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Thread: War of the Forums

  1. #1521
    The slaughter never ends. Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#183)

    First of all...

    "You never considered why I lost it when I met Ada, did you?"

    "Oh, I thought about it. I thought you were a freaking wackjob..."
    I love Gavin's response there. XD

    Speaking of #177, I like the circle effect in the last panel. It turned out pretty nicely, I'd say. ^^

    Another favorite panel would be the last one in #178. Great image-choosing there--I think that background is awesome. ^^

    It looks as though the question of just who and what the "gods" actually are has been answered. o.o Interesting stuff, there...

    In the fourth panel of #182... is that a penguin I see in the corner there? o.o

    ...Anyway, here's another favorite excerpt:

    "I really don't know whether or not we can trust this whole theory of yours."

    "Damn right. Your modding proposal is rejected, so we--"

    "But that doesn't matter right now."

    I love that part; I think it's hilarious. XD And Gavin's face in the fourth panel of #183 is priceless, in my opinion. XD

  2. #1522
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#184)

    Mikachu: Oh, I see. That sounds sort of like some community centers in America. Interesting! I'm glad it gives you a good outlet.

    Sike: Yes, Gavin can be very nicely sharp-tongued sometimes, can't he? It makes moments of refutation all the more comical. ^_^ I actually find him to be a very funny character, myself.

    I love doing "mystical" effects and such. They're so much fun to craft. Pika's interpretation of recent events is still very much debatable, though. As for #182, you've got a good eye! That's Penpen from Neon Genesis Evangelion, and he was remarkably difficult to crop away.

    Alright. I'd like to say a few words.

    First of all, I apologize for the absurd slowness in releasing this page. A number of factors have been at play to keep the process from continuing. For one, finding pictures of the central character is, quite frankly, excruciatingly difficult. The internet seems to contain 98% fanart and 6% thumbnails. The other major problem was a combination of pneumonia (contracted at the beginning of last semester) and a whole new level of college challenges. It also hasn't helped that my remaining time has been sapped away by the WEBSITE REVIVAL PROJECT. (We're still seeking volunteers! Be a part of TPM's revival!)

    Now. That being said, it isn't as though my schedule is much easier in a new semester. As such, I'm going to make a commitment. I'm not vowing to update daily. The pressure of that standard actually kept me from making any progress for several months. Instead, for the time being, I'll be doing weekly updates. If I get ahead in the work I'll speed it up, but this is the best I can do right now without disappointing everyone with more massive delays. The last thing I want to do is disappoint you guys.

    So! That said, it's time to move forward. Think of this as an early Valentine's Day present to Fanfic, courtesy of a certain someone....

    #184: Yes, he's still among us. Death is only the beginning....

    Now, what is the being called Jay? Does Jay even exist?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  3. #1523
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#184)

    If it isn't War of the Forums!

    All I can say about the newest page is that when you first glance at it, it looks boring. That's because there's just one character and the backgrounds are insignificant. Of course it may work as a joke at least to some people. Yeah, that's me returning to critizice you! About three years ago, I myself still wasn't too open for criticism, and I always said "Tee itse parempi!" i.e. "Do it better yourself!". Not that you weren't open, I just wanted to point that out.

  4. #1524
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#184)

    Yay its back, Looks like Jay is up to something evil

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  5. #1525
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#184)

    WTF it's WotF... Yay it's back! The ressurection of Jay coincides quite well with the resurrection of the comic. Although I'll agree with Mikachu that because this chapter doesn't tell us anything that we didn't already know, it seems slow, especially considering how long we've gone without an update. However, the word "revenge" sure is interesting.

    The internet seems to contain 98% fanart and 6% thumbnails.
    With 104% fanart and thumbnails, where do you find porn? the fanart. Never mind.
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  6. #1526
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#184)

    Oh snap, revenge... o.o *is intrigued, especially by that question of just how far he will take said revenge*

  7. #1527
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#184)

    (Breathes sigh of relief.)

    I had thought that this fic was officially dead. I'm glad it was only on hiatus.

    But what an appropriate one for its return. Jay is back from the dead, and not even he knows what it means...

    Let's hope the next installment doesn't take as long as this one did.

  8. #1528
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#184)

    It's about time you started this up again.



    Ahem. Good to see you back. ...SLAVE! ...Yeah...

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  9. #1529
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#185)

    Mikachu: Yeah, I've been lamenting this particular stopping point for awhile. It's not the most climactic of transitions; the only reason I stopped there was that it's SO DAMN HARD to get Orochimaru pics. Don't ask me why; it just is. Occasionally single-character pages are exciting, but I agree with you that this one isn't. Criticism accepted! ^^

    CEB: Hehe. When is Jay not up to something evil?

    Ada: A surprising number of people are interested in revenge against Fanfic. You'd think we were out to get them or something! Yes, in a sense Jay's resurrection is appropriate here; I just wish I could have found a more exciting way to continue that particular plotline.

    And you've found the hidden Easter egg in that comment! With those percentages, though, a lot of them would have to be pornographic fanart thumbnails... @_@

    Sike: I find the particular wording you chose quite funny; you'll soon see why. Does Jay's villainy know no bounds?

    DS: I've been a little worried that people would start thinking that, especially with some of the suggestions around Fanfic that I should start "WotF part two." We're on part four already, people! And the gap between #184 and #185 is not going to be six months.

    Blade: Your whip pales in comparison with my modstick. *brandishes it menacingly*

    Bloodlust is an amazing thing. Once you get started, it's rather hard to stop.

    #185: What do the region and sector codes mean? I'll let you figure out that one.

    It looks as though the alarms at Fanfic HQ have sounded once more. With the moderators still reeling from the loss of their senior member, can they cope with yet another crisis?

    Also, yes, I know, these last two pages took several months to complete. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find halfway-decent Orochimaru pictures online? I've honestly been shocked!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  10. #1530
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#185)

    Jay is going more and more crazy. Now he's up to something against the whole universe!

    Using Naruto plot is a double-edged or should I say triple-edged sword, by the way.

    1) If you haven't read or watched Naruto enough, it brings spoilers. I didn't know Hokage dies before I read the part in this comic.
    2) If you have read or watched Naruto enough, you may be bored becuase it's kinda repeating the plot.
    3) Of course, you may also be delighted to see the great way this comic mixes Naruto's plot and TPM.

  11. #1531
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#185)

    No, he's not repeating Naruto's plot. He stopped doing that after Hokage/Martin's death. Which is good, because keeping up with Shippuuden is more than enough for me.

    I'm trying to figure out the codes. Hm. This may take a while.
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  12. #1532
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#185)

    Hmm seems like Jay is up to some trouble, but on the codes my guess the Region MF means Miscellaneous Forum but I have no theory on Sector CL, maybe a topic Jay frequented?

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  13. #1533
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#185)


    Good work Mr_p. I'm too dizzy to really critique, but I'm super glad this is back.

    And as per our agreement, I won't post for another 5 months in this topic, lol. Lurkville Here I come!

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  14. #1534
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#185)

    Yay! It's back!

    Hmm... no comments.

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  15. #1535
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#186)

    Mikachu: Insanity is fun!

    Naruto plot? I'm not sure what you mean, actually. While this fic includes characters modeled after those from Naruto (Jay and Martin, for example), the plot has nothing to do with it (as far as I know, at least). If it seems like it's running parallel to what they did... expect things to change. After all, we're only just getting started.

    Shonta: Actually, I wasn't really even trying to use a Naruto-based plot then. The events in that particular scene were sort of similar to what happened in the anime, so I strategically chose character designs to make that particular action scene easier to form.

    If that's how people are seeing it, though, then maybe I need to look at my work and make sure it matches my vision of how things are supposed to develop. I don't want to duplicate something else, even unintentionally.

    Working on the codes, huh? Good luck! You'll need it....

    CEB: Heh heh... keep thinking!

    DL: Agreement? What agreement? I signed nothing!

    Nooooo... come back!

    Gabi: Yes! It's back!

    Hmm... no reply.

    The wheels keep turning.

    #186: I do hope the moderators haven't missed some important detail. After all, that would be bad!

    Panel six was by far the biggest challenge of this page. It alone took me about two hours to complete. So much minute editing to do... sometimes being a perfectionist is a pain.

    We're almost done with this mod meeting. I promise! Think of all this as the prologue before the action starts.

    ...You decide whether the "prologue" is this section of Book Four, or the last 180+ pages.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  16. #1536
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#186)

    In fact, by Naruto plot, I meant only the arrangement Hokage VS Orochimaru and Martin's death. I have been posting inconsiderate opinions and incorrect information here at TPM lately. Perhaps it's here just that I want to be the first to reply, this is the fourth page in a row that's directly followed by my comment.

  17. #1537
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#186)

    Wow, that 6th panel was amazing!

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  18. #1538
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#186)

    Ah, so panel six was prepped for by the panel of the desk so many pagres ago... Anyway, ouch, that must have been painful to do. I can't imagine how people who make AMVs persevere. Methinks the prologue is this 180+ page thing. So obviously it's not Fanfic that got the alert earlier (also indicated by Jay's musings on other planets)... which means that all the planets have the same warning system... which must have been set up by the godly administrators. I wonder if the fanfic mods ever thought about whether there are regions other than FF...
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  19. #1539
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#186)

    Ah, so panel six was prepped for by the panel of the desk so many pagres ago... Anyway, ouch, that must have been painful to do. I can't imagine how people who make AMVs persevere. Methinks the prologue is this 180+ page thing. So obviously it's not Fanfic that got the alert earlier (also indicated by Jay's musings on other planets)... which means that all the planets have the same warning system... which must have been set up by the godly administrators. I wonder if the fanfic mods ever thought about whether there are regions other than FF...
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  20. #1540
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#186)

    Quote Originally Posted by mistysakura View Post
    I wonder if the fanfic mods ever thought about whether there are regions other than FF...
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  21. #1541
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#186)

    I guess I really should start reading this! I've flicked through it but never actually read all of it; so i'm a bit confused. But I enjoy to read it! and yeah. The end?

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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

  22. #1542
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#186)

    Worlds: Betcha can't destroy just one! 8D

    Region and sector codes... All my brain seems willing to make out of "MF" right now (aside from a certain term formed by a combination of the word "mother" and another word... O_o; ) is "Murderface", and "CL" isn't yielding anything at all for me. So yeah, I have no idea whatsoever. XD;

    As for what constitutes the "prologue before the action starts"... Every page of WotF released thus far, as well as all of the the rest of the world's written works released prior to the release of the next page. Yes. (I dunno--that just seemed like a good answer, however incorrect. X3; )

  23. #1543
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#186)

    Okay, I've been scared away from this before because I wasn't familiar with the Fanfic personas and I didn't want to keep reading while missing 80% of the references to TPM/Fanfic events/people. But I ran out of questions to ask in the trivia game, and hey, here I am.

    I'd just like to thank you for the last (2?) hours that I spent reading all 186 pieces that you've posted so far. Oh, there were many awesome things that I wanted to talk about, but if I made a comment on everything I liked, I would probably break the post character limit. >_>

    You're a genius, and your creativity and sense of humor never cease to amaze me. What more can I say I'm sure the appreciation value would've been even greater if I could have matched the persona personalities to their owners as I read along, but I can't do much about that. I'm going to keep reading, even though I know I'll miss a lot of the references. The characters and plot are amusing enough without having much background knowledge.

    [EDIT]: I guess I should say something relevant to the story... Hm. My biggest impression? Martin was one heck of an awesome character. His will - hah. I love how he tormented Ada even though he was dead. What a badass. Oh, yes - infraction #2: flaming! There were a lot of things that made me laugh, but those panels made me totally lose it. Though I'll admit, I got confused about the part where Martin got stabbed because the monkey is Sarutobi's summon and I assumed it was his ally at first until I read properly. >_> I was looking all over the place for the guy that supposedly helped Jay, when he was lying right there. I suppose I should be glad that Bleach is the only other animé that I've seen whose characters you've used in this. I would totally impose assumptions on the scenes that you use otherwise. -_-; (Oh, and I apologize if that second-to-last sentence makes the grammar nazi in you twitch. Heh heh.)
    Last edited by Lune the Guardian; 5th March 2009 at 11:16 PM.
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