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Thread: ASB Suggestion Thread

  1. #81
    The Damsel of Disaster! Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB Suggestion Thread

    I suggest that we put the Christmas tree up...

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  2. #82
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    ^Golddigger detected.

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  3. #83
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    Default Re: ASB Suggestion Thread

    Sooo, what if we had a newsletter, like Fanfic? I'unno... something where regular members such as ourselves can write about strategies and reffing and whatnot?

  4. #84
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    The newsletter that's been fucking dead forever?

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  5. #85
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    Or the State of the Union address that DL and MLG throw their own attacks at each other in..
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  6. #86
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    You mean with different articles, written by different people?

    Sure I'm up to that, but it should be seperated from the normal Newsletter, which is just plain out me and DL giving you some intel-info.

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  7. #87
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    No NeWsLeTtErS, it KILLs our Forum!!!1!!!

    Just joking!

    I just had this crazy idea, could a tournament be held with Fakemon? Has it been tried before? Of course the Fakemon should be well described. Or even more free tournament with fake attacks, abilities and stuff?

    Also, don't except me to come up a Fakemon or at least not too many of them.

  8. #88
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    A Newsletter is a good Idea, and I have somthing special in mind for it...

    Mikachu as much as I would like to see some of my fake Pokémon being used I don't think many here would agree to it, however it might be possible since the Pokémon factory has a RPG using Fake Pokémon they have made, however it's more like the AC/CC I think, of course I have not looked into it that much....

    besides that it most likely would spark a flame war to decide what the region is called and on what part of the real world it's based off.

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  9. #89
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    Default Re: ASB Suggestion Thread

    What about on Mt. Moon? That would be even more crazy.

  10. #90
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    So I'm proposing another crazy idea because I want each pokémon to be a little more unique. Sure, we've got recolors and abilities to diversify some pokémon, but when it comes down to it, there's very little variety among pokémon. One dragonite's going to be the same as another, and all that.

    What I'm suggesting is that the gym leaders and the elite 4 can have one attack in pokémon canon, and say that that particular attack can be made into, and sequentially taught, to the pokémon on their gym/elite team.

    Nothing crazy, like Hydro Cannon on a charizard per se, but something that makes sense, like Flare Blitz on a flareon. Each GL or E4 member can choose one attack that most pokémon don't normally learn, and give it to their pokémon provided they meet the right requirements.

    Attaching these "TMs" would, of course, be subject to mod approval, so they can't get out of hand, and we could limit the number of them allowed on each pokémon as well.

    Keeping track wouldn't be too much of a burden either, since we can just update the Vs. Seeker with the necessary information.

    But that's just another crazy idea this old man's got in his head.

  11. #91
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Question. Would these "TM"s be subject to being given away to challengers that win in a Gym Challenge?

    Question 2. Would you get one TM , or one TM per Pokmeon on your Gym team?

    Question 3: Would the shift in Gym Leaders then eradicate the use of that move on said Pokemon?

    Otherwise, Muggles, your opinion?

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  12. #92
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    Question. Would these "TM"s be subject to being given away to challengers that win in a Gym Challenge?

    Yeah, I think people would be more willing to tackle the gym leaders if they knew they'd get something other than a gym badge out of it.

    Question 2. Would you get one TM , or one TM per Pokmeon on your Gym team?

    It'd ultimately be up to you two, but back in the day, GLs and the E4 would give out one TM per defeat, but every pokémon they had could use the TM. To settle balancing issues though, I say let them only teach it to members on their gym/E4 team, and only to members of said teams that could viably learn it.

    Question 3: Would the shift in Gym Leaders then eradicate the use of that move on said Pokemon?

    Again, up to you two. Methinks the TM would probably be retired, but people who'd have it would still be able to use it.

  13. #93
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Suggestion Thread

    You know, Darkly, on the note of 'custom moves,' you STILL haven't ever given me an answer on that other idea...

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  14. #94
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    I'm guessing not, but out of curiousity, can a challenger challenge a gym repeatedly to get multiple of that gyms TM?

    [14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
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  15. #95
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Blade: yeah I did. I said that a mental catalog on naming combos is fine, but Im not gonna make it registered. You all can list them them (like your version of Kamehameha) just so people know what moves they're technically using in battle, but they're still gonna count as a combo move and use up more than one moveslot. :/

    Chaos has a valid question...

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  16. #96
    I prefer "Bopp" to "Papa" Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Suggestion Thread

    i think the TM should just be made to be reusable.

  17. #97
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    But then that would just mean that they could teach the move to every pokémon on their team (who could viably learn it), and that wouldn't be fair since not even the GL/E4 can do that (we'd be restricted to the six/seven pokémon on our gym/elite teams).

    I think it would be okay to re-challenge them even if you've already won their badge just to obtain the TM -- but the terms would continue to be up to the leader, just like a gym battle. This way, even if fellow gym leaders want someone's TM, they can challenge them for it.

    Or... or... I offer this alternative:

    Once you defeat the gym leader, you get one TM for free, and you are now able to purchase more of them for a fee (either from the gym leader themselves or from the approval tower). In this scenario, GL/E4 would be able to use the TM on any of their pokémon, but anyone not on their leader teams would have to get the TMs bought for them.

    For instance, Metagross is on my Elite 4 team, so if I was to make Metal Sound a TM, he could learn it for free. However, if I wanted to teach it to Magnezone or Empoleon (who aren't), then I'd have to pay for them to learn it -- something like five or ten points for the both of them.
    Last edited by Greyfox; 14th February 2011 at 11:52 AM.

  18. #98
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Suggestion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestLight View Post
    Blade: yeah I did. I said that a mental catalog on naming combos is fine, but Im not gonna make it registered. You all can list them them (like your version of Kamehameha) just so people know what moves they're technically using in battle, but they're still gonna count as a combo move and use up more than one moveslot. :/
    ...That wasn't my idea.

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  19. #99
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    uhh yeah it was. Your idea was to make sig moves . The Sig moves however, were combos of existing moves (example Psychic+Mud Slap=Psyslap). We would then catalog said names for combos so everyone could make them :/

    Unless you had another idea that you didn't actually mention but thought you did, cause you did that before too

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  20. #100
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    I like where the idea goes, grey, but I wish to extend it a bit further. Make some generally available TMs. Weather moves or stuff like that.

    Essentially, we end up with a TM store, where you can also get some extra options if you have certain badges.

    [14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
    oh chaos your awesome lol

  21. #101
    I prefer "Bopp" to "Papa" Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Suggestion Thread

    Grey, i thought the point was was that you'd be able to use it on multiple pokemon on your team...

  22. #102
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestLight View Post
    uhh yeah it was. Your idea was to make sig moves .

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestLight View Post
    The Sig moves however, were combos of existing moves (example Psychic+Mud Slap=Psyslap). We would then catalog said names for combos so everyone could make them :/

    I honestly don't even remember the idea, but I'm sure some record of it exists, and it wasn't simple combos. It was something more akin to TM's and had a good deal more thought put into it than just 'lol combo list.'

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  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by papabopp View Post
    Grey, i thought the point was was that you'd be able to use it on multiple pokemon on your team...
    The point I'm trying to make, actually, is to add a few more layers of diversity amongst our pokémon. If you win a TM from a GL, then you get to use it once on a pokémon that can viably learn it. If you want anymore of them, you'd either hafta defeat the gym leader again, or buy it from them for a fee.

    If we just suddenly allowed TM use to be infinite, then the system would be a bit broken.

  24. #104
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    But now we get into restricting moves :/ Since all Pokemon are fundamentally able to learn all moves in their evolutionary line (given they're at the proper stage) I don't see how the TM idea is viable-that's the connective point I'm missing.

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  25. #105
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    As an example, he might make an Aerial Ace TM and use it on Gyarados, who is unable to learn it, even though it is a flier. Other examples include Frenzy plant being taught to a Victreebell or Hydro Cannon on a Starmie.

    These are moves that those pokemon would normally be unable to learn, but the idea of that pokemon learning that move isn't out of the question. It would be up to the mod team to determine what is and is not out of the question.

    [14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
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  26. #106
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Ahh. I see what you mean by this.

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  27. #107
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    Like an Aerodactyl who should have Odor Sleuth. :eyeroll:
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  28. #108
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    Like how TM's are used in AC/CC, there they have TM's of all kinda moves (which aren't normally TM's). Example: Mist Ball, Camouflage, Muddy Water.

    Got loads more to say, but don't have any time now =/


  29. #109
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    OK... based on the reactions from the news thread, I don't think this is entirely unreasonable. Would it be possible to include, for a brief period of time, the ability to change your pokemon's abilities to new B/W ones without paying an arm and a leg? Even if it costs some points, 15 is a bit much. I understand a high price for buying/evolving things early (although I doubt you will get any sales on that), but those prices come down after B/W comes out.

    [14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
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  30. #110
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    1) I went through the Archived stuff and I still can't find your damn idea Blade, so I'ma do a search for it cause I really wanna review it.

    2) Idea#1 from the past. Ditto Tournament?

    3) Idea #2 from the past. Safari Zone Missions (PKRanger style!) Yay or nay

    4) Idea #3 from past. Casino. That damn thing can be made, but Chaos, would you run the first game? Just to see if it works with the people that would play?

    5) Idea get the idea. Want more suggestions. There were a OH! The TM idea. Lemme explain this. I'm not for TM's, you all know this. But Grey makes a valid point that I wish I had thought about harder before now.

    What I am for is for the Gym Leaders to give regular battlers something. Yeah, but not a TM.

    Why not have the Gym Leaders be Move Tutors? I mean, we all are pretty good at what we do, we should be able to teach a move to one of the Pokemon that YOU USED IN THAT BATTLE-That they may not know, but SHOULD know feasibly? This is my suggestion to the TM issue.

    Or...even...the chance to shift an Ability....*whistle*...if ya win...lalalala

    Ok those are my dig ups/current suggestions.

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  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestLight View Post
    5) Idea get the idea. Want more suggestions. There were a OH! The TM idea. Lemme explain this. I'm not for TM's, you all know this. But Grey makes a valid point that I wish I had thought about harder before now.

    What I am for is for the Gym Leaders to give regular battlers something. Yeah, but not a TM.

    Why not have the Gym Leaders be Move Tutors? I mean, we all are pretty good at what we do, we should be able to teach a move to one of the Pokemon that YOU USED IN THAT BATTLE-That they may not know, but SHOULD know feasibly? This is my suggestion to the TM issue.
    So the only difference between this and my idea is that the GL/E4 can only teach new moves to pokémon that fought against them?

  32. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestLight View Post
    4) Idea #3 from past. Casino. That damn thing can be made, but Chaos, would you run the first game? Just to see if it works with the people that would play?
    Sure. Give me some details of what you are looking for in a game, just so I know boundaries of profit/loss, and how much you want the house to take.

    As I've indicated before, I prefer the idea of zero-sum games. But if you want to run something where the house profits or loses out, that's cool too.

    [14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
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  33. #113
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    And, while I'm thinking on it...

    Idea #1. I remember the idea being popular. See what people say.

    Idea #2. SZ missions sound interesting, but I never played ranger, so I'm gonna remain quiet.

    Idea #4. All for it. See how we go.

    I've pm'd some new game ideas for DL to look at for the casino. These are based off slots and voltorb flip, so the tie-in is more evident. If people have ideas, I can modify them for forum purposes (where people want more interactivity than the slot game would involve if port'd directly, and the voltorb flip is not really viable, since, if the ref is only posting once per day, we could end up taking 25 - #of voltorb days for one game)

    [14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
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  34. #114
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    It's not in the ASB Archives, Darkly. It's on MSN. And my computer has been rebooted twice since then. So unless you still have Convo History that far back, the idea is gone.

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  35. #115
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    o.O! Then I know where it is....:peeds over to files::

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  36. #116
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    Grey, yeah. Its still your idea, I just shifted the concept of TM's to Move Tutors, since Im trying very hard to steer from TM's. And well I guess the Move Tutor could be allowed to teach it to anyone on someone's Team... :/ Taht's for you all to tinker with.

    Ohh the Tournament! That's teh other one, not teh Ditto Tourney (which I wanna see) but the big one. La ::Runs away again::

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  37. #117
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    Well, I'm sure we all (as in the GL/E4) can come up with something that could work for us.

  38. #118
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    Yeah do that. I'd like it if you all came up with a feasible system :O

    Blade: I FOUND IT! LA. And now I remember. Type based Sigs vs Pokespecific Sigs ! Gonna reread that and revisit it....tomorrow maybe?

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    ...Well, that's certainly convenient.

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  40. #120
    I prefer "Bopp" to "Papa" Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Suggestion Thread

    ok, i dont really know how the SZ missions would work but sounds interesting.
    i dont have a ditto
    casino seems fun.
    im down with DL on the TM/move tutor thing.

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