20th June 2012, 03:36 PM

Advanced Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
20th June 2012, 08:41 PM
21st June 2012, 02:03 AM

Advanced Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
Oh yeah, I forgot about that! Don't worry about it, I just didn't want the battle to die.
23rd June 2012, 01:56 AM
Thread Killer

Elite Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
PKMN Trainer Cynder
PKMN Trainer EraGam
A heartless, barren wasteland, with little plant growth and a small, stagnant pond in the centre, with its own little beach to comfort it as it weeps in sorrow. This arena brought to you by Tim Burton.
Rules: Damage Cap (Auto)
Banned Moves: Attract, Toxic, Perish Song, and Destiny Bond
DQ Time: 5 Days
-=- Pre-Round -=-
11% HP
48% EN
[+2 Speed]
Dig ~ Brick Break
[Isao Machii]

57% HP
34% EN
[+4 Attack]
X-Scissor ~ Sucker Punch ~ X-Scissor
-=- Round 4 -=-
Hmm seems like the new ref has also disappeared from the League as well...wait, what's that over yonder! Well, its Naxes (Perfect Chaos) who seems to be returning from vacation yet again! The two trainers glare at the ref, who sheepishly calls for Round 4 to start!
Arnov take the lead as he begins to dig furiously and quickly disappears underground. And just in the nick of time too, as Isao had come charging forward with this arm-blades crossed and glowing, looking for the killing blow but missed the elusive gecko by inches. Isao begins to feel a bit weak as the seeds on his body still continue to sap away his strength. One can only know how Arnov is feeling at this point.
: +2% health, -4% energy
: -2% health, -11% energy
Isao looks around nerviously, wondering when and where Arnov may pop out from. Talk about playing an unnerving game of Whack-a-Gecko! Suddenly, the earth right behind Isao begins to split open and Arnov leaps out from the ground for a surprise attack! However, Isao seems ready and immediately leaps toward Arnov, his bladed arm glowing with blackish-purple energy as he manages to surprise Arnov with a mighty punch. Arnov, his eyes wide at wondering how Isao managed to catch him off-guard, falls to the ground, defeated.
: -18% health, -5% energy
: -0% health, -12% energy
-=- End of Round 4 -=-
00% HP
44% EN
[+2 Speed]

[Isao Machii]

55% HP
11% EN
[+4 Attack]

End of Round 3 Notes
–Era, Dig is considered to take up two actions (one for digging underground and one for coming back up and attacking), hence why you technically input 4 actions in one round, so I was only able to take the Dig + 1 Brick Break
–I'm finally back after some time, reffing's done on my laptop this time 
–Team EraGam to release and attack first next round!
Last edited by Perfect Chaos; 25th June 2012 at 12:41 PM.
26th June 2012, 11:00 AM
26th June 2012, 04:12 PM

Advanced Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
Counter ~ Sucker Punch + X-Scissor
27th June 2012, 12:09 AM

Junior Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
Just noticed, where did the leech seed go?
27th June 2012, 07:19 AM
Thread Killer

Elite Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
PKMN Trainer Cynder
PKMN Trainer EraGam
A heartless, barren wasteland, with little plant growth and a small, stagnant pond in the centre, with its own little beach to comfort it as it weeps in sorrow. This arena brought to you by Tim Burton.
Rules: Damage Cap (Auto)
Banned Moves: Attract, Toxic, Perish Song, and Destiny Bond
DQ Time: 5 Days
-=- Pre-Round -=-
100% HP
100% EN
*Shed Skin*

Low Sweep ~ Focus Blast ~ Brick Break
[Isao Machii]

55% HP
11% EN
[+4 Attack]

Counter ~ Sucker Punch + X-Scissor
-=- Round 5 -=-
Seeing Arnov finally succumb to battle with Isao, EraGam quickly recalls his fallen Pokemon and after quick contemplation throws out another Pokeball that reveals in a flash of light, a thug-like Pokemon who just can't seem to keep it in her pants!
Zumba starts off by rushing forward and manages to Leg Sweep Isao and causes him to stumble and fall onto the ground. Isao manages to push off from his awkward position and slam his body against Zumba in a powerful counter-attack! Talk about serious retribution! And it seems that Isao has gotten yet ANOTHER boost in his attack prowess from that drop in his speed.
: -20% health, -6% energy
: -15% health, -11% energy
(+2 Atk. -1 Spd.)
Zumba looks pissed as hell that the dastardly Pawniard manages to counter her main attack. Taking caution into wind, she hangs back and powers up a large blue orb of energy between her hands. Then, Spirit Bomb-style, she manages to launch it forward at Isao. Isao looks absolutely spent from that last action, and is sweating profusely as he goes for a Sucker Scissor Combo, deftly avoiding the Focus Blast while smacking Zumba with his arms crossed and glowing with dark energy.
: -20% health, -10% energy
: -0% health, -11% energy (-5% health)
Zumba is utterly fuming that Isao has been literally counter her every move this round and rushes forward, her first glowing white with energy and clobbers Isao straight on, inflicting major damage. Isao keels over in pain and from lack of stamina to move onwards
: -0% health, -6% energy
: -18% health, -0% energy
-=- End of Round 5 -=-
60% HP
78% EN
*Shed Skin*

[Isao Machii]

22% HP
00% EN
[+6 Attack, -1 Speed]

End of Round 5 Notes
–Damage was capped at 40% for Zumba
–First time I've seen a Pokemon get Attack boost-capped o_O
–Once at 0% EN, Pokemon will lose 1% HP for every 2% EN they use in an action
–Team Cynder to command first next round!
Last edited by Perfect Chaos; 28th June 2012 at 02:04 AM.
6th July 2012, 04:56 PM

Junior Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
6th July 2012, 05:10 PM

Advanced Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
Sorry, I didn't even notice that this was posted! xD
Alright Isao, let's finish with a bang here. Use Thunder Wave to help out my next Pokemon, then finish up with a combo of Stealth Rock and X-Scissor. If it Protects or Detects then just relax, and if it uses Substitute use X-Scissor before continuing to break it. In this case, just slot in the X-Scissor in front of the normal command and turn the final move into just a Stealth Rock, no combo.
7th July 2012, 05:04 PM

Junior Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
Focus Punch, then quickly combo a fire punch and dragon dance.
11th July 2012, 12:54 AM
Thread Killer

Elite Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
PKMN Trainer Cynder
PKMN Trainer EraGam
A heartless, barren wasteland, with little plant growth and a small, stagnant pond in the centre, with its own little beach to comfort it as it weeps in sorrow. This arena brought to you by Tim Burton.
Rules: Damage Cap (Auto)
Banned Moves: Attract, Toxic, Perish Song, and Destiny Bond
DQ Time: 5 Days
-=- Pre-Round -=-
60% HP
78% EN
*Shed Skin*

Focus Punch
[Isao Machii]

22% HP
00% EN
[+6 Attack, -1 Speed]

Thunder Wave
-=- Round 6 -=-
Zumba looks to end things quickly by focusing her power all into one ginormous strike. Isao looks to try and maintain the advantage by shooting out a weak electric current that zaps Zumba and looks like her limbs have stiffened up. However, the resilient Pokemon shakes off the stiffness and clobbers Isao with a mega-ton, five-finger death punch that obliterates Isao and any chances that he has of continuing forward.
: -0% health, -10% energy
: -22% health, -00% energy
-=- End of Round 6 -=-
60% HP
68% EN
*Shed Skin*

[Isao Machii]

00% HP
00% EN
[+6 Attack, -1 Speed]

End of Round 6 Notes
–Shed Skin has a 1/3 chance of removing a status at the end of each round.
–Team Cynder to release first, Team EraGam to command first next round!
15th July 2012, 04:43 PM

Advanced Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
I'll send out Roiyaru the Nidorina with Poison Point ability!
15th July 2012, 04:57 PM

Junior Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
Let`s be careful here Zumba,
Focus Blast ~ Hidden Power ~ Zen Headbutt
Bulk if she tries protect.
16th July 2012, 05:13 AM

Advanced Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
Double Team ~ Rain Dance ~ Thunder
17th July 2012, 02:48 AM
Thread Killer

Elite Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
PKMN Trainer Cynder
PKMN Trainer EraGam
A heartless, barren wasteland, with little plant growth and a small, stagnant pond in the centre, with its own little beach to comfort it as it weeps in sorrow. This arena brought to you by Tim Burton.
Rules: Damage Cap (Auto)
Banned Moves: Attract, Toxic, Perish Song, and Destiny Bond
DQ Time: 5 Days
-=- Pre-Round -=-
60% HP
68% EN
*Shed Skin*

Focus Blast ~ Hidden Power ~ Zen Headbutt

100% HP
100% EN
*Poison Point*

Double Team ~ Rain Dance ~ Thunder
-=- Round 7 -=-
With Isao out of commission, Cynder ponders to herself intently before selecting her next Pokemon, which is released to be a Nidorina. Zumba eyeballs Roiyaru warily as the two combatants ready themselves for the next round!
Roiyaru starts off by performing a Shadow Clone Jutsu concentrating and creating 3 clones of herself that proceed to nod at each other in an odd manner. Zumba blinks and rubs her eyes twice to make sure she's seeing things properly. She proceeds to get riled up and begins focusing her energy but alas, her body doesn't allow her, as the paralysis kicks in restricting her movements.
: -0% health, -0% energy
: -0% health, -6% energy
*3 Clones*
Roiyaru and her clones decide to offer a prayer to the rain gods and begin a tribal dance in a circle, yelling and roaring to the sky. Soon after, droplets of rain begin to slowly start falling into the ground, which gradually increases into a full-fledged rainstorm! Zumba just stays in place, apparently just wishing to enjoy the rain as it comes.
: -0% health, -0% energy
: -0% health, -4% energy
*3 Clones*
Roiyaru is having a stupid amount of luck so far this round, setting herself up pretty nicely the previous two turns. She and her clones roar once more toward the heavens, when suddenly large bolts of lightning come crashing down to the ground and strike Zumba directly, shocking the living daylights out of her! Apparently the lightning strike did more than it could for Zumba as she sits there as a statue, taking the punishment full-on.
: -12% health, -0% energy
: -0% health, -9% energy
*3 Clones*
-=- End of Round 7 -=-
48% HP
68% EN
*Shed Skin*


100% HP
81% EN
*Poison Point*
*3 Clones*
*Rain Dance: 5 Actions*

End of Round 7 Notes
–RNG was laughing its ass off at you for that round Era (18, 4, 16, 16). Not even a Shed Skin proc.
–Shed Skin has a 1/3 chance of removing a status at the end of each round.
–Team Cynder to command first next round!
EDIT: Sorry forgot to add in length of Rain Dance remaining
Last edited by Perfect Chaos; 17th July 2012 at 06:53 PM.
17th July 2012, 04:14 PM

Advanced Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
Awesome! Roiyaru, let's play these clones to our advantage. Start off with a Poison Jab, be sure to overwhelm it by coming in from all sides. Then use Water Pulse to hopefully Confuse it when paired with the clones, and finish with another Thunder.
26th July 2012, 04:07 PM

Advanced Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
9th August 2012, 06:42 AM

Advanced Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
I think I'll give this a week and then call for a DQ - I'd like the slot :3
25th August 2012, 09:14 AM
9th September 2012, 07:59 AM

Advanced Trainer
Re: EraGam vs. Cynder (ref:PerfectChaos)
Yeah, just go ahead and DQ it now. It's a shame we aren't able to continue, but whatever :C
9th September 2012, 09:14 AM
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