Got an icy blue female Zubat from the Tree. I'll give her a nickname later.
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 12th December 2010 at 08:18 PM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Got an icy blue female Zubat from the Tree. I'll give her a nickname later.
Got a sweet looking Minun from RL. Im gonna name him Rascal.
His ability is Minus.
Got a Female Sunkern (Solar Power) from Chaos HERE
Back bitches
Electrike ,Male from here:
And a Male Cacturne:
Got a Natu(M) from Dogfish. Synchronize Ability. Naming him Nooz.
Also got an Aipom(F) from chaos. Pick Up Ability. Naming her Seedy Sally.
All approved.
Got me another from the tree.
#343 Baltoy
Both approved.
Got myself a new female Seel (Hydration) and a (fe)male Smoochum (Forewarn); gonna get a new color soon!
The Treezus
No Gender
Both approved.
Evolving Izumi Shinu, my female Shelder (Skill Link), into a female Cloyster (Skill Link).
Got a Baltoy(N) at the Tree.
Naming it Hoohooros. Levitate Ability.
Presents from the Tree
Castor (m) Simple
Inox (f) Rock Head
Both approved.
Got myself a male Kecleon at the Tree. Thanks Wolfsong!
Got a Male Sableye
Name: Amethyst
Ability: Keen Eye
from chaos @ the tree Thank you chaos!
Hey look! Free Poke'Ball!
No Gender
Oh and i forgot! Eclipse (my new shiny lunatone), its ability is Levitate
thanks to DCM for the Gible! male Sandshark sandveil
I'd like to buy me a Sneasel please!
Unnamed [M] Unabilitied
el pointos
this is hell
we have a little something called integrity
Weasel Overlord says:
spanner cock?
i got a baby Delibird (F), her name will be CookieMonster XD, from DCM
All approved!
Got a Male Pachirisu from MeLoVeGhOsTs!
I name him Owarainen.
Ablilty Pickup!
The tree has gifted me a female Riolu.
Steadfast, Nicknamed Mortem.
Back bitches
Got a Squirtle from the Tree here from DF44.
Last edited by Greyfox; 19th December 2010 at 02:35 PM.
Have hatched the following from eggs
Carvanha M
Nosepass M
Yanma F
Tauros M
Sentret M
Clamperl F
Picked up another 2 gifts from the tree from Grey and MLG respectively
Morpheus (f) Insomnia
Futakuchi (m) Hyper Cutter
Gonna have to stop editing this post soon...
Evolving my Kirlia.
Hanzo (m) Steadfast
Exp / Bank
Nope, editing again...
Winter (m) Blaze
Alright, today I'll be catching a Sandshrew, a Tyrouge, a Natu, a Horsea, and a Slugma.
Bank Link:
Last edited by C~Dub; 22nd December 2010 at 02:03 PM.
My female Houndour Ability is Flash Fire.
Hum while this is far less then what I planed it chops the number down to eight of my Pokémon that have Battle EXP....
Aipom|Mr. Slaps The Buccaneer's dirty Powder Monkey |Male|Pick up to Ambipom Mr. Slaps The Buccaneer's dirty Powder Monkey|Male| Pickup
Exp. -3 points
Corphish | Crawler The Death of the Barnacle| Male | Shell Armor to Crawdaunt| Crawler The Death of the Barnacle |Male| Shell Armor
Exp. -3points
Porygon |Mr. Glitch Corruption of the Barnacle| Genderless| Ability: Download to Porygon2|Mr. Glitch Corruption of the Barnacle|Genderless | Ability: Download
Exp. - 3 points
~Charles Legend
ASB VS Seeker Profile
“If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein
"The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to risk the consequences." --from Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham
"To build a story world, the author must be part artist, part engineer, and sometimes part mad scientist.." --from Fundamentals of world building by Jessie Verino
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates
Wolfsong gave me a Female Torkoal here under the tree.
Her name shall be Kiuas,
Ability White Smoke.
Thanks a lot thanks a lot!
Got this pokemon at the tree
Mold Breaker
All approved, except for C-Dub. I don't see a payment link?
eggs hatched
and i got a wooper M water absorb
Got a male Magby at the Tree Thanks, papa!
Name: Ginger
Ability: Flame Body
My apologies MLG, post edited.