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Thread: War of the Forums

  1. #1121
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#129)

    Mm, Blademaster has a point. Doomsday threats aren't half as convincing without proper exposure to the villains (hmm, but are they necessarily villains?) There's a book that explains all of this? Wow, that's cool. But why are Brian's ears bleeding?
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  2. #1122
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#129)

    We have talked about this before. Mr_pikachu intended to use all the characters presented in the first cover already in the first book I think. But he hasn't managed to show Ranma or Yomiko yet. I am waitng for Ranma for personal reasons...

    I'd like to say something about this comic in general, something that I could not put into words before. It's great that we have a comic like this. A comic that opens new viewpoints to TPM, to its moderators, and even to mr_pikachu himself. And who would be a more suitable person to write this kind of comic than mr_pikachu, who answers almost every topic. I would just like to see how many of them which he does not reply are my topics. I have the same problem in other forums, too, I don't get replies, so it's not just you.

  3. #1123
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#129)

    Overdue? Me? Never!

    #101: Nice dramatic opener to the third book: "I'm at the checkpoint." I liked how Brian was navigating ... and Gavin's arrogance in the fourth panel with the "don't overstep your authority" line. Gavin would've done well to heed Brian's warning ... oh well ...

    #102: I knew that was Mewfour, but I didn't click that it was Samchu until you said so. Was the "look" part of the image, or intentionally added in? Hmmm ... and Martin's death is announced. What will this mean for the rest of Fanfic? And for Dark Sage's evil plans?

    #103: OK, so it meant a lot for Dark Sage's plans. That's an accurate assumption, too, I think - about people rallying around their leaders in a time of crisis. That might have been a good thing for the mods, except now it looks like they're in more mortal danger than before ...

    #104: I thought this page was really cool for some reason. I think because it's just showing the two characters chilling out, having a meal or whatever. Until Gavin rocks up unannounced, anyway. But how does mystery girl know that Gavin's a mod?

    #105: "Her hand just twitched!" You have no idea how 'me' that is. I can be pretty suspicious/reactionary at times - as you might know. Stupid Gavin, jumping the gun in this situation. By threatening Kalah outright, he's automatically changed the mood to a hostile one. And aroused the protective instincts of eyebrow man. Still, I suppose he thought she was the one who killed Martin or something.

    #106: Hehe, I loved this one. Ada's just finally about to unwind after the tension surrounding Martin's death, and then Brian starts yelling at Gavin's stupid reaction. The sarcastic "great" summed it up pretty well.

    #107: Action! Eyebrows man is saying I ought to be ashamed of myself? Gasp. I do wonder why he's so protective of this outsider, though ... and if he's a regular fanficcer, surely he wouldn't be so quick to pull a gun on one of his leaders? There might be a lot more to this guy than it seems. And how did Kalah infract Gavin if he's still in Fanfic? Or has he crossed the border into wastelands or neutral territory or something? Interesting.

    #108: Dilemma! Gavin's in a real tight spot now. But I didn't consider for a moment that it would be the end for him ... just because I couldn't see you killing off two main characters in such quick succession. He's going to have to listen to Kalah after all, it seems - probably what he should have done in the first place.

    #109: Eyebrows seems to be fairly rational. So, B4 just wants to talk to Gavin? Why didn't she announce herself to the mods in the first place, then? Would've been a lot easier. ^_^ Anyway, good work, and nice sarcasm in the last panel.

    #110: Brian was quick to blame Gavin for his actions. Hmmm. I thought I got the gist of what this page was saying. Brian reacted to Martin's death with introspection and misery, until Ada snapped him out of it. Now, Gavin's reacted with violence. I wonder if that means Ada is going to have some kind of response soon - so far it seems like she's what's holding the mods together.

    #111: Research, eh? I'm kind of inclined to believe Kalah, but this could still be a ruse or something. Cool use of the initials TPM - I'd forgotten about Tara's old thread. Who knew it would actually come in useful for someone one day? Looks like Gavin's still pretty angry and quick-tempered here, though. But this is a shock: Kalah DIDN'T know Martin was dead?

    #112: Once again, I kind of believe that Kalah and TPM didn't know about Martin's death. Although I don't know how, surely they watch TV? Unless the TV channel was only in FF, which would make sense. So she's fleeing - what will Gavin/Eyebrows do next?

    #113: Hmmm. Good to see the mods sorting through the latest developments rationally. At least they now know, at least partly, who they're dealing with ... but Ada's right, what good is it to them in concrete terms. Was Kalah truly surprised? I think she was. But then ... what reason DO they have to keep Becca detained?

    #114: Haha, so that's what that program was. But nobody stayed to see Ada's announcement? Ah, of course then - that's why NOBODY knows that Martin's dead. I should've clicked back when Samchu changed the channel, really. But what's all this about Charles knowing a guy? Sounds evil.

    #115: The safari helmet returns! Hehe. I love that panel. So, finally the mods are piecing things together. How could Kiyone escape unaided? Who on earth if the blond dude in panel six? And, if I'm understanding correctly, does that mean Charles was acting on his orders, and it was Charles who broke the criminals out of prison?

    #116: I'm going to go out on a limb and say that "him" is the blond guy. Or, possibly Charles, but I don't really think so. Oh, or eyebrows! Damn ... there's a few possibilities there. Concerning that Dark Sage and his group are able to watch other people's messages.

    #117: I already replied to this one. Turns out I was wrong. Still haven't eaten my hat, though!

    #118: Poor Gavin, feeling bad about the mess he made with his mission. Cool use of introspection, too. But seeing Ada releasing Becca when he returned would've been a huge shock. Becca looks awfully demure in that shot. Oh, and I really liked Gavin's face in the last panel - well chosen!

    #119: Gasp! Moderators not waiting for a consensus for such a major decision! Rude! Hehe. Panel 3 looks like it could've been taken from some kind of instructional video for newbie moderators. I wonder why Brian DIDN'T wait the measly 20 minutes for Gavin to return ... I can understand Gavin's anger here.

    #120: I should've known that wasn't Andrew and Gabi. But Roy and Weasel? I wouldn't've guessed that. Poor Kalah would be pretty fed up with that constant bickering, I reckon. Anyway ... is the "newcomer" the boss lady around this place? Or is she just an intermediate boss with someone higher still to report to?

    #121: Belle didn't know either, eh? Kalah's story is definitely believable now, then. So, Kalah went on a mission to do her research and ask for a favour, was ambushed by Gavin, told of Martin's death and left Fanfic, deciding it wouldn't be possible to extract Becca at a time like that. It's all kind of piecing together now. Belle looks very ... almost innocent ... in that last panel.

    #122: Gavin getting ignored = pent up fury. I think. Maybe this will lay the groundwork for an argument later? I doubt it will be entirely forgotten by Gavin, though it seems that Brian might not even realise what he's done. Ada getting caught in the middle again, stuck mediating. Great work with the silent stare panel, too - very effective.

    #123: Ada finally decides to move from introspection to talking with someone about what happens. Good move for her - although it might not just be a personal thing, but related to the fate of the forum. It must be about that woman and the whole thing she said afterwards about a mod being chosen. I wonder if Ada doesn't want to talk to Gavin about it because she also wants to talk to Brian about the "Kristian" incident.

    #124: Hoorah for the return to Mega Horny and his plotline! The scary wake-up eyes in panel three were funny ... as was the 5th panel. Great to see that old sarcasm back, especially when contrasted with the uber-seriousness of Dark Sage in panels 4 and 6.

    #125: Hmmm. So at least the aliens understand the hostility of the FF mods now. Maybe they can all sit down around a table of tea and biscuits and discuss the whole thing calmly? Somehow I doubt it. Interesting to hear that this is the first time Fanfic has been visited by TPMers? Does that mean they really didn't know there was intelligent life elsewhere? How ignorant of them. Hehe ... if this is a case of the fanfic mods overreacting, it wouldn't be the first time.

    #126: Panel 4 = classic! Lol. I liked the "hat matches your eyes" comment, too, and the description of the garb in panel 5. But was it just for comic relief, or does this "traditional" vestment actually have some kind of power or purpose in Mega Horny's training/the progress of the fic?

    #127: So THIS was going to be Shock Therapy. Interesting. I didn't realise that Brian was in the dark about what happened after Martin died. About time he was told, really. But why the reaction? Panel 6 was quite freaky ... does this mean that he understands what Ada and Gavin don't? That he somehow knows much more about this than the other two?

    #128: OK, freaky. Though I wasn't entirely thrown by this page, it did make me wonder what the hell is going on - and why Brian is freaking out. The end of days? That's scary. I'm going to have a stab and say Mega Horny might be the unstoppable demon - maybe he is somehow unable to harness his powers, or will be forced to use them by another party. Still, that doesn't seem to fit exactly here, because Ada was talking about the mysterious woman when Brian flipped out - it was that, not Mega Horny, that triggered this bizarre turn. I'm confused ...

    #129: Hermione's off to the library! Something tells me Brian's about to find out some information which will be devastating to the rest of the mods/all of fanfic. I liked the use of a running shot in panel 4, seemed to add some action to the fic, because it often feels relatively stationary ... I mean, obviously, but you know - action shots seem few and far between sometimes. Anyway ... yeah, you do kind of have to pity Ada here. The last panel really summed that up. She must feel like the only sane one around at the moment.

    ... That took a long time.

    Great work on everything in this fic, Brian. You're doing a great job, and keeping all the readers interested now with the sheer level of maintained suspense.

    *passes out*
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  4. #1124
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#129)

    Oh, snap! The book! O_O Where is Brian's book?

    ...What is Brian's book, for that matter? o.o And do not answer by saying that Brian's book is a book belonging to Brian. XD

  5. #1125
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#129)

    It's getting soooo dramatic! ^_^ But, always a good read. Its hard to comput' the dramaticness of it all.
    Thank you Saffire Persian. (Complete list coming soon)
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post

    ...while you sleep.
    ".....Congratulations. You're the KROOOOOOOZE of female weeaboos. -w-;;;" -Blademaster about my Dragonball Z summary of what I know.

  6. #1126
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#129)

    Wow the wheel keeps turning and I miss a lot when Im gone XD
    I must say that I <3 #128! It seems like he was assuming they killed jay, and when he found out it wasnt true and heard the description that he knows who the mystery girl is and its scared him deeply! Why would Brian fear someone ada doesnt know?! Deep dark past secret?! or is he fearing the unknown? SO MANY QUESTIONS!
    128 is dramatic and tense but at the same time looking from another angle its funny. Imagine brian saying all that doom and destruction as he falls to his knees in his own dark world, and then imagine where ada is during all that, watching him go on and on about destruction while hes on his knees clutching his head rofl shed be like um...did I....say something wrong?

    And yes #129, the book the book?! Could it be a book of known criminals? could it be a self help book about staying calm during emergencies? What about a book called "Who killed Jay"? Find out next time during another suspenseful episode of....
    WAR OF THE FORUMS!!!! Part 130!

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  7. #1127
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#129)

    Hey, everyone. Just wanted to let you know that I'm not dead, nor have I given up on WotF. But if you hadn't already heard in Smiley Town, the next page will be delayed because of a combination of excessive schoolwork and an arm injury. (Right now even typing is a struggle... you try doing it one-handed!) But don't worry; we'll be back very soon. See you then!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  8. #1128
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#129)

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    (Right now even typing is a struggle... you try doing it one-handed!)
    Been there; done that.

    (holds up a Wiimote)

    Try making a webcomic with this fucker; then you'll have something to really complain about. :emo:

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  9. #1129
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#129)

    Brian's Left Arm - 198x - 2007 :: " Goodnight, Sweet Prince... "

    Now that was just a common joke. At least, I hope it's a joke like just close to every other GNSP thread I've seen. O_o

    Either way, I hope that you get well soon. And even if that won't happen, there's still time to plan out the next bunch of pages, right? :3

    Needs more Crazy Brian; no exceptions.

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  10. #1130
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#129)

    Well, I now your pain at least partially: I tend to get the feeling my arm could fall of when I spent a whole day behind my laptop. It's that I never change my pose.
    Thanks Orion, for my reflection...
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  11. #1131
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#129)

    YAY! I caught up again! *dances* Very good and yesh, the drama is rising even more!

    I like how mr_pikachu is pulling an Evangelion!!! <those who have watched it know what I'm talking about. ^_^;;> OMG WHERE IS THE BOOK?!
    Don't worry... I freak out too when I can't find mine! XD Although it's more like... "WHERE'S MY CANDY STASH?!"
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  12. #1132
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#129)

    Im going through withdrawls here man! XDD Wanna see some more when your up for it :>

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  13. #1133
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#129)

    He's had a broken arm and virtually no Internet connection as of late, Asi. Give him a break.

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

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  14. #1134
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#129)

    I hate posting here when I don't have time to get the page up... really sorry for the delays, everyone. As I told Gavin the other day, I didn't expect so many obligations to hit me all at once. Actually, I didn't expect this project to be so long in the first place. In retrospect, I don't know how I expected to finish within 50 pages... seems utterly insane now, especially considering where we are in the plot after #129.

    But yeah, things have been crazy lately. I'm able to work again now, and the internet is (finally) back, but now school's being a hassle. Quick summary: I just took the GRE on Saturday, I have several short stories to critique for a class on Wednesday, another of my own to write by the same day, and a 15-page paper to present on Thursday. I've barely started any of those tasks, so... [insert further whining here].

    Thankfully, the GRE cramming is now done, and this series of assignments is the last major thing I have due until finals. And Thanksgiving Break will provide a nice respite from everything. So it's coming back! Soon! Really! I mean it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  15. #1135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asilynne View Post
    Im going through withdrawls here man! XDD Wanna see some more when your up for it :>

    Check out the bold, finish reading before you yell at me blade *cry* Im just saying that I havent forgotten about this and Id like to see more when he can Good to see youve got the net back, and I look forward to the next one (but of course school comes first XD)

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  16. #1136
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#130)

    C-Master: Haha, yes, Brian's lost it. Sort of. In a sense.

    "Signs unclear. Check back later."

    But what book does he want? Is it one that will explain the ominous thoughts he had, or just something he can use to hit himself?

    If you want random members, I can beat CarlVGF. Just need to get around to doing so. Maybe we'll have an entire page dedicated to stuff you'll never see on WotF. Hooray for self-contradictions!

    What's that about The Life and Times of Mr. Brian? Don't tell me you didn't like Extra #2...

    Oh, and you've gotta move around when you're on the computer. If you feel your hand cramping up, stretch it out! Otherwise you'll get carpal tunnel a lot faster, believe me.

    Blade: Psychiatrists are fun. They give you candy! I just wish the little packages weren't so hard to screw open...

    Yes, public stripping is very entertaining, Blade.

    At any rate, if you thought I wasn't keeping track of such things... you're probably wrong. It's a definite maybe.

    Oh jeez, Wiimote typing... now I can understand why they needed a wireless keyboard. It is hard to type with that thing! Had to do it myself for a period over the summer, so I totally get what you mean.

    Gabi: So pitiful. ...I mean pitiable! Pitiable! Agh!

    Ada: Ah, but are you sure you haven't been properly exposed to the villains? I just might have a few surprises up my sleeves...

    Oh, and please stop poking my eardrums. Or at least trim your nails.

    Mikachu: The main reason I haven't yet used all the characters from the first cover is that I initially thought this would be a much, much shorter project. I certainly didn't plan on having multiple volumes... but yeah, you'll see everyone within due time. I have plans for everyone on that page.

    And I try to reply to as many things as possible, but it's hard sometimes. Especially lately, since I've been dealing with the most insane semester I've had since I started college. I'll try to get around to yours as well, but please understand that I'm behind on reading everything right now, includeing some fics of which I've been a reader for years.

    Gavin: *whimpers*

    #101: Hehe, glad you liked the drama. Gavin does have a point; Brian was being a little overbearing there. Still, that didn't make his advice any less sound.

    #102: Yeah, it's been awhile since we'd seen Samchu, so that's understandable. It's also part of the reason I created a character guide. >_< As for the word "look," it was already there. If I remember correctly, that was from a scene where Hideki (Samchu's character) woke up next to the half-naked Chii (eevee-shayna's character). And yes, Martin's death provides a stunning turn of events for Fanfic.

    #103: He was definitely thinking ahead, huh? Very rational. In any event, there seem to be threats on all sides...

    #104: It was interesting to try to set a good tone for this page; glad it worked out. And how does she know, you ask? How indeed...

    #105: Ha, I'm glad that captured the real you. ^_^ Mood shifts can be quite fun, especially when they result in lopsided combat!

    #106: Another example of Ada's colleagues going berserk. It's not easy to be the sane one.

    #107: What are iBrowse's motivations? That remains to be seen. It is interesting that he drew his weapon without hesitation. Perhaps he'll lead the charge against the mods. And you make a good point about Kalah's infractions, except for one thing... we can infract people in multiple ways, Gavin! Clearly, you haven't fully explored the capabilities of your power. Haha... wahaha... muahahahaha!

    #108: Ehh, you know me too well. Or do you? Anyway, this will slow down the conflict just a bit, although it probably won't ease the tension.

    #109: Another rational character as opposed to all those other gunslinging maniacs. Oh, wait... And she probably had her motivations for arriving unannounced. Maybe it has something to do with limitations in their communication systems... she had to arrive by stealth or be destroyed. Or something. Meh.

    #110: Isn't the blame game fun? Yeah, you pretty much have the right idea about this page's theme. Not that Brian won't find other ways of going after Gavin. And yes, Ada is a fairly critical force on the team. I wonder what would happen if she was suddenly removed...?

    #111: "We're researching what happens when an entire world is destroyed." Tara's thread was cool; how could I not make use of it in such a comprehensive work? And it seems that Kalah was in the dark about that.

    #112: They need to switch to satellite. Cable is overrated.

    #113: Rationality can be very useful at times like these. Knowledge is power, but how much do they really have? The funny thing is that they only captured TML in the first place to calm down the masses. I wonder if it actually helped at all.

    #114: Well, at least the TV producers know what's going on. That's something. And Charles knows a guy, all right...

    #115: Helmets! Yay! The "blond dude" was first introduced way back in #7. But don't worry; you'll be reacquainted with him very soon. Still, what role did Charles play? And what is left for him to do?

    #116: Possibilities are entertaining. Well, they are for me at least. Let's play 20,000 questions...

    #117: Eat that hat!

    #118: I do enjoy introspection. Funny, though, how you can be shocked out of it in an instant. Good summary of Becca's look; I like that word. "Demure," huh? Fitting pictures are so hard to come by...

    #119: Ehh, I'll call that an executive decision. So you picked up on the feel of Brian's little speech! Excellent. You have no idea how many hours I spent trying to fit all that text into one panel. And yes, Gavin's anger is justified. Run away, Pika! Run away!

    #120: Kehehe! That could be a little draining, I suppose. As for the new lady's role... no comment.

    #121: Shock and awe! Yeah, everything comes together at last. Except for all the missing pieces that I still haven't given you. So devious. And I don't know if you've seen .hack//SIGN, but the character Subaru takes on that sort of look a lot.

    #122: Argument? Screw arguing. Grab the gun, Gav! I do think Brian knows he's really crossed the line, largely because he was so quick to change the subject and run. Always have an escape strategy. Ada seems to be in those tight spots a lot, yes. And I'm glad you like the silent panel effect!

    #123: Well, she's got a lot on her mind right now. You can't keep such things bottled up forever. But who knows what comes next.

    #124: MH is back! To be honest, I wrote that panel based on a wake-up call I had last year. Methinks I had a little less eloquence than MH. Mood clashes are funny, but I hope they add to the depth of the characters, as well.

    #125: Tea and biscuits? Nah, I don't think we'd go for that. Actually, it would be funny to see the clash of forum cultures... that's actually an idea. At any rate, how do you think we lowly humans would act if aliens suddenly started trying to contact the government? *coughArea51cough*

    #126: Comedy is so much fun to interject. ^_^ As for the garb, it might have some purpose. Or it could just be so I have an excuse for using it later. We shall see!

    #127: Yeah, I told you about the title and then changed it. You do what you've gotta do. But timing is everything... that would be why he was so stunned when his comrades returned minus one. Brian does have minor expertise in a wide variety of areas, so perhaps he's picked up a miscellaneous tidbit of information somewhere...

    #128: Why am I freaking out? *flaps arms wildly* This was intended to be a very dramatic page, although I suspect it didn't have quite the effect I wanted. MH could be the demon, although he's probably close enough already. ...Excuse me as I dodge a series of projectiles.

    #129: I'm not a girl! Yeah, Brian's definitely looking for something. Maybe one of those marbles he lost. I have a few action shots, but there aren't nearly enough, so I have to use them sparingly. That's part of the art of WotF.

    ...That took a longer time.

    Thanks for the compliment, Gav. Hopefully the suspense of over a month isn't too much, though. ^_^;;

    Sike: The book! The book!

    Brian's book is a book with the word "Brian's" immediately preceding it.

    HL: As Andrew would say, dramarama!

    Asilynne: The wheel got a little stuck, but we're turning once again!

    Glad you liked #128. That took a fair degree of innovation on my part, so it's good that the look worked for some readers. ^_^ Brian does seem to be terrified about this whole thing. But why? How is this worse than the death of a mod?

    I imagine it would have been quite hilarious for Ada if she wasn't watching it actually happening to a friend and comrade. ...Or maybe just to a comrade. Considering Brian's inanity (in addition to his insanity), maybe that's all he can ask for.

    If this book has information that might help them understand this, it must be quite the read... wonder what sort of data he might be seeking? We'll find out soon enough!

    Oh, and don't worry; I got your meaning when you posted again. Sorry for taking so long to continue, but things have been rough.

    Toxicity: My poor, pitiful arm. Your candle burned out long before...

    *gets hit with multiple falling pianos*

    Thanks for the well wishes. I'm glad that they came true!

    It's nice to be on the same level as desu. At least around here.

    Kalah: Increasing tension! Woo!

    Yeah, now you see why I thought Shinji was so fitting for me. Seriously, I'm as bad as he is sometimes. Often worse, in fact. Although I typically don't climb into a mech and start killing things. Just give me time...

    It's baaaaaack...

    #130: Red pill? Or blue pill?

    If you've seen Revolutionary Girl Utena, you might notice some similarities between this conversation and those of the Black Rose Arc. But is this organization similar to the Mikage Seminar?

    When I first made this page, I accidentally had the wrong color font. Since I didn't notice it until later, I had to do all the text for the entire page over again. And since that's the part that takes the longest anyway (aside from finding pictures, which is usually a separate project), it was really aggravating.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  17. #1137
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#130)

    Welcome back, WOTF! And with a new mystery character! I wonder how many of those will show up in this arc.

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#130)

    Just did some recapping... wasn't that guy in #115 (Charles' real employer)? Indeed, welcome back. So the mods are dictators, huh? I don't see Fanfic going back to peace and quiet just by defeating the dissidents, then. Something has to change. I like the first pic, by the way.
    Last edited by mistysakura; 17th November 2007 at 03:43 PM.
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#131)

    Gabi: Mystery character? Who? *looks around confusedly*

    Ada: Hehe, interesting way of summarizing. But yes, I think you've got the gist of it. Remember, though, that everything's about perception. Your personal perception defines your reality. (Why do you think the only unanswerable question in the world is whether you're insane?)

    And I liked that picture, too. Thanks. ^_^

    New page!

    #131: Maybe it's just me, but I laughed at the first line when I wrote it. What do you think?

    This page was originally going to be called "Office Space," until I realized that was also the title of #117. Hence the new heading, an amalgation of "haphazard" and "hazardous waste."

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  20. #1140
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#131)

    *coffin lid creaks* It... it's alive! And it vants to suck my blood!

    Good to see you're feeling up to this again, Bri. I... really can't think of anything to say right now for various reasons I shall not bore you with, but yes. Good to have you and WotF back.

    Also, aren't those guys in #130 Master of Paradox and fireguardian? What mystery character?

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

  21. #1141
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    Hoorah, it's back! Celebrations all round!! Hehe, I can't believe you replied to my reply, Brian! Well done ... I can imagine it took ages, seeing as the initial post took pretty much forever.

    #130: Blond dude ... hmmm. He looks like some kind of powerful underworld figure. Actually, in panel 3 he looks weirdly reminiscent of Brad Pitt's character Rusty in the Oceans Eleven/Twelve/Whatever movies. Will he be as much of a criminal? Interesting.

    #131: Poor Ada. Hehe. Yeah, that is a funny line, and quite apt. The panel you use for these moments is a really well-chosen one, by the way. This page actually serves as a good reminder of where we are in the plot, especially after the recent break. So it's useful to have Ada give a summary of events, and it doesn't feel too forced, either. I have two observations in particular for panel 6: firstly, I feel like I'm missing something with that last line of dialogue ... or maybe you're just dropping hints? I can't be sure. Secondly: ARRRRGH! EYELESS ADA!

    Huhuhu. Anyway Brian, it's gnarly to see this back again. I missed it! Catchya next page!
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#131)

    I'm glad to see this fic on its feet again.

    I'm pretty sure the mysterious character in 130 is Master of Paradox... Which begs the question, how does my character fit in? Me and the real MoP have been uneasy partners for some time...

    Hmm... Actually, this might be trouble...

  23. #1143
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#131)

    It's a mystery, of course.

    Is Ada ever going to get a break?

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#131)

    Welcome back, Webcomic of the Forums!

    ...Wait, was this last page really necessary? Nothing really happened...

    The one before that is pretty cool, though. If I'm right, Master of Paradox and the media are gonna join up... But why? What's the point? Where am *I* in all of this? Why am I asking so many questions? What is the square root of a butterfly's imagination divided by a donut hole's cement mixer to the Nintendo Power?


    OK, I'm done now.


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    Phoenix: Hooray for vampirism!

    Yeah, I finally have a moment to get back to work. It's nice, after all this time. Hopefully my schedule will continue to have brief gaps for some time to come!

    Your assertion was correct, by the way. I assume the confusion was because those two characters haven't been shown all that frequently.

    Gavin: It's a lot easier to reply quickly when you have two working arms. And time.

    I find your comparison very curious, particularly because I hadn't thought of him as a Pitt-like character. We'll see how it pans out.

    (Ocean's n+1 will be a box office hit!)

    I'm glad the last page served its purposes. Comedy, reminiscence, solid pictures, and plot advancement. What more could you possibly want?

    Believe me, I've missed WotF, too.

    DS: Thanks; I appreciate it. ^_^

    How does your character fit in? Good question. All we know right now is that "he" is making his move, and that you're a professional stylist.

    Both are telltale signs of the apocalypse.

    Gabi: No.

    ...Well, maybe. Define "break."

    Blade: Nothing happened? Somebody wasn't paying attention... that page was a lot more crucial than it may appear. Unless I'm jerking you around again, which I've been known to do on multiple occasions. Just ask Gavin.

    *reads final question*

    The route 66 of the velocity with which a fluorescent hedgehog runs on a mobius strip in the fourth dimension.

    Faster than a speeding hedgehog... it's a brand new page!

    #132: "Chris"? Could it be...?

    You have no idea how hard it is to find good pictures of Shinichi Mechazawa from Cromartie High School. Seriously. It's a royal pain. I still only have a few that I really like.

    This time the title comes from a power-boosting Pokémon move.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  26. #1146
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#132)

    Heh. Is that Chris 2.0/2.1? There are a lot of Chrises around, but that one seems fitting.

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#132)

    Yay, War of the Forums back in action! ^^

    Well, when I read the first one of #131, I chuckled, mostly because I work with psychopaths at my workplace too! XD

    As of the next comic I am in agreement with Lady Vulpix that the robot must be Chris. I assume the second panel is a clue that it is him. As for the other character...I am not sure, unless it is an old chracter. If it is, I don't remember as it has been a while since this comic has been active! XD

    Again, congrats on having this comic up and running again and also glad you are feeling better! ^^
    Last edited by Goodnight Seadra; 19th November 2007 at 11:44 PM.
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#132)

    I think first panel is Hypotenuse Man and second panel is Chris 2.1 because they mod(ded) ASB with Becca. And I don't know, the robot seems fitting. Hehe, I'd hate the Fanficcers too... except why does everyone know about extraterrestial life except for us? I agree that panel 6 of #131 is probably significant. The whole thing did feel unnecessary, so maybe the information could have been presented in a more dramatic way, I don't know? But I guess we need a change in pace sometimes.
    Last edited by mistysakura; 20th November 2007 at 05:44 PM.
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#132)

    Kenshin is too uppity to be Jeff. My bet is that he's Dan (RaZoR LeAf) and is gonna go the way of Martin back in the 85th, 86th comic.


    This is going to end badly...

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#132)

    W00t!! It's alive and kicking! It's grown 3 pages! And it's pregnant! *passes out*

    Well, I'm glad I could read more of this, and glad you found time to read it. You know, we should sue Father Time for unfair trading. We give him the best years of our lives to work, and what do we get in return? Zero spare time, what a rip-offer (ripper-off? off-ripper? never mind).

    #131 - Heh, so yeah, Ada is left to clean up while Brain - I mean Brian* - goes to save the world (by cleaning up his room, no less). What a typical sexist.
    And I see Award-won gold in the future for Ada's line in panel 1.

    * They're showing Animaniacs again here, hooray! Only downside is: not in English, but a Dutch dub.

    #130 + #132 : do the FF mods really deserve how they're being treated? According to this folk they do, but I think they should find out how it feels to be in Brian or Ada's shoes before going for the throat like that.

    As for Mystery Person #1 in #132: I sense the bloodshedding is strong with this one. Finally, a character from a show I recognize! ... But not necessarilly can name... It had Samurai in it, though, I think. 'Samurai X'? Nah, definitely not 'Samurai Jack'!

    Keep 'em coming! WotF - Gotta read'em all!
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    The name of the show that dude is from is Rurouni Kenshin, C-Mike.

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#132)

    OO! ^_^ These are so great-and for the record, I type with one hand all the time.

    "Those wretched fanficeers" XD

    And Chris is a 'bote!! Beautiful! This all look real bigger in the tiny box we get anymore. I'm too lazy to go to advanced -.-
    Thank you Saffire Persian. (Complete list coming soon)
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post

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    Okay, so I fooled myself into thinking I'd already replied. An interesting page. Evidently the return of those silhouettes we saw on page 62 or whatever it was (if that's the right page number, I should win a biscuit or something). So, Chris's response to those "bloodthirsty cretins" is going to be what, go and attack them in retaliation? Has he been taking Gavin lessons?

    Ada's rationale would make sense for the characters. But yeah, why is it that everyone knows about the universe but us fanficcers are stuck in a fishbowl? Odd. But I'm not bothered. Keep 'em coming dude!

    Crystalmaster Mike: Narf! (Sorry, I was a big fan of Animaniacs and Tiny Toons when I was younger. I've grown out of it, of course ... *cough*)
    Last edited by Gavin Luper; 23rd November 2007 at 10:45 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#132)

    Yay its back

    Hmm the robot "Chris" I bet is Chris the master, aka chris the genius....this is why I think so:

    Its a robot and Chris the master is like a god when it comes to computers, so thats how it makes sense to me XD Id assume robots were good with computers since thats what they are XD Idk, I could be right or wrong only time will tell

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    #130: I had forgotten who the blonde guy was and was about to ask, but that question's been answered already, so yeah. XD

    #131: I laughed at that first line, too, and the face she's making in that first panel fits perfectly with that line. XD

    #132: I think that the robot is indeed Chris 2.1... but maybe that's just what you want me to think. o.o

  36. #1156
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    ...Hey, you guys want to know what's nice? Having an internet connection with a file transfer rate of more than two bits an hour and which doesn't crash every fifteen minutes! Yeah, that would be really nice...

    Gabi: Hehe, interesting hypothesis. Hard to say.

    Seadra: Yeah, it's back! It was far too long of a hiatus, in my opinion.

    I think we all work with psychopaths. Even if we work alone.

    Well, everyone seems to think they know who mecha man is. And the other character... you're not missing much.

    Thanks for continuing to read!

    Ada: Now that's a fun theory. You've got it all figured out. Or do you? And as for why everyone else knows about extraterrestrial life, perhaps that's just the nature of TPM. Yeah, the pace did change a little, but I kind of wanted that. Just to slow things down for a moment.

    Blade: Another good theory about Kenshin. But is Dan even around anymore?

    Mike: It's pregnant? When did that happen? o_0

    Yeah, I'm disappointed with the situation, myself. If only I had one of those hyperbolic time chambers. Someone needs to put them on the market...

    It does seem like an odd situation. But Ada's task certainly isn't insignificant; in many senses, it's a lot more important than what Brian's doing. Probably less dangerous, too... have you seen my room?

    As for that first line, hehe. I'm not counting on anything, but I did enjoy that part. ^_^

    (I was bigger on Pinky and the Brain, myself.)

    That's a valuable point about the mods. They do have a hard job, although if they're being as oppressive as it seems, the reaction seems understandable. When the only perspective you have is your own, what are you supposed to do?

    Hooray for blood!

    (Oh, and I'm gonna have to use that last phrase at some point. I don't know in what context yet, but that's just too good to not utilize.)

    Houndoom: Hey, thanks for the compliment! And yeah, it's a lot easier to cope when you don't rely on the regular style. Not that it actually makes it easy... just not quite as insanely difficult.

    Robots rule!

    Gavin: *tosses electronic biscuit* Enjoy staring at the picture, Kristian.

    What will be the response to the moderators' obviously unjustified capture and imprisonment of Becca? We shall see, from our little fishbowl. Poor us.

    Asilynne: It's back... and it's about to be back again!

    Lots of possibilities, aren't there? "Chris" could mean any number of things, from "Chris" to a misspelled "Kris." Fun fun fun!

    And yes, this one seems to be very technologically coordinated. But what does it mean?

    Sike: Having your questions answered before you even ask them makes life easier, doesn't it?

    See why I save that image for special occasions? It's nice to bring it out as a stunner once in a while. ^_^

    And aren't mind games fun?

    O-kay! We're back in five... four... three... two...

    #133: Anyone who's ever watched a cartoon bear wipe himself in the woods remembers the Charmin jingle. As much as they'd like to forget it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

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    Are you reanimating that doll or taking a dump?
    Oh man... XD That line totally echoed the impression that I got from Mega Horny's... er, training noises. XD And furthermore, that face he's making in that last panel fits those noises all too well. XD

  38. #1158
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#133)

    Yay! It's back!! I really loved the second to last one so far. ^_^ Good dialogue and choice of screen caps. ^_^

    I'm really interested into who Kenshin is. I'll just forewarn everyone: I'm a Kenshin freak. *forces self to not fidget/squeal like a fangirl*

    I swear I'm gonna make love to whoever Kenshin is... *swoons* I won't be able to think of them in any other way than the appearance of Kenshin. Plus the way you made him talk is sorta sexy, to match the appearance. XD

    Man... this is what I get for procrastinating and eating gorp. ^_^;;

    I look forward to more!
    Last edited by Bulbasaur4; 1st December 2007 at 05:58 PM. Reason: because "molest" just wasn't strong enough...
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#133)

    IIRC, there's 3 (active, or at least the popular one) in TPM:

    -Chris (admin)
    -Chris 2.0/2.1
    -Sir Chris

    But I guess it's the 2nd one, too. And yeah, that'd be Shinichi Mechazawa! 'Arigatou, Mr Roboto?'

    Who's Kenshin, huh? Hm... assuming that the member of TPM are all mods/admins, then he could be either... Dark San, or the 'other' Chris (ie if Shinichi is Chris, then Kenshin would be Chris 2.0)

    Just some rambling.

    Oh yeah... just bringing up some old subject, but I think Belle = SP
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#133)

    Hmmm ... interesting. Now there's talk of 'spells' rather than just powers. I wonder how complex Mega Horny's powers actually are ... and how much power he actually could wield if trained properly. I have to admit though, it's difficult to have a stab at who the 'he' is that Dark Sage referred to ... it seems that there's so many players in this game it's hard to keep track of who is what and where. Anywhere, I'm sure it's gonna all tie together soon. Or we'll just hang in suspense as usual.

    And the last line ... haha! Well said. And brilliant image choice.
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