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Thread: From Rookie to Champion - The Indigo Road

  1. #121
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    sry i havent replied in like a million years, but life had sucked me into an interdimensional portal of things to do so i have had no time to reply to anything. anyways, so thats who Al is! i though Al stood for like Alan (me, hehehe...) or somthing like that, but o well. a shinney Charizard sounds cool! ill inquire to some of my sources on exactly what colors a shinney Charizard would be. ill tell you later. ive also just barely found time for the quiz,and hope youre still accepting answers. im gonna PM you my answers in a sec. hope i get in the fic!
    They entered the lift, and soon appeared on the 7th floor. Krystal stepped out, and it looked amazing. A 3d model of Articuno was in the center, which had wings flapping a tail feathers billowing.

    “Lets make some sketches” Krystal said. She whipped out a sketchpad and started to draw it. Chris watched, but it seemed she was having a hard time. She then stabbed the pad with her pencil, and roared loudly, spitting across onto the page.

    “STUPID BOOK!” She screamed, hurling it onto the ground. “I HATE drawing!”
    btw, who here can type properly, like with your hands on asdf and jkl; , and when did you learn if you can. i learned last year (6th grade) in computer class. all we did for 45 minutes straight was type a page over and over monotimously till our fingers ached, but im glad, cuz now i type at about 40-50 wpm and i will be, as my teacher said, "thanking him in for the rest of my life." c ya later!

  2. #122
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Ultra_Poke2000: I can type right, but everytime I start to, I say "Screw it" and type the way I like to. I had a ***** for a Keyboarding teacher, so I type anyway I want to.

  3. #123
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Like hi ^^; Um, thought I'd give this an absolutely scathing review I'm just jotting ideas after reading ok.. so its jumbled...

    Lol. Heh Megan's a lot nicer ain't she. Jet still seems headstrong like James from TR.

    I was amused that Krystal wears a cape, they really aren't very funtional you know. I was a bit miffed Chris didn't take that cacoon Pokemon on his journey. Or perhaps catch a Kakuna to match it.

    I was certainly miffed at the Mother going "Yes Son I barely see, leave without a proper goodbye you self absorbed bastard! And you never cleaned your room!"

    Krystal also has no patientce anymore, holding that little girl up. Rather evil of her. And in that really unfunctional cape I think it'd be funny to have her nearly drown in it. That person's unknown perspective, I reckon that's of a kid who joined Team Rocket and found out it wasn't everything it appeared to be. Heh. Silly kid.

    Another thing that peeved me off was Ralts using Psywave to read their thoughts, that's highly unethical and from such a distance really quite difficult.

    Ann Marie... where do I start. Bint Extrodanaire. Daniel Grey... he didn't seem interesting or hyper. But dull. It was nice to see Tony again. He was cardboard cut-out for a while. Interesting to see his Arc basically involves him training Squirtle and trying to Woo Misty. There's probably a JR Trainer who's interested in him. Poor lass.

    Seems there's a bit of tention between Chris and Krystal, neither seem too... fond of eachother anymore. I'm hoping physical violence will become commonplace. Also why didn't Pidgey get pissed at Chris for catching it? That's odd I found.

    Heh, that Teddiursa refrence seemed to be a throwaway refrence to ABAHB ^^; I'm annoyed at Cal. He's that bastard on Pokemon Stadium two who only has 3 sayings. And he's got an ugly sprite. Heh at the end of the battle. I gotta say the battles lack tention apart from the Pokemon. There's nothing happening with the trainers and such which I like to see.

    Heh! That poochyena's like every dog I've ever tryed to walk! They always try to strangle themselves. Its rather entertaining. And the "Territory Marking" Yay for that. Poor dog was beaten, come on Chris! LOSE! Oh well.

    Krystal blasting Chris with the water gun *Shirks* Animish. Meh for the kiss

    The Pewter Gym thing, this was all very animish to me and I skimmed a lot of it lol. The counter part was funny. And back to tony, poor Squirtle. I say Squirtle needs to perhaps write a letter to Tony telling him to keep his hormones under control.

    And Ebuzz using an electric attack in a lift... Oh god... Almost like that epi with Ritchie... But Ha! Serves them right! lol. They got in trouble. And I knew that cape was useless.. Oh well this part was rather good.

    And isn't Al the little theif. Little wretch! Lol. Oh well.

    Just keep it from being Animeish Ok Shiny!

  4. #124
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    from what i can tell, a shinney charizard is supposed to be purple with green onthe stomach and blue on the inside of the wings,plus red eyes! that would look xtremely cool! and i thought charizard couldnt look any better!

  5. #125
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Ok people, thanks for the replies! I'd love to answer them all but i'm low on time on the pc. I popped in to say thanks for all the entries, but The Quiz Has Finished . No more entrants thankyou! I shall reveal the winner with 2morro's new chapter, which features George, A gym match and an arrogant Pokemon for Chris!

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  6. #126

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    About the typing thing, I always have my hands flying all over the keyboard and not on asdf and jklæ (Icelandic keyboard) but the teacher never notices... And I'm usually always looking at the keyboard when I type. When I'm not, it takes three seconds to remember where K is.
    The Quest for the Legends

    Chapter seventy-seven, THE END, up!

    Also check out the spin-off, Scyther's Story, as well as its sequel, The Fall of a Leader.

    Winner of six 2008 Silver Pencils, including Best Fiction Overall and Best Plot
    Now concluded with chapter fourteen!

  7. #127
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    results tomarrow!!! but im not here then... hafta wait a whole week... o well. im sure it will be worth it! cant wait! till then, in class: Zzzzzzzzzz.......

  8. #128
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    ok folks...The winner of the 2003 FRTC Quiz is......



    He scored an amazing 18 out of 20, so you can all compare your results to his. I know a couple of people did well behind him, very close with about 15 i think.

    And now......chapter 7!

    The Indigo Road
    Chapter 07 - 2nd Catch, 2nd Gym
    by Shinymarill

    “Come on” Chris said, as they left the hotel in Pewter City. Krystal had kept Charizard out of his Pokeball, just to keep Chris in shape. Chris knew he could beat Charizard if he used Electabuzz, or if he still had Nidoking. He thought back to the days when Nidorino battled alongside him. He missed those days.

    “Ok, ok” Krystal said, wandering out the hotel. She was packing brochures into her bag; she had been given them by a rather cheesy salesman in the lobby, and was the type of person not logically built to refuse.

    They were leaving Pewter by the east gate; this would take them to Cerulean City, and they could get directions there to get to Seafoam Village. However, it looked like a very long trek for them.

    Suddenly, the ground started to rumble. Within seconds, a Graveller burst out of the ground and landed on Chris’ left toe. Chris sat down and nursed his injury as Graveller showed up.

    “Wow” Krystal said. “You can’t be wild, you have a note around your fist”
    The Graveller had a red wristband (like the one’s on a Granbull) on his right wrist, which had a note on it. Chris got up and took the note, which Graveller was more than happy about.

    I was impressed about your past experiences in Gyms. Please visit Pewter Gym for an official Match. Yours Sincerely, Troy Of Pewter Gym ” Chris read. “That must be the Gym leader”

    “‘Past experiences?’” Krystal quoted. “This person must be the same guy from the Miami islands; Trey, remember?”
    “This says Troy” Chris said, putting his finger along the word. “Either that, or he has two names”

    “Let’s check it out,” Krystal said. “Graveller, are you coming?”
    “Graveller!” He shouted, leaping in the soft soil and digging his way to the Gym. Chris prepared to get in the hole, when Krystal pointed out that they were expected to go to the Gym on foot.


    “Welcome to the Gym” A voice said. Chris noticed this was a rock field, like the one he had battled Calvin on in the Miami League, but the exception being that this one was made from pewter.

    “Are you Troy?” Krystal asked.
    “Yes, yes I am” Troy said. “I see Graveller found you well”
    “Yup” Chris confirmed.

    Graveller leapt out the ground and appeared by Troy.
    “Troy? How do you know of any of our battles?” Krystal asked. “No offence, but I’ve never seen you before in my life”

    “My eldest brother told me of you” Troy said. “Brock is his name”
    “Oh yea” Chris said. “I remember him”
    “I easily recognised you Chris, as he told me you had a Kecleon. And I know Kecleon don’t live over here”

    “So, you wanted a battle?” Chris asked.
    “Yes, an official 2-2 to decide weather you are worthy of this badge” Troy held out a badge shaped like a rock. As it was held to the light, Chris was disappointed that only the white border glinted; it was obviously real rock.

    “Ok” Chris said. He thought about whom he should choose to go against Troy. Graveller looked tough…if only he had Nidoking still! Chris had regretted ever letting him go…



    Off I went. Out the museum, (dropping the Omanyte off on the way) and out towards wherever my legs took me. Tyrogue remained loyal through these rough times, as did Scyther and Gyrados.

    “Starmie! Psychic!” Sandra screamed. I remembered back to the days when that attack was like a beautiful wind chime bristling on the slightest breeze. Now it was a death call.

    Starmie brimmed with energy, energy I could feel start to pass through my body. Within seconds, I was lifted into the air.
    “Tyrogue!” I cried. Tyrogue leapt forward and attempted a kick at Starmie, which succeeded!

    Starmie, however, caught Tyrogue up in the psychic trick. Soon I felt myself being drawn back to Sandra, Duncan and the rest of those mindless people. That Organisation was just plain wrong.

    “We’ve waited a while for this” Duncan said.
    “YOU signed a contract,” Sandra said. “So you’d better come back on our side for the next 5 years”

    “What if I don’t?” Al asked.
    “Then you’ll meet a death so tragic –” Sandra began.
    “If me escaping from Hq is tragic enough, I think me dying is even worse as far as budget is concerned,” I said to Sandra, smiling. She gave me a faulted look: I was right.

    “We have our ways” Sandra began, pulling a silver revolver from her jacket. “Like… murder of the framed sort”

    I stared at this metal weapon that watched me playfully. My mind played tricks on me; the gun laughed in my face, before slightly pulling his trigger. I urged him to stop, but he didn’t listen. All fell silent as I slid from Starmie’s grasp and collapsed onto the floor. I wasn’t in any pain except the minor pain from falling, so I wasn’t sure weather I had been shot or not. I looked up at Sandra as my eyelids closed. I couldn’t be dead…could I?


    “Granbull! Mega punch!” Chris shouted. Granbull thrust his fist forward again, but his efforts failed as Graveller tucked his arms in and leapt into the air. He then grinned, as he slammed down and smacked Granbull on the head. Chris’ Pidgey had already bitten the dust; this wasn’t looking too good for him.

    “Graveller! Rollout!” Troy shouted. Graveller ran forward and started a forward roll, which soon became a heavy strike forward at Granbull. Granbull got on all fours and dashed out of the way, the speeding rock on his tail.

    “Granbull! Try an earthquake!” Chris roared. Could Granbull pull this off? He certainly hoped so. He then thought back to Nidoking once again, and how he had earthquake as an attack.

    “Gran?” Granbull asked, still pounding along the arena. He looked as if he wasn’t really up to trying.
    “Please!” Chris cried. “Just focus your energy and send it down to your feet”

    “Granbull!” He roared. Granbull suddenly glowed a nice beige colour, and sprung into the air. In the air, Granbull’s arms and legs were spread out, and he turned round to face Graveller.

    “G-u-rrrrr-anbull!” He roared. His wristbands shattered suddenly, and as he landed on the ground he sent a pulsing crack through the arena towards Graveller. Graveller was hit by the surge of power and flew back into a large rock.

    “Return” Troy said. “I choose you!”
    His next Pokeball emerged and took the shape and form of a Rhyhorn. Chris stared at this Pokemon. He hadn’t had good experiences with this Pokemon.

    “Granbull! Dynamic punch!” Chris cried. Granbull launched a glowing fist forward to smack Rhyhorn in the face.
    “Agility” Troy snapped. Rhyhorn became a blur and shot around the arena at an amazing rate.

    Chris didn’t understand how it was fast; it just was. Granbull watched as the Rhyhorn disappeared and re-appeared. He was getting confused…

    Bam! Granbull was his in the ribs and collapsed onto the ground. He got up, just as Rhyhorn rammed his horn into Granbull’s backside, launching him into the air. Granbull skidded along the ground, as Rhyhorn walked over.

    “Stomp attack!” Troy cried. Chris couldn’t believe it! Rhyhorn slammed his foot down onto Granbull’s back, and made a sickening crunch. Granbull lay there, obviously suffering intensely from the last attack.

    “Return” Chris said, recalling Granbull. “Sorry, Granbull”
    “Well, I won” Troy said, smiling. Rhyhorn trotted over to his side. Troy moved his hand caressingly across Rhyhorn’s smooth back.

    “Yea” Chris began. “How come you’re so strong, though?”
    “Well, I have trained with these two for a while” Troy commented. He recalled Rhyhorn.

    “But I’ve trained with Granbull for ages!” Chris protested. “And he was thrashed”
    “Maybe you need to train different types, ” Troy said. “We’re strong over in Kanto”


    “Granbull will be here most of the day,” The doctor said. “He’s been seriously injured. What happened?”

    “It was a Gym match,” Chris pleaded. “Rhyhorn was tough”
    The doctor walked over to the window and stared out of it at the Gym. “That Troy is very skilled; he really knows what he’s doing”

    “But Chris isn’t exactly a rookie” Krystal protested. “And Trey is only the 2nd Gym Leader!”
    “Well, Pidgey and Granbull are both poor choices for a battle against a rock type” The doctor continued. He had a sensible goatee beard, and fair auburn hair.

    “I suppose I should use a water type or a grass type” Chris began. “But I don’t have one”
    “Pewter City has a lot of grass Pokemon in the western route” The doctor said. “Try catching one there, and you might have a better chance”

    Chris picked Pidgey up from the Pokemoncenter (He wasn’t as injured as Granbull, so he was free to go) and walked out with Kecleon and Krystal towards the western gate.


    The western route was simply a gate that led them to a large, grassy plain. It was like a field, or a grassy route that overlooked a small dirt path towards a town.

    “That must be Bronze City” Krystal said, looking at a map. “I think this must be the place”

    The two trainers and Kecleon, Marill and Pidgey all spread out through the field, looking for any sign of a grass Pokemon. Kecleon searched, but he found nothing. However, Marill’s ears perked up and she ran through the tall grass.

    “Marill!” Krystal cried. She watched her Pokemon run away. “She must have sensed something”
    Krystal gave chase, with Chris, Kecleon and Pidgey close behind. Kecleon ran ahead, slashing tall streaks of grass down and clearing the path.

    They arrived infront of a Gloom. It stood there, a sweet sap leaking from its mouth. Gloom smiled.
    “Gloom gloom!” She said happily. Chris stared at her.

    “I don’t want that smelly thing,” He declared. “Pidgey! Wing attack!”
    Pidgey shot forward and streaked past Gloom with his sharp wings, slicing her in the side.

    “Gloom!” She snapped. She crouched down, and blasted a purple powder from her bud. It soon swarmed around the arena menacingly, engulfing anything beneath its surface.

    “Pidgey! Whirlwind!” Chris cried, fear creeping into his throat. Pidgey flapped his wings very hard, causing a minor whirlwind to push the poison powder away. This wasn’t enough, though, and the powder continued to spread.

    “Run!” Krystal cried, picking Marill up.
    “Kecleon! Lets go!” Chris said. Kecleon nodded, leaping onto his shoulder and running off, Pidgey flapping alongside.

    Suddenly, they came to a part with shorter grass than before. Chris instantly recognised George, the trainer from pallet town, and his Squirtle. The two were battling a Bulbasaur.

    “Squirtle! Water gun!” George cried. Squirtle took a deep breath and blasted the water gun forward at Bulbasaur. However, he just took the gentle spray with a smile, and enjoyed the tickling sensation he got from it.

    “Bulba!” He cried. He fired two razor leaves forward at Squirtle, who ducked into his shell to avoid them. Bulbasaur then ran forward with a tackle and sent Squirtle back into the grass.

    “Squirtle…” He moaned. George held out a Pokeball and recalled him. He pulled out another Pokeball and released Teddiursa from it. The small bear was very cute, and had a rather large head. The crescent moon shone brightly on his head.

    “Scratch attack, Teddiursa!” George cried. Teddiursa ran forward, but Bulbasaur ran out of the way. He then raced forward and tackled Teddiursa, which sent him on the floor.

    “Swift!” George said. Teddiursa fired a barrage of stars from his moon, but Bulbasaur brought two vines out from behind his bulb and swatted the stars away. He then raced forward and tackled Teddiursa in mid-air. The Pokemon flew back and his George in the stomach.

    “Good job” George cried. “Return”
    Bulbasaur trotted over, and his bulb began to brim slowly with a blue powder.
    “I’m going to catch you anyway!” George cried, getting a Pokeball out. However, Bulbasaur shot a magnificent sparkling powder from his bud and instantly sent George to sleep.

    “That’s sleep powder,” Chris muttered. “That would be handy”
    “Chris, go and catch it!” Krystal cried. Chris looked at George and back at Krystal.

    “But look at him” Chris said. “George really wanted to catch it…”
    “Oh, for goodness sake” Krystal said. She kicked the side of Chris’ belt, causing a Pokeball to slip out. Krystal then kicked the ball forward and made it hit Bulbasaur on the head.

    “You did it!” Chris cried, as the ball wobbled once. “Thanks”
    “Anytime” Krystal said, smirking. However, the Bulbasaur broke free from the Pokeball, as it flew back to Chris.

    “Pidgey, quick attack!” Chris said. Pidgey shot forward at Bulbasaur, who sneakily leapt to the left and evaded the attack. Bulbasaur turned round as Pidgey flew down at him again.

    “Bulba!” He yelled. He brought out two loose vines, and by spinning round, he managed to whip Pidgey several times with his mace-like vines. Pidgey flew back, but soon tore forward and struck Bulbasaur.

    “Bulba!” He cried. He realised he could not tackle Pidgey while he was in mid-air, so Bulbasaur fired a razor leaf. Pidgey, however, managed to evade both the attacks and blasted a whirlwind at Bulbasaur, pinning him to the ground.

    “Pokeball, GO!” Chris cried, hurling one of the Ultra balls Krystal had given him. The ball hit Bulbasaur and an orange energy drew him inside. The ball wobbled, eventually pinging and indicating his capture.

    “Great!” Chris said, picking the ultra ball up. “Let’s heal this guy and head to the Gym”

    “You really think you’ll win just because you have a type advantage?” Krystal asked.
    “Well, this guy does look strong” Chris replied, the Ultra ball clasped in his hand successively.

    “I guess we’ll have to find out how you do,” Krystal moaned. “But this is the last time we go to that blasted Gym”


    “So, ready to try your luck again?” Troy asked, his eyes focusing on Chris.
    “That’s right” Chris said, walking forward with Kecleon at his side. “How many Pokemon are we using?”

    “Just the one” Troy murmured. “And I choose Rhyhorn!”
    He hurled the Pokeball out, the light spilling from it moving and taking the form of the stone rhino.

    “Bulbasaur, attack!” Chris shouted, throwing his latest Pokemon out. The ball opened up and formed into the Bulbasaur Chris had captured earlier.

    “Take down!” Troy roared. Rhyhorn drove one paw through the dirt from infront of him to behind him. He galloped forward at Bulbasaur, who watched with interest. Rhyhorn came close to making contact, but Bulbasaur leapt out of the way and over Rhyhorn’s head.

    “Bulbasaur! Razor leaf!” Chris shouted. Bulbasaur landed on the ground and ignored him. “Bulbasaur! Razor leaf!”

    “Bulba” He grumbled. Bulbasaur raced along the arena, dodging behind the large pewter rocks and avoiding Rhyhorn at all costs. Rhyhorn charged again but Bulbasaur evaded by using his vines as a pair of extenders.

    “Bulba!” He cried, shooting an onslaught of sharp leaves at Rhyhorn. Rhyhorn was peppered by the attack and screwed his eyes with frustration.

    “Thankyou!” Chris breathed. “Follow up with a vine whip!”
    Bulbasaur landed on a large flat rock and ignored Chris. However, as Rhyhorn charged forward, Bulbasaur fired a razor leaf again to keep him back.

    “Well Chris, it looks like Bulbasaur is as arrogant as you” Krystal said.
    “No he’s not!” Chris said hotly. “And I am NOT arrogant! Bulbasaur, show Rhyhorn your razor leaf!”

    Bulbasaur leapt from the rock he was on and ran around the arena. Rhyhorn saw this and charged after him, gaining speed as he chased the small grass Pokemon. Rhyhorn used a horn attack, and his glowing horn was used to launch Bulbasaur into the air.

    “Bulba!” He cried, as his forehead smacked against a rock on the way down. He fell to the ground, obviously rather hurt already. Rhyhorn pawed the ground furiously and raced forward again, the speed becoming much more obvious than before.

    “Bulbasaur! Vine whip!” Chris shouted. Bulbasaur leapt out of the way from Rhyhorn by leaping backwards, but Rhyhorn was getting ever closed. “Please! You need to listen to me if you want to win!”

    “Bulba” He grunted, looking at Chris. However, as he did so, Rhyhorn used another horn attack to send Bulbasaur grinding against a large rock. Bulbasaur realised he had little choice.



    “Come on!” Chris said, urging me on. I was really annoyed with this guy; he first caught me from my home and now he was trying to tell me what to do! Does he have a bulb? No. Is he a grass type? No. He obviously had no experience against Rhyhorn before, because he was doing a bad job.

    I tried my best to evade this Pokemon, but the fact was it was just too hard. Rhyhorn was too powerful, and I cursed Chris for ever choosing me against it. Couldn’t he recall me?

    “Just recall me!” I cried, although my words were simply a cry to him. Rhyhorn charged at me, his face plastered with a broad grimace.

    “Can’t you leave me alone?” I cried helplessly, leaping back onto a large rock.
    “I have orders,” Rhyhorn boasted. “And you should realise that you do, too”

    “Is your brain made of rock, or are you just stupid?” I sneered. Rhyhorn kept running after me, as I leapt back playfully. I covered a good distance doing this. However, he looked rather upset.

    “Let’s see, shall we?” He asked me. He leapt forward, incorporating speed into a jump and smashed into me. I flew across the arena and lay there.


    “Get up!” Chris cried. He looked at Bulbasaur.
    “Saur…” He grumbled. He started to get up. Bulbasaur ran forward and tackled Rhyhorn, but he just ended up taking the damage.

    “Bulba!” He cried, avoiding Rhyhorn’s horn by leaping into the air. Leaves spiralled from his bulb and shot forward at Rhyhorn, hitting him dead on.

    “Bulbasaur! Vine whip!” Chris shouted. Bulbasaur flung two vines from his bulb and wrapped them around Rhyhorn’s neck. Bulbasaur then flew back down and used the vines to swing the heavy Pokemon around, crashing him into a large rock.

    Rhyhorn roared. He fell onto his side, and was unable to get up.
    “Bulbasaur! Try a Leech Seed!” Chris said jubilantly. Bulbasaur fired a small seed from his bulb and managed to hit Rhyhorn with it. However, it repelled off the hard rock surface.

    “Skull bash!” Troy roared. Rhyhorn charged at Bulbasaur, who ran away. The small chase went on for a small time, Bulbasaur keeping a good distance from the charging rhino.

    “Bulba!” The Pokemon cried, as he was rammed by Rhyhorn’s stone horn. Bulbasaur flew into the air and smacked against his face. He wearily got up, but Rhyhorn just smashed him in the face and made him collapse.

    “Bulbasaur!” Chris cried. “Here, have some full heal gum”
    “It won’t work” Troy said. “He can’t chew well if he’s out of breath”
    “Troy’s right” Krystal said.

    She walked over to the two of them, as Chris recalled Bulbasaur. “We need to heal him”

    “Maybe you should just train somewhere else” Troy said. Chris looked embarrassed and upset at the same time.

    “You’ve got a long trip ahead,” He continued. “Take care”

    “Look, you’ll need a case for that badge, and any others you might get” Troy said, seeing Chris’ earth badge. He handed Chris a leather wallet, which had room for all eight badges. Chris didn’t intend to get all eight, but he pinned his earth badge onto it.

    He felt low. He’d lost twice at a Gym…he was really getting bad. He was so good before…and he still was good, but maybe not as good. He really had to train.


    “What’s happened to me?” Megan asked, looking down at her weary hands. She turned, and saw Jet stumble through the forest. He had a large gash across his cheek, and Foretress looked rather battered.

    “We can’t go on like this” Jet said. “Have you tried HQ again?”
    “Yes” Megan growled. “The reception is too low”
    “And the forest too dense” Jet responded. “We’ve been trapped here for days”

    “I know” Megan murmured. “My stomach really does hurt”
    “Megan” Jet began. “We need to send for help”

    “But you know Holmes” Megan replied rather hastily. “He’s worried about Articuno”
    “But we did flush it out of its nesting spot” Jet added.
    “He knows that” Megan said. “He just presumes we’re on our way back. Besides, he’s just taking the whole Team Rocket over: He can’t show any favouritism”

    “I…don’t want to live” Megan murmured. She collapsed on the floor. “I’m so far into the world of thieves, and have waded so far into a life of crime, that turning back is just as tedious as going on”

    “Don’t say that” Jet replied. “We just need some food”
    “No” Megan muttered. “This is the end”

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  9. #129
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    Nov 2002

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Congratulations Oakbark! and for winning the quiz you get a part in chapter 6 of Skin Deep, great chapter ShinyMarril!

  10. #130
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Congrats, Oakbark. So, Chris finally falls. Oh well, this isn't really about getting badges, is it.

  11. #131
    Master Trainer
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Jon: It seems Oakbark has become something of a celebrity now, hasnt he? Thanks for that.

    Jukain: Chris misses loadsa badges, he gets a few more, primarily for the battle factor. I like it when Chris loses. anyway, Gavin said that this is a trainer fic, which i think it isnt as much anymore, which is why i'm trying to emphasise how Chris loses. Its about TR! and Articuno!

    next Chapter - Mary had a little fight
    [b]Krystal sets her eyes on a new Pokemon for her team as herself and Chris head onwards to Seafoam Village.
    “Bubblebeam!” Krystal screamed, pointing at Mareep. The stupid thing was awfully docile and stood there pleasantly. It reminded me of my granny…although this Mareep didn’t have some secret alcohol addiction and didn’t hug me…

    -This is all before Chris and Krystal have a settle a little argument...
    “Bulba…” He grumbled. He then showed a rather disgruntled look, before he trotted over to the grass. He lay down, stating he wouldn’t battle.
    “Hey!” I snapped. “Come on and battle!”

    -Meanwhile, Tony gets a challanger in the Gym, and takes her on...but isn't she a little young for a feather boa?
    Goldeen faced Clefairy and prepared to battle. I knew it could be hard, but I had to win. This girl had money, not talent, judging by her clothes, her Bulbasaur and her Clefairy.

    -But Tony sees even more after he crashes into Misty's room...
    [i]“Hey, Misty!” I cried, running into the living room. “You’ve gotta see this”
    My heart stopped as I saw Misty and David on the sofa, ‘expressing their feelings’. Disregarded clothes lay around the room, creased and messed up.

    'Mary had a little fight' on thursday!

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  12. #132

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Very nice chapter, SM. The interview with Bulbasaur was interesting. Chris is getting a little more like Ash on his start, making a mistake like that.
    The Quest for the Legends

    Chapter seventy-seven, THE END, up!

    Also check out the spin-off, Scyther's Story, as well as its sequel, The Fall of a Leader.

    Winner of six 2008 Silver Pencils, including Best Fiction Overall and Best Plot
    Now concluded with chapter fourteen!

  13. #133
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Cool, Chris caught a Bulbasaur. It was cool how Bulbasaur talked in the battle. And it seems that Tony may not get a chance with Misty after that "make-out session". And congrats, Oakbark!

  14. #134
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Dragonfree: I guess he is...but maybe not as much as Ash! Chris is still strong, remember. Bulbasaur's POV was short, but it got a point across.

    Raichu: Maybe if Squirtle evolves....anyway, Dave's true side is seen when he meets Tony in the forest....It's a scaaaawry chapter, and is Chapter 15.

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  15. #135

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    About the picture, I think you can only link to attachments, not display them in your sig.

    A fake pokémon in the story! Ooh, I love fake pokémon! Starvous sounds good. Poor Chris, getting a bike that breaks down right away and also happens to be... "pink with frizzly bits coming off the handlebars and a pink basket". And then he sees Suicune... makes me remember way back when he saw Latias... will Latias ever appear again? Or Suicune, for that matter... Well, at least he has a Pidgeot now. And Dane is still at it, I see...

    Oh, and I'm 13.
    The Quest for the Legends

    Chapter seventy-seven, THE END, up!

    Also check out the spin-off, Scyther's Story, as well as its sequel, The Fall of a Leader.

    Winner of six 2008 Silver Pencils, including Best Fiction Overall and Best Plot
    Now concluded with chapter fourteen!

  16. #136
    Returning Hotshot Junior Trainer
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    I didn't like Dane's part at all.

    I sent you a message saying I didnt want any shooting scenes for my character after my friend committing suicide, but you obviously did not get it. I am pretty disappointed really, I didnt expect this.

    Watch out for my new fanfic - Changing times

    * Chapter 1 Up! *

  17. #137
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    This was a pretty cool chappy! A custom Pokemon: Starvous, the appearance of Suicune, the evolution of Pidgeotto, and Dane returns with a vengence. Even though I really despise Pikachu, I'm glad Dane didn't shoot his. Something about other Pikachu just make me forget about Ash's annoying Pikachu and remember its cuteness.

    ShinyMarill: Did you make a Starvous sprite? I made many sprites when I was writing my failed fanfic.

  18. #138
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    ooo. the battle with Dave intensifies, and Dane escapes the law yet again, but what he just said about the Organization and the takeover was kinda creepy. speaking of which, im sorry to hear about your friend Oakbark. it must be realy hard on you.

    Pideotto evolved! but i thought Chris always wanted a Pidgeotto, not a Pidgeot... o well, its still great! the battles in the next chapter sound awsome! ive g2g. cya!

  19. #139
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Yo Oakbark, I know we are not the best of friends but I feel sorry that SHiny made that mistake. My frined killed himself by hanging, and I hate to hear people joking about that kind of stuff. Sorry man.

    Shiny, your pic is alright did nice touch ups so I may say. Lets see, Chris gets a nice pink small bike, that is wrong, Kecleon should of had it. Also did Electrabuzz kill the scooter. Chris seems to be very lucky at finding rare running pokemon, hate to see if he caught it and showed it to Krystal. It would be nice to see Krystal beg to Chris.

    Pidgeot, you do love Chris, you are his favorite pokemon, now do what he says no matter how crazy it is, and jumping off a bridge probally won't kil you. SO you can follow him if he does.
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  20. #140
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Great chapter!

    I really liked it, it was great!

    Tony and Misty are doing pretty good against Dave, but Dave is pretty good as well. Starvous is a creative Pokemon, I wonder if there will be an evolution...

    So Chris and Krystal are on Cycling Road, and the bike brakes? Heh, that Miltank seemed mean. Pidgeotto finally evolved, so now Chris has a Pidgeot. I think Pidgeot is gonna be social again.

    Krystal gets interviewed, I wonder what's gonna happen with the police?

    Dane is an evil guy, really. He shot all three of the Swat Team. Bannete is really religious, lol. Wow, so Dane wants Krystal to join The Orangisation?

    Keep it up!

  21. #141
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Where's ShinyMarill?

  22. #142
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    First off....


    for not being around, I’ve had exams and stuff. I have also been polishing off the fic, which is now done and done! Let's dish out some replies and post Chapter 35!

    Dragonfree: Glad you liked just...popped into my head :-s. I suck at Fake's, which is why they're non-existent, but in another fic I had Luntic and Soltic, sun and moon evolutions of the lucky little Pokemon. I was proud of them! ;_; Chris finally has Pidgeot...Dane's STILL at it...but did he intend all this? You’ll see a little more into it in Chapter 39!

    Oakbark: I'm PMing you after this, but I am very sorry for my own misinterpretations of your PM. I presumed you meant you didn’t want Dane to die, but I cannot express my regrets at this. You've become a close friend over TIR and I really don't like the situation my Naivety has led me to. I am sorry. I'll PM you, as I've said.

    Raichu: Dane would never kill Pikachu; he's one of his items to sell in Daezun Market. Erm...more on that soon. But he needs all the 5 Pokemon for his hostage/market/deal/thing, so he would never kill him :-). I HATE Ash's Pikachu :-/ but I'm glad you like Pidgeot, glad you appreciated Suicune and also happy with Starvous! I never made a sprite though ... Oh well.

    Ultra: Chris loved Pidgeotto, but his one put him off the entire species, so I guess he was anticipated his evolution that much more. The Organisation is starting to intensify...and in the Epilogue you'll see a rather shocking figure applying for a job at Pyro Island..........
    More on Dave this chapter...keep your peepers peeled!

    Powarun: Joking? I'm sorry?
    I would never joke about something this harsh and awful, you're not alone, you know. But Electabuzz didn't BREAK the scooter, it's just a wee bit mangled. Hehe. Suicune didn't have MUCH reason for being in, but last time the legendary beats were in a fic of mine it was...worse...........

    Hanada: Yea, go M&T! Dave is strong, but can the two Water trainers beat him? What if he whips out an electric type? They're kinda pearl-jammed if he does...
    Pidgeot's reign of unsocial ness has evaporated...(loads spelling errors there ^^).... YAY! Pidgeot is so cool.... *sigh* Jane's Miltank should have been in their battle, IMHO, but it didn't work out. Same with Duskull...although back then he didn't HAVE an evolution.
    Krystal's interview was interesting. Jack should return....
    I feel sorry for Dane. He's making mistakes...bad mistakes. I guess he should eventually come to and realise...but can he take all this back? And he doesn't exactly want to persuade Krystal to join...but is it his motive? Find out soon...

    Raichu: HERE I AM!

    The Indigo Road
    Chapter 35 - Bag Me One
    By Shinymarill


    After meeting up with Krystal and showing off my amazing Pidgeot, we both went along the dusty track that led to Fuchsia City. I decided that, for added benefits, I’d go to the Gym and try and win a badge – I needed another badge after my Earth Badge and my Cascade Badge. The Scooter had minor injuries but we fixed it up good. It worked wonders!

    “I wonder when I’ll get my reply from the Dragon Tamers” Krystal pondered to herself.
    “Reply?” I asked, confused.
    “Yea, I applied to join, and they reply saying if I’m in or not,” She explained. I nodded my head in agreement.

    “You’ll definitely get in” I assured her. As I said that, a boy walked forward.

    “Yo, I just got me a Soul Badge” He boasted. “I’m like sooo good!”
    “Don’t lie,” I said. “I bet you wet the bed”
    The boy blushed.

    “I DO NOT!” He snapped. “I’ll take you both on, a 2-2”
    “Erm…sure” Krystal said. “Go, Azumarill!”
    The ball opened and her familiar old Azumarill emerged.

    “I choose Smeargle!” I shouted. Smeargle raced out the citrus ball and alongside Azumarill. The boy drew two Pokeballs from his belt, before throwing each one out. One burst open and revealed a Cacnea, while a Combusken emerged from the 2nd.

    “Cacnea! Nea!” The little fat thing giggled.
    “Busken, busken BUCK!” The Combusken screeched, flapping its clawed hands.

    “GO!” The boy cried. “Cacnea, go for a needle arm, and Combusken, ember attack now!”
    Arms out, Cacnea spun around and released a barrage of sharp needles. Combusken turned and blasted a fireball from his buttocks.

    “Azumarill! Hydro Pump!” Krystal ordered. Azumarill’s blast of high-pressured, sparkling water soon doused the fireball, and she then followed up by racing at Combusken and slapping him across the face. Smeargle, however, used an agility to evade the pins and splashed paint over Cacnea’s face.

    “Cacnea! Take down Smeargle with a mega punch!” The boy spat. Cacnea hopped over on his pointy ‘legs’ and smashed Smeargle in the face. Needles scattered across his creamy complexion, Smeargle spat in Cacnea’s eye.

    “NEA!” Cacnea screamed, hopping back to his trainer. As his trainer hugged the distraught Pokemon, Azumarill grabbed Combusken by the neck and pinned him to the ground.

    “Smeargle! Fly!” I shouted. I loved it when he did this! Have you seen the Matrix: Reloaded? Well, Smeargle can do like Neo and fly! It’s great!

    Smeargle struck his pose and flew into the air, tail swishing behind elegantly. Cacnea started to sniff, so the boy recalled him and threw out a Shellgon. The Shellgon ran around in circles imitating a chicken, something that Combusken found rather offensive.

    “Shellgon! Take down!” The boy said. Shellgon charged, but both Krystal and myself knew what to do.
    “Water gun!”

    Smeargle, having now landed and trying some Matrix moves, held his tail up and blasted a water gun. Azumarill fired one from her mouth, and the combined force smacked Shellgon and pushed him back.

    “BUSKEN!” Combusken screeched. He started farting embers at his trainer, who leapt from left to right in order to evade them. Shellgon then sat down and drew a picture in the dirt with his paw.

    “Shellgon, use a hidden power”

    “Smeargle! Rapid spin!” I shouted. Smeargle leapt onto his pin-top style head and spun around, picking up speed and shooting towards Shellgon. Unfortunately, Shellgon ran forward and knocked Smeargle off balance.

    “Hmm…let’s try something else,” I said, getting the Citrus ball out. “Return”
    I realised Smeargle’s foolhardy antics didn’t help. However, as I recalled Smeargle, Krystal was right in there and sent someone else out.



    “Use thunderbolt now!” She ordered. I stepped to the side as she took over the battle. Ampharos charged up an attack and blasted it from his horns at Shellgon, shocking him. Azumarill then swung her iron tail around and made a sickening crack come from Shellgon’s body.

    “Combusken! Karate chop!” The boy said. He got out a CD player and pressed play. I gasped as I heard the familiar beats…

    Everybody was Kung fu fighting,
    HA, HOO-HA!
    It was as fast as lightening,
    HA, HOO-HA!
    In fact it was a little bit frightening,
    HA, HOO-HA!
    But it came in expert timing,
    HA, HOO-HA!

    I wore a painful expression. Combusken charged, but Azumarill slapped him across the face. She then used an ice punch and knocked him back. He collided with his trainer, farted on his shoe and set it alight.

    “ARGH! COMBUSKEN!” The boy cried. “I choose you Surskit!”
    This next ball opened in the water and released a water skater.
    “Skit!” It chimed up.

    “Surskit, use a water gun” He asked, hopping around. Krystal cut in.
    “HYDRO PUMP, AZUMARILL!” Krystal roared. Azumarill glowed as she blasted the impressive blast of water. It smashed into the boy who lay in the pond Surskit was in.

    “Argh!” He wept. “Shellgon, Combusken, help me out!”

    As the two Pokemon helped their trainer, Krystal and I wandered off towards Fuchsia. I released Kecleon, who had been sleeping for a while. Damnit! We should have practised thunderbolt on him!



    “Lairon, another body slam now!” Dave cried. Lairon leapt high into the air and slammed down onto Starvous, knocking the bronze Pokemon and putting it out of the fight. Misty recalled her Pokemon, and threw out the next one, forming into Starmie.

    “Take down!” She cried. Starmie shot forward at Lairon, but the attack was ineffective. Water attacks were so poor against steel ones, and it wasn’t long before myself and Misty figured we couldn’t beat this thing very easily.

    “I choose Croconaw!” I cried. Emerging, my powerful alligator flexed his muscles and faced Lairon. Before the lizard could attack, Croconaw blasted a water gun and forced Lairon back. Starmie then blasted a thunderbolt from her core and shocked the now wet Lairon, the attack doubling in damage and penetrating beneath his hard skin.

    “Lairon!” Dave shouted. “Use metal claw!”
    Charging for the fleshier Croconaw, Lairon leapt high and aimed a slash. Croconaw, now using his water guns to keep Lairon from attacking, blasted another and kept him in the air. He then rolled out the way as Lairon crashed down and smashed on the cement arena, cracking it slightly.

    “Look, water!” Misty observed. “The arena’s leaking”

    As the water seeped across the arena, Lairon started to step back. I presumed he was part rock, that’s why he feared the water. Croconaw looked up at me as I dished out the next attack.

    “Water gun!”

    Croconaw powered up and blasted the attack forward, smashing into Lairon and driving him into the ground. Lairon looked up, crippled from the power, as Croconaw slashed him across the face savagely.

    “Lairon!” Dave cried. “Return. Well, it looks like my CEMENT wasn’t strong enough”
    “Honestly” Misty snapped. “We escaped the base, and we broke your cement! You’re not trying as hard, honey”

    “**** off” He snapped. He drew a Pokeball. “I have this guy for reserves, but…well, I think circumstances are changing since I started this battle”

    “What do you –

    “BLASTOISE! Despatch! Show those two a real water Pokemon” Dave grunted.

    I gasped. His 4th Pokemon, the raging Blastoise! I clenched my fists as Starmie and Croconaw faced off against Blastoise.

    “Only 7 minutes left!” Dave cackled. “Let’s end it quickly”
    “Starmie, return!” Misty cried. “I choose Golduck!”

    Golduck formed from the light, turning and scowling at me. He still remembered…I used him as target practise for Squirtle, and it triggered his evolution. It HADN’T worked in my favour…

    “Croconaw, headbutt!” I cried. Blastoise, after emerging and stretching after his long sleep, smashed Croconaw in the face with his paw. Bawling out, Croconaw leapt back and blasted a water gun, soaking Blastoise.

    “Show him a REAL water gun!” Dave shouted. From Each cannon, Blastoise forced a large thick jet of water. Golduck and Wartortle were each smashed in the face, falling back and collapsing. Golduck looked rather dizzy already, but he managed to get up. He lifted a thin finger and held it at Blastoise as his head gem glowed brightly.

    “Golduck!” He snapped. The aura encircled Blastoise and gradually lifted him into the air. Blastoise, lifted about half a foot, forced himself back down and broke the psychic connection. He then roared, blasting more water from his cannons. Golduck got down and dived, splashing into the shallow pool of water leaking.

    Suddenly, Croconaw looked up at me. He smiled, flexed his muscles and began to glow. The glow flashed around his body before penetrating beneath his skin, allowing his arms, legs, torso and jaws to develop. He became much taller and much stronger, and as the light died down and calmed, I stared back. Was this really the little injured Totodile I’d saved on Catcalina Island?

    “Great job!” I cried competitively. “Dave, prepare to eat dust!”
    Dave snarled, as Blastoise and Feraligatr locked claws and prepared to strike. Misty hugged Golduck as he slinked back, and my eyes widened in anticipation. We had a chance now…



    “Well, we came to the Safari Zone, JUST like you wanted” I said, as we strolled through the long grass. “Happy?”

    “Yea!” Krystal said, jumping up and down. Azumarill was out. The rules had now changed; we were allowed all our Pokemon with us, and any we caught were sent back to the reception, where they were then slotted onto our teams or if we had a full team, sent home or where we specified.

    The grass was long and dewy, and as we walked there was a definite sense of vulnerability. I felt sure something would always leap out at me from its home, thinking I was trespassing.

    The grass parted as a Nidoran Male leapt out and tackled my leg.
    “Hey!” I snapped. “Kecleon, slash!”

    Kecleon raced forward and slashed Nidoran across the cheek.
    “Headbutt, follow up!” I commanded.
    Kecleon charged with his head tucked down, smacking into Nidoran. He fell back, but we weren’t done yet…


    Stripe brimming yellow, crackling with sparks and spitting with volts, Kecleon charged up the attack. He blasted a jagged streak of electricity from his body, which curved through the air and shocked Nidoran.

    He lay there. Kecleon hugged me as I bent down. Krystal and Azumarill watched. As I got up, however, I turned to see something leap out the bushes.

    It was a Weepinbell. Calvin was raising one before I left Pontaricò, but his was weak and petty. I shouted and pointed. Krystal turned wildly, as did Azumarill, and her aquarabbit instantly peppered bubbles from her mouth. Weepinbell flapped back slightly.

    “Bell, bell” He murmured. Swishing his leaves, he sent two flying forward. Krystal ducked, as did Azumarill and I, the grass behind being sliced relatively shorter. I got out a Pokeball and released Bulbasaur. On my command, he fired an array of his own razor leaves.

    “Bulba!” He cried, bringing out two vines. He shot them forward and lashed Weepinbell with them, before wrapping him up and throwing him to the ground. He slowly got up, spewing acid from his gaping mouth. Bulbasaur narrowly dodged it by leaping to the left. Weepinbell charged, knocking me back into the grass. As he hopped over, I backed away on all fours, trying to get away. As I did so, however, I looked back to see myself at the edge of a cliff.

    Below looked rather scary. I could barely see it, but I knew I couldn’t fall. It looked more dead…rocky and sandy, that sort of scenario.
    “Bulbasaur, headbutt!”

    I looked to see Krystal with a purple thing in her arms. It was a Bagon.
    “Isn’t he adorable?” Krystal asked. “I’m going to catch him!”
    Bagon leapt out her grasp and slapped her hard, before running towards me. He chomped into Weepinbell’s body, before tossing him aside and tackling me. Startled, I flapped my arms and fell down the gap.

    “CHRIS!” Krystal cried. “Bulbasaur, vine whip!”
    Bulbasaur shot the vines, but Weepinbell tackled him back. Weepinbell then spewed Acid, causing us her back away. She picked up Bagon and with Kecleon, Azumarill and Bulbasaur alongside her, she ran towards the cliff.

    Looking down, Krystal couldn’t see me. Suddenly, she was tackled by Weepinbell and felt herself slip. She recalled Azumarill, gripped onto Kecleon, Bulbasaur and Bagon and felt herself fall…

    I swooped along on Pidgeot and managed to catch Krystal, who miraculously gripped on. She sat down, as Bagon started slapping Kecleon with his paw. Kecleon ran over to me, but Bulbasaur slapped Bagon with a vine.

    Now rather huffy, Bagon ran and leapt off Pidgeot, plummeting to the depths below. Krystal gasped, holding a hand out, before looking at me:

    “Pidgeot needs to go down there” She said. “Let’s go!”
    I nodded, and ordered Pidgeot to descend. Krystal released Swablu.

    “BLU!” She cried, wiping Krystal’s face with her wing. “BLU, BLU, BLU!!!”
    “Swablu, quit it!” Krystal snapped. Swablu started to whimper, tears forming in her eyes.
    “Aww, I’m so sorry!” Krystal said, hugging her Swablu. I held onto Kecleon and Bulbasaur, as Krystal sent Swablu to search for Bagon.

    We flew down the shadowy depths below, hoping to find Bagon. I presumed Krystal wanted to catch the damned thing…


    I leapt off Pidgeot, as did Krystal. Bulbasaur and Kecleon landed, and Krystal whistled for Swablu. Looking around, we were at some sort of dried out rocky chasm. The rocks were a dusty brown, towering above us and watching over the sandy grain on the ground. I’d hate to fall down and land here…

    Swablu glided through the air and hugged Krystal. Swablu then pointed to a track leading through the rocks and stones. Krystal wandered through, and after recalling Pidgeot; I followed with Bulbasaur and Kecleon.

    “Oh, How could he get this far?” Krystal pined.
    “Walked” I mumbled. She turned and slapped me hard.


    We continued to walk. However, as we turned a corner, the rocks parted and spread out, revealing a gravely area with small weeds poking out the ground. Pebbles and rocks littered the area, and Bagon was seen; it looked like he had collapsed due to his injuries.

    “Bagon!” Krystal cried, running over. She picked him up, cradling him in her arms. His body looked battered, but his head seemed fine. Not a scratch. How odd…Swablu stroked Bagon with her wing, the dragon Pokemon enjoying the sensation.

    “We need to get him out of here, quick!” Krystal said. She was stopped, however, when a Treecko ran forward and tried to tackle her. Counteracting, Bulbasaur ran and headbutted the gecko back. The last Treecko I saw stood on its hind legs, but this one crept along on all fours sneakily.

    “Tree!” It hissed, leaping in the air. Bulbasaur leapt forward and smacked him across the head in mid-air, before body-slamming him into the ground.
    “Swablu! Gust!” Krystal cried. Swablu flapped her wings and conjured up a powerful gust, but as it picked up sand it soon became a threatening sandstorm that dragged Treecko in and whipped him away.

    “Stand back!” I cried.
    “Swablu, honey, come back!” Krystal said. Swablu fluttered back, and I made sure to keep Bulbasaur by my side. Bagon, however, squirmed out Krystal’s grasp and charged at the sandstorm, colliding with it and getting hurled in the air.

    “What is he…doing?” I asked.
    “He wants to fly…I think” Krystal said. “Bagon! It’s not safe!”

    “Vine whip Bulbasaur! Get Bagon down!” I commanded. Bulbasaur brought out his vines and wrapped them around Bagon, dragging him to the ground. Bagon tried to wrestle his way out Bulbasaur’s grip, but Bulbasaur bound the hyper little dragon tight.

    “There, there” Krystal said. An Arbok shot out of the sand and flickered its tongue at her menacingly. Still half in the sand, it bore its frightening marks on its hood. Krystal screamed, before ordering Swablu to attack.


    Swablu raced forward and smacked into Arbok. He flinched slightly, before spitting a poison sting forward at us. Swablu, however, glowed a silvery colour.

    “Mirror move, Swablu!” Krystal cried. Swablu then blasted her own poison sting forward and made each attack (symmetrical to Arbok’s) clang against Arbok’s. Arbok then watched as Swablu charged again.

    “Keep it up!” I cried. “Bulbasaur, tackle”
    Bulbasaur raced forward and, together with Swablu, kicked the **** out of Arbok. Arbok swung his head around ‘evasively’, but Kecleon blasted a thunderbolt at him, shocking him slightly. Still in the ground, Arbok managed to take minimal damage.

    “Bulbasaur! Bullet seed!” I shouted. Bulbasaur leapt into the air. Bulb glowing silver, he blasted an array of silver pellets from them, each smacking Arbok and dealing a little damage.

    “Ok hotshot, let’s stop bullying Arbok” Krystal said, stepping past the battered snake. Bulbasaur, Kecleon and Swablu were talking to Bagon as he was bound in Bulbasaur’s vines, held high in the air.

    LEMME GO! LEMME GO!” Bagon cried.
    Don’t sweat dude” Bulbasaur assured the fragile Pokemon. “ We’re helpin’ you out

    We then came to a large path upwards. It seemed to lead us back to the PROPER Safari Zone. We walked up it, hiking and panting. Bulbasaur was getting sweaty, his vines beginning to droop and Bagon beginning to squirm.

    HAHA! VICTORY! ” Bagon cried, leaping from the air and smashing against the ground. “ I WILL FLY! I WILL!

    “WHY does he do that?” Krystal asked, watching him crack as he hit the ground. “It’s suicidal!”
    “Yea” I began. “So, you wanna catch him?”
    “I suppose he would evolve into Shellgon, and let’s face it, that one was powerful this morning,” Krystal said. “Then they evolve into Salmenace, right?”

    “Yea” I said, thinking of Tom and his Salmenace.

    “When we get back to reality, I’ll use a Safari Ball,” She said. “But in the meantime we have to hike some more”


    After nearly getting killed by a Graveller, battling a Zubat and failing to catch a Grovyle, We arrived at a lobby. Inside, we got ourselves some drinks and canteen food, while talking to other people about their catches. This lobby was like a route gate, linking two zones together.

    “So I was like NOOOOO! And threw the ball!” Jenny said.
    “And you managed to capture Rhyhorn?” Krystal asked keenly.
    “OOOOOH Nope!” Jenny said. “Got away, but I broke his horn easy! NOBODY messes with a cricket player!”
    “Yea…lovely” Krystal murmured, walking off.

    “I just adore that Seviper” Monty told me.
    “How come?” I asked him.
    “Heh, been around Snake’s all my life” He said, sniffing. “Sure, This is my THIRD wooden leg, but I see each one as a memory, not a limb”

    “Seviper has to go” I began, shooting the beam and running. I met Krystal and together with Swablu, Bagon, Bulbasaur and Kecleon we ran out the lobby and back into the Turf zone, the one by the gate.

    “Ok, Bagon!” Krystal cried, getting out a safari ball. “I’m going to capture you”
    “BAGON!” He roared, charging at her. Krystal screamed and threw a Pokeball out, which opened and formed into Steelix. He stared down at Bagon, who stayed rooted to the spot.

    “Steelix! Glare!” Krystal said. Steelix’s eyes flickered like small sparks as he stared at Bagon, intimidating and trapping him. Bagon tried to move, but he seemed to be incapable of doing so. Steelix then swung his tail around and smacked Bagon, injuring him.

    “Safari Ball, GO!” Krystal shouted, throwing the ball. It hit Bagon and drew him inside, before closing the ball. The ball, now full and heavier, dropped to the ground and began to wobble.

    “Once…” Krystal murmured, as the ball wobbled once.
    “Twice…” She continued.
    “Three times…….”


    The ball’s red light flickered off, announcing Bagon as Krystal’s. She bent down, picked up the ball and held it forward.

    “Yay! I caught him!” She cried happily. The ball floated, before disappearing in a flash of light.

    Suddenly, hearing a rumble, she turned, facing the lobby to the zone behind us: The hive zone, home of Bug Pokemon! Trainers shot out of the lobby, being chased by Beedrill, Ninjask, angry Butterfree and even Heracross. Scyther, Heracross and Ledian all started destroying the zone.

    “What are they doing?” Krystal asked. “Steelix! Use a sandstorm to send them all back!”
    Steelix blasted a thick cloud of dust from his mouth, morphing into a large tornado, spiralling forward at the bugs.

    Each screeching and crying in its own painful way, the bugs tried to retaliate. Krystal, however, had a back-up plan.

    “Charizard, go!” She shouted. “Flamethrower!”
    Roaring, Charizard fired the dazzling flames into the tornado and sent a flaming tornado sweeping across the field, perishing the bug Pokemon. They collapsed on the ground, or, most of them did. A Scyther, Heracross and Ledian attacked us individually.

    Krystal had Swablu take on the Ledian, using mirror move to deflect any attack Ledian used, before blasting her with a gust or a take down. Ledian wasn’t very tall, so Swablu had no troubles.

    Heracross attacked Kecleon, so I had my Pokemon use thunderbolt to paralyse him, before blasting a swift to pepper the beetle into losing. As a result, Kecleon also used the battered Pokemon to practise his accuracy on his hyper beams.

    Bulbasaur, however, had a rough time against Scyther. Scyther aimed slashes up, down, left and right, Bulbasaur being able to just make it in evading each one. However, Scyther kicked him in the face, before aiming his scythe towards Bulbasaur’s skull.

    “Bulba!” My Pokemon cried in protest, leaping back and toppling over onto his bulb. I helped him get up, as he brought out his vines and wrapped Scyther’s left scythe up. Bulbasaur swung Scyther around and made him smash the ground. Blood oozed from Scyther’s face as he got back up.


    Scyther raced forward again, and managed to slash Bulbasaur across his face. Bulbasaur, shocked at his injury, tackled Scyther in the stomach, dealing damage but making him vulnerable.

    “Bulbasaur, try a razor leaf” I said. Scyther immediately slashed away any leaves that came close. I watched, shocked and worried.

    “Umbreon, Let’s –

    Bulbasaur brought out his vines and whipped my hand. I decided to keep Umbreon in his ball - Bulbasaur was getting touchy…

    “Bulba! Bulbasaur!” He cried. His bulb glowed more. I watched as his bulb slowly peeled apart, forming into a pinkish bud. What was happening? Bulbasaur suddenly glowed, and as I stood there, watching in amazement, his shape and form began to change. Well, not really. He grew ever so slightly, his bulb peeled to reveal two fern leaves, deep green, either side of a majestic pink bud. The light died down, and the creature stared at me, two small fangs peeping from its mouth. It was a darker green that Bulbasaur.

    “Ivysaur” He said in a hoarse cry.
    “Bloody hell, you evolved!” I cried. Ivysaur turned back to the battle. “Take down!”

    Now with a little more power, Ivysaur galloped along the arena and took Scyther head-on, hitting him in the stomach. Groaning and getting up, Scyther forced his blade forward, but Ivysaur used his vines to vault backwards and evade.

    “Good job, now go and use Solarbeam!” I roared.

    Bud throbbing violently, Ivysaur leapt into the air and forced a smooth, citrus-green beam to shoot out and smash into Scyther. The power itself had damaged the mantis, causing him to collapse on the ground.

    “Sleep powder!” I said. Ivysaur shook his coat, and a blue powder wafted through the air. Scyther inhaled, and soon became rendered hopeless. As he snoozed, I whipped out a Safari Ball.

    “I’m gonna catch him” I declared.
    “WHAT?” Krystal cried. “WHY?”
    “Because he’s strong,” I snapped.
    “But you won’t use him” Krystal said blatantly. “Just like Weezing and Noctowl and Wobbuffet…”

    I felt myself go slightly red.

    “Well, I’ll show you” I spat. “Firstly by catching Scyther…”

    I took a step back and hurled the ball, which hit Scyther and drew him inside. As the ball closed shut, it dropped to the ground and pinged suddenly. I guess when Scyther’s asleep he can’t really fight back…

    “Yes!” I cried, as the ball disappeared back to the lobby. “And secondly, I’ll use Weezing in my Gym match tomorrow”

    “You…will?” Krystal asked me. “Oh, alright”

    Smiling, I walked with Ivysaur, Krystal recalled her Pokemon except Swablu, and we headed to the exit of the Safari zone. I had a Scyther, although he’d be at home, Krystal had a Bagon and I also had a badge to win tomorrow. I’d say this training was worth it, but…would it crumble once I battled with Weezing? Only time will tell…

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  23. #143
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Glad you're back! I should have known Krystal would catch a Bagon. But I really thought she'd catch a Dratini; Dragonite is like THE dragon. LOL at Smeargle, flying like the Matrix. Also a LMAO at Combusken farting! Tony has a Feraligatr now; now Dave has is gettin' it! And ole' Bulbasaur finally evolved!

  24. #144
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Wow, great chapter! So, Chris and Krystal battled that wierd kid, LOL. His Combusken farting was hilarious, and Smeargle doing Matrix Moves was funny too! Azumarill is very strong, as is Ampharos. The Safari Zone was freaky, but cool. Swablu got a lot of air time today, as did Bulbasaur, Kecleon and Pidgeot. Swablu's pretty strong. Yay! Krystal caught a Bagon, it really suits her alot.
    And Chris' Bulbasaur finally evolved into an Ivysaur, it seems terribly strong as well. So now both Chris' anti-social Pokemon have turned normal and social again, both Pidgeot and Ivysaur.
    Wow, Tony and Misty are doing okay against Dave, but will his strong Blastoise win?
    Oh well, so Tony's Croconaw finally evolved into Feraligatr, is this his secret weapon to beat Dave?

    So, these are the current Pokemon the group has as of Chapter 35:

    Chris: Kecleon, Electabuzz, Umbreon, Pidgeot, Ivysaur, Seviper, Dustox, Smeargle, Scyther

    In Storage: Noctowl, Weezing, Wobuffet

    Krystal: Azumarill, Charizard, Steelix, Kingdra, Ampharos, Swablu, Bagon

    In Storage: Espeon

    Well, keep it up!

  25. #145
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    I hope Scyther doesn't wreak havoc back home, like his other pokemon. Cool, Krystal has a Bagon, I didn't expect that. All right! Blastoise vs. Feraligatr, it doesn't get any better than that.

  26. #146
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    great chapter!
    most funniest parts ever! (there's alot of them, i know):
    “GO!” The boy cried. “Cacnea, go for a needle arm, and Combusken, ember attack now!”
    Arms out, Cacnea spun around and released a barrage of sharp needles. Combusken turned and blasted a fireball from his buttocks.


    “BUSKEN!” Combusken screeched. He started farting embers at his trainer, who leapt from left to right in order to evade them. Shellgon then sat down and drew a picture in the dirt with his paw.


    “Combusken! Karate chop!” The boy said. He got out a CD player and pressed play. I gasped as I heard the familiar beats…

    Everybody was Kung fu fighting,
    HA, HOO-HA!
    It was as fast as lightening,
    HA, HOO-HA!
    In fact it was a little bit frightening,
    HA, HOO-HA!
    But it came in expert timing,
    HA, HOO-HA!

    I wore a painful expression. Combusken charged, but Azumarill slapped him across the face. She then used an ice punch and knocked him back. He collided with his trainer, farted on his shoe and set it alight.

    “ARGH! COMBUSKEN!” The boy cried. “I choose you Surskit!”


    “Smeargle! Fly!” I shouted. I loved it when he did this! Have you seen the Matrix: Reloaded? Well, Smeargle can do like Neo and fly! It’s great!

    Smeargle struck his pose and flew into the air, tail swishing behind elegantly. Cacnea started to sniff, so the boy recalled him and threw out a Shellgon. The Shellgon ran around in circles imitating a chicken, something that Combusken found rather offensive.


    Swablu glided through the air and hugged Krystal. Swablu then pointed to a track leading through the rocks and stones. Krystal wandered through, and after recalling Pidgeot; I followed with Bulbasaur and Kecleon.

    “Oh, How could he get this far?” Krystal pined.
    “Walked” I mumbled. She turned and slapped me hard.



    “ LEMME GO! LEMME GO!” Bagon cried.
    “ Don’t sweat dude” Bulbasaur assured the fragile Pokemon. “ We’re helpin’ you out”

    We then came to a large path upwards. It seemed to lead us back to the PROPER Safari Zone. We walked up it, hiking and panting. Bulbasaur was getting sweaty, his vines beginning to droop and Bagon beginning to squirm.

    “ HAHA! VICTORY! ” Bagon cried, leaping from the air and smashing against the ground. “ I WILL FLY! I WILL! ”
    when Combusken started fartin' out fire balls i was ROTFLMAO! x 10!
    that Bagon seemed a bit mental there... "“ HAHA! VICTORY! ” Bagon cried, leaping from the air and smashing against the ground. “ I WILL FLY! I WILL!" oooookay....

    ya! Bulbasaur evolved! and Chris has a Scyther! also, Tony has a Feraligator! now they might have a chance. "Water attacks were so poor against steel ones, and it wasn’t long before myself and Misty figured we couldn’t beat this thing very easily. " but isnt water super effective against steel? o well. we havent heard from Dane this chapter... i wonder what hes up to...

    neway, cant wait till next chapter!

  27. #147
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Well done Shiny Marril
    High points
    Krystal gets a Bagon, ya know what I would do to that Bagon, I would evolve it into a Shelgon, and superglue an everstone to its back shell, then I would give it the iron boots from Windwaker. Ha ha,
    Chris catches a few bug pokemon in this saga, Syther, Wurple, maybe another one. Reminds me of Scizor in FRTOC
    Rhyhorn gets a horn removed, some pokemon cruelity is good.
    The characters almost die again, oh well. there was Pidgeot to save them.
    The next match will be a Ferlagator versus Blastoise, there could have been a Swampert, but there was a death involved to stop that.
    Bulbasaur evolved, yay and this pokemon seemed much cooler once he helps out the other pokemon, like the suicadal Bagon.

    Krystal a fact I wiill tell you is,, you can never have to many pokemon.
    Also I didn't know Neo can fly, I was told he couldn't adn it was to stretch reality or something.

    And for Bagon, if you fall from a nice drop you may get hurt so I would recommend, stealing Krysta's money and Chris's and buy your self a airplane, no need to evolve, no more trainers, and if that won't do, buy a trampoline, go to Saffron city and jump from a tower onto the trampoline, that way you know the hardships of falling.

    and for Combusken, which is a pokemon I hate, eat more beans.
    Have a nice day or night or afterlife
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  28. #148
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    A few things, first I'm sorry for not replying to the last chapter I've had exams and I've been doing coursework, now that these two factors are over, I can get on with my own fic (and FINALLY post chapter 6) and I can spend more time reading the fics on TPM.
    Anyway, great chapter Shiny, Chris catching Scyther, Krystal catching Bagon ( I can fly!), Bulbasaur evolving, Smeargle's Matrix Realoaded stunt and Combusken farting fireball.
    I wonder what Dane's next move will be? I keep thinking he and Krystal will have a battle.
    One more thing, do you like the Cluff sprite that R666 made for me?

  29. #149
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Aww....I'm afraid I can't reply very well...Unfortunately I'm busy with Coursework for the next two years.....We're spending the rest of this year preparing for the preparation year next year, it's stupid. Anyway, I'm glad you all love Smeargle's Matrix-spoof, and Combusken's rather strange ember attack!

    Hanada: Scyther is Chris' 9th Pokemon, so he would be sent home. But everything else is right...

    and Jon, that's a great Cluff sprite!

    Anyway, sorry again! Chris' Fuchsia Gym Match is on Friday, can he win? Hmm.....i'll leave you to find out for yourselves!

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  30. #150
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Chapter 36, everyone!

    The Indigo Road
    Chapter 36 - Weezing's Indigo Debut
    By Shiny


    I hadn’t seen Sandra since the last escapade, but stood by my beliefs she was searching for me. Monica and myself stayed in the Pokemoncenter together, Hitmonlee, Scyther, Loudred, Duskull and Farfetch’d out their Pokeballs.

    “So when do you fancy leaving?” I asked her quickly.
    “I’m not bothered, maybe in a few days time,” Monica said sweetly. “I like the look of Slateport City”

    “Really?” I asked. “That’s a long way…”
    “Well, we could get a plane from cinnabar airport” She suggested. “At any rate, we don’t have to rush, do we?”

    I looked into her sparkling blue eyes.

    “Yes, yes we do” I said innocently. Concerned, she listened to me with interest. “I know I told you why Sandra’s been after me, but…it goes further that that. It’s deeper than you could imagine”

    “It is? Well what like?” Monica asked quizzically.

    I breathed in and signed heavily.

    “Well, my dad often talked about Giovanni, the leader of team rocket at the time” I began…

    Flashback…exits to your left right and center


    I sat there, hypnotised by the TV. I smiled and chuckled as the door opened. Dad, Phil and Ben must be home. Dad said their job was very demanding and he hated it, but I never understood why…

    “Oh, honey” Dad said, kissing Mum. “Giovanni’s gone!”
    “That’s wonderful!” Mum cried. “What happened?”
    “He said he’s leaving tomorrow, Bruce ‘Vicious’ Lamar is going to be head,” Dad said. “Giovanni wants me to go and help him clear his office”

    “Why you?” Mum asked.
    “He said that he’d grown to like me,” Dad explained. “And that he would promote me and the lads”

    “Oh, that’s wonderful!” Mum cried out.
    “Giovanni isn’t that bad really” Phil admitted. “Nice guy behind it all”
    “It’s the same with every rocket” Dad said. “Peel their armour off and you’ll see they’re nice folk”

    “Well, can you take Alex? I’m out tomorrow,” Mum said. Dad nodded, and my eyes widened. Great, off to the office!

    As I played on Dad’s PC, accessing my favourite websites and downloading music, I felt as if this life wasn’t so bad for me. I was 14; I’d be starting this in 2 years time. I always remembered what Dad had told me.

    “There isn’t good or bad, only truth. People who live by all the rules constrict themselves and never learn as much as myself, Ben or Phil”

    I sighed. Giovanni was packing things away and talking in a hushed voice, but Dad walked over with a two-pound coin.

    “Go down to the canteen and get yourself some food,” He said kindly. “There’s a can machine, a chocolate machine and a sweets machine. Go wild!”

    Clutching the coin, I ran across the office and down the corridor towards the canteen.


    As I strolled along the corridor sipping my coke, I wondered about my Pokemon. Tyrogue and Magikarp. I really had to train them when we got home, because we’d been losing a lot of battles recently.

    As I neared Dad’s office door, slightly ajar I might add, I heard his voice:

    “But why?”
    “I HAVE to” Giovanni snapped. “This team’s going down with me”
    “I’m still not sure about this” dad said, anxious by the sound of it.
    “I’ll be fine” Giovanni snapped. “I have the Master Ball with me, and I’m the only person in the business who has the key code for the basement”

    “So, what if someone goes after you?” dad asked.
    “They won’t, because we’re the only people who know about this” Giovanni said, his voice now a purr.
    “And you’re going…

    “To Pyro Island, I’ll run things at the Gym for a while. After a few years I’ll leave again to Cianwood City” Came Giovanni’s reply.

    Dad stayed silent. Clearing his throat, Giovanni spoke.

    “To recap: I’m taking the Master Ball and the 10-digit Key Code with me to Pyro Island. I’ll run the Gym, and years later I’ll head to Cianwood City. Without the code to the basement, Team Rocket can’t get their mitts on any of the £3,000,000 grant money, as well as denying any protection from the public eye”

    “Right” Dad said. “This sounds so concrete, how can you be sure it will all work?”
    “Because you’ll help me,” Giovanni muttered.

    I burst through the door. Giovanni got up, a vein throbbing in his temple.
    “EAVESDROPPER!” He bellowed.

    Flashback ending…please address all complaints to the Pilot. Thankyou for reading with ‘Al flashbacks’

    “Wow” Monica said, hugging me. “So, Giovanni is where?”
    “He’s in Cianwood, but he’s alright now,” I said. “He isn’t moody or snappy or whatever”

    “I suppose when you know, and there’s nothing you can do about it, he has to accept it really,” Monica said.

    “And now you know” I mumbled. “Sandra and her team are after me to get Giovanni’s location. I don’t know the key code, but Giovanni does, he’s the only person that does, and he’s what’s stopping The Organisation from getting £3,000,000 for free”

    I thought about what I’d done. Now, Monica was in on my life and was willing to keep it a secret. But Sandra could now extend her search to Monica, and look for her as well as me. Was it right to drag her into this? It was done, however, so I had no option but to make our way out of town as quickly as possible.



    After exchanging Weezing for Umbreon for the day, greeting Scyther at home and saying hi to Wobbuffet, I returned to Krystal with a fully concentrated mind.

    “BAGON!!!” The Pokemon cried, leaping off the sofa and slamming against the ground. Krystal grabbed him and held him in her arms tightly.
    “AWWWWWW! AREN’T YOU A WITTLE CYUUTIE??” She said, smiling. Bagon squirmed out her grasp and started talking to Swablu.

    “I choose you!” Krystal said, releasing Azumarill and talking to her. Rather than joining in, Kecleon started talking to Swablu and Bagon. Azumarill’s ears drooped. Krystal then recalled Swablu and Bagon and walked out the Pokemoncenter with me.

    Along the way, Krystal saw a figure up ahead. With flaming red hair, presumably died, a cape and black boots, he looked a rather important authority figure.

    “They call THIS a city?” He groaned. Krystal’s eyes lit up.
    “LANCE!” She screamed, running forward. The figure turned, his shiny boots squeaking.

    “Why hello” He said. “With that little get up, someone would think you trained dragons!”
    “I do” Krystal said. “I applied for Dragon Rock but haven’t got a reply yet”

    “YOU DIDN’T?” Lance bellowed. He cleared his throat. “Well, the ferry leaves from Vermillion in two weeks time…I’ll check the database, if you’ll come with me…”

    “We’re heading to the Gym” I cut in rudely. “How about we meet you at the Pokemoncenter at eight?”
    “Sure, I’ll get it checked by then” Lance told me. He turned on his heel, his boots squeaking again, and made his way through the town. We continued to the Gym.


    The Gym was large. Rather like some sort of dojo. We walked inside and saw an arena, one outlined in white markings, the arena itself being light brown.

    “Not bad” Krystal admired.
    “Azu-zu!” Azumarill said.

    As we came further, the back wall revolved and revealed a woman and an old man. The man was sitting in a wicker chair, while the woman stood in a fighting stance and focused on us.

    “Nice entrance, it’s clearly better than at the other Gyms” I commented.
    “Yes” The man said. “My name is Koga, and I shall be battling you today”
    “WHAT?” The woman protested. “Granddaddy, you’re to frail to battle! You can’t walk anymore!”

    “Pokemon is not about moving,” Koga said calmly. “As our challenger will find out today. Now young man, we shall use 4 Pokemon each. Is that Ok?”

    “Yea” I said. “That’s great, thanks”
    “Humph. I could do with a battle” The girl snapped.

    “Ariados, Go!” Koga cried, stationed in his chair. The woman watched, arms folded and brow furrowed.

    Koga’s ball opened and revealed the large orange spider. It clicked its pincers and spat at the ground. I turned and looked down at Kecleon, who clenched his fists. He probably remembered Megan and her Ariados. That got me thinking about Megan, and when I saw her in Saffron. I hadn’t told Krystal.

    “Get out there!” I cried enthusiastically. Kecleon got on all fours, ran onto the arena and faced Ariados.
    “Let’s attack! String shot Ariados” Koga called.
    “Aria” The Pokemon clicked. It blasted a sticky thread from its mouth at Kecleon.

    “Safeguard” I shouted. Kecleon held his hands infront of him, and a large white bubble arched over him. The string shot covered and spread across the bubble, leaving Kecleon stuck, in a sense.

    “Kecleon, destroy the safeguard with a thunderbolt” I said. As his stripe brimmed yellow, sparks shot off. Kecleon blasted the attack from his body and shattered the safeguard, causing it to slowly disappear. Kecleon then shot his tongue from his mouth and licked Ariados across the face. Shuddering, Ariados started to crawl back slightly.

    “Ariados, use poison sting,” Koga snarled. Fangs parting, Ariados peppered Kecleon with a barrage of stingers. Kecleon fell back, bruises and scratches across his body. Ariados leapt high and slammed onto his body, obscuring him from sight. Concerned, I watched for any movement.

    “Kecleon, use flash!” I said. Kecleon’s stripe glowed a bright white and heated up. I thought it might have hurt Ariados’ underside, but it didn’t. Kecleon, however, managed to use an agility (something I didn’t know he could do) and appeared infront of the spindly spider.

    “Kecleon! Psybeam!” I shouted. The classic ‘psychic>poison’ was in effect. Kecleon blasted the jagged, multicoloured beam from his belly stripe. It smashed into Ariados and, despite his efforts to dig his legs into the ground; he was forced back across the arena. Koga watched keenly.

    “Ariados, commence! Use Solarbeam” Koga croaked. “It’s time you learnt, young man”

    Ariados powered up a green orb above its body. Energy was sapped from its body and added to the large orb, as it flickered a citrus-green. Ariados screeched loudly, so loud I had to clasp my hands over my ears. Koga and his granddaughter seemed fine. While we did so, Ariados blasted a Solarbeam from his orb, which smashed into Kecleon. He lay there, dizzy and worn out.

    “Kecleon!” I cried. “Use a swift attack”
    Kecleon got up and fired a barrage of small stars from his stripe. They all bombarded Ariados and kept him back while Kecleon powered up his hyper beam.

    “Hyper beam!”

    Kecleon puffed his chest out and blasted the orangey beam forward. Ariados leapt into the air but collided with the beam, which knocked the worn out Pokemon to the ground. He fell on his back, unable to move.

    “Ariados, good job” Koga said. He drew the Pokeball and recalled Ariados. As he out the ball away, his Granddaughter handed him another Pokeball. Koga opened it in his hand, and the light started to mould into the shape of a slimy Muk. The purple globule of slime breathed heavily and stayed still. Tired and out of breath out of performing his hyper beam, Kecleon panted heavily.

    “Kecleon, slash!” I ordered. Kecleon charged, but leapt back once Muk made a hand from his body and slammed it into the ground. Kecleon then blasted a thunderbolt forward, but Muk managed to absorb it with his body. I clenched my fist. This wasn’t working!

    “Muk, smother” Koga croaked. Muk moved forward and smothered Kecleon with his body. Kecleon gave a muffled cry as he was engulfed in slime, the foul stench causing him to lose his breath.

    “Kecleon, return” I said, shooting the beam from the fastball. Kecleon was recalled, now able to get his breath in his secure ball. I then got out Seviper’s Pokeball and threw it out. He’d be able to whup this goop. Seviper emerged from the light and stared at Muk. Muk stared at Seviper.

    “GO! Iron tail!” I shouted, cutting in through Koga’s voice. Seviper’s arrow-head-tail shimmered silver, before he forced it forward and slapped Muk with it. It hardly did any damage. Muk leapt at Seviper, but Seviper’s mouth glowed red, before he sent a scorching flamethrower from his mouth and roasted Muk.

    “Muk!” Koga croaked. “Sludge!”

    Muk looked rather ill. He threw up a load of browny sludge onto Seviper, who looked rather displeased at this social present. Now slightly angered, Seviper forced himself forward and bit Muk with his red fangs. Muk cried out, although Seviper had done little damage. Seviper tried a constrict, but Muk slipped out far too easily.

    “Muk, use a body slam” Koga ordered. Muk leapt in the air for a second time, this time managing to engulf my Seviper. It didn’t take long, however, before Seviper bucked Muk off his body.

    “Flamethrower Seviper!” I shouted. I never thought Seviper could learn such a powerful attack, but we’d practised a few times and he’d finally nailed it. Seviper blasted the silky flames forward, which scorched Muk and gave him a large burn. He looked down innocently at his mark, clutching it with his hand.

    “Now use acid!” I cried. Seviper spat a ball of acid from his mouth, which dissolved on Muk’s body. Muk let out a loud roar and spread out across the ground. I presumed he had fainted. Koga held his head down in shame and shot the ball, recalling him. The girl handed him a 3rd Pokeball.

    “Beedrill!” Koga cried. Beedrill shot out the ball and fluttered up into the air, its huge drill-needles by its side. Seviper waited for Beedrill to attack. Koga closed his eyes for around 3 seconds, maybe 4, before opening them suddenly and glaring across the arena. “Poison sting!”

    Beedrill stuck his bottom forward and blasted a thin stream of stingers. Seviper swerved his head sharply and evaded them, before peppering Beedrill with his own. Each set of stingers clashed against each other.

    “Seviper, flamethrower!” I shouted. Surely this would work…Seviper sent the roaring, crackling flames through the air at Beedrill. Beedrill stayed there, wings beating energetically.

    “Agility” Koga said, his voice calm and distant. Once the flames were within hurting distance from Beedrill, he flashed quickly and disappeared. He appeared behind Seviper, jousting him through the body with his stinger. Now bloody and hurt, Seviper’s head teetered, before the snake collapsed on the ground.

    “Seviper!” I shouted. I ran over and picked his head up. Opening his eyes wearily, he stared at me sorrowfully. I saw the blood shoot out the wound on his back, and I saw Beedrill try and scrape the blood off his stinger with his clean one.

    “Return” I said, as the red Pokeball beam pulled Seviper into his ball. I put the ball on my belt and selected my next choice. I remembered about my promise to Krystal about using Weezing, so I grabbed her battered old Pokeball and threw it out. I remember this ball was scratched and lost some of the paint, but I hadn’t intended on keeping Weezing…

    Weezing formed from the light, and turned to see me. Her eyes lit up and she charged forward, licking my face like a puppy. I forced her back, scolded her and ordered her to battle.

    “Double edge!” I shouted. Weezing hovered up and flew through the air, arching up and hitting Beedrill. Beedrill dropped, but flapped its wings to get more air. He swung one stinger forward like a fist, but Weezing darted to the left.

    Smokescreen would really help us here, but I remember Weezing didn’t have it any longer; my Mum had helped Weezing control her gases and now she was brimming with sweet perfumes rather than clouds of anything poisonous. Her Scary face was revamped to be a stunning attract, but I dreaded to know what else had changed…

    “Weezing! Toxic!” I shouted. Weezing turned and looked at me.
    “Weezing whee?” She asked.
    “You can’t use toxic?” I asked her innocently. “Ok, ok, use confuse ray”

    Instead, Weezing’s cross-like markings glowed pink. Weezing puckered up and fired a large heart from her lips, which smacked Beedrill in the face and made him woozy. Sweet kiss? SWEET KISS OVER CONFUSE RAY?

    “Oh man…” I said, as Beedrill fluttered carelessly from left to right. “Weezing, double edge again”
    Knowing this would work, Weezing shot forward and hit Beedrill. Beedrill shook the sweet kiss off and charged with both stingers, ready to joust.

    “Weezing whee!” Weezing protested, frowning. She hovered up into the air and roared, blasting a jagged, multicoloured psybeam from her cross-like pattern and hitting Beedrill. He withered in pain as Weezing projected the attack, before Weezing headbutted the bee and made him fall back onto the arena.

    Koga recalled him and handed his granddaughter the ball. She took it, before taking a ball not from beneath her ninja costume but from her own belt – a light pink ball with a white bottom and a heart on the front.

    “Now this has been a good match,” Koga croaked. “And since I rarely fight in 4-4’s, I fear any of my other Pokemon may just fall quickly. That is why my granddaughter Janine has rented me a Pokemon for this fight”

    He hurled the ball out. “Beautifly!”

    The ball opened and took the shape of a medium-sized butterfly with a long, curved nose. It waved its paws frantically and fluttered its wings gracefully. I clenched my fist. It’s probably strong…

    “Weezing! Sweet scent!” I commanded. Weezing blasted the pink powder from her spouts and clouded up the arena in a hazy perfumed cloud. My vision was hazy, but I could make out everything fine. Beautifly was coughing.

    “Now use sludge!” I shouted. Weezing turned again.
    “Weeeeeee” She complained. Her eyebrows raised, I presumed she didn’t know the attack anymore – gardening for so long only meant you’d forget old attacks. Weezing’s ‘crest’ as I now called it glowed citrus green.

    Weezing faced Beautifly and roared as small beads of energy zipped out Beautifly’s body. They floated towards Weezing and she ate them, restoring some of her energy. Beautifly, however, charged forward and slapped Weezing. She must be strong, because Weezing was whimpering in pain.

    “Come on! Double edge!” I said, urging her on.
    “Beautifly, use stun spore” I said. Beautifly flapped her wings hard and blasted the stun spore forward. The cloud of yellowish powder wafted through the arena, and Beautifly also blasted a gust to push the stun spore at us.

    Weezing grunted, screwed her eyes shut and forced herself through the cloud, knocking Beautifly out of the air. She fluttered back up and shot through the air, tackling Weezing. However, Weezing’s strong build and Beautifly’s delicate frame meant little damage was dealt.

    “Beautifly, use a swift” Koga croaked. Beautifly blasted the sparkling array of yellow stars at Weezing, who was peppered back slightly. She floated above the attack and spat sludge, covering Beautifly in the brownish goop. Must be Mum’s makeshift compost…

    “Beauty!” The Butterfly chirped.
    “Now, wing attack” Koga said. Glowing slightly, Beautifly tore through the air and her wings sliced across Weezing’s body.

    “Weezing, whee” Weezing grunted. She blasted a sweet scent through the arena. Unfortunately, Beautifly smiled and fluttered happily thanks to the enticing smell. She just loved sweet scents. Status wise, they didn’t do anything.

    “Oh, Grandfather” Janine snapped. She leapt a couple of steps forward onto the arena, obscuring her grandfather. “Let ME”

    “Beautifly, silver wind!” She screeched. Beautifly flapped a gust forward, one, which sparkled with small specks of silver dust. The force pushed Weezing back; it was a lot stronger than the gust used before. Weezing struggled to overpower the wind.

    “Come on…” I muttered. Weezing’s crest shimmered a glowing orange. Maybe a fire attack?

    “WEEZING!!!!!!” The Pokemon roared, her eyes blazing with orange flames. The heat suddenly rose in the Gym; it was now stuffy and sweltering. Weezing still forced the energy forward; creating the sunny day, but shortly afterwards sent a beam of white light in Beautifly’s eyes.

    “Flash?” Janine asked herself. “And sunny day...together?”

    “Weezing, double edge!” I shouted. Weezing shot forward and smashed into Beautifly. Still rather dizzy, she flapped down and rested on the floor. Weezing then floated above the Pokemon, her crest glowing white. She dropped down and body slammed the frail Pokemon, knocking her out.

    “BEAUTIFLY!” Janine roared. “YOU BASTARD!”
    “Weezing, sweet scent” I muttered. Weezing blasted the cloud of perfume from her mouth, and as she did, I myself felt a warming sensation come over me. Why all the fighting? Can’t we all just…get along?

    “Beautifly” Janine said softly. She sniffed the air. “Let’s now, ok?”
    She shot the love ball at Beautifly and recalled her. “Now I will go and prepare lunch, grandfather”

    She pushed a panel from the wall, and it slid to the left, like a sliding door. She walked out and shut the door behind her, leaving Weezing, Me, Krystal, Azumarill and Koga.

    “Very nice work” He said. “You seem shaky with Weezing’s attacks…is she new?”
    “Not exactly, we just haven’t trained for a while” I explained, blushing slightly. “But I’m learning”

    “Then you can’t lose, as long as you learn” Koga told me. “Now then, here’s your reward…the Fuchsia Gym badge”

    He beckoned for me to come closer. I did so, walking across the arena with Weezing. Koga clicked his fingers, and from a floor above, a Koffing came down with a small badge in its mouth. It was a pink heart. I took it, showing it to Weezing and celebrating.

    “So, how many badges have you earned over here?” Koga asked keenly.
    “This is my third” I said. “Earth badge, Cascade badge, Soul Badge”
    “Ah, not a league candidate?” Koga inquired, his voice so frail but still so keen.
    “Nope, not this year anyway” I said, smirking. “It’s been great meeting you, but we’d best be off”

    “Goodbye now” Koga said, as we walked out the Gym.

    “Well, you did well, didn’t you?” Krystal said, smiling. “Still had another Pokemon to use…”
    “Yea” I muttered. “Kecleon was great, and Seviper was awesome…I’ll get his wound checked out, and well, Weezing was a star!”

    We wandered to the Pokemoncenter to meet Lance.


    “Well, yes, you were accepted in” Lance said, sipping some tea.
    “YAY!” Krystal cried, leaping up. Bagon, Swablu, Charizard, Ampharos, Azumarill, Kingdra (in a seat) and Steelix cheered out. We had met in the park on the way to the Pokemoncenter.

    “I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!” Krystal screamed, hugging Bagon tightly. “YES!!!”
    “Congratulations” Lance said. “Now, you must be at Vermillion on the 20th –

    “That’s two weeks on Friday!” Krystal protested.
    “Yes, I thought you knew…” Lance trailed off.

    “No…I can’t go then! I haven’t even TOLD my Mum I got in…she doesn’t know…I only found out like 40 seconds ago…I need to pack, I need to say goodbye…” Krystal said, pacing the room frantically.

    “Why not fly home?” Lance suggested. “I mean, where do you live?”
    “Pontaricò, an Island south of here” Krystal explained.
    “Oh. Um…well…” Lance began. “I’m going to Catcalina for a three or four weeks on vacation…sort of”

    “Really?” Krystal asked.
    “Yea, I’m just sick of working so you won’t see me until your second or maybe even third week at Dragon Rock” Lance explained. “I could…drop you off on the way to Catcalina”

    “On what?” A keen Krystal inquired. Lance drew a deep green Pokeball and threw it out. The light opened and took the shape of something incredible. A Dragonite. It was about 7 feet tall, standing proudly against the creamy oranges and navies in the sky.

    “Oh…” Krystal sighed. “It’s beautiful”
    “Jake” Lance said. “My Dragonite”
    “He can…take us home?” Krystal asked, nervously I might add.

    “Yea, we’ll make a few stops on the way but Jake’s good, experienced, very good on long journeys…” Lance went on.

    “So…let me get this straight,” I said, standing up. “Krystal. You’re going home…when?”

    “Umm…tomorrow morning I guess” She answered back. Lance nodded firmly.
    “WHAT?” I cried out. “ARE YOU MAD?”
    “No, but I’m determined” Krystal said. “I’ll leave tomorrow, we’ll stop off somewhere for tomorrow night, and we’ll make our way south”

    “And in two week’s time…”

    “Well in two weeks time I’ll get the ferry to Dragon Rock” Krystal said, folding her arms. “Can I? Or do I have to get the one from Vermillion?”
    “I’ll make sure you can” Lance said boldly. “After all, I AM the chairman”

    Krystal forced a laugh, Bagon in her arms.

    “Anyway, it’s late. I’ll meet you here tomorrow at 3.00”
    “Oh, that late?” Krystal asked.
    “Yes” lance said, nodding. Cape billowing, he pointed north. “And now, I do my laundry. AWAY!”

    He recalled Jake and ran off.

    “Weird…” I murmured. Krystal’s blood boiled.
    “K…” I muttered. “Let’s just head to the Pokemoncenter and get some sleep”

    Recalling Steelix, Kingdra and Charizard, and allowing Ampharos and Azumarill to walk alongside her while she held Bagon and let Swablu perch on her head, Krystal pressed on. I looked across at her, sighed, and imagined my life in 24 hours. Alone.

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  31. #151
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Wow, very good chapter! Heh, chapter 36 on page 36!

    So now Monica knows about Al's secret, I thought she would react differently.

    Great battle! Kecleon did better than I expected, and Seviper seemed strong too. Wow, Weezing must have gained a bunch of experience.

    OMG, Krystal's leaving! Chris is gonna be alone! Can't wait for the next chapter!!

    BTW, is there a sequel to this??

  32. #152
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    Jan 2003

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Congratulations, Krystal, for getting to Dragon Rock, and to Chris for the Soul Badge. Awww...Chris is gonna miss Krystal.

  33. #153
    Beginning Trainer
    Beginning Trainer

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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    poor chris, and krystal seems not to care.

    Shiny can you post chris and krystals prime team. I've sorta lost track

    and great chapter as always.

    I am the water king, if you want me look to the dark side of the water i'll be there

  34. #154
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    Nov 2002

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    that was a cool chapter! hehe... Koga seems to be loosing his touch! *snicker* who knew Wheezing would be so good? poor Seviper... a hole in his back. ow! so now, no matter what, Monica is on the run with Al, permanently. hmmm... this could have some implications. and in this chapter all of the sudden, Krystal is gone tomarrow. just gone ! like that! *snaps fingers* i feel sorry for Chris. poor guy. any way,
    “Weezing, double edge!” I shouted. Weezing shot forward and smashed into Beautifly. Still rather dizzy, she flapped down and rested on the floor. Weezing then floated above the Pokemon, her crest glowing white. She dropped down and body slammed the frail Pokemon, knocking her out.

    “BEAUTIFLY!” Janine roared. “YOU BASTARD!”
    “Weezing, sweet scent” I muttered. Weezing blasted the cloud of perfume from her mouth, and as she did, I myself felt a warming sensation come over me. Why all the fighting? Can’t we all just…get along?


    “And in two week’s time…”

    “Well in two weeks time I’ll get the ferry to Dragon Rock” Krystal said, folding her arms. “Can I? Or do I have to get the one from Vermillion?”
    “I’ll make sure you can” Lance said boldly. “After all, I AM the chairman”

    Krystal forced a laugh, Bagon in her arms.

    “Anyway, it’s late. I’ll meet you here tomorrow at 3.00”
    “Oh, that late?” Krystal asked.
    “Yes” lance said, nodding. Cape billowing, he pointed north. “And now, I do my laundry. AWAY!”

    He recalled Jake and ran off.

    “Weird…” I murmured. Krystal’s blood boiled.
    “K…” I muttered.
    " And now, I do my laundry. AWAY!" lol!!! thats probably one of the funniest quotes ive ever heard, and coming from Lance! neway, cya!

  35. #155
    Advanced Trainer
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    Powarun's Avatar
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Good chapter, there are good Weezings and bad weezings, just a question does this weezing smile instead of frown?

    The best line into the story yet
    “And now, I do my laundry. AWAY!”
    That was good. Made me smile.

    DO you work Shiny, because I have a hunch you have a job somewhere in the UK, where do you live in the UK anyway?
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  36. #156
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Great chapter. The appearance of Lance. I thought this part was pretty good:

    Weezing’s crest shimmered a glowing orange. Maybe a fire attack?

    “WEEZING!!!!!!” The Pokemon roared, her eyes blazing with orange flames. The heat suddenly rose in the Gym; it was now stuffy and sweltering. Weezing still forced the energy forward; creating the sunny day, but shortly afterwards sent a beam of white light in Beautifly’s eyes.

    “Flash?” Janine asked herself. “And sunny day...together?”
    A Sunny Flash? Poor Chris, Krystal's leaving. One thing I've noticed: Neither of them have mentioned "The Kiss" in Viridian Forest. Maybe it'll come back up before Krys leaves?

  37. #157

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Oh! I missed the last chapter! Well... Chris has a Scyther! Too bad it's so late in the story he'll probably not use Scyther at all... oh well. Tony's Feraligatr versus Dave's Blastoise... I predict that Feraligatr wins but either there are only a few seconds left or the time's run out already. Is it just me, or is the story really getting funnier suddenly?
    The Quest for the Legends

    Chapter seventy-seven, THE END, up!

    Also check out the spin-off, Scyther's Story, as well as its sequel, The Fall of a Leader.

    Winner of six 2008 Silver Pencils, including Best Fiction Overall and Best Plot
    Now concluded with chapter fourteen!

  38. #158
    Master Trainer
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Hanada: Monica took the news strangely...i wonder why? Is there a reason?
    Weezing did excellent, didn't she? Seviper battled hard and showed that new members are as strong as the old, and Kecleon backed up the theory that nothing can stop him...except a pile of goop! Thanks for reading, there is NO sequel to this, sorry. Two unfinished, shoddy half-made chapters were made for the would be sequel, but it was scrapped. Sorry. PM me if you want them.

    Jukain: Yep, she did well, didn't she? Chris did excellent too, earning his third badge whilst in Kanto. I'm so proud of both of them! Hehe. I wonder how chris will do when Krystal leaves?

    Watermaster: Krystal cares deep down, but her priorities lie in Dragon Rock. Poor girl. The teams are:

    Chris - Kecleon, Electabuzz, Umbreon, Pidgeot, Ivysaur, Seviper, Dustox, Smeargle
    Krystal - Azumarill, Charizard, Kingdra, Steelix, Ampharos, Swablu, Bagon

    Ultra: LOL, glad you liked Lance :-) He says some 'inspiring' words in C37! The sweet scent was cool :-p
    Monica may not always be with Al, but her love an devotion will surely keep them together. You'll see.....hehe.
    I hope you enjoy Krystal's goodbye! ! ! ! !

    pOWARUN: Nope, she can do an ugly grimace though! Lol. Glad you enjoyed the Lance quote. I think Weezing was one of the good Weezing's from ____ Isle. Can anybody remember what it was called? the Island she came from?
    and Nope, I don't have a job! I live in Cumbria, see below!

    Raichu: Yea, neither admit it! Mwahahahahaha lol. I'll not say if its mentioned or not...leave you wondering :-) Yea, that was great with the sunny day flash fuse combo thingamabobjoojo. :-s. lol. Thanks for reading!

    Dragonfree: Sorry, he won't get much spotlight. Nevermind. He had a good battle with Bulbasaur, right? Dave reminds Misty & Tony of their time as the battle slinks on, but are they too late? All is found out in Chapter 37!!!


    The Indigo Road
    Chapter 37 - Tag Matches
    By Shiny


    “Dustox, psybeam!” I cried. Dustox’ eyes flickered, before he blasted the multicoloured beam forward. The wild Teddiursa leapt back, before trying to slash Dustox with his sticky paws.

    “Kreeeeeeeeee!” Dustox shrieked, shooting forward and tackling Teddiursa. Teddiursa flopped to the ground, bawling and beating his fists. Dustox flapped back to me, chirping happily. We were in the park, battling for the day. Krystal was training Kingdra; we had all our Pokemon out, assembling by a large lake. Seviper had rested well, and thanks to some healing jelly that was spread over his wound, he had recovered from the battle with Beedrill very well.

    “Kingdra! Headbutt!” Krystal cried. After blinding Poliwhirl with a smokescreen, Kingdra shot through the veil and smacked into the amphibious frog. “Now use bubblebeam!”

    As the fight moved from beneath the water, Poliwhirl raced forward. Kingdra flipped out of the water and blasted the bullet-like bubbles, keeping Poliwhirl back. Kingdra then powered up a hyper beam, which smashed into Poliwhirl and knocked him underwater. Kingdra swam to the shoreline and met Krystal.

    “Great job!” She cried. She turned to Bagon and Swablu, who sat there watching. They both clapped happily. Azumarill emerged from the water, shaking herself and congratulating Kingdra.

    “Ok Bagon” Krystal said, picking her friend up. “Let’s battle”

    I sat on the bench with Electabuzz, Ampharos and Smeargle. Ivysaur and Umbreon lay beneath me, talking in hushed voices. Seviper was with Charizard and Steelix, practising attacks. Seviper was learning to dig from Steelix, and evaluating flamethrower by looking at Charizard’s.

    Pidgeot was soaring above us, happy to be among other birds like the Spearow and Pidgeotto that occupied the same space.

    He landed at the end of the bench, letting me stroke him affectionately.
    “Can I ride you?” I asked nervously. Pidgeot, now looking innocent, shook his head. “You don’t like it when I do, is that it?”

    He nodded. I must be too heavy, because Kecleon and Smeargle ran onto his back and were away in seconds. I sighed. A boy wandered past the lake and made eye contact with me. I stared at him. He had flaming orange hair, spiked up, wearing an airwalk t-shirt and baggy jeans. Heh, a ‘sk8er boi’, as the song goes.

    “Fancy a battle?” The boy asked. “I’m Terrence”
    “Don’t you get some sort of ‘cool’ nickname, like Terr or something?” I asked keenly. Terrence stared at me.

    “Hum…NOPE” He snapped. “Anyway, a 3-3 tag match Ok?”
    “Yea, but let me ask one question,” I said. “WHAT THE HELL IS A 3-3 TAG?”
    “That lip ring must be cutting the air supply to your brain” Terrence said, chuckling. He looked about 12.

    “That doesn’t even make sense,” I said blatantly.
    “A tag match is a 2-2, when two Pokemon are out at once…” Terrence began, talking slowly. The gay. “And you have one reserve Pokemon who you can bring forward in exchange for one of your two out”

    “Right…” I began.

    “You have to select the three Pokemon FIRST, though” Terrence explained. “All the kids around here do battles like this”

    “Ok then, let’s go!” I said. “Any of you guys want to take on jerkface?”
    Umbreon got up, yawned, stretched and wandered forward. Yay! Dustox fluttered over and joined in, too.

    “BAGON!” I heard, as the little purple scamp ran onto the arena, slapping Umbreon and pushing him back. Krystal chased after him, stopping by my side. She had heard everything, but I had the strangest idea she wanted to battle…

    “I’ll join you,” She declared. “Bagon and I”
    “Ok, Dustox can stay on reserve” I said. Pidgeot had now landed with Kecleon and Smeargle, and now the three, as well as Electabuzz, Seviper, Ivysaur, Charizard, Steelix, Ampharos, Kingdra, Azumarill and Swablu watched the fight keenly.

    “OK! I CHOOSE YOU GUYS!” Terrence roared, throwing out a fastball, a heavy ball and a Great ball. A Nuzleaf formed from the heavy ball, a Victreebel from the great ball and a Taillow formed out of the fastball. Taillow fluttered in the air from the sidelines.

    “Umbreon, quick attack!” I shouted. “Get Victreebel!”
    Umbreon roared, shooting through the air at Victreebel. Screaming, the floral Pokemon swung back as Umbreon tore across its head. Skidding, turning and shooting back, Umbreon tried again.

    “Bagon! Headbutt!” Krystal cried. Bagon ran forward at Nuzleaf, but he leapt into the air and evaded. Bagon was getting frustrated as Nuzleaf leapt back for every leap forward Bagon did.

    “BAGON!!!” The Pokemon wailed, punching Nuzleaf in the face. Nuzleaf scowled and leapt forward to attack, but Bagon spat an ember at him, setting alight to his nose.

    “Nuz!” He protested, patting the flames with his hands.
    “Are you alright?” Terrence asked. Nuzleaf nodded nervously, but his nose started to grow. It extended about three centimetres. Pinocchio had a lawsuit, finally…

    “Bagon! Ember again!” Krystal cried. Bagon spat embers from his mouth, causing Nuzleaf to go up in flames. He danced around wildly, Bagon clapping his hands in enjoyment.

    “Nuzleaf!” Terrence snapped. “Razor leaf!”
    Swinging his head-leaf (which was crackling with fire now), Nuzleaf sent a wave of sharp leaves at Bagon, who stood there vacantly.

    “Umbreon, agility!” I cried. Umbreon shot forward, hoisted Bagon on his back and turned back round. Bagon was settled down, while Nuzleaf burned and Victreebel hopped at us.

    “Nuzleaf, Taillow, tag!” Terence said, as the two Pokemon switched places. “Taillow, quick attack!”

    Taillow streaked through the air and hit Bagon, making him topple to the ground. Bagon settled himself back up and ran forward, slapping Taillow. Taillow pecked Bagon on the head.

    “Umbreon, swift attack!” I shouted. Umbreon fired the array of stars, which struck against Victreebel and led to even more wildly false screaming. Victreebel used vine whip and ensnared Umbreon’s left back leg, dragging him towards his gaping mouth.

    “Umbree!” He cried. As he did, a violet glow wrapped around his body. I faintly remembered that from…oh, it was from somewhere…

    “Hidden power!” I exclaimed. “From Viridian Gym!”

    Umbreon managed to send the aura to Victreebel. I didn’t hear any sharp screeches, so I presumed the screeches were released in that Aura, as Victreebel was squirming in pain on the ground. Then, Umbreon blasted six small purple orbs that started circling his body, each exploding into Victreebel.

    “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEYAH!! The Pokemon screeched. Umbreon kicked a little sand in Victreebel’s face before running back to me.

    “Good job!” I exclaimed, as I hugged Umbreon. Terrence recalled Victreebel.
    “Nuzleaf, can you go in your comrades place?”

    Nuzleaf, after being torched and after screaming as hard as he could, really was looking shoddy. He just shook his head. Bagon and Umbreon were chasing a rather worried Taillow around savagely. Terence drew two Pokeballs.

    “I choose Lombre! I choose Mawile!” He cried. The strange, lilly-hat-wearing Lombre emerged, evolving from Lotad if I remember school correctly. He clapped his hands and tapped his foot rhythmatically, sort of getting a beat in his head. Mawile materialized from her ball, her strange Venus flytrap-like jaws snapping while she manoeuvred them above her head majestically.

    “Wow! Mawile are so cool!” Krystal declared. “Chris, let’s overload this thing”

    Before I could reply, Lombre and Mawile charged at us. Three on two? THE DOUBLE-CROSSING BASTARD!

    “Hey!” I snapped.
    “Haha! Tag-team 2-2’s, YEA RIGHT!” Terrence cried. “ATTACK!”
    “Oh, just **** off” I mumbled. “Dustox, stun spore!”

    “Charizard, flamethrower!” Krystal shouted, as Charizard swooped over the battle like a referee having to settle a brawl on the football field. Charizard blasted the searing flamethrower from his fanged mouth, which immediately sent Mawile running off from the attack. Lombre blasted a water gun to counteract it, but only ended up creating a veil of steam.

    Dustox sprinkled the attack, but Taillow flapped a whirlwind to cancel it out. We all dived down as the powder wafted past us. Charizard was caught up and simply fell down, unable to fight. Krystal ran over.

    “NO!” She screamed. “Charizard, can you move?”
    Attempting several times, Charizard could only fail. Krystal sobbed momentarily, before turning to her other Pokemon.

    “Azumarill, Ampharos, GO!” She cried. Her Pokemon ran forward, so it was Dustox, Umbreon, Azumarill and Ampharos.

    “Umbreon, stay back” I said, as my friend slinked into the shadows. “Pidgeot, WHIRLWIND!”

    Pidgeot swooped forward and used his whirlwind to force Lombre back. Mawile used her jaws to crunch into the ground, leaving her body flapping back in the wind. Lombre flopped back; Taillow soared high into the clouds and disappeared.

    “Taillow?” Terrence asked. “Come on down!”
    Terrence watched as Pidgeot flew back. Smeargle and Electabuzz joined the fray. This was a proper tag-team; each Pokemon pitching in for a little experience.

    “TAILLOW! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Terrence screamed, dropping to his knees.
    “He really did a good job escaping” Krystal observed. “He waited until your mind was elsewhere before…flying off”

    Terrence was in tears, but Lombre, Mawile, Electabuzz, Smeargle, Azumarill, Ampharos and Bagon all fought each other. Dustox, caught up in the excitement, shot around spraying a stun spore from his mouth.

    “Terrence, watch out!” I cried. Terrence looked up as the powder swirled around his head. He sneezed, before his eyes became blotchy and his face was red. Suddenly, gasping for air, his joints seized up and he fell down on his back, twitching slightly.

    “Terrence!” Krystal cried. “Chris, we could get in BIG trouble for this!”
    “Well, let’s go!” I cried. “Electabuzz, Dustox, Smeargle, Pidgeot, Umbreon, Ivysaur, Seviper RETURN”
    “Azumarill, Ampharos, Kingdra, Charizard, Steelix return!” Krystal said, Swablu perching on her head and Bagon in her arms.

    We pressed on through the forest, Terrence twitching on the ground. Mawile and Lombre exchanged nervous looks. Lombre slowly walked towards the lake, nervously turning left and right. He shot a glance at his trainer, before leaping in the water and swimming off.



    Fist clenched, teeth grinding, veins throbbing and my heart smashing against my chest, I watched on as Feraligatr and Blastoise wrestled on the arena. Misty and Golduck were rather wooden at the moment, each watching through fear and anticipation.

    “COME ON!” Dave spat.
    “Keep it up” I said, much more quieter than Dave. The two wrestled more and more, but, as my attention was diverted slightly, I saw the cement arena was cracking evermore…

    …Water seeped out the cracks – it must have been a very thin layer Dave had used. Budget cuts, I’d guess. Either way, Feraligatr looked down momentarily at the water covering his feet, giving Blastoise time to hurl him to the ground. Feraligatr smashed against the cement, shattering it and causing him to fall into the icy water. Small chips of Cement flew off the arena, and the two water Pokemon laid there in the new arena.

    “DAMNIT!” Dave roared. “Blastoise, rapid spin”
    Blastoise tucked into his shell and spun around, shooting through the water and smacking into Feraligatr. He floated to the surface and gasped, looking up at me. The large, fearless alligator really wasn’t living up to his name…he was shivering and looked so innocent, but was that because I owned him: I knew him from Totodile…I knew what he was going through. We had bonded well.

    “Feraligatr, get out!” I cried. “And keep Blastoise in!”
    As Blastoise followed, Feraligatr managed to kick him back into the water. Feraligatr shook himself, as Misty and Golduck took over.

    “Golduck! Psybeam!” Misty cried. Paws either side of his gem, Golduck forced the jagged, multicoloured beam from his head towards Blastoise. Blastoise leapt to the left, smashing a slightly dent in the floor, as the psybeam smashed the wall.

    “Blastoise, HYDRO PUMP! Let’s show these kids who’s who,” Dave snarled. Feraligatr ran forward to stop the attack from hitting me. Blastoise’s cannons blasted two powerful blasts of water forward, each smashing into Feraligatr and felling him. Feraligatr lay there.

    “NO!” I cried. I recalled him and prepared to send out Wartortle. Feraligatr was down…I couldn’t believe it…Misty was shocked, too, and Golduck had just hidden behind his trainer. He knew he couldn’t survive it…

    “You know…” Misty began, tucking her gun in her back pocket. “I like a man with… power
    “That’s me,” Dave said. “Baby”

    “I’m starting to realise…” Misty said, walking around the arena. “Why I fell for you in the first place, Dave. So strong, so dynamic, so powerful”
    “And you, Misty” Dave said, as Misty joined him on his side of the arena. “So delicate, but firm, beautiful and smart…”

    I couldn’t believe it! Misty smiled sweetly and walked behind Dave.
    “All that tension from batting…” She said, moving her hands to his shoulders. “Poor you…”

    Now she was giving him a back massage! I don’t believe it! Dave didn’t even look at me now; his head was looking up and his eyes closed.

    “TO HELL WITH YOU!” I heard Misty scream, her grip on Dave’s shoulders allowing her to bend him back slightly and knee him in the buttocks. She kicked him into the water, spread her legs out and drew out the pistol.

    “STAY THERE” She spat. Dave tread the water as he floated there, clothes, hair and shoes ruined. “Or I’ll shoot”

    “Yea, right, you told me yourself they were only pellets”
    “WRONG” Misty said. “Three are pellets. Two have been used on you…and the third…”

    She fired directly down, showing the small pellet on the ground. There was no denying it. Dave still wasn’t convinced.

    “And just because there’s no pellets, whats saying there’s bullets?” He said. “It may be empty”

    “Wrong again” Misty said, aiming for the lights in the arena. She shot, shattering the glass and plunging us into a little more shadowy atmosphere. Only one light was out of five, so I could still see fine.

    “You *****” Dave snarled. “You rotten *****”
    “Keep quiet” Misty snarled. She didn’t even look up when she said, “Tony, phone 999 while I keep scumbag under control”

    I got out my mobile phone, one with a dark blue cover on it and a white Suicune silhouette, and rang 999.

    “Hello, this is 999. Please state weather you need to ”
    “This is Tony Aquadox of Cerulean Gym, I need to speak to the police”
    “Uh-huh, and the reason?”
    “Dave Robson, I…I have him here. He kidnapped me and Misty Waterflower, we need the police!”
    “Right. Where are you Tony?”
    “Cerulean Gym”
    “Someone will be right over”
    “Thanks, g’bye”

    I hung up and turned to Misty and Dave.

    “Tony” Misty said, her eyes on Dave. “The maze!”
    “Oh man!” I cried. “We need to…erm…”

    Blastoise then leapt at me, a grin across his face. He knocked me to the ground and pinned me down. I stared at him as he grunted in deep breaths. “Blast…toise…Blast…”

    “Golduck!” I cried. “Roar!”
    I heard (I couldn’t see for this blubbering shellfish) Golduck squawk loudly, before an echoing moan came from his mouth. A thin icy sheet of air formed around Blastoise, slowly making him glow and shoot back into the Pokeball all the way in Dave’s submerged belt.

    I got up, dusting myself off. I released Feraligatr, who was gasping in exhaustion.

    “Feraligatr, I NEED you to help me” I said, as he clutched his chest.
    “Gator” He grumbled.
    “This is very important,” I told him. “Fire a hydro pump directly at that metal, it should hopefully punch a hole right through, allowing Police to get Dave”

    Feraligatr nodded. He started breathing deeply, focusing by closing his eyes. The stripe on his lower body, well, the two that pointed down in a wide V shape anyway, glowed a bright blue, before he opened his mouth and blasted the high-pressured stream of water. It was forced against the metal walls of the maze, which were soon pierced by the devastating attack. I watched as a very large, gaping hole was left after Feraligatr’s reign of ‘terror’.

    I looked through and, as Feraligatr rested, I could look right through the maze and see the door! I gasped, thanking Feraligatr and recalling him.

    “Thanks Tony” Misty said, her eyes still focused on Dave. He suddenly dived underwater, turning quickly, while Misty shot accurately. I saw a flash of movement, before Dave surfaced, a bullet embedded in his shoulder. Blood spilled into the pool.

    “You…*****!” He wept, as the blood spilled into the water. “Ow!”
    “The Police can take care of you” Misty spat. “Keep calm”


    As Dave was carted off in an ambulance, a police car infront and behind it, Misty and me watched from the Gym doors. Wartortle was by my side.

    As soon as the escorted ambulance turned the corner, Misty let out a sigh.
    “WHAT a wild ride” She began. “I…I’m in shock, really”
    “There’s a lot I still don’t understand,” I said. “Like, if Dave was taking over Cerulean, then does that mean that other Gyms are being taken over in Kanto?”

    “I don’t know…” Misty pondered.
    “Dave kept mentioning the ‘takeover’, I wonder if this is some sort of plan?” I continued.
    “You never know” Misty mumbled. “But he’s off the Gym charter now, it’s me, you and then the apprentices. He can’t get it!”

    “Hey, why did you have a gun?” I asked ardently.
    “WHAT? Oh…well…the gun, yes. Erm, sorry?” She asked.
    “Where did you get the gun?” I repeated.
    “Well, that’s not really important” She said. “We jus’ need a builder to change this Gym back!”

    “It’s gonna cost loads” I said.
    “I’ll put it on Dave’s card” Misty said, as she held the plastic card in her hand. I gasped, smirked, and followed her inside.

    I’d usually have said I was a wet blanket. For the most time I’m usually just saying no, refusing this and that. When I travelled with Chris and Krystal, I didn’t battle as much, and I’d have thought I was worse off from it all. It’s developed really, from travelling alone to this whole incident. It’s made me stronger, much stronger than yesterday. Mudkip, my beloved Mudkip, and my rather unusual Ekans were both scars on Dave’s plan, and my life here in Cerulean, but with any hope Brittany would have another when I next went out fishing at the lake. Now, as the 2nd man (not literally, obviously) at Cerulean Gym, a dazzling Feraligatr on my team (Probably to be used by Misty, as she’s the leader), my duty was set in stone. Go to hell, Dave.


    James Holmes

    “How is it the Newton’s cradle always gets twisted and knotted?” I asked myself, fiddling with the contraption in my office. Angered, I knocked it to the ground and got up.

    I walked out my office, which overlooked the executive’s area. They all clicked away on their laptops on the black wooden desks. My best executive, Lynne Summers, walked over to me with a clipboard of information. She had short brown hair and a very serious face. Her finishing hazel glazed eyes reminded me of a hawk. Sharp, decisive, never fooled.

    “Sir, Dave Robson has been arrested” She told me.
    “WHAT?” I roared.
    “Here’s the article,” Lynne said. I growled, snatching the paper she held. I saw the article and Lynne, a fast reader, zipped through it, as my eyes remained wide open in shock.

    “You’ve all been fooled, like me”
    Those were the words of Misty Waterflower, who, after apparently being reported as kidnapped on Cerulean cape, gave us this rather different story:
    ‘Tony had been gone for a while. I was worried. Taking Staryu for protection, I left the gym and headed out to see where he was. I bumped into Dave, who asked what I was doing here. I simply shook it off, saying I was searching for Tony, explaining the whole situation. His eyebrows rose as I mentioned the Gym. With that, his Exeggutor emerged behind me, sprinkling the sleep powder and lulling me to sleep’

    I threw the paper to the ground, unable to read more.

    “Any news on Domino?” I asked Lynne.
    “Yep, she contacted us an hour ago. She’s in Pewter City, and at the moment she’s training Sneasel to handle rock types”

    “It will be hard with Magneton,” I said.
    “Yes, she told me she’s going to teach Magneton rain dance, to help her” Lynne explained. “Erm, Sandra is still in Fuchsia, leaving the takeover for a while until she’s interrogated Al”

    “And how is that going?” I asked.
    “Unfortunately, her efforts can’t quite do the job” Lynne began. Hastily, she added, “If you permit her to use more…force in her next try I’m sure she’ll be able to get the information she wants”

    “Very well, get back to her and explain she is permitted to use whatever force she is required to” I said, as Lynne nodded and walked off to her desk.

    I took time researching into our elite’s and seeing how things were working. I walked over to Beck’s desk; his laptop was hooked up to a Porygon2, and his work as a scientist in Kraden Island University had paid off well.

    “Sir, we’ve managed to hook up to Dane,” He told me.
    “Excellent” I said.
    “Line three” Beck said, handing me the phone. I picked it up, the ‘on hold’ button flashing, and resumed the conversation.

    “Sir” Dane said.
    “Dane, how are things going?” I asked.
    “Smooth, very smooth” Dane explained. “We left the farmhouse and we’re making our way across the border to Daezun”

    “Daezun?” I inquired.
    “A merchants town across from Egypt” Dane told me. “I’m going there, selling up and making my way back to base”
    “I…I think through all of this, you deserve a break” I told him. “You know, to lie low. Sell the Pokemon, I’d suggest moving to somewhere like Paris or Berlin, and then come back in say, three months time”

    “Oh, oh Thankyou sir” Dane said, happiness flooding over him. “Thankyou. Goodbye for now”
    “Been a pleasure”

    I gave the phone back to Beck and walked back to my office. I started making calls and sorting papers, as my phone rang. I picked it up, pressed it to my ear and got up, pacing my room nervously.

    “James, it’s Jet” came the voice.
    “Jet! Lovely to hear from you” I began, as my Jolteon arose from sleep.
    “Sir, we located Saffron Gym, it’s been taken over and we’re now refurbishing it” Jet told me.

    “Good, good” I said, as Jolteon sat at my feet. “Remember to try and make it seem…normal”
    “Unfortunately, Megan…was killed” Jet told me. I gasped, getting up and flipping Jolteon over. He muttered something and walked under my desk, going back to sleep.

    “What happened?” I asked quickly.
    “Sabrina manipulated the locks on the door and Megan’s seatbelt…and, well, she’s gone”
    “Oh my gosh” I said. “That’s awful. And what did you do with Sabrina?”

    “Killed her there and then” Jet said. He was holding the tears back.

    “So, you’re still going through with this?” I asked Jet.
    “Yes sir, for King and Country” Jet said, speaking firmly. “Thankyou for Magmar”
    “It was getting bored at HQ,” I said, smiling, even though Jet could not see. “And Megan got her Shellder ok?”
    “Yes, she was over the moon” Jet said, sniffing again.

    “You’re a brave person,” I said. “Very brave, you’ve definitely earned your place here Jet”
    “…Thankyou sir” Jet said softly. “I’d better be off now, goodbye”
    “Bye” I said emptily, as Jet hung up.

    I put the phone on the hook and sighed to myself. Sandra should be tracking Al right now, and once she did, we’d finally unearth some of Giovanni’s money he’d left, but first, we needed that code…damn Al. He’d finally get what he deserved…



    We stood there, Krystal and me, on Fuchsia’s pier. Painted a grey/white blend, it was soon slippery due to the lashing rain coming from the woolly black clouds. Lance stood at the far end with Jake.

    “So, ready to come along?” Lance asked Krystal, who had her cape on, a long-sleeved black t-shirt underneath, her Pokemon in their balls and her bag on her back. Her bag was hidden thanks to her cape, though.

    “Yea, just give me a minute,” She said, turning to me.

    “I got you this in Fliscoula” I began, getting out the box. I handed it to Krystal, who opened it cautiously and saw my present.

    It was a dragon’s head, silver, with shimmering eyes. It could fit in your palm. It was on a chain, which Krystal immediately put around her neck, smiling.
    “I love it! Thankyou!” She cried.
    “The head is a badge in Blackthorn City” I said knowledgably. “I hope you –

    “THANKYOU!” Krystal cried, hugging me tightly. I smiled as she did so, staring at Lance, who was tapping his foot impatiently. “This is great!”

    We stood there, parting from the hug. I could smell Krystal…she had such a warming smell…

    “So, you’re just…leaving?” I asked, a whimper in my voice.
    “Well, yes” She said firmly. “Unless…unless you can give me a reason why I shouldn’t…”

    “Actually…” I began. “I have a few words I’d like to…get off my chest”
    Krystal waited.
    “You’re smart, you’re brave, you’re… beautiful and…I can’t bear to see you leave me here” I said, glowing red.

    “Oh, Chris” Krystal said sympathetically. “That’s sweet”
    “Krystal, I love you!” I said, half sad, half happy and enthusiastic. It was a frighteningly strange combination.
    “So, what I guess I’m saying is…” I began, my lip trembling. “Is…”
    “Is?” asked Krystal.



    “Will you go out with me…please?” I repeated, slowing it down slightly.
    “Chris…” Krystal began, biting her lip. “Please try to understand…that I don’t…I don’t really… feel that way about you”


    “We’re friends, and if we went out, we’d take that too far, too far to continue being friends after we broke up” She continued.

    “Oh…” I mumbled.

    “Sorry” Krystal said fragilely, nervous at speaking.
    “No, no you shouldn’t be” I said, ushering her away. “You’re going places now…you wouldn’t want to miss your flight home”

    “Please…Chris…we’re still mates, right?”
    “Mates. Yea, we’re mates,” I said, bleakly smiling. She moved closer and pecked me on the cheek.
    “Viridian Forest was a mistake,” She said simply. “Ciao for now”

    She turned and ran boldly down the pier. Around halfway, she slipped and fell flat on her face. Hmm…rather unexpected…

    “I’m ok…I’m ok!” She cried, getting up, brushing herself off and, face red, she strolled towards Lance. “Let’s go”

    “Are you sure you’re doing the right thing?” I questioned.
    “Right and wrong are only words” Lance said boldly. “It’s what you DO that counts”

    “And I’m asking if what she did…” I began. “…Forget it”
    The idiot’s advice was awful. I sighed heavily.

    As the rain whipped against me, slashing and slapping my face, I watched tearfully as the girl I loved clambered onto Dragonite. Lance spoke to him, before he ran forward (Krystal looked nervous), leapt off the pier, swooped down, dived up and tore through the skies.

    “Goodbye!!!” I cried, waving as noticeably as I could. Kecleon watched me. “I love you!!!”

    And she was gone. My love. The one I’d have wanted to spend the rest of my life with. My mind flashed back to the sensations and feelings of Viridian Forest, although it was difficult to recall them…. I sighed, turned, and walked back to the Pokemoncenter, the rain drizzling down my back. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered.

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    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  39. #159
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    *Stops crying* Oh......God.....that was really sweet.......poor Chris... No kidding, I was actually crying. *Sniff* But at least that bastard Dave got shot. And the return of James Holmes! Me thinks, something happens to Krystal on the way to Dragon Rock involving the Holmes Organisation.

  40. #160
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Oh my God, Shiny, this was simply the best chapter.

    Everything was answered, but is this the last chapter? Or are there future chapters, just not with Chris?

    Anyway, Dave is finally in jail, and Misty and Tony get the gym back. I can't believe Krystal left Chris like that.

    Great chapter!

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