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Thread: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

  1. #121
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Kalah Appears! Hey K-ster where in TX is McNinja? BTW I have so much I want to talk to you about tonight! * Spins around Loli style and then faints *

  2. #122
    Beside Myself Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    OOT @ Roy: OMG Princess Tutu LOL

    @ Kalah: Hmmm it's just me and my Team 8 biasedness but.. I liked the Team 8 one better ^^;; ...and I would bug everyone to post if I dared to :x anyway! Here's to the next time we meet on AIM because Mcninja has dropped a big spoiler about the Chuunin exams on my head and I want to fangirl about it/discuss it with you AHAHAHAHAHA *brandishes humongous, shiny spoiler*

    fangirling is my real day job

  3. #123

    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    You don't need to bug me to post. I would've posted again already except I was the last one to post. I can't wait to read new posts when I get home tonight. I suspect I will be staying up late to post myself. Really late possibly depending on when other people's new posties are up....... So, I will hold you all responsible if I am up till 4am waiting for posts to respond to. Promises have been made and I will be up till I see them done!

    ^_^ but no pressure or anything........

  4. #124
    Beside Myself Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    *thumbs up at JT* YES!! Here's to Naruto RPG obsession!!! xD hm I think PJBW wrote something already only it's probably a one paragraph/dialogue something, meh I already satisfied my nonsensical posting urge temporarily in A Shadow Upon Heaven so I can wait :3
    .... or not, depending on how hyper I am :33

    fangirling is my real day job

  5. #125
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Just noting that tomorrow I'll be posting as a reprieve from my studies. I'll probably have Shiro going after Den.
    Stop trembling
    Open your eyes
    Release your own time! Shootin’ star going towards the future!
    Draw the arch of light
    You’ll reach it, if you keep believing
    When the voice that calls for you
    Bursts open in your heart
    Everything will start, Believer!

  6. #126
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Hello to all of you.

    So we have a lounge to huh. Pretty nice.

    I'd like to thank bulbasaur first for letting me join.

    Second for drawing Soen.

    And third, you can all add me on AIM if you want. My screen name is Chishio Soen or ChishioSoen. I'm not used to the program yet but I think it's the second one.

    How do you deal with unexpected pregnancies?

  7. #127

    Smile Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Hello all! Finally I can post here!

    I am techically a LSU even though I did post my sign-up on the Sign-Up form, but with some complications it did take a while. Hopefully, I can help make this RPG a good one with all of your particapants.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  8. #128
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    *huggles her two LSUs*
    Awww... they're so kawaiii!! ^_^

    In any case, woot for posting! *dies* Now I gotta finish my sound bios and come up with some new stuffs.
    ... all after sun bathing! *frolicks*

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  9. #129
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge


    I really really really really want to post.

    Unfortunately I'm in Australia.

    (for the uninformed, I normally live in England)

    I'm really too busy having fun with these guys I'm travelling with that it'd seem selfish to say 'Hey guys, can I stop for an hour, I wanna post in a Naruto RPG on a Pokemon board'.

    Rest assured, if the oppotunity arises, I will try to take it.

    In the meantime, Inakamo will have to remain an NPC I suppose.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  10. #130
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Welcome to Australia! The Country of Awesome! Hey, maybe I'll see you if you stop in Souht Australia.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  11. #131
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Behold my boredom!

    Raizen & Ushi
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  12. #132

    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Quote Originally Posted by Bulbasaur4 View Post

    Behold my boredom!

    Raizen & Ushi
    If you're bored you could always post. ^_^

  13. #133
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    lol, the day before that I wanted to draw and I didn't because I spent the whole night planning and writing for multiple RPGs. Not that I didn't enjoy it... just melts your brain. So I believe I had it due to be bored and able to draw instead of writing. ^_^ *huggles her tablet*

    Although I'll be posting again today/tonight. Weeeeeeeee!!
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  14. #134
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    >.<;; My flight was delayed for five hours.... gaaaahhhh! *cries*
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  15. #135
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Welcome back Kalah! Hope you had fun on your trip though.

  16. #136
    Beside Myself Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Anoooou *cough* Arnen, are you still around?? As a disclaimer before PJBW and I write battleposty, Haru's going to be getting slowly more confident and/or snarky, though he's still quiet - sort of like the guy who's rather quiet, but catches onto anything that's going on and is probably more perceptive than either one of his teammates.

    fangirling is my real day job

  17. #137
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    I will give you all a swift kick in the butt if yah don't start post'n again reeeaaal soon.

    I guess I will implement a warning to all- if you are inactive for two weeks, without warning me of your absense, I reserve the right to... ahem, terminate characters. This doesn't mean that if down the line you become active again you can't rejoin the RPG... it just means your charry is... umm... terminated, if I chose to do that.

    I know that seems rather rough... but I think you guys understand. It helps me weed out inactive RPers while keeping plot lines going and offering me some useful plot movers.

    Of course, people like Heald who have informed me of their absense a head of time are exempt from the 2 week rule. ^_^
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  18. #138
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    I guess I'll need to post more than. *posts*
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  19. #139
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Just posting to note that due to schoolwork I only have time to post at the plot points. So it's rather hard for me to do char dev when I see that pile of work eyeballing me...However, spring break is coming up, so I'll just say I'll be posting next Monday or whenever my team's storyline kicks back up. Apologize dearly for the inconvenience, if I find a pause before then I will post.

    EDIT: Looking at my agenda, that means in the next two days. Maybe.
    Last edited by Shadow Djinn; 27th March 2007 at 02:29 AM.
    Stop trembling
    Open your eyes
    Release your own time! Shootin’ star going towards the future!
    Draw the arch of light
    You’ll reach it, if you keep believing
    When the voice that calls for you
    Bursts open in your heart
    Everything will start, Believer!

  20. #140
    Beside Myself Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge


    Team 14/15/2 continuation will be posted soon. Really. I have.. three paragraphs of vagueness, planned to end with Miharu and Yukiso saving our collective arses, that I will continue directly after PJBW (eventually) posts his Hige-grandstanding-pwning-and-etc opener... which I think he has written half of.. I *think*...

    yes procrastination *hides*

    fangirling is my real day job

  21. #141
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    I was getting worried Soen needed to rescue himself.

    How do you deal with unexpected pregnancies?

  22. #142
    Beside Myself Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Okay a follow-up update on the Team 2 rescue mission posting situation: (:x)

    1. PJBW's internet is (still) shot
    2. He's done his post
    3. I've done my post
    4. Sadly in chronological order his post goes before mine
    5. However, I'll put mine up (for if you all really can't wait to move the plot) if his internet is still shot by Sunday (Sunday morning, GMT +8 hours that is - Saturday night for you Americans).

    fangirling is my real day job

  23. #143
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Okay, that sounds like a plan. I will be posting Monday to continue the plot. It will finish up the missions and allow for some 'free time' activity for a week, before the next arc begins. ^_^

    This gives me time to start the Immortals RPG! ^_^
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  24. #144
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    I have a petite request.

    I was wondering if you guys would allow me to make a fanfic about this. I'll focus on my characters life and can explain a lot of things about his past. But at a certain point, I would come across your characters so I'm asking for permission to use them (as portraited in the RPG).

    Still, this is just a thought and I might not go through with it. But if I can hang on to it for a long time, I would appreciate that you guys would allow me to use your characters.

    How do you deal with unexpected pregnancies?

  25. #145
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    I have no problem with you using the charries that I have created. In actuality, I was thinking of doing a similiar thing! ^_^ Of course, it'd be slightly tweaked since I have 2 Naruto RPGs to go off of .

    Tee hee! When you have any chapters up and/or done, feel free to post their linkies here!
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  26. #146
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Feel free to use Selekis Silencer. Just remember that he does not talk.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  27. #147
    Just add vitamin "D" Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Raizen is at your disposal Silencer.
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    But there isn't a man alive able to influence
    The Wolves of Mebu.

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  28. #148
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    I'm just going to check up on something. The usage of -san, -kun, -chan and the like

    * someone outside of the family
    * someone not considered to be a close friend

    * mostly used towards males
    * used by superiours to inferiours
    * generaly used to male children

    * the female version of -kun

    * eg: used by a younger student towards an older student.

    * teacher

    * superiour
    * someone you show respect to

    * used when speaking towards a lord
    * used when speaking to someone of equal level, but you show respect towards him/her

    long live wikipedia for providing me with this knowledge

    But does anyone know how to adress your parents and other relatives such as brothers?
    Last edited by Silencer; 2nd April 2007 at 08:18 AM.

    How do you deal with unexpected pregnancies?

  29. #149
    Beside Myself Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Hmm actually -chan may be used for males as well, but only for little kids; some little boys may not even like being addressed as -chan ie. Konohamaru. So you can use it to taunt people as well. (haha) -chan also denotes closeness to the person addressed.

    haha - (respectful) mother
    okaa-san - mom, mommy
    chichi - (respectful) father
    otou-san - dad, daddy
    oyajii - some tough guys use this to call their dad. Ref: Inuzuka Hige. Literally the japanese version of 'my old man'

    Aneki - older sister, a bit formal I think
    Aniki - older brother, ditto above. This is what Sasuke used to call Itachi.
    Onee-san/onee-chan - older sister, common usage
    Onii-san/onii-chan - older brother, common usage
    Otouto - younger brother
    Imouto - younger sister

    Ok some more stuff for your listy Silencer. :3

    -chin - alternate version of -chan; supposed to be 'cuter' or more 'childish', also rarer. AFAIK for females only
    -tan - a child's mispronounciation of '-chan', kinda otakuish
    *no suffix* - In Japan this would be considered really rude unless you are VERY close to the person addressed. Like, even closer than -chan. Very informal.
    Kohai - this is a general term for underclassmen. No need to attach to the end of names; it's like a freshman would call a sophomore 'Aizawa-sempai' but the sophomore would refer to the freshman when introducing, "This is my kohai."

    And you can use Kukai in your fic if you like. :33
    Last edited by Emotional Faun Chiko-sai; 2nd April 2007 at 09:09 AM. Reason: even MORE keigo

    fangirling is my real day job

  30. #150
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Thanks to all who have allowed me to use their characters so far.

    I have uploaded the prologue as a .doc to my esnips account. Just say so here and I'll PM you the link where you can dl it and future chapters.

    I plan on posting it in the fanfic section someday so if you don't feel like dling then you can just wait.

    And before you ask, I have the standard English spellchecker meaning it checks for british writing. Sorry if it freaks on your system.

    The first chapter will have English(USA) spellcheck though.

    How do you deal with unexpected pregnancies?

  31. #151
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Masato would love for you to write about him, in fact he'll start speaking in the third person now...ha ha ha ha

  32. #152
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Wow Pat, that was the lamest thing ever. xD

    I'll take the PM link.
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  33. #153
    Just add vitamin "D" Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    *smacks Duke* Yeah, I'd like the Pm link too please.
    You can train a dog with food.
    You can buy a person with money.
    But there isn't a man alive able to influence
    The Wolves of Mebu.

    -Saito Hajime

  34. #154
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Hey all.

    Having fun in Oz. In fact I have 2 months to go!

    Kalah, did you get that post I sent you for the Chunin exams? Hope that should cover Inakamo's action until I get back in June.

    Anyway, I'm supremely jealous that I missed out on the fighting, but hopefully I'll make up for it in a few months time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  35. #155

    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Hey all.

    Having fun in Oz. In fact I have 2 months to go!

    Kalah, did you get that post I sent you for the Chunin exams? Hope that should cover Inakamo's action until I get back in June.

    Anyway, I'm supremely jealous that I missed out on the fighting, but hopefully I'll make up for it in a few months time.
    Hey. No sweat. We got Inakamo's back till you return. Team 13 wouldn't be the same without our friendly neighborhood psycho clown.

  36. #156
    Beside Myself Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    As a heads-up/disclaimer to Kalah-senpai, my next (filler) (drabble) post is going to have a lot of Takumi-sensei and Miharu-sensei in it (if that's okay).
    Also could we have another festival event sometime pleeeeeeease cos I wrote about 3/4 of my Kirigakure festival post before the Miharu post where we all ran home to Konohagakure and I don't want to waste it DD:
    And Silencer PM link fic please thanky :3

    fangirling is my real day job

  37. #157
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    xD Suries. Actually, I think I'll add a festival during the Chuunin. Heh... a nice little festival that celebrates the beginning of the Chuunin exams. MAkes everyone thing the Chuunin exams are all happy and such... and then BLAMMY! They get smacked with Chuunin-awesomeness. ^_^

    And go ahead with the TakumixMiharu thing. ^_^ heh
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  38. #158
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Just posting to say that I'll probably post tomorrow, both in the RPG as with the fanfic.

    Some holiday and preholiday parties kept me from doing so earlier. Also if Inferno_Dragon is reading this, could you if it is alright if I use your character. He'll appear much faster then the others since he's Soens teammate and I will probably introduce him in chapter two, chapter three the latest.

    How do you deal with unexpected pregnancies?

  39. #159

    Smile Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge

    Sure, Siencer. I was wondering when you were going to ask me. I allow you to right to use my character in your fanfic.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  40. #160
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    Default Re: Naruto: The Hidden Curse - Talkie Lounge


    Anyways, I am posting to let everyone know that this RPG's haitus is officially going to be over within a day or two! I'm working on the Chuunin arc, so BWHAHAAA!!

    So be prepared! The Chuunin arc will be the most post-needed, due to the fact that I need everyone to post their battle posts and stuff... but don't worry on how that works. As soon as we get to the prelim battles, I will let everyone know how it is going to work.

    AND to celebrate this WONDEROUS occasion... I have a picture for all of you to seeeee!!!

    Raizen X Ushi
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