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Thread: ASB Rules

  1. #81
    Master of Electricity Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Rules (Moved from Towers and merged with Winnings System)

    Well obviously your pokemon was a Squirtle at one time, and your right, they don't forget the attacks. So you can still use egg moves on the evolved pokemon.

    I use for my 'dex, personally. Mostly the Advanced Generation 'dex, specifically. Lists all breeding moves, as well as move tutor moves, TMs, and even any special moves (from something like XD purification).
    Master of Electricity
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  2. #82

    Default Re: ASB Rules (Moved from Towers and merged with Winnings System)

    Well ive just checked through and it looks like Veekun basically takes it that 'i cant get a Blastoise from an Egg, so it doesnt have Egg Moves' on its listing. Ill need to Check the Pre-evolved version for attacks and then also the full version.

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  3. #83
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    Default Re: ASB Rules (Moved from Towers and merged with Winnings System)

    I use psypokes, which is pretty reliable. It shows egg moves for fully-evolved Pokemon, at least.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  4. #84

    Default Re: ASB Rules (Moved from Towers and merged with Winnings System)

    yes, is amazing, for dex use, and attack dex use...
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  5. #85
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    Basically if it's unevoveld form can use it, then it's evolved form can use it too.

  6. #86

    Default Re: ASB Rules (Moved from Towers and merged with Winnings System)

    Can i just check waht the battle limit is? Was it officially lowered to 3 or is it still 4?
    Ive been sitting on a battle for a while now not thinking i have enough slots.

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
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  7. #87

    Default Re: ASB Rules (Moved from Towers and merged with Winnings System)

    Until further notice(I.E. Razor Leaf or Chris2.0 stating officially), the limit is still 4
    ~The Real Crystal Articuno~
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  8. #88

    Default Re: ASB Rules (Moved from Towers and merged with Winnings System)

    Thanks DD.
    Looks like i need a new opponent.

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
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  9. #89

    Default Re: ASB Rules (Moved from Towers and merged with Winnings System)

    Ok, I have a question...I hope this is the right place:

    Magikarp, and Beldum don't need experience to evolve, right?
    What about the following:


    They really have no mobility, and no moves of which to speak, they seem to be worse off than Beldum and Magikarp.

    " In the case of Wurmple, Caterpie and Weedle, evolving once will require 1 Point and the second evolution will require 3 Points. For those 3, their first evolutions and Beldum and Magikarp (who will need 3 Points to evolve), battle experience isn't required"

    I see this, but atleast in their first form, they can move, but as a cacoon they have to battle?
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  10. #90
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    Default Re: ASB Rules (Moved from Towers and merged with Winnings System)

    4 points in all. For those three- Wurmple, Caterpie, Weedle- their first evolutions- Kakuna, Cas/Silicoon, Metapod- and Beldum and Magikarp, experience isn't needed.

    ASB Team:Can you believe I only wanted 6?

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  11. #91

    Default Re: ASB Rules (Moved from Towers and merged with Winnings System)

    yes, but that wording sounds like for their evolutions into Kakuna, Metapod, Silcoon, Cascoon, not their evolutions into Beedrill, Butterfree, Beautifly, Dustox, cause that would be their SECOND evolution, wouldn't it?
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  12. #92
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    The wording's bad, but it's obvious all the same, I think. Their first evolutions needs battle exp, their second evolution is their final form, so exp is irrelevant.

    ASB Team:Can you believe I only wanted 6?

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  13. #93
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    I don't think it's worded poorly at all. "For those 3, their first evolutions and Beldum and Magikarp" - it's pretty blatant that those three refer to the aforementioned bugs, while "their first evolutions" refers to, well, their first evolutions. Those Pokemon do not need battle experience. Which is exactly what it says.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  14. #94
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    Default Re: ASB Rules (Moved from Towers and merged with Winnings System)

    Caterpie to Butterfree is do-able.

    And until further notice, you are allowed THREE battles, not four. Sorry it's been confused but a majority agreed 3 will be easier.

    If you are in 4 battles when one ends, do not start another 4th slot. If you have less than 4, the limit is now 3. If you have started a 4th, please close it.

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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  15. #95
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Rules (Merged with Contest Basics)

    If I'm not mistaken, the first post on this topic still markes 4 slots.

    Section 2: Battling

    In order to start battling you will need an opponent and ref. These are asked for in the topic of a battle you wish to start. For example: RaZoR LeAf vs Someone (Ref: Someone)

    The Rules you need in order to start a battle are as follows:
    Number of Pokemon to be used
    Who sends first
    Who attacks first
    DQ Time (default 1 week)
    Items cannot be used in battle
    Additional Rules may be added, such as battle duration, or disallowed moves.
    You may not choose prizes, they are pre-set.
    Both players must agree before mid-battle rule changes are made.
    Each round consists of three attacks from each battler.
    After each round, whoever commanded first, now commands second. With each passing round, the commanding order reverses.
    Battles end when a Winner is announced, an opponent passes the DQ time, or forfits.
    You are limited to taking part in 4 Battles at any time.

    If you are going to be away for any length of time, post in the ASB Absence Tower, so people know you are unable to post

  16. #96
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    Default Re: ASB Rules (Merged with Contest Basics)

    Will someone post the poll results?

    As a nonref I didn't vote and as a result can't see the results

    reason I'm asking is because most people that posted seem to say yes.

    (as you can tell, I'm pro 4th)

    How do you deal with unexpected pregnancies?

  17. #97
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Rules (Merged with Contest Basics)

    Current Poll results are 10 for and 1 against.

  18. #98
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    With me being against.

  19. #99
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    Default Re: ASB Rules (Merged with Contest Basics)

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris 2.0
    And until further notice, you are allowed THREE battles, not four. Sorry it's been confused but a majority agreed 3 will be easier.
    Quote Originally Posted by RaZoR LeAf
    Current Poll results are 10 for and 1 against.
    Am I missing something?

    How do you deal with unexpected pregnancies?

  20. #100
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    Default Re: ASB Rules (Merged with Contest Basics)

    Quote one was before we took the vote. Simple. After we get more votes we'll decide what to do.

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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  21. #101
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    Default Re: ASB Rules (Merged with Contest Basics)

    So currently, we have 3 slots?

    How do you deal with unexpected pregnancies?

  22. #102
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    Default Re: ASB Rules (Merged with Contest Basics)

    Yea. If you've opened a fourth then there's nothing we can do, but if you have 3 open don't make a fourth. This will perhaps change if the fourth slot is approved.

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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  23. #103

    Default Re: ASB Rules (Merged with Contest Basics)

    Ok, you need like 2 matches of experience to evolve a poke 2 times, right?
    Does it matter if they both happened at basic form?
    Like my Abra has been in 2 complete matches, does he have to be in a match as a Kadabra to evolve into Alakazam, or can he just be bumped cause he has exp already?
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  24. #104
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    Default Re: ASB Rules (Merged with Contest Basics)

    No,, I believe you have to get experience for your Abra from a battle, and from there, evolve it into a Kadabra when it has earned its experience (and isn't in any other battles). To get an Alakazam, you'll need to get experience again, when your Abra is a Kadabra.
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  25. #105
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    Default Re: ASB Rules (Merged with Contest Basics)

    Yup Kyle's right

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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  26. #106

    Default Re: ASB Rules

    The winner will recieve a custom ribbon for their sig, or website, and their name will be placed up in the ASB Contest Hall of Fame. In addition they will also recieve 4 points. The Judge/Ref for that contest will also recieve a 4 point prize. If the contest is extended (ie: 16 challangers to begin with) then the overall prize will change but this will be a rare (if not never-occuring) alternative.
    I never took my 4 Pts from winning the April contest, I should get those, correct?
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  27. #107
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  28. #108
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    Default Re: ASB Rules

    Okay, I wasn't sure at first where to ask this, but there's something that has me very curious.

    Despite their immunity to Psychic type attacks, can a Pokemon attack a Dark type opponent with an object manipulated by Psychic (e.g. a rock, much like making a makeshift Rock Throw attack) to "bypass" the Dark Pokemon's Psychic immunity and do damage?
    Knight of Time

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  29. #109
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    Well, considering that Dark types are solid, I'd say that they could be hurt in that manner. After all, the rock is the one being affected by the psychic, not the enemy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  30. #110

    Default Re: ASB Rules

    I would agree, the rock is being manipulated, but you have to hope just because it's a dark type, the ghost type won't hinder physical attacks... :p
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  31. #111
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    In the anime Psyduck used confusion and threw a Poochyena away. It was lifted by the attack, but it may not have caused it irritation or damage.

    Or, the anime sucks.

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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  32. #112

    Default Re: ASB Rules

    I would prefer to go with "The anime sucks" for one thousand Alex!!
    ~The Real Crystal Articuno~
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  33. #113
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    Correct. Anyway TBA was pretty right, I thought I'd mention it.

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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  34. #114

    Default Re: ASB Rules

    Question: Are Arenas limited, or can they be anything both battlers agree to?

    I mean, like one that had a chance of giving a poke a shadow helper of another poke, etc?
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  35. #115
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    Question, do I get any money for this festival?

  36. #116
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    Of course. Its looking to be 5 or 6 points for the entire thing but since some people only reffed certain rounds they dont get as much

    DD: Arenas can be up to your imaginarion, but the shadow pokemon thing isnt part of the arena really is it? That would not be allowed.

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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  37. #117
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    Chris: What if it could theoretically be implemented into the arena? Like, for example, an arena that, as a hazard, had witches or magicians that, at the ref's discretion, summoned a shadow to fight alongside a Pokemon for one round? I personally don't see where that crosses the line. It has an equal chance of affecting both battlers, it's random... and so on.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  38. #118
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    I suppose now you put it down in an example I can see where it might work. Although the shadow would have to have some sort of life force like a substitute.

    *thinks of a great idea for an arena* ...

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  39. #119
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    Well, in my example, it would be there for one round and completely random. There's not much point for there to be a life force, is it?
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  40. #120
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    Not if its only 1 round and then disappears... I think Chris was thinking more like it would appear, and then stay on the field until you "destroy" it.
    Master of Electricity
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