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Thread: Who do you miss from TPM?

  1. #81
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Toxicity View Post
    Maybe there's a subconscious connection to TPM in which people come back seemingly right after we mention them?
    Upon registration, we are embedded with a microchip that makes a faint, but noticeable, beeping noise whenever our names are mentioned by other forum-goers. I like to think of it as the "Attention Whore Alarm".


  2. #82
    shazza Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    I also realise that shazza asked this question back in 2004, but I figured it's worth asking once again.
    I don't remember asking that?! My memory isn't as acute as it once was, I'm afraid..

    I miss the old days and the people associated with 2000-2001. In fact, I even miss some of the people who have posted in this topic, merely due to the fact of their and my own lack of communication.

    EDIT: Ah, so I did! Although your topic, DragoKnight, actually shows maturity. Jesus, I was fucking retarded for awhile.
    Last edited by Vejodi; 16th December 2007 at 04:49 AM.

  3. #83
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by The Arbiter View Post
    Upon registration, we are embedded with a microchip that makes a faint, but noticeable, beeping noise whenever our names are mentioned by other forum-goers. I like to think of it as the "Attention Whore Alarm".

    And clearly the fact I mentioned your name means that it works!

    Also, don't worry about it, shazza; we were all definitely "retarded" at some point or another. Although not to name names, we've seen a few people that are still in that phase.

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  4. #84
    shazza Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Indeed. However, I was purposely being retarded just to annoy. Which is even more retarded.

    I should stop saying retarded.

  5. #85
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vejodi View Post
    However, I was purposely being retarded just to annoy. Which is even more retarded.
    You say that like it's a bad thing, bucko.

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

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  6. #86
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zak View Post
    Conspiracy of One, or CO1 as he sometimes called himself, was also a great poster... unfortunately I only spoke to him twice.

    Did anyone mention Mist? Or... PanCaKe?
    I recall CO1, too; I think I spoke to him for a while there. He was a reviewer for the FFRO in one of it's incarnations, I think.

    And yeah, she's been mentioned by quite a few people in this thread I think. Unless you were being sarcastic, and pointing that exact point out, in which case, I'll just crawl back into my box now.
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  7. #87
    shazza Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    I might mention some members off the topic of my head instead of sleeping:

    -Mod of PCG and likes yellow socks. Vanessa is still regularly on MSN, I should talk to her one day?

    -Mod of Anime Discussion and later turned out to be a guy. Too bad I had an e-crush o nher.

    -Former e-best friend. Seems to be on MSN regularly.

    -Went out with vidgamergbc, was a mod of Anime Discussion I think?

    -Amanda still frequents MSN. I think this is the chick you were talking about from Perth, firepokemon?

    -Still on MSN as Bronzie.

    -X-Admin. firepokemon's nemesis.


    PokeMaster Chris
    -Admin. Not to be confused with Chris The Master.

    -firepokemon's x-bf. Good times. Also the #4th member.


    -Clark was cool.

    -Posts regularly on a wrestling forum.

    -Wasn't he like a GSC dude?

    -Active in a non-TPM related IRC channel.

    -Some guy who was cool.

    Cirtus Crush Chikorita/Last Exile
    -I used to think was a she.

    Chikoslavia's Revenge
    -I e-dated this chick back in 2001. Giggity.

    -As above.

    -Appears from time to time. PCG mod.

    -I competed with him for mod of PCG.

    Real One Bjarni
    -Autistic gimmick.

    -Regularly on MSN. VG mod.

    Karma Chamelon
    -The TPM hacker of 2000/2001. Resulted in Postcount-- FTL.

    -Reminded me of a little Ash_300.

    The Rusted One

    -Didn't she get married and is like 30+ now?

    Thunder The Talking Raichu
    -Original Misc mod I think?

    -Youngest member of the time. Was 8. She'd be like 14/15 now.

    -Inventor of the Captured Centre (or whatever) aspect of PCG.

    -Reminded me of an old school Raz.

    With Rye
    -Humorous fellow.

    -"DWC7" (Down with Cyndaquil 7) was very popular.

    -I forget who, I just remember this username.

    -FanFiction writer and had his own forum.


    -Anyone else remember the jokes if Little_Pikachu and Green_Pikachu got together?

    The Muffin Man

    BBP/Damian Silverblade


    Chris the Sandslash


    Aipom of Doom

    And finally...

    PokeMaster Kevin
    -Created TPM... or something along those lines.

    There's more that I miss personally, however since they've posted in this very thread I'd look a bit stupid.

  8. #88
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    I don't remember why I loathed him back in the day... but boy did I ever...

    That is to say, I still do, actually. I remember browsing the old ASB Towers and seeing one of Cyndaquil7's posts. I broke a lamp in rage*, then realized that he didn't post anything after that.

    "I've got connections." Sure, C7, we all do.


    *Might not be true.

  9. #89
    shazza Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Greyfox, what did C7 actually do? I forget.

  10. #90
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    As soon as he registered his team in ASB, I vaguely remember the entire community (not the people, per sé, just the metaphorical environment) becoming a much darker place.

    I remember seeing his name added to the list of Mods at one point after I had left, and shuddering. tygerofdanyte was also listed, and I think I saw him verbally abuse C7 in regards to it in one of the archived threads.


  11. #91
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vejodi View Post
    -Mod of Anime Discussion and later turned out to be a guy.
    Hahaha, if TPM had one of those VH1 style "top # whatevers" countdown things, that would be my vote for #1 best moment ever.

    Along the same lines, there was that *RedGyarados* person who was active, and then later posted a thread saying that the person that everyone had been talking to never existed, and that they had changed their personality for a contest or something. I can understand fooling people into thinking you're the opposite gender, but how the hell does one change their personality? Say the opposite thing they were originally going to say? That was just an odd confession.

  12. #92
    Moderator Moderator
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Wow, there are a lot of people that I miss from here, probably many more than I can ever remember!! Here are some of the ones that I can remember right now.

    Chicoslavocia's Revenge/Nyroeon: My best TPM friend!! (And appartently Vejodi's ex gf!!) We got to know each other in a kinda strange way a few months after I joined TPM, but we quickly became good friends. We still talk today, and I visit her dA page frequently. She even inspired me to draw a couple of things, which aren't very impressive with my limited artistic skills, she is a great artist though. I wish she still posted here though!!

    Silver_Espeon/Lady Kinogassa: she was modded in the old G/S Help forum pretty soon after I joined, she was always friendly, and she made my congrats topic when I was modded in G/S Help. We used to talk once in a while, but then she just disappeared.

    TyranitarMaster: A lot of you might not know him, but he was my first good friend here that I talked a lot with.

    silverMariruri: We never talked with each other a whole lot, but I always liked and respected her.

    neoleonight: Another good friend, back around 2001 I joined his message board and modded it for awhile.

    Lawrence_III_Fanatic: The funniest TPMer ever!! We talked a few times, Vanessa always had the best posts!!

    With Rye: We also talked a few times, and he was also an extremely entertaining member.

    PancaKe: Tara was also a very nice member, and a good friend of Chicoslavoica's Revenge.

    crazybone: A GSCer, we talked with each other a lot back when he was still on TPM. He used to drop by very occasionally after he left, but he hasn't been around lately, I haven't heard from him for a long time!!

    Cheesey: Another very entertaining TPMer!!

    Starmew15: A TPMer who also was from the Cleveland area and as far as I know TPM's only other Cleveland Indians fan besides me.

    I know I am forgetting some names right now, and there are plenty more people who I miss, but I never really knew. It's kinda sad to look back and think about all of the people that disappeared!!
    Last edited by Number1ChanseyFan; 30th December 2007 at 10:24 PM.
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  13. #93
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    hey people how are you all. What happened to #pbs. I can't get to it somebody tell me. please.
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  14. #94
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vejodi View Post
    I might mention some members off the topic of my head instead of sleeping:

    -Mod of PCG and likes yellow socks. Vanessa is still regularly on MSN, I should talk to her one day?

    -Mod of Anime Discussion and later turned out to be a guy. Too bad I had an e-crush o nher.

    -Former e-best friend. Seems to be on MSN regularly.

    -Went out with vidgamergbc, was a mod of Anime Discussion I think?

    -Amanda still frequents MSN. I think this is the chick you were talking about from Perth, firepokemon?

    -Still on MSN as Bronzie.

    -X-Admin. firepokemon's nemesis.


    PokeMaster Chris
    -Admin. Not to be confused with Chris The Master.

    -firepokemon's x-bf. Good times. Also the #4th member.


    -Clark was cool.

    -Posts regularly on a wrestling forum.

    -Wasn't he like a GSC dude?

    -Active in a non-TPM related IRC channel.

    -Some guy who was cool.

    Cirtus Crush Chikorita/Last Exile
    -I used to think was a she.

    Chikoslavia's Revenge
    -I e-dated this chick back in 2001. Giggity.

    -As above.

    -Appears from time to time. PCG mod.

    -I competed with him for mod of PCG.

    Real One Bjarni
    -Autistic gimmick.

    -Regularly on MSN. VG mod.

    Karma Chamelon
    -The TPM hacker of 2000/2001. Resulted in Postcount-- FTL.

    -Reminded me of a little Ash_300.

    The Rusted One

    -Didn't she get married and is like 30+ now?

    Thunder The Talking Raichu
    -Original Misc mod I think?

    -Youngest member of the time. Was 8. She'd be like 14/15 now.

    -Inventor of the Captured Centre (or whatever) aspect of PCG.

    -Reminded me of an old school Raz.

    With Rye
    -Humorous fellow.

    -"DWC7" (Down with Cyndaquil 7) was very popular.

    -I forget who, I just remember this username.

    -FanFiction writer and had his own forum.


    -Anyone else remember the jokes if Little_Pikachu and Green_Pikachu got together?

    The Muffin Man

    BBP/Damian Silverblade


    Chris the Sandslash


    Aipom of Doom

    And finally...

    PokeMaster Kevin
    -Created TPM... or something along those lines.

    There's more that I miss personally, however since they've posted in this very thread I'd look a bit stupid.
    Omg shazza you are the man. I remember all those people what about anidean and dewgong from tcg they were cool. and calaveron he was in the chat and anime and he did spanish pokemon episodes lol. lol. Shazza what happened to everyone in pbs please tell me.
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  15. #95
    shazza Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    AniDean I think is still on AIM and plays some MMORPG video game.

    #pbs still lives Conrad! (it's the new ZIRC after all the admins left to create synirc), but remember it mostly just involves all of us idleing and cibe and nick discussing World Of Warcraft.

  16. #96
    The Sad Eyed Prophet Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    I haven't been here in ages, and I wasn't able to recover my old handle. I can't say I remember anyone 'sides FP and the people he mentioned. Well... hello to you all...

  17. #97
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by tttr83 View Post
    I haven't been here in ages, and I wasn't able to recover my old handle. I can't say I remember anyone 'sides FP and the people he mentioned. Well... hello to you all...
    Heyyy whats happening--welcome back!

    So what's up with the "Banned" under PancaKe's name... Just wondering if there's some sort of gossip I missed there... It's hard being one of the like.. three active posters who isn't a mod. Haha.
    winner of the (a)ncient (2009), (v)intage, (2009), (v)eteran award (2011), (e)veryone wins! (2011),
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  18. #98
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Magmar View Post
    So what's up with the "Banned" under PancaKe's name... Just wondering if there's some sort of gossip I missed there... It's hard being one of the like.. three active posters who isn't a mod. Haha.
    If I'm remembering right, her account was hacked during that trouble we had for awhile in 2006. Hence the consequent ban.
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  19. #99
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Why hasn't she been unbanned yet, then?

    And magmar, I'm a non-Mod regular too... But that only makes two of us... There's a THIRD!? O_O WHO, MAN!?! I MUST KNOW!!

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

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  20. #100
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post
    Why hasn't she been unbanned yet, then?

    And magmar, I'm a non-Mod regular too... But that only makes two of us... There's a THIRD!? O_O WHO, MAN!?! I MUST KNOW!!
    Let's make our own forum on TPM and be the mods. It'll be called "Sexy Party"
    winner of the (a)ncient (2009), (v)intage, (2009), (v)eteran award (2011), (e)veryone wins! (2011),
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  21. #101
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Sexy Party is now relevant to my interests.

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  22. #102
    The Sad Eyed Prophet Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    What happened to PM Kevin?

  23. #103
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by tttr83 View Post
    What happened to PM Kevin?
    no one knows.

  24. #104
    shazza Beginning Trainer
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    I saw him on AIM yesterday!

  25. #105
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    I'm too lazy to make a big post like Shazza did, but suffice to say I miss all the guys from here. TPM was the best.

    And I can tell you all Pancake is at uni.

  26. #106
    shazza Beginning Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzie View Post
    I'm too lazy to make a big post like Shazza did, but suffice to say I miss all the guys from here. TPM was the best.

    And I can tell you all Pancake is at uni.
    Hi John.

    I still have you added on MSN, however you seem to have deleted me a LONG time ago.

    Are you and Pancake still together?

  27. #107
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    trouble we had for awhile in 2006.
    What trouble was this?
    For terrible Pokésex: 2148-4736-7219

  28. #108
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    I think it was the transition back to vBulletin from that other forum provider. A lot of things were lost in the transition and some were never salvaged.

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  29. #109
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Remember the ezboard days? Remember that you could use html in your sigs? Hahahaha.

    I remember I had a sig so that whenever someone opened up a page I had posted in, Doctor Evil's face would appear and an mp3 would play at the same time that would go 'One ...MILLION DOLLARS!'

    More like one million LOLLARS amiriteguyz
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vejodi View Post
    Hi John.

    I still have you added on MSN, however you seem to have deleted me a LONG time ago.

    Are you and Pancake still together?
    I re-added you .

    And no, havent been for a loooooooooong time haha.

  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toxicity View Post
    I think it was the transition back to vBulletin from that other forum provider. A lot of things were lost in the transition and some were never salvaged.
    Ah right.

    Does anyone know what happened to I remember that having all the vB stuff before we went to whatever type of board we had last.

    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Remember the ezboard days? Remember that you could use html in your sigs? Hahahaha.
    They were dark, dark days. That was around the first time I left this place.
    For terrible Pokésex: 2148-4736-7219

  32. #112
    shazza Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Remember the ezboard days? Remember that you could use html in your sigs? Hahahaha.

    I remember I had a sig so that whenever someone opened up a page I had posted in, Doctor Evil's face would appear and an mp3 would play at the same time that would go 'One ...MILLION DOLLARS!'

    More like one million LOLLARS amiriteguyz

  33. #113
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    You were expecting someone else?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  34. #114
    shazza Beginning Trainer
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    I thought it was Karma Chameleon out to get us again!

  35. #115
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by kainashi View Post
    no one knows.
    Even YOU?? Heh.
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

    We're not going to Guam... are we?

  36. #116
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Ezboard was a fucking nightmare.
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  37. #117
    a.k.a Nyroeon
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vejodi View Post
    Chikoslavia's Revenge
    -I e-dated this chick back in 2001. Giggity.
    That's Chicoslavocia's Revenge to you.

    And aren't you glad you e-dated this chick?

    I was sitting on AIM just minding my own business when Bronzie just HAD to message me so we could reminisce about the old days in TPM.

    I dunno, probably most of the people I knew and was friends with back in 2001 and 2002 are gone, so... :/ I was what, 12 when I joined?

  38. #118
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Well, there's a face I haven't seen in a long time.
    For terrible Pokésex: 2148-4736-7219

  39. #119
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    I didn't even have time to post TITS OR GTFO!
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  40. #120
    shazza Beginning Trainer
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    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Swan Hill, Australia

    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Holy fuck.


    These nostalgic threads are such a magnet for members we thought that had e-died.

    Sorry about the spelling Natalie? (I'm trying to remember your real name from seven years ago). I had trouble spelling it back then too, IIRC.

    I hope you've been great. What have you been up to?

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