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Thread: Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

  1. #81
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    I guess its going to be sleep attacks from here on too some use sleep talkx3

    sleep talk/sleep talk/sleep talk
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

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  2. #82
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Hm.. I don't know if my pokemon is asleep or not, so I will just have to work around that....

    Ok, Tele, you're doing great! I want you to use Sleep Talk X3 if you're asleep. But if you're not I want you to use a Toxic. Then use Fire Punch. Finally use a Psychic.

    Sleep Talk/Toxic - Sleep Talk/Fire Punch - Sleep Talk/Psychic -

  3. #83
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Sorry, yes it is asleep. x6 Slep Talks. That gets a "WHOA" on the randomness guage

  4. #84
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Yes, yes. Bump. I don't want to bother you but it's been quite a while since I posted attacks :>.

  5. #85
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Yeah sorry 'bout that. I've had essays to do for uni, and not nice ones at that. I'll try and get a reffing up tomorrow for you.

  6. #86
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    * Stats *
    Tele the Alakazam
    Cut Wounds healed
    Fresh Wound open
    Poisoning Healed

    Asleep 2 Rounds
    Attack Raised

    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    Killer Tai
    "Sleep Talk ~ Sleep Talk ~ Sleep Talk"
    Link 10
    "Sleep Talk ~ Sleep Talk ~ Sleep Talk"

    * Round 30 Begins *

    The Toxic arena, still in play yet utterly untouched by both sleeping pokemon. Despite having rested, both are still weak and tired, having exhausted alot of energies in this fight. A round of randomness ensues as both trainers command Sleep Talk for each attack. Scyther, in a sleep walkers fashion lifts up and dashes towards Tele, bringing the hilt of his bladed arm down on his foe. But Tele, disappears in a flash of light, only to reappear a short distance away. A teleport was most useful in that situation.

    A red glow eminates from around Tele, and above the arena, the clouds part, and strong beams of light begin to glare down on the arena. Scyther dahses backwards towards Tele's assumed location, blades surrounded in Dark energy, but with Tele no longer where he was, the attack misses completely.

    Tele, though Psychic, is very tired and while asleep can't focus properly. In an attempt to disable Scyther, the binding attack reaches out and bubbles the spot where Scyther last was, befgore he attempted the Thief attack. The attack failed, Tele can only sit and absorb the suns rays as Scyther attacks. Finally, a snoozing Scyther releases a sonic burst of sound, a rupterous SNore billows out across the arena, the loud burst of sound awakens both pokemon, and they groggily rise to their feet.

    * Results *

    Tele the Alakazam
    Open wounds
    Very Tired

    Very Tired
    Attack Raised

    * Arena Status *


    Just counting how many pokemon you each have left. After these two are KO'd you both have 2 pokemon each to use.

  7. #87
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Perfect. Ok, Tele, let's try to end this battle. First, use a Tri Attack. Then, use a Fire Punch. End the round with another Fire Punch.

    -Tri Attack-Fire Punch-Fire Punch-

  8. #88
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    hey link I'm pretty sorry to see that u forgot ur pokemon is alsleep from rest!!! just cuz razor didn't put it there doesn't mean he isn't asleep so let me just finish off ur pokemon so start of with:

    sleep talk x 2 then a snore

    that should do it sorry u forgot about the rest but I can't spare ya
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

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  9. #89
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    * Stats *
    Tele the Alakazam
    Open wounds
    Very Tired

    Very Tired
    Attack Raised

    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    Link 10
    "Tri Attack ~ Fire Punch ~ Fire Punch"
    Killer Tai
    "Sleep Talk ~ Sleep Talk ~ Snore"

    * Round 31 Begins *

    As both pokemon show signs of tortured breathing, they heed the commands of their trainers and square off. Tele waves his spoons in the air, from one comes a brilliant flash of electrical energy. From the other a chilling blast of ice. When the two cross over, a final third burst of flames shoots all three intertwining attcks towards Scyther. Scyther, confused by his trainers commands find himself with no means of which to defend himself, and is struck head on by the elemental beams.

    Following through quickly, Tele's fist engulfs with flames, strengthened by the sunlight beaming into the arena. The alakazam brings his fist crashing down upon his enemy, burning the Scyther greatly. Still the mantis pokemon finds himself unable to retaliate with the commands he has been ordered to use. But the Bug pokemon's battling time comes to an end, as Tele's final Fire Punch makes contact. The heat and burning pain overloads, and Scyther falls to the floor with a thud.

    * Results *

    Tele the Alakazam
    Open wounds
    Very Tired


    * Arena Status *


    KT chooses and attacks
    L10 attacks

  10. #90
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    I made the biggest mistake of this battle I may end up losing for this but not yet I choose tyranitar

    Tyranitar use crunch to bit its head or even better its hands off then earthquake and another crunch
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

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  11. #91
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Hm.. hang in there, Tele, you're doing great!! First, after it uses Crunch, use Counter! Then quickly use a Recover before the Earthquake gets to you. Finally, if you're still alive, use another Counter.


  12. #92
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    * Stats *
    Tele the Alakazam
    Open wounds
    Very Tired


    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    Killer Tai
    "Crunch ~ Earthquake ~ Crunch"
    "Counter ~ Recover ~ Counter"

    * Round Thrity Two Begins *

    As the new round begins, a fresh and healthy Tyranitar replaces the Ko'd Scyther. This is a strong pokemon, and the first high evolution killertai has shown us. Tele might not show it, but deep down I bet he's scared of this new pokemon. Tyranitar starts the battle quickly. Dark energy forms in his mouth, and as the arena tips into shadows, the dinosaur like pokemon takes a large bite out of his foe. Tele howls in pain as the large jaws dig into hs flesh and the dark energy seeps into his blood stream, but he sucessfully manages to push off the jaws and twist them around, throwing Tyranitar back to the ground.

    As Tyranitar returns to his feet, he lifts his tail high into the air, bringing it crashing down on the arena surface. A ripple of seismic energy begins to spread out, but not before Tele can relax and begin to recover his strength. As his body glows with a white aura, strength returns to hikm and his wounds heal. But the light flickers and fades quickly, such a strong move requires energy that Tele just doesn't have. The Alakazam collapses to the floor, his breathing laboured and extremely difficult. The seismic wave hits and the Psychic pokemon is knocked immediatly unconcious and falls from the platform. A red beam of liht saves the pokemon from the fall and it's time for Link10 to choose a new pokemon.

    A claxon sounds, and the arena begins to change. The metal floor is replaced by a thick layer of sand. Also a warning appears on the big screen. Damage caps have been signifiantly reduced, so all damage will now be increased. It's crunch time for the battlers so to speak, as this lengthy match comes near to finishing, both participants having only 1 pokemon each after these two pokemon. That match has become a fast and furious 2 on 2.

    * Results *

    Tele the Alakazam
    KO'd from fatigue


    * Arena Status *

    Sandy Arena

    L10 chooses and attacks
    KT attacks

    Here we go guys, not long and you'll both have fresh battle slots open.

  13. #93
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    That's ok, Alakazam, return. Now for my next pokemon.. Go, Nidoqueen! This may be your very first battle, but I know that you can manage against this pokemon.

    Hm... First of all, use an Earthquake on the pokemon. Maybe it will knock the giant pokemon down. Then, run over there quickly, and hit it with Dynamic Punch. Finally, run back over there and try to use a Seismic Toss!


    If Tyranitar uses a Physical Attack use Counter
    If Tyranitar uses any kind of beam attacks (i.e. Ice Beam, Hyper Beam, etc..) use Reflect!

    -Earthquake/Counter/Reflect-Dynamic Punch/Counter/Reflect-Seismic Toss/Counter/Reflect-

  14. #94
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    lets show nidoqueen wha we can do when it uses earthquake I want u to jump and use ice beam then when he rushes use ice beam on nidoqueens legs so it can't get u then if its legs are frozen then use earthquake on it cuz it can't get u but if they aren't when hhe grabs u bite nidoqueens head with crunch careful of the horn now

    Jumping ice beam~ice beam~earthquake/crunch
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

    ASB Team:
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  15. #95
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    Default Round 33

    * Stats *


    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    "Earthquake ~ Dynamic Punch ~ Seismic Toss"
    Killer tai
    "Jump Ice beam ~ Ice beam ~ Earthquake"

    * Round Thrity Three Begins *

    This round begins with the newly released Nidoqueen fighting for Link10. The round starts quickly, with a ripple of seismic energy blasting out from the stamping feet of the female dinosaur. Folowing order's Tyranitar attempts to jump. But his stuby legs, and overall body weight don't give him much skill in acrobatics, and he's back on the ground having managed an inch or two. The ripple hits him, and he topples to the floor, an ice beam, fired from his mouth shooting off into the arena stands.

    Nidoqueen takes her chance to dart forward. Bringing a fist up ready to attack, she is stopped suddenly, by a frosty feeling in her feet. Despite lying on the floor, Tyranitar has managed to perfectly aim the ice beam at Nidoqueen's feet. As ice freezes around them, Nidoqueen finds herself unable to move.

    Tyranitar smirks, and lifts himself up off he floor. He lifts his tail and smashes it into the ground, sending seismic energy crashing through the arena once again. But he hadn't planned on it shaking the ice and shattering it. Though Nidoqeen was injured by the attack, it wasn't enough to knock her down. She stampede's forwards and grabs hold of the dark beast, pulling him over and crashing him into the floor.

    * Results *

    Cold Feet (not nerves)


    * Arena Status *

    Sandy Arena

  16. #96
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    can't think up the offensive link would probly eat me and spit me out if II used a bunch of ice beams to lets go with somethin else

    I havent focused on stats changes other than poison in awhile so use swager to confuse him then use rock slide and then iron tail!!! that should do it
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

    ASB Team:
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  17. #97
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Hm.. so he's using Swagger to try and taunt you to get you pissed off? Use Frustration when this happens. If Swagger doesn't work, then simply use Seismic Toss. If for some reason you can't use that move(>>) then use Submission. Next, use Earthquake. Finally, when it's coming towards you with it's Iron Tail, hit it with a Dynamic Punch.

    -Frustration/Seismic Toss/Submission-Earthquake-Dynamic Punch-

  18. #98
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    Default Re: Round 33

    * Stats *
    Cold Feet (not nerves)


    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    Killer tai
    "Swagger ~ Rock Slide ~ Iron Tail"
    "Frust/Submis/SToss ~ Earthquake ~ Dynamic Punch"

    * Round Thrity Four Begins *

    A swaggering Tyranitar is a good enough reason to be scared, and the phrases the translator is coming out with tells us that this is one mean Tyranitar. Even without knowing what he's saying the actions and intent in his eyes tells that he wants Nidoqueen angered. He's managed that alright, and in a burst of anger and frustration, the royal pokemon charges at her foe. In a blind rage, her swiping claws often miss but the blows she delivers leave some very nasty scars and wounds even on Tyranitar's rocky armour.

    As her anger leaves Nidoqueen becomes aware of her proximity to her foe, she backs away and hammers the ground quickly. The Quake ripples through the sand and brings her enemy crashing down to his knees again. The Dark pokemon growls, and searches through the sand for some rocks, but to his dismay he can find no solid stone to throw. Not wanting to disappoint, he lifts a fist full of sand and throws it into his enemies face.

    Suddenly blinded by the unexpected attack, Nidoqueen is unaware of her opponent's next move. A quick spin around, Tyranitar slams his tail into Nidoqueen's head, a silvery metallic glint covering the rocky armor and leaving a mighty sore graze on Nidoqueen's face. Coughing sand from her veiw, she eyes her foe and swings a powerful punch at his midrift, causing him to double over and attempt to regain his ability to breathe.

    * Results *

    Eyes watering

    Large scratches and scars

    * Arena Status *

    Sandy Arena


  19. #99
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    It's getting tough, Nidoqueen.

    Hm.. I think you should use Earthquake the whole round. Don't get too tired out now! If it gets close to you, use Dynamic Punch. If any physical attacks hit you, use counter. If Tyranitar uses any kind of beam attack, use Reflect.

    -EarthquakeX3/Dynamic PunchX3/CounterX3/ReflectX3-

  20. #100
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    so eager for a finish but u left me with nothing to do with those counters I guess I'll try earthquake x3 too but if he tries anything funny like trying to hit me a dynamic punch use ice beam

    Earthuake x3/ice beam x3
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

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  21. #101
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    Default Round 35

    * Stats *
    Eyes watering

    Large scratches and scars

    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    "Earthquake ~ Earthquake ~ Earthquake"
    Killer tai
    "Earthquake ~ Earthquake ~ Earthquake"

    * Round Thrity Five Begins *

    The arena rocks and rolls, creacks and groans as it deals with the huge amount of pressure it's being put under as both pokemon begin to slam it's sandy surface. There'd be a danger of the platform collapsing totally if it weren't reinforced so much, not even an exploding Electrode could blow it apart. But the thumping from both Nidoqueen and Tyranitar is sure to cause some upset this battle. Two opposing seismic ripples radiate out over the arena, slamming into each other in the middle and causing sand to fly up with great force.

    The rest of the attack breaks through, knocking Tyranitar to his knees and Nidoqueen down on one hand. The stronger of the two at this moment, Nidoqueen is first to release her follow up attack, another Earthquake. The attack is already underway as Tyranitar follows up with another of his own. The clashing of the two is nearer the Dark pokemon this time and a faceful of sand ensues before being slammed into the floor again by the disruption beneath him.

    Nidoqueen collapses to the floor, this time feeling the sure pain of the attack, but her enemy looks much worse for wear. He manages to slam the ground once more, before drooping his head and collapsing to the floor exhausted. His last attack knocks Nidoqueen down as she began to regain her footing, and she now looks as weakned as Tyranitar did. She wont hang on much longer.

    * Results *



    * Arena Status *

    Sandy Arena

    * Order *

    KT chooses and attacks
    L10 attacks

  22. #102
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    ok this is going bad but I have too try and as my last pokemon I choose Gastly!!!!!!!!

    *Gastly pops out of his pokeball*

    ok Gastly lets do this I want u to go with hypnosis then if its asleep use dream eater but if its not asleep use shadow ball,then if he is asleep use spite if hes awake use night shade

    Hypnosis~dream eater/shadow ball~spite~night shade

    (edit:forgot the attack pattern thingy)
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

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  23. #103
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    L10 i know you've been away, but i'll be back in 5 days. hope you can hold out till Thursday.

  24. #104
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    Ok, I'm back >>. Oh, and thanks for staying with this battle for so long, PX. This thing has been going on for a year I think. It was sometime in August of 2002 when it started, lol.

    Ok, Nidoqueen, you're doing great. First, close your eyes so maybe you won't go to sleep. Then, if you're not asleep, use Earthquake. If you're asleep, use Sleep Talk. Finally, use Ice Beam. And if you're asleep, use Sleep Talk.

    -Close eyes-Earthquake/Sleep Talk-Ice Beam/Sleep Talk-

  25. #105
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    Default Re: Round 35

    * Stats *


    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    Killer tai
    "Hypnosis ~ DE/SB ~ Spite/NS"
    "Close eyes ~ Quake/ST ~ IB/ST-"

    * Round Thrity Six Begins *

    As the last and final pokemon on Killer Tai's team comes into play we enter the final rounds of this tempremental and highly entertaining battle. The small Gastly hovers omminously opposite the formidable, yet exhausted Nidoqueen. How will this battle go? Gastly begins, his eyes glowing with a ghostly silver light, and Nidoqueen begins to feel drowsy almost instantly. She quickly snaps her eyes shut and concentrates on staying awake.

    Gastly stops his Hypnosis attempt, knowing it wont work on a sleeping pokemon and moves on with his attack pattern. The air around Gastly begins to darken and a ball of shadows froms around the already orb shaped pokemon. Nidoqueen opens her eyes to see the ghostly energy forming and quickly rears up to attack. Gastly spins, and the attacks flies towards Nidoqueen as she slams her tail down. The Seismic Energy, not as strong as before due to her own weakness, collides with the incoming Shadow Ball and the ball explodes at Nidoqueen's feet, knocking her off balance and down hard onto her side.

    Gastly grumbles as the rippling tide of sand splashes up to hit him, but it looks though Nidoqueen may well be out for the count. She struggles to regain her posture, but her exhaustion is too apparent. As she pulls energy to create an ice beam, the attack flitters out and she slumps back, too tired and pained to continue. Link 10 calls back his tired pokemon and prepares to send out his last pokemon, the final pokemon of this long battle.

    * Results *

    Totally Exhausted
    KO'd by fatigue


    * Arena Status *

    Sandy Arena

    * Order *

    L10 chooses and attacks
    KT attacks

  26. #106
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Excellent. Return, Nidoqueen; you did very well for your first battle . Hm... this is tough... but I think I know who I'm going to use.

    Blackie, I summon you! *male Umbreon appears*

    Blackie, start the battle out by using Dig. Umbreon can learn that in RS >>. Then, jump out of the hole and hit Gastly with a Shadow Ball. Finally, use Psychic! If at any time Gastly uses Toxic, use Double Team quickly. That should be good for now. Do well, Umbreon.

    -Dig/Double Team-Shadow Ball/Double Team-Psychic/Double Team-

  27. #107
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    Pokes killer tai with a cheese spoon.

  28. #108
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    oh k after getting poked with a cheese spoon I am going to attack so Gastly while that thing is underground charge up a shadow ball and then when it jumps up fire the shadow ball and for that psychic attack defend with mirror coat or if u can't learn it (since I don't have a decent pokedex that shows if something knows counter or mirror coat) try to stop it with light screen

    Charge Shadow ball~fire shadow ball~mirror coat/light screen
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

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  29. #109
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    Default Re: Re: Round 35

    * Stats *


    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    "Dig ~ Shadow Ball ~ Psychic (Double Team)"
    Killer Tai
    [i]"Charge ~ Shadow Ball ~ Light Screen/Mirror Coat[i]

    * Round Thrity Seven Begins *

    We're finally down now to the last 2 pokemon, and this battle is finally coming to a close. Link10 recalls Nidoqueen and sends out the energetic Umbreon, Blackie. Blackie watches his enemy, Gastly with narrow eyes, curious as to what the tricky ghost might be planning. It doesn't seem to be doing anything, so cautiosly Blackie begins to dig in the sand, creating a tunnel it glances one last time at the ghost, who is still floating overhead, watching the Umbreon equally.

    Blackie ducks under, and begins to burrow quickly through the sand to where Gasly floats. The Poisonous gas ghost quickly begins to form it's attack, a ball of ghostly energy, but not willing to throw it through the sand, Gastly continues to hold the ever growing orb of energy in front of him. The ground seems to move slightly, and suddenly an Umbreon leaps out of the hole, with it's own Shadow Ball ready to fire. The two orbs fly towards each other, but the overwhelming power of Gastly's Shadow Ball, simple picks the smaller up as though it were covered in velcro, and the two crash into Blackie.

    An explosion of paranormal energy burns Blackie's fur, and singes his skin, leaving a nasty wound across it's legs, chest and back. Gastly laughs, as a Ghost would. Blackie narrows his eyes further and locks eyes with the Gastly. Gastly stops laughing in an instant, and as Blackies eyes grow light with blue energy the ghost considers what to use to block the Psychic assault. A Mirror Coat maybe? Or Perhaps a Light Screen?

    Neither work of course, because gastly knows how to use neither attack. Instead it is forced to endure mind numbing pain as it's is invaded by Blackies Psychic powers. As Blackies link fades, Gaslty shakes itself around, it's mind aching from the intrusion and it's entire self sore from the lashing of the mind control. Panting, Gastly floats away from Blackie, who sits quietly and watches the gastly like predator watching prey. The ground rumbles, and the sand begins to sift away, off the edges of the arena and into the darkness below. Metal returns to the arena, for the last few rounds.

    * Results *

    Badly burnt

    In pain

    * Arena Status *

    Finally returned to plain metal arena.

  30. #110
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    ok Gastly of he tries psychic again I still have no idea on how to stop it but try toxic if he tries psychic but other than that use spite then shadow ball and another spite
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

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  31. #111
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Good job, Blackie! You're doing very well in this battle. First, use Double Team. Next, use your nice little sig move Darkness Beam. Just take the Shadow Ball, then use your sig move. Finally, use Psychic to make the Gastly use Toxic and hopefully hit one of your clones.

    -Double Team-Darkness Beam-Psychic-

    Umbreon (M)
    Signature Move: Darkness Beam
    Description: Blackie powers up a beam in his mouth. The beam is dark energy. This energy came from his body. When it is powered up enough, it is shot out in one big beam. This move can only be used once every 3 rounds.

    Type: Dark | Accuracy: 95% | Damage: 12% | Effects: N/A

    What a non-creative sig you have, Blackie 8)

  32. #112
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    Default Re: Re: Re: Round 35

    * Stats *
    Badly burnt

    In pain

    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    Killer Tai
    "Spite ~ Shadow Ball ~ Spite (Toxic)"
    [i]"Double Team ~ Dark Beam ~ Psychic[i]

    * Round Thirty Eight Begins *

    Blackie closes his eyes, and a silvery glow forms around his body. As ghostly energy begins to build within Gastly, making his eyes a monsterous black colour, the silvery glow seperates and forms two silvery shadows of Blackie, that finally fade into two exact copies of Blackie. As the Umbreon looks at his foe, Gastly's energy is bored into the dark type, and Blackie feels a sharp stinging pain shoot through his body and suddenly any thoughts of performing another Double Team are linked to extreme pain.

    Instead Blackie begins preperation for his sig move. As he and his clones circle Gastly, the small ghost spies on each of the clones wondering which one to blast with the attack. Another ball of ghostly energy forms, and though not as big as the previous charged one, it flies surely through the air and causes a large burning explosion when it breaks through a clone and smashes into the metal floor. Blackie takes his chance and opens his jaw wide. A beam of solid black energy shoots forth and pushes Gastly off the edge of the platform. Fortunatly for the floating pokemon, it can float back over solid ground.

    As Blackie waits for the ghost to return, it once again gains an optic blue glow as it powers up a psychic. Ghastly, not falling for that trick again, spots the blue glow, coming from only one Umbreon, and quickly spits a globule of sticky purple oil over the Eeveelution. Suddenly distracted, Blackie tries feverntly to scrape the toxic posion away, but it's sinking in too fast. Immediatly afflicted with gut renching pain, Blackie can no long er continue his Psychic assult. With health levels at a low, it looks like there's only 1 round left.

    * Results *

    Badly Burnt
    Badly Poisoned
    One Clone


    * Arena Status *

    Finally returned to plain metal arena.

  33. #113
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Ugh, it's probably going to use rest, Blackie :|. But you must stop it. This round, just use Psychic three times. If Hypnosis is used, use Sleep Talk if you fall asleep.

    -PsychicX3/Sleep TalkX3-

  34. #114
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Gastly try to well umm dodge or stop psychic with hypnosis and then go with dream eater for the rest if hypnosis works
    but if it doesn't try it again until u get him

    Hypnosis~dream eater/Hypnosis~dream eater/Hypnosis
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

    ASB Team:
    Bagon(M), Aron(M),Torchic(M), Squirtle(F)...

  35. #115
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Round 35

    * Stats *
    Badly Burnt
    Badly Poisoned
    One Clone


    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    [i]"Psychic ~ Psychic ~ Psychic (Sleep Talk)"[i]
    Killer Tai
    "Hypnosis ~ DE/Hypnosis ~ DE/Hypnosis"

    * Round Thirty Nine Begins *

    The badly injured Gastly opens his eyes wide using his own form of Psychic assault on the Umbreon, as the dark type's eyes swell with blue light. Blackie twitches, and begins to blink rapidly. Looks like Gastly's hypnosis worked a treat, as Blackie falls to a calm rest on the arena floor. Gastly hovers over the sleeping pokemon then floats down beside it.

    Sticking out it's tongue, the ghost pokemon licks the snoozing umbreon's head, taking with it not only clumps of fur but essentially Blackies dreams. Unfortunatly sleeping pokemon don't always lie still and Blackie suddenly leaps up, still asleep, but fully active. Without a word or warning, the Umbreon's tail, shining with a silvery light smashes into gastly and sends it careening across the battle ground.

    Blackie returns to it's resting position, while Gastly slowly, comes back onto the platform. All the time it took returning to the platform seems to have worn it out incredibly, and by the time ti reaches the sleeping pokemon, Blackie is up again still sleep talking, but this time surrounded by energy. In a flash of darkness he disppears, only to return, and slash Gastly with a Fainted Attack.

    Gastly falls to the floor, defeated, and the final klaxon sounds. The battle is finally over, Link10 is Victorious.

    * Results *

    Badly Burnt
    Badly Poisoned
    One Clone


    * Arena Status *

    Finally returned to plain metal arena.

    Congratulations Link10, and good game Killer Tai. I bet your both glad to be rid of this battle.. heh.

    *goes off to claim cash for reffing*

  36. #116
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Yay, finally! ^_^
    Thanks PX for staying with this battle so long
    Good battle, Tai, maybe battle again sometime?

    I would like to evolve my Pupitar to Tyranitar as my prize. :>

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