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Thread: *~ Twilight Town ~*

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  1. #1
    Beside Myself Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Of course I've seen the new PS3s... I live where anything that comes from Japan gets released earlier *preens*
    I hope they get FF7 rereleased for the PS3 with pwetty new graphics!
    Think I might be spliting the price of one eventually with my baboon when we save up enough. Yeah... long, long time from now...

    fangirling is my real day job

  2. #2
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    I have a trailer of FF7 for the PS3 somewhere on my compy... The graphics were so droolable over... The PS3 looks so good too... Except that won't stop me from getting the Wii instead XP

    I haven't got a PS2 of my own and my brother won't let me use his... Therefore there is a lack of any RPGs... However, i found a PS2 on Ebay for Ł20 that's in my city, so that would save me Ł10 postage! Yay! Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, here i come! X3

    Now to get someone to bid for it >_>

    Oh well, until then i can play ToS over again. Damn ToL for being on the PS2 and not out over here! ><

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  3. #3
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    We have discovered a new God! And it's the PS3!

    Also, do you enjoy mentalling scaring us Ali? *crawls into fetal position*
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  4. #4
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Blah, its either GW or WoW, it seems no one knows about Ragnarok Online.

    When it comes to class variety, I'm pretty sure most MMORPGs, including World of Warcraft, can match up to it. Considering that you start off as a novice, then progress into one of 6 of the more mainstream classes, then from each of those class, have a choice of two more classes after getting to a specific level, and after that, going onto a more advanced form of class after you hit level 99, there's already enough variation there, BUT additionally to that you must customize your own stat and skill points. This means that even within the same class, even with the same equips, one can have a completely different character than another. In addition, the equips themselves can have different effects due to the fact that you can put "cards" into them which gives them different powers; where are these cards from? Why, from every single monster in RO. And yes, each card does something different. So, when it comes to variety, it is very tough to beat RO.

    At the same time, because of the variety, its really easy to screw up your build... XD

    Durrrr, probably more but oh well :p each to their own....


    EDIT: Yes, Weasel, FFXI is a MMORPG.
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  5. #5
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Yeah, I've heard of Ragnarock Online, and I really wanna play it.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  6. #6
    WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Well, my current MSN name says it all for my system of choice:

    VirtualPlay ~ | Wii. SSBB. MP3: Corruption. 'nuff said. |

    So yes, I will be getting a Nintendo Wii, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Holy crap I'm going to be poor. >.<

    At least I'm 99.9% sure that getting all three of those will be cheaper than getting a PS3 without any games. Nintendo has always been less expensive than Sony and Microsoft. For example, the Gamecube came out at $150 (in the US) at the same time that the PS2, which had been out for a year at that point, was STILL selling at $200 (came out at $250, iirc).
    SteamID: virtualplay
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    VirtualPlay: they were checking your age so they could legally allow the guys to ogle you?
    ChobiChibi: yeah I guess XD

  7. #7
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Super Smash brothers will be cool for the Wii... but come on... we all know the real reason...


    (yes, it comes out for gamecube but the graphics will beh uber bettur width dah wiiii... )
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  8. #8
    WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bulbasaur4
    Super Smash brothers will be cool for the Wii... but come on... we all know the real reason...


    (yes, it comes out for gamecube but the graphics will beh uber bettur width dah wiiii... )
    Dangit, totally forgot about that! My MSN name is gonna get really long at this rate...
    SteamID: virtualplay
    PSN Handle: VirtualPlay1337

    VirtualPlay: they were checking your age so they could legally allow the guys to ogle you?
    ChobiChibi: yeah I guess XD

  9. #9
    everyone needs a tiger to love Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Yi-Wen if you get the PS3, can I come and live with you pleaaaase?
    *thinks longingly of Vinnie Valentine with ps3 graphics*

    pretty banner made by wurz ^^

    I'm Over the Top! AKIRA SHOCK.

    finally I have an asb banner ^^U

  10. #10
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    The best reason for getting the Wii is all the snazzy games that won't come out on the other consols. I want to see Adult Link that doesn't look like he's made out of lots of hexagons stuck together. *huggles the collector's edition disk* SSBM Adult Link just not as good >_>

    There's a problem with the whole new consol thing... They'll come out, have a few awsome games and then us Brits will have to wait months for anything else to come out. I'm still waiting for KH2 to come out over here, damnit! ><

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  11. #11
    Aramince, The Regal Peasant. Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Whatwhat?! *snaps to attention* Vinnie Valentine?! Mmm-mm.. *pets model of fictional character that stands on her tv* Ahh.. vincent, my best friend..

    ..Wuh? *comes out of reverie* The ps3? Well, it's going to be so expensive, i'm telling myself i won't be buying it but.. but.. Metal Gear 4 ;_; I just don't think my life as a skinflint (you know, misering) will hold against MGS4's mighty force. Sigh. A Fool and her money are easily parted.

    Me and weasel are going to be even skinter than the average students.. Hey! Mebe we could go halfs! And we'll send the precious thing back and forth between Stoke and Cornywall.. And then it'll get Mail-lag and refuse to play my games >< Cansarnit, thwarted again. *goes back to her money-grubbing* Curse ye all! Yer whores an' temptresses!

  12. #12
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Man, from what I've seen MGS4's going to ROCK! I could tell you more, but I don't want to spoil it for everyone.

    Right now, I'm content with waiting for Dirge of Cerberus to come out.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  13. #13
    everyone needs a tiger to love Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    I thought Dirge of Cerberus was out already? Or was it just out in Japanese.... hmmmm >.<

    pretty banner made by wurz ^^

    I'm Over the Top! AKIRA SHOCK.

    finally I have an asb banner ^^U

  14. #14
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Damn you all... I want to play WoW again so badly... there's just no way it's going to work with this slow-ass dialup I've got.

    *bashes head against wall*

    I'd also like to get a Wii... but I probably won't be able to afford it. UE is supposed to be really hard as far as classwork goes, and I'm not planning on having a job this year, so... yeah. I'll stick with impulsive t-shirt buying every few weeks.

    Speaking of, I got my new shirts in last night! They're sooo cute! ^_^ I'll post pics soon, I hope. One is a kind of mocking of Hello Kitty; it says 'Hello Monster' on it and is has a little baby-looking Wolfman on it. ^_^ I got it for five bucks; beat that!

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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  15. #15
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    You see Dru, if you would have come to MY college... it wouldn't be so hard and you could play Wii.

    Well... I mean, I think this college is supposed to be hard... but when you're like me, you procrastinate so it doesn't take up time. XD
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  16. #16
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    [color=silver]Neh, college ain't so hard... And supposedly, University is easier, cos you don't have as much work to cover! ^^ My course thinks exams are old-fashioned, so it's all coursework based! Wahey!

    oh yeah... I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me to be a moderator... it's really touching that so many people want me to be one! ^^ *end cheesy speech* but yeah. I'll try to live up to your expectations! *grins*

    this is hell
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    Weasel Overlord says:
    spanner cock?

  17. #17
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Kalah, I didn't know what school you were at until I'd all ready made up my mind and registered at UE...

    Oh well, I'll be able to go to school in England for a semester in an old manor house for just a little more than average tuition. ^_^

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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  18. #18
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Weasel... you better live up to expectations, otherwise your benefits of unlimited cheesecake gets pulled.
    ... ... *blinks*
    WHAT? I thought everyone knew that...
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  19. #19
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    *steals Ryan's cheesecake while he's away*

    It's just gonna go bad anyway... Not that I don't steal it on a regular basis, but hey...

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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  20. #20
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    That's alright. Just don't eat next week's batch.

    *whistles while putting a drop of 'something' in the cheesecake*
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  21. #21
    ...Σ(·ω·ノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)


    *takes back bottle of "something" B4 dropped into the cheesecake*
    I am the edge of my shape.
    Squared is my face and cubed is my volume.
    I have proved over a thousand theorems.
    Variable to rational,
    Variable to imaginary,
    These polygons hold many numbers,
    Yet these polygons will remained unsolved.
    So, as I calculate,
    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  22. #22
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    ^^;; Sowwy! Some things are just... very useful. ^_^;
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  23. #23
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Just out of curiosity, how many others out there play Neverwinter Nights? I'm working on a module based on one of my earliest RPGs, and once I get settled in at school this fall, I'd like to open it up to online multiplayer. I think the only other person still around these days that might remember that RPG would be dratinihaunter13 in Fan Fic, lol...

    But if anyone is interested, let me know, and I may actually finish the module. I've got two the forest areas set up (but no where near complete, lol) all ready, but the castle is going to be hard...

    It's called House of Shadows; I'll see if I can hash out the general plot when I wake up later if anyone wants info... and, in case people are interested but don't have NWN, you can pick up the Diamond version with all of the expansion packs (so it's got the original game, plus Shadows of Undrentide, Hordes of the Underdark, and the Kingmaker set of Witch's Wake, Kingmaker, and one more... Pirates of the Sword Coast, perhaps); I just saw it at Target for $20 last week. I may go get that to update everything all at once, rather than gathering all the little pieces, since I only have NWN Gold.

    Anyway... let me know if anyone wants to know more.

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
    Switch Code: 1866-7493-0014
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  24. #24
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    [color=silver]*bounces up and down* I have NWN! I play a Druid! Huzzah! Currently level 11 I think... I haven't played in a while.

    So, in answer to yer question, I am indeed interested! ^____^

    this is hell
    we have a little something called integrity

    Weasel Overlord says:
    spanner cock?

  25. #25
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    I do! In fact, I'm playing it right now. I'm a rogue, currently level 7 with a spiffy rapier ^_^

    Hmm, sounds interesting. I'd like to see this.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  26. #26
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Awesomeness! My main character is a level 12 rogue, level 5 shadowdancer, though if I was DM I probably won't have her involved, at least not in this plot... I actaully need to try to make that character, lol... hmmm...

    In any case, here's an outline of the plot...

    Once upon a time, for it seems that way to those who were there, a bright, flourishing kingdom lay like a prestine jewel in a valley between two mighty mountain ranges. It was a small, peaceful kingdom, self-sustaining and without enemies... or so they thought.

    The common people were the lifeblood of the land, working the fields, but they had immediate access to their lords. Life was comfortable even for the poorest of people, with both the nobility and the clergy providing for the needy. Everyone worked for their fair share, and though there were occasionally theives in the forests, the general populace was content enough for life to work smoothly.

    The high court itself was open to all, from the highest lords to the shepherds and field hands of the land. It was more than anything else a house of learning, where the gifted of every caste gathered to learn both divine and arcane arts, and scholars from every walk of life could study the past, present, and future.

    But none of them saw it coming...

    It was a morning like any other, dawning bright, the temple to Lathander ringing with the voices of the followers of the Morning Lord. The castle, perched on a high mountain facing south overlooking the forests that faded into the foothills and small villages, came to life slowly, as was its usual routine, with the servants rushing about seeing to the day's tasks and the watch changing for the morning. It was the watch in the North Tower that saw it first... the great cloud descending from the mountain. A nameless paladin felt the immense pull of magic that powered the Darkness spell that fell upon the castle, engulfing the entire structure in nearly impenetreble shadow. Once the light was blocked out, the attacking forces swarmed in, butchering all that they found. The Queen's High Guard were among the last standing, having barricaded their royal mistress and her closest advisors in a secret antechamer behind the throne room.

    With the Guard behind, blocking the way, the survivors made thier way along a tiny corridor that lead down through the foundations of the castle and into the very mountain itself to the forests below. The corridor, designed for only a few people to pass at a time, was not enough for the group to move efficiantly, and the mysterious dark assailants soon caught up with them. The Queen insisted that her advisors to accompany her, despite the warnings that it might cost her her life, but she stood firm in her morals. She was left like the others, discarded in the passage, hair and clothing plastered to her shredded body with her own blood, but still alive... as was her closest friend, the sorceress Celeste, who had used her magic to protect the two of them enough that they lived.

    Once they were sure that the enemy had left them for dead, they made their painful way through the bowels of the mountain to the dark forests that, for the Queen, had only been pretty scenery before. Not long after reaching the end of the tunnel, night fell, and the two women made camp... but the Queen, weakened by grief and loss of blood and unable to cope in a hostile environment, died before dawn. She was buried, forgotten by the people she loved so much, in an unmarked grave deep in the forest. Her companion, who was to her knowledge the only survivor, died soon after from unknown causes. The villagers who had taken her in buried her in the same forest, knowing how much she had loved both the land and the Queen, and the kingdom fell into ruin, land annexed into neighboring principalities, and the tale of that fateful day, passed on by those faithful villagers, faded into legend...

    Over a century later, the land is like any other, serfdom rampant, and the days of old live only in the words of grandmothers sharing stories with their grandchildren after the evening meal. Some still remember, those with longer lifespans than humans; some of the oldest dwarves can still describe the grand hall of the high court, and a lucky traveller may chance upon an elven ambassador who recall the diplomatic balls held there. Humans, their memories shorter than their lifespans, have mostly forgotten and hardly ever mix with 'outside races'... But, in the forests, a cry has been sent out for heroes and adventurers who long to break the monotony of their lives and make a name for themselves. The House of Shadows still stands, and untold treasures wait within... along with unknown answers.

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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  27. #27
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Get Hordes of the Underdark- I had a level 28 Ranger, though they give you 20 levels if you want to start a new character. I loved that game...until my disc broke in two. Then I lost the CD Key for Shadows...*sigh*

    Anywho, I like the concept, Dru. If you wanna get ideas, there are a few mods I can recommend- very good stuff out there. I even remember seeing a feature on NWN mods in a magazine once, and three out of the five were mods I played. So, you can actually go somewhere with this.

    ASB Team:Can you believe I only wanted 6?

    Thanks, Saffire Persian!(If you like the banner, go ask her to make you one, too.)

    ASBRPG Card

  28. #28
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    OMG 'tis ACE! *kick to the face!* ... erm... I mean... *picks up Ace and huggles* ^^;;; I do that when I get excited.... sorry... ^^;; *runz*
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  29. #29
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Aaah...BOO! I finally came out of hiding. I tend to lurk on this forum too much... Too many RPG's with 36 pages that scream- LSU's welcome!! I'd like to join, but I hate being the guy who shows up in the middle of the plot.

    ASB Team:Can you believe I only wanted 6?

    Thanks, Saffire Persian!(If you like the banner, go ask her to make you one, too.)

    ASBRPG Card

  30. #30
    "Viddy well little brother.." Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    *stumbles in*

    Woah. Uhm. New.. subforum.. fancy title.

    .... :D WHO MISSED ME?

    (Please don't hear crickets, please don't hear crickets)....

    ~ ~ [[deviantArt]] ~ [[MySpace]] ~ ~

  31. #31

    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    This must be the craziest place on the RPG board. Just happened to stumble in, and I was like, WTF?

    Also, I have a question. Why is it that any RPG i join seems to never amount to anything and dies? There was so many good RPGs that ive joined that havent gone out. Like Say... Black Hole Rising. That was a great RPG that never amounted to anything.

    Also, just dropping into say something... Me and Samchu are working up another masterpiece of an RPG. We all know how good An Apocalyptic Beginning Went.... *shiver*

  32. #32
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Quote Originally Posted by SmearGal
    *stumbles in*

    Woah. Uhm. New.. subforum.. fancy title.

    .... WHO MISSED ME?

    (Please don't hear crickets, please don't hear crickets)....


    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
    Switch Code: 1866-7493-0014
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  33. #33
    Traveling Housekeeper Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    (Why is it that whenever I say I'm gonna post I always end up doing something different, like passing out?) to see some old faces back. But on to more pressing matters - I'm thinking of restarting an RPG (did he even have an RPG to restart?). Not one of my old ones (had something to do with the internet, didn't it?), but my newest one: La Trompete (what the fuck is that? he spelled trumpet wrong....). Hopefully this one'll get off the sign-up page (yeah, like that'll ever happen). Just once I'd like to have a successful RPG, and then when I'm at the grocery store, a little child will say, "Look mommy, he was the one that had a successful RPG", and then she'll say, "Shield your eyes, Timmy!", and maybe I'll finish my paper, whatever the hell it's on, and maybe...just maybe, my pillow will stop smelling like sex ; ; (don't ask - for the love of god don't ask).

    So um.....yeah, if you want to play as one of the Four fucking Horsemen of the Apocalypse (or horsewomen - not discriminating) sign-up...or don't...I could care less. You know what - fuck you!
    Cheers. Oh, and welcome back to Smear, Ace, and Ghost.

    And he was asked, "What is philosophy?" And he answered, "It is a seperation of soul from body."

  34. #34
    "Viddy well little brother.." Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Drusilla

    Yaaay, 'tis Druuu~ Man, it's been forever, ne? *huggle* And fireguardian! Aaaall meee oooold buuuddies.

    I meant to come back a loong time ago, but life kinda got in the way.

    So.. how is everyone? I'm currently doing the excited-bouncing-in-the-chair bit now. Fweee..


    ~ ~ [[deviantArt]] ~ [[MySpace]] ~ ~

  35. #35
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    OK, everyone interested in playing NWN as a group... please post here with your info. Danke

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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  36. #36
    ♥ <(^o^)> ♥ Advanced Trainer
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    I'll give you a hint. It's cold.

    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    [color=orange][font=sylfaen]Oh... Hey, I remember SmearGal... Do I get some sort of point?

    And whoooa.... Dru eats very strange things... Like Dragons... and Trolls... Lots and lots of trolls.... Bulbasaur's flamethrower? O.O'' Meeeep... Someone who names themself after a grass pokemon had (key word here... had...) a flamethrower X_x...
    O.o You ate Roy Karrdes common sense... Wait... He had some?

    Err yes... Thats all.. First time ever replying to this thing I think. ^^'' I have a extremely bad memory...

  37. #37
    "Viddy well little brother.." Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Crystal Tears
    [color=orange][font=sylfaen]Oh... Hey, I remember SmearGal... Do I get some sort of point?
    You get BROWNIES. <3

    XD And I remember you, too.

    'Tis good to be back, yarr~


    I should start getting ready. x3 SO EXCITED.


    ~ ~ [[deviantArt]] ~ [[MySpace]] ~ ~

  38. #38
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    In your base, killing your dudes.

    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    I saw the pirates *___*

    I hate the director for leaving such a horrible cliff hanger. Now i have to wait till May to find out what happens to my beloved ;o;

    Who cares if Johnny Depp is old enough to be my dad? >_>


    "Why is the rum always gone?"

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  39. #39
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    [color=silver]Woohoo! Depp! *drool drool* Don't worry, he's old enough to be my dad too... ><

    *awaits May eagerly*

    this is hell
    we have a little something called integrity

    Weasel Overlord says:
    spanner cock?

  40. #40
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    Default Re: *~ Twilight Town ~* (Yeah I'm unoriginal, sue me.)

    Hiya Smeargal! *wavies* Long time no... talkie! Well...except for MSN or AIM... but that is BESIDES the point. lol

    I have another cool RPG idea that I wanted to start... but unfortunately (or fortunately) I have Correct Souls Divine running, and then I have promised Eeveelutions will be following shortly. *looks about*
    .... I wonder if anyone will notice if I just don't start that ...

    In any case, since I have a new cable thing I started watching Nicktunes, "Avatar" and I was like- holy crap! A anime-styled thingy on nick that is GOOD?! HOLY CRAP! I am not a big fan of Nick stuffs...but I really like it. ^_^ I can see it every day after work too! YAY! But that is what I wanted to start an RPG off of... and I had some cool ideas... but gyaaah. It'll have to wait I suppose.

    ANd wait a minute... Dru did not steal my flamethrower and eat it! *checks case* WAit... ROY gave that to you, didn't he? He kept saying that he wanted to take my mod weapon of choice- my flamethrower! I bet he stole my beta version and gave it to you! *growls* Well... here everyone, *whips out modding weapon*
    Behold! Star-power Flamethrower XV4! *has it chained to wrist* This is mine and it always has been mine, if you touch it... I shall eat your soul and then rip your body to shreds! *demonic voice*

    ermm... candy? *throws candy*
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