily, while the group of rockets and our group of normal, everyday people watched.

    “That’s it! Focus punch!” Sandra said gleefully. Slamming his fist down, Sableye smashed it into Flaaffy’s jaw. Flaaffy bled excessively, and started to stumble back as he took the damage.

    “Sableye! Mean look!” Sandra commanded, her voice now a petrified screech. Sableye’s eyes glowed a dim black, before that same glow shrouded around Flaaffy. Flaaffy watched his feet, confused, and tried to move. However, this looked doubtful. Sableye’s eyes then started flickering through red, blue and purple.

    “Flaaffy! Send a thunderbolt out!” Krystal ordered. Flaaffy released a large attack towards Sableye, and managed to make the little gremlin scream in pain. He screeched loudly as he collapsed onto the ground in pain.

    The electricity cleared, and Sableye was seen on the ground in a heap. Krystal cheered, and she had reason to, but soon enough the gremlin disappeared in a cloud of dust. Sableye had disappeared.

    “Ssssable!” Sableye screeched, flying down from above and latching onto Flaaffy’s head. Flaaffy tried to shock him off, but he simply became invisible, (which I presumed cancelled the attack).

    “Sableye! Curse!” Sandra said happily. Sableye’s eyes flickered those same shades of red, blue and purple, before he held his hands out infront of him. Flaaffy started to droop as he changed colour; red, blue and then purple. It was incredible to watch, even if it was hell for Flaaffy to endure.

    Flaaffy cried out his name as he fell down to the ground. He was dizzy, and rather dehydrated. He had been sapped of his strength, and I was unsure of weather or not he could reclaim it.

    “Excuse Me,” I said to the girl. “Can I use that Pokedex?”
    “Sure” She said, handing it to me. “I’m Georgina, by the way”
    “Chris” I said, clicking ‘more detail’ on this curse.

    Curse is a deadly attack performed by ghost Pokemon. It sneakily saps the strength of Pokemon, reducing their statistics until they cannot battle. It is difficult to learn, and very difficult to master, so many Pokemon find they do not perform it. Pokemon that have been cursed usually regain their natural strength after a couple of days

    “Thanks Georgina” I said, handing Georgina her Pokedex. “So, are you a beginner trainer?”
    “Sorta” She said. “I come from Fuchsia City, and I left with my Nidorina. We’ve been training and collecting badges, and I was going to get my third here”

    “Cool” I said. “So, there are 2 more gyms on the way to Fuchsia?”
    “Yea, in Fuchsia itself and Celadon” Georgina said. “I really like your Kecleon”

    Kecleon, however, was with Marill as they watched the battle. Kecleon didn’t respond to the nice compliment.

    “Flaa!” Flaaffy screamed, as Sableye used a dynamicpunch to smash him in the face. He was pulled out of his mean look and smacked against the ground, rolling along and getting blood on his wool.

    “Flaaffy!” Krystal cried. She bent down and hugged her Pokemon. “Lets return you”
    She shot the Ultra ball at Flaaffy, and looked at Sandra. Sandra had Sableye by her side, and got out her gun.

    “We had a deal,” She said lightly, pointing it at Krystal. Krystal was panicky. I felt I had to do something…something heroic…I could battle Sandra. Yea, show the ***** where to stand.

    “Granbull, go!” I shouted, not realising what I was doing. My Granbull raced forward and tackled Sandra to the ground, sending the pistol flying across the floor. Granbull stayed on top of Sandra, ripping her shirt with his fangs.

    “Sableye!” Sandra cried. “Tackle!”
    Sableye raced forward and smacked Granbull off Sandra. The two Pokemon were engrossed in a scuffle, before Sandra got back up.

    “Take that!” She screamed, picking up her pistol.

    She fired a bullet straight at Sableye, as he aimed a slap at Granbull. I was amazed. Sableye was going to be killed!

    Sableye, however, vanished in a puff of smoke, and disappeared completely. The bullet ripped through Granbull’s skin and sent wave after wave of blood out. Granbull clutched his chest and collapsed on the floor.

    “NO!!!” I screamed, racing forward. I helped pick Granbull up, and supported his head as I knelt down. “Are you Ok?”

    Granbull looked up at me, sorrow in his eyes. He couldn’t die! I watched mournfully as he gasped, trying to speak. Granbull just shook his head weakly through gasps, before collapsing limply in my arms.

    “NO!!!” I screamed again, holding Granbull close. I shut out the outside world as I sobbed into the corpse of my good old Bulldog Pokemon. He didn’t deserve to die! I screamed and bawled as I clutched his head to my chest.

    “No…” I murmured. “GRANBULL!!!”
    Krystal came over with Marill and Kecleon. They comforted me slightly, but I shook it off. Granbull…

    Krystal turned hastily as Sandra wandered over. She drew her pistol and aimed it at me, as Krystal took a step back. Sandra grinned, flicking her hair from her face. I stared at her.

    “Why not go and join him?” She asked me. I frowned, before leaping up. I forced my fist at her and smacked her in the face, sending a shower of blood from her nose. She stumbled back, this time shooting wildly into the air. She had a gun. I knew that, but I had to stand up to her.

    “NO!” I roared. “YOU *****!”
    I smashed Sandra in the face again, and she fell onto her buttocks. She looked flustered, but her gun was still in her hand. I looked down at it.

    “Go ahead” I said. “Do your worst”
    “If…if that’s what you want” Sandra gasped, staring up at me. “We can both enjoy this”

    I launched a kick into her face, and then kicked the gun. It dropped onto the ground and skidded along, landing a few feet away. Everybody seemed to stare at it as if it were made of gold…that precious gun…

    I then watched as it was picked up. I looked up to see a figure I didn’t expect one bit…


    He stood there, pointing the gun at Sandra’s head. It was now that I became properly aware of Georgina and the rest of the tour group. Team rocket had all gone to the upper floor.

    “I’ll enjoy this” Al sneered. “You’ve made me who I am, and I don’t really feel like thanking you for it”

    He looked ready to pull the trigger. Now, in this bizarre twist, seconds lasted hours, as Sandra stared up at Al, regretting a hell of a lot. Al gritted his teeth and wore an insane grin as sweat ran down his fingers.

    “You *****” Al uttered. “You are a complete and utter *****, and I should kill you right now”
    “Go on” She said, her voice an attempt at being stern. It instead, however, came out as a weak cry.

    “But I’m not going to” He said. He stared at her deeply. The gun stayed there, held up to Sandra. “Just go now, go and piss off back to your HQ and leave me alone. Leave my life. I’ll be better off”

    “Deal” She grumbled. Al pulled his hand back, as Sandra got up slowly. “SABLEYE! Mean look!”

    Sableye reappeared by Sandra’s side and cast a shadowy skull forward. It whooshed into Al’s stomach and seized him up completely. The only thing that moved was his shocked expression.

    “Haha!” She cried. She prised the gun from Al’s grip and pointed it at him. “Come with us”

    Sableye used a psychic attack to lift Al up. Rockets flooded back down the stairs, and began to lead the party. Al was after them, being controlled by Sableye and threatened by Sandra. The rest of the rockets joined, and the group walked off.

    We all lay there in the semi-darkness. It was quiet. I looked back at Granbull and burst into tears. I fell to the ground, the tour group watching and talking. Krystal re-assured me with Kecleon and Marill, but the fact is, losing a Pokemon was just as bad as losing a limb.

    [b]Chapter 19 - The Fear Factor
    Up on 8th May, 2003.[/u]

    -Chris considers where to go next after Granbull's death:
    “Well, I was hoping I could go to Lavender town” I explained. “And meet you in Celadon City or something. I could cremate Granbull at Pokemon Tower, and then go to meet you in Celadon City; you can stay with Kimi and Brock”

    -Meanwhile, Tony manages to move a step forward...only to take two steps back....
    Misty sobbed on, as I prepared to launch Ekans onto Dave. However, Exeggutor blasted a powder from his head, which started to stain my clothes a yellow colour. I gasped, inhaling the powder, before I collapsed on the floor. I heard another thud, probably Misty…

    -As Krystal sets off she is caught up in catching a Murkrow...until she has a 'slight' reunion:
    [i]“Murkrow?” I asked, wandering through into a cleared space. It was sorta circular, with a few yellow flowers growing around it. I walked into the clearing more, searching for Murkrow. I then looked up to see him in a treetop. I stepped forward, but a hand clasped around my mouth and pulled me back. I felt myself touch a body…

    “Hey there, Krystal” I heard Dane purr.

    All on Thursday!

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  38. #158
    Advanced Trainer
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    Powarun's Avatar
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Holy shi!, that was a freaky skin crawling chapter, dang that was good. Even though I disliked Granbull it did not deserve to die. Poor thing, I am speechless so that is all I can say.
    MOments later.

    No, that was bad, Sandra doesn't deserve to die she needs to be tortured. Holy Miltank, that was good.
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  39. #159
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road


    Wow. That chapter was powerful. However, I dispised it. Not the chapter itself I guess, but the fact that Granbull died. I like Granbull, I thikn he's a cool Pokemon. I can't believe Sandra could be so heartless. I think Al should have shot her. The guy having his head shot off was kind of greusome too...

    She kind of reminds me of the villian I am planning for my next fic.

    Great Chapter though

  40. #160
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    I am very pleased at this, and how the response is! Chapter 17 and 18 were two large acomplishments of mine, and I really think this fic has drifted away from trainerishness as well! Do you agree?

    well, the spring awards will be coming up, no? Lets hope I get some votes!

    Powarun: Touched, are you? I'm glad my work has lifted your character a little...maybe for the best? who knows. Granbull was a Pokemon I myself cheifly loved, but life chooses the unlucky ones, not you. Oh well. Sandra....does she die? does she live? Well...lets say that Chris has another dream...and it's much more accurate! Much more.

    Mr Mayor: As i've said, i'm pleased you've been wrapped into this so well. Granbull was such a good character!

    I did like him a lot...but I'd spent a long time devising a new member for Chris team - his new catches were early and i thought i'd help the fic slide with a new Pokemon. Granbull was going to meet his old trainer, who battled Chris for his faithful Granbull back.

    Unfortunately, Chris lost, and had to hand him over. That sucked. Chris WILL, i repeat WILL catch a new, ADVANCE Pokemon! when? where? WHY? you'll see later.

    Oakbark: Al is goodnatured. Chapter 26 is a delve into his personality, and we see how he came to be himself. Awards? lol, lets hope, eh? anyway, stunning is maybe an overstatement, but i DO like compliments...

    Chris: look guys...just dont ask my any questions, K? I'm not in the mood...

    Kecleon: I guess the Pokemon are the only ones fit to answer queries....wanna hear my account of it? the full scoop: £500!

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


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