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here's my want/offer list. it's seriously out of date so i might fix it sometime soon
emerald insert: gligar
ruby insert: seedot, mawhile, solrock, zangoose
sapphire insert: lotad, sableye, lunatone, seviper
items: king's rock (x2), deepseatooth, deepseascale, dragon scale, sun stone (x1), magmariser (i seriously want this item)
and any shiny pokemon or most legendary pokemon
starters: all kanto, johto, hoenn, and sinnoh
pokeradar: nidoran (m&f), mankey, grimer, tauros, ditto, togepi, mareep, hoppip, sunkern, wobbuffet, smeargle, miltank, taillow, ralts, nincada, whismur, torkoal, trapinch, snorunt, venonat, baltoy, sentret, duskull
safari: paras, exeggcute, kangaskhan, shroomish, gulpin, croagunk, skorupi
trophy garden: meowth, porygon, eevee, igglybuff, plusle, minun, castform
inserts: growlithe, teddiursa, tropius, sandshrew
pearl exclusives: slowpoke, misdreavus, houndour, stantler, spheal, bagon, glameow
diamond exclusives: seel, scyther, lavitar, poochyena, murkrow, stunky, kecleon
fossils: kabuto, lileep, aerodactyl, shieldon, cranidos
legendary: azelf, uxie (x2)
other (including swarms): spiritomb, doduo, feebas, beldum, combee, aipom, snubbull, zigzagoon, slakoth, lickitung, munchlax, magnemite, pidgey, nosepass, yanma, electrike, skitty, krabby, smoochum, dunsparce, farfetch'd, phanpy
some that i recently got include: pineco, weedle, caterpie, ekans, etc