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Thread: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

  1. #41
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Okay, now that I have time to actually write a decent reply to this...

    DL: Not priority in that sense, was refering to what Cnyder said, I'll get to that in a minute.

    Oslo: My issue with that whole round is this:

    You ignored a Substitution of mine, when it was to clearly be triggered by Cnyder's set of commands. The Attacks themselves are not issued in the middle of the match, they're both revealed during subsequent posts between each Round. And after the second Trainer posts their attacks, then are the Actions tabulated for the round to proceed (because there's really no other way to do this). This is how I view this as a Ref, and how Action Substitutions are supposed to work. Because if they don't work like this.. then having Subs (necessary in this format) are null and void (nightmare for some players out there who sub every freakin thing in the book).

    It isn't supposed to be: "oh, attack goes here, but oh, it's so fast he can't use his sub even though he subbed to counter this attack." That's deliberately ignoring a clear substitution against an attack that I know is coming, Susanoo knows is coming, YOU know it's coming and Cnyder knows for SURE it's coming. It really isn't an issue of WHEN once Cnyder's actions are revealed, because then the when is Known to both parties, and thus Substitutions can trump previously selected moves as long as the trigger action is there.

    You see, I view these Action posts are like Magic the Gathering's Spell Stack.

    I play Extreme Speed, Cnyder in response plays Earthquake, I counterspell my own Extreme Speed with Counter in response to Cnyder playing Earthquake (as I posted originally), then the stack is resolved. My Substitutions trump my selected actions so long as the trigger is there. Which it was. It doesn't matter when the round begins because both sets of actions from both battlers are known, and Substitutions (if any) are exchanged with the Action Slots before the Round even begins. This keeps it fair to both Trainers throughout the Battle, and yes I would argue this even if my opponent didn't get their substitution (I think I have... actually... against Blade <<U... When I beat his Rawk Hawk with Godzilla... *Victory Dance*, if not with him than I have in other matches).

    And I can show how there's also a double standard here:

    Cnyder posted actions in response to actions I had posted. However, their Tropius has a SPD Stage increase above Susanoo, which means Oashi's actions to counter mine wouldn't happen as written because she'd go BEFORE my moves take place (thanks to the SPD +1). After all, how can she counter the move when (as by your own argument) she wouldn't know the attack is coming?

    You see my point?


    Heh, taking advantage of/finding a way around subs is fun. xD
    That really wasn't a way of finding a way around a sub. I've done it before, and yes it is fun when you can lock down your opponent thanks to vague Sub combos.

    Since Extremespeed's priority means it can't use Counter on that first turn, go for an Earthquake as it gets close.
    No, as explained previously. The moment you reveal your commands are the same moment my Substitutions should kick in before the Round starts (Original thought upon reading that comment: Since when?! Subs don't work like that?!)

    DL: Also, didn't appreciate this:

    (And here I thought Mew was going to fall back on his Spiritomb's trusty Curse + Pain Split strategy...)
    While it may be common knowledge, maybe Cnyder didn't know about that combo, or my other combos. But if they didn't, now they do, and almost equates to cheating if this were an official tournament (Poker, Magic, Blackjack, Underwater Basket Weaving). >:/

    Mock me anywhere else cept my battle (unless you're reffing, then I expect it).

    Cnyder: Also, sorry if I misspelled your name as 'Cnider' I tried to catch them all and fix em. May have missed a few.

    Oslo: Will dig up Groudon for ya... Since you want him, and I don't need em, How about I just trade him to ya? He's not really the Legendary I want (wanted Rayquaza)[/notbribeIswearthoughtofitatwork]
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  2. #42
    Rawr! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mew Master View Post
    Okay, now that I have time to actually write a decent reply to this...

    DL: Not priority in that sense, was refering to what Cnyder said, I'll get to that in a minute.

    Oslo: My issue with that whole round is this:

    You ignored a Substitution of mine, when it was to clearly be triggered by Cnyder's set of commands. The Attacks themselves are not issued in the middle of the match, they're both revealed during subsequent posts between each Round. And after the second Trainer posts their attacks, then are the Actions tabulated for the round to proceed (because there's really no other way to do this). This is how I view this as a Ref, and how Action Substitutions are supposed to work. Because if they don't work like this.. then having Subs (necessary in this format) are null and void (nightmare for some players out there who sub every freakin thing in the book).

    It isn't supposed to be: "oh, attack goes here, but oh, it's so fast he can't use his sub even though he subbed to counter this attack." That's deliberately ignoring a clear substitution against an attack that I know is coming, Susanoo knows is coming, YOU know it's coming and Cnyder knows for SURE it's coming. It really isn't an issue of WHEN once Cnyder's actions are revealed, because then the when is Known to both parties, and thus Substitutions can trump previously selected moves as long as the trigger action is there.

    You see, I view these Action posts are like Magic the Gathering's Spell Stack.

    I play Extreme Speed, Cnyder in response plays Earthquake, I counterspell my own Extreme Speed with Counter in response to Cnyder playing Earthquake (as I posted originally), then the stack is resolved. My Substitutions trump my selected actions so long as the trigger is there. Which it was. It doesn't matter when the round begins because both sets of actions from both battlers are known, and Substitutions (if any) are exchanged with the Action Slots before the Round even begins. This keeps it fair to both Trainers throughout the Battle, and yes I would argue this even if my opponent didn't get their substitution (I think I have... actually... against Blade <<U... When I beat his Rawk Hawk with Godzilla... *Victory Dance*, if not with him than I have in other matches).

    And I can show how there's also a double standard here:

    Cnyder posted actions in response to actions I had posted. However, their Tropius has a SPD Stage increase above Susanoo, which means Oashi's actions to counter mine wouldn't happen as written because she'd go BEFORE my moves take place (thanks to the SPD +1). After all, how can she counter the move when (as by your own argument) she wouldn't know the attack is coming?

    You see my point?


    That really wasn't a way of finding a way around a sub. I've done it before, and yes it is fun when you can lock down your opponent thanks to vague Sub combos.

    No, as explained previously. The moment you reveal your commands are the same moment my Substitutions should kick in before the Round starts (Original thought upon reading that comment: Since when?! Subs don't work like that?!)

    DL: Also, didn't appreciate this:

    While it may be common knowledge, maybe Cnyder didn't know about that combo, or my other combos. But if they didn't, now they do, and almost equates to cheating if this were an official tournament (Poker, Magic, Blackjack, Underwater Basket Weaving). >:/

    Mock me anywhere else cept my battle (unless you're reffing, then I expect it).

    Cnyder: Also, sorry if I misspelled your name as 'Cnider' I tried to catch them all and fix em. May have missed a few.

    Oslo: Will dig up Groudon for ya... Since you want him, and I don't need em, How about I just trade him to ya? He's not really the Legendary I want (wanted Rayquaza)[/notbribeIswearthoughtofitatwork]
    That's not how reffings work as far as I've ever known - the commands may be posted in advance but I'd guess that in the actual sense of a reffed battle the trainers are supposed to be stating their commands at that precise time. Also Priority would most definitely apply in this case; in the games Extremespeed is +2 Priority which means that the slowest Pokemon in the world could use the attack before a +6 speed Ninjask. Hence, the attack would've been already pulled off by the time that Oashi had even the chance to think of using Earthquake, leaving Susanoo unable to attack for the remainder of that action without the attack becoming a combo, which wasn't stated in the commands.

    BTW, it's Cynder and nt Cnyder c:

  3. #43
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    It's how I've always reffed them Cynd....
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  4. #44
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mew Master View Post
    Okay, now that I have time to actually write a decent reply to this...

    DL: Not priority in that sense, was refering to what Cnyder said, I'll get to that in a minute.

    Oslo: My issue with that whole round is this:

    You ignored a Substitution of mine, when it was to clearly be triggered by Cnyder's set of commands. The Attacks themselves are not issued in the middle of the match, they're both revealed during subsequent posts between each Round. And after the second Trainer posts their attacks, then are the Actions tabulated for the round to proceed (because there's really no other way to do this). This is how I view this as a Ref, and how Action Substitutions are supposed to work. Because if they don't work like this.. then having Subs (necessary in this format) are null and void (nightmare for some players out there who sub every freakin thing in the book).

    It isn't supposed to be: "oh, attack goes here, but oh, it's so fast he can't use his sub even though he subbed to counter this attack." That's deliberately ignoring a clear substitution against an attack that I know is coming, Susanoo knows is coming, YOU know it's coming and Cnyder knows for SURE it's coming. It really isn't an issue of WHEN once Cnyder's actions are revealed, because then the when is Known to both parties, and thus Substitutions can trump previously selected moves as long as the trigger action is there.

    You see, I view these Action posts are like Magic the Gathering's Spell Stack.

    I play Extreme Speed, Cnyder in response plays Earthquake, I counterspell my own Extreme Speed with Counter in response to Cnyder playing Earthquake (as I posted originally), then the stack is resolved. My Substitutions trump my selected actions so long as the trigger is there. Which it was. It doesn't matter when the round begins because both sets of actions from both battlers are known, and Substitutions (if any) are exchanged with the Action Slots before the Round even begins. This keeps it fair to both Trainers throughout the Battle, and yes I would argue this even if my opponent didn't get their substitution (I think I have... actually... against Blade <<U... When I beat his Rawk Hawk with Godzilla... *Victory Dance*, if not with him than I have in other matches).

    And I can show how there's also a double standard here:

    Cnyder posted actions in response to actions I had posted. However, their Tropius has a SPD Stage increase above Susanoo, which means Oashi's actions to counter mine wouldn't happen as written because she'd go BEFORE my moves take place (thanks to the SPD +1). After all, how can she counter the move when (as by your own argument) she wouldn't know the attack is coming?

    You see my point?
    Yes and no. Mostly no. (Sentences like "It really isn't an issue of WHEN once Cnyder's actions are revealed, because then the when is Known to both parties, and thus Substitutions can trump previously selected moves as long as the trigger action is there." make Oslo go "Buh?" )

    You gave your Pokemon commands. Then Cynder gave her Pokemon commands. Your Pokemon wasn't privy to what Cynder told Oashi to do, unfortunately, so Susanoo started executing its commands without knowing what kind of hijinks Oashi was about to perform. So your whole "I know it's coming, Susanoo knows it's coming, my Great Aunt Marge knows it's coming" thing is false. Susanoo did not know Earthquake was coming. He would have to see Oashi starting to use Earthquake in order to know that's what Oashi was told to do. Thus, he used ExtremeSpeed, which simply has to go first (ie. priority). It did. Oashi used Earthquake afterward, which completely caught Susanoo by surprise. He didn't see it coming and, by the time he saw it, it was too late for him to Counter it.

    Idk how else to explain it, frankly. :/ If another ref wants to leap in and arbitrate this dispute that might be helpful.

  5. #45
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Okay Susanoo, he's going to try and borrow your moves? Let him try, when he tries to come in with the Blaze Kick, fling him around you with a Psychic, use your Aikido training. Let the Air Slash hit you and stand so it can slice off that Leech Seed, then bum rush him with an Ice Punch, for that final Blaze Kick, fling him away again and dislocate his leg while you're at it with a Psychic.

    Psychic~Ice Punch~Psychic
    ~Mew Master

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  6. #46
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    I think I see what mew means, he means that he commands first then his opponent commands then the pokemon act on the combined commands, subs therefore wouldn't be activated due to the move, but to the initial command given by the opponent

  7. #47
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Jumping in.

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  8. #48
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mew Master View Post

    You ignored a Substitution of mine, when it was to clearly be triggered by Cnyder's set of commands. The Attacks themselves are not issued in the middle of the match, they're both revealed during subsequent posts between each Round. And after the second Trainer posts their attacks, then are the Actions tabulated for the round to proceed (because there's really no other way to do this). This is how I view this as a Ref, and how Action Substitutions are supposed to work.

    Gonna hit ya with the Head Ref hammer here. Substitutions are supposed to be used to counter a specific notion. It can be described loosely (If they use a physical attack, use Counter<--I said this purposely..) or they can be precise (If they use Taunt, use Protect). It's all in how the battlers use them that mark their effectiveness, and there is a give and go for advantage since each player posts first every other round.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mew Master View Post
    Because if they don't work like this.. then having Subs (necessary in this format) are null and void (nightmare for some players out there who sub every freakin thing in the book).

    It isn't supposed to be: "oh, attack goes here, but oh, it's so fast he can't use his sub even though he subbed to counter this attack."<---

    Actually, that's how its supposed to be-and that brings us back to Priority. You may not REF like that, but you Battle like that-like when you use Bide as a sub if they hit you with a Physical move. Bide has no priority-but if I used Quick attack-your Pokemon uses Bide instead of..oh I dunno, Cosmic Power.

    All Priority moves exist in ASB. Its why you can Protect most anything at least once-even if its an Extremespeed combo. Its why speedy moves like Vacumn Wave and Extremespeed are attached to combos-so they get there first.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mew Master View Post
    That's deliberately ignoring a clear substitution against an attack that I know is coming, Susanoo knows is coming, YOU know it's coming and Cnyder knows for SURE it's coming. It really isn't an issue of WHEN once Cnyder's actions are revealed, because then the when is Known to both parties, and thus Substitutions can trump previously selected moves as long as the trigger action is there.

    You see, I view these Action posts are like Magic the Gathering's Spell Stack.

    I play Extreme Speed, Cnyder in response plays Earthquake, I counterspell my own Extreme Speed with Counter in response to Cnyder playing Earthquake (as I posted originally), then the stack is resolved.

    No. Becasue you are giving yourself an out to both sides of the coin (which is as bad as subbing every friggin round.) I previously showed you using a priority move as how they have always been used in order to take advantage. Now. In this battle, you are trying to use Extremespeed unless Earthquake comes. Problem here is that Extremespeed is a Priority move, so when you fight out the gate, Extremespeed is going to happen first BEFORE Earthquake. By doing so, you lock yourself out of the sub because you used the priority move to get the speed advantage in this round on your side.

    Basically, you cant say "Move fast, unless you see them use this, then move super slow." That's an impossibility.

    And before you say "Well then how the hell does Protect work, it beats out any other move?" I'll explain that. Protect is a standing move. Its not moving. Therefore, the being can Protect instantly, or wait til the last minute. So if someone goes "Use X, but if they use fire moves, Protect." Protect CAN work since there is time to raise up the hands and erect the barrier.

    Now, if X is a priority move, no that won't work because you are willingly pre-empting their attack. You are going to beat out their next move, no matter if its a fire move-so your sub is blocked out by you in exchange for you getting the speed hit in. Give and take.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mew Master View Post
    My Substitutions trump my selected actions so long as the trigger is there. Which it was.

    After the fact that you would have hit her first, before she got the attack off, which makes the sub invalid.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mew Master View Post
    It doesn't matter when the round begins because both sets of actions from both battlers are known, and Substitutions (if any) are exchanged with the Action Slots before the Round even begins.

    So this already destroys your argument. When you post your actions, you consciously know that your attack is going to go first. You know its going to beat out even the most obvious attack. But you still do it anyway for the speed advantage-and then you try to take the surprise advantage.
    No bueno.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mew Master View Post
    And I can show how there's also a double standard here:

    Cnyder posted actions in response to actions I had posted. However, their Tropius has a SPD Stage increase above Susanoo, which means Oashi's actions to counter mine wouldn't happen as written because she'd go BEFORE my moves take place (thanks to the SPD +1). After all, how can she counter the move when (as by your own argument) she wouldn't know the attack is coming?

    Except a +1 Spd Oashi is still uber slower than a Lucario :/. Even if it WAS faster, Extremespeed takes priority over all other moves, no matter the speed of the user.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mew Master View Post
    No, as explained previously. The moment you reveal your commands are the same moment my Substitutions should kick in before the Round starts (Original thought upon reading that comment: Since when?! Subs don't work like that?!)

    No. Subs are written in the beginning of the round because it makes it easy for the ref to remember the parameters. Whether they happen or not gets decided during battle (I hope...)

    DL: While it may be common knowledge, maybe Cnyder didn't know about that combo, or my other combos. But if they didn't, now they do, and almost equates to cheating if this were an official tournament (Poker, Magic, Blackjack, Underwater Basket Weaving). >:/

    Mock me anywhere else cept my battle (unless you're reffing, then I expect it).

    o.O This was discussed in the chat thread already :/ So I'm gonna disregard that since Oslo brung it up first.

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  9. #49
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestLight View Post

    o.O This was discussed in the chat thread already :/ So I'm gonna disregard that since Oslo brung it up first.
    ... I knew someone else besides you did <<U Didn't find that through my read through though. Maybe I'm just taking things a bit too seriously... or I've just been a grump because of work ... -,- I'm sorry if I'm over-argumentive... just feeling like I've been getting the short end of the stick in a lot of things lately, not just ASB.

    Argument conceded, let the match continue. (you stole my colors!)
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  10. #50
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)


    Location: The Dragon Roost
    Rules: See Gym rules
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: One week

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡

    ‡ Round 5 ‡

    After a brief intermission, play resumes. Oashi closes her eyes and begins focusing on how to perform that awesome Blaze Kick Susanoo tried to use at the end of the last round. Susanoo, meanwhile, glows red as she gets her Psychic energy ready to deal a hurtin'. Oashi swoops in with one of her forelegs crackling with heat, but Susanoo is prepares and merely launches the oncoming Tropius backwards with her mind. Oashi crashes hard against the platform.

    Susanoo: <-7 EP>
    Oashi: <-10 HP; -11 EP>

    Oashi pulls herself back up and roars to get herself battle-ready. She then flaps her wings hard enough to conjure a razor of air that whips across the arena. Rather than bracing himself, Susanoo merely bares his chest to the attack. The Air Slash strikes and causes Susanoo to flinch... except wait, no it doesn't, because this dude has way too much Inner Focus. Though he's struck in the chest, Susanoo watches with delight as his Leech Seed is severed and falls to the ground. Susanoo then zips forward and strikes with a powerful Ice Punch. Kapow! Icy pain!

    Susanoo: <-9 HP; -6 EP; LSd no more>
    Oashi: <-18 HP; -6 EP>

    Oashi shoots off toward Susanoo to deliver another Blaze Kick, which she's able to execute with much more Speed now that she doesn't have to figure out how the move works. Susanoo tries to repel the swift attack, but is too late by a hair and is clobbered in the shoulder with fiery goodness. Nonetheless, Susanoo tosses Oashi into the air and then slams her down hard against the platform once again. This guy is as plucky as his trainer.

    Oslo predicts this match-up will be a close one...

    Susanoo: <-15 HP; -7 EP>
    Oashi: <-10 HP; -7 EP>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > Oashi will be able to use Blaze Kick for one more round
    > TEAM MEW MASTER to command next

  11. #51
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Okay Susanoo, it's down to the wire, so let's pull out all the stops. Use a barrage of Psychics to stop her from doing anything. If she's trying a Blaze Kick, start dislocating limbs before she gets close, if she's using Earthquake lift her off the ground and chuck her against one of the ribs along the side of the arena, any flying, start breaking wings. However, if she tries to relax at all, wail on her with an Ice Punch.

    Psychic~Psychic~Psychic (Sub: Ice Punch)
    ~Mew Master

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  12. #52
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Okay then, if he's going to be like that it's our turn to play hard-ball. I know you don't have a lot of energy remaining but let's really try with this and use a combo of Protect, Blaze Kick and Earthquake to hopefully knock him out before you faint from fatigue.

  13. #53
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)


    Location: The Dragon Roost
    Rules: See Gym rules
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: One week

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡

    ‡ Round 6 ‡

    Oashi is wheezing hard as she envelops herself in a protective bubble and starts whizzing toward Susanoo. The Lucario tries to launch a Psychic attack, but it's about as effective as my kitty scratching at the window when he wants to eat the squirrel outside. Oashi lets the barrier slip at the last second as she collides with Susanoo, legs blazing. Susanoo tumbles as Oashi lands hard on the ground, causing the arena to shake about violently. Susanoo is hurled to the ground, defeated.

    The dragons nod, impressed with Oashi's skillz.

    Susanoo: <-27 HP; -7 EP>
    Oashi: <-2 EP; -6 HP fatigue>

    Suddenly, our location shifts. The main arena is left behind and we soon find ourselves upon a sacrificial platform perched atop an Aztec ziggurat. A serpent with plumage and two strong wings watches over the trainers with interest. The dragon gives off a bright, warming light.

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > The next match-up will occur at Temple Spire
    > Who releases next, Mew? Winner or loser or coin flip? And does the command order stay the same?
    Last edited by Oslo; 1st June 2012 at 09:24 PM.

  14. #54
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Okay and we're back.

    Okay, the Sending and Attack Order should be the same as if continuing on from the previous round, so I'd send out, Cnyder would release and attack, then I would attack.

    And in that case... let's see...

    Jibakurei! (Male, Infiltrator)
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  15. #55
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    I'll be using Rahno the male red Basculin with Mold Breaker ability.

    Start off with a Taunt attack, as quickly as you can. Then hit it with a Soak, and finish up with Crunch.

    If it Protects, Detects or Magic Coats against the Taunt, then use Agility instead and use Taunt the next turn. If it puts up a substitute against Taunt, then take it out as quickly as you can with as many Crunches as neccessary and use Taunt afterwards.

  16. #56
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    I know I'm late, but I'm still in SoDak and wont get home till sometime tomorrow, I'll post then, just reminding everyone.
    ~Mew Master

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    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

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  17. #57
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    A Basculin eh? This will be like shootin fish in a barrel, or rather, a Fish with no water to swim.

    Dodge his Taunt and Soak with a set of Faint Attacks, then for your final move use Curse. However, if his Soak or Taunt managed to hit, just change tactics and wail on him with Shockwave from a distance.

    Faint Attack~Faint Attack~Curse (Sub: Shockwave)
    ~Mew Master

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    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

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  18. #58
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)


    Location: The Dragon Roost
    Rules: See Gym rules
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: One week

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡

    ‡ Round 7 ‡

    The sun blazes overhead as the Gym Leader and his challenger release new Pokemon. Mew summons a Spiritomb (to whom I quietly give the finger) while Cynder makes an interesting choice and calls a fish out to play. Rahno doesn't appreciate the Sunny Day effect and he really doesn't appreciate the fact that this place is so friggin' dry, but he copes admirably by telling Jibakurei that he looks like an afro made of cotton candy. Jibakurei tries to avoid the cruel words by going invisible, but Rahno doesn't need a clear line of sight to make the Taunt work. As Jibakurei's blood boils (not that he, er, has blood), he reappears behind Rahno and lashes out with a Dark-type swipe. Suck it, fish boy.

    Jibakurei: <-4 EP; Tnt>
    Rahno: <-8 HP; -4 EP>

    Shenanigans continue as Jibakurei sparkles like purple toaster dropped in a bathtub. He scrunches up his face and releases a perilous Shock Wave that fries up Rahno nicely. (Om nom nom, pass the tartar). Rahno shakes off the hit and spits out a stream of sparkling water that splashes all over Jibakurei and makes the Spiritomb feel like he wants to take a swim in the ocean and never come out.

    Jibakurei: <-4 EP; Water-type>
    Rahno: <-9 HP; -4 EP>

    Now that he's been rinsed, it's time to repeat. Jibakurei attacks with a second electrical burst that makes Rahno wish he were back in the Amazon chewing off people's fingers. Those were the days. The Basculin then flops feebly across the arena and lands a Crunch on his opponent, but it's not the same as chewing off a finger. At least Jibakurei finally has damage, though.

    Jibakurei: <-8 HP; -4 EP>
    Rahno: <-9 HP; -6 EP>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > Jibakurei will remain under the effects of Taunt for three more actions

  19. #59
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    >.> Hey Oslo..think you could make an exception and finish the Gym Battles though?

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  20. #60
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    *pops in*

    Sorry, I feel like a jerk for vanishing... I'd finish the Gym battles if I felt they could be wrapped up quickly, but I don't believe Mew and Wolfsong post frequently enough for that to be honest. Perhaps you and Cynder could ref for one another? Again, apologies for the inconvenience.

    *pops out*

  21. #61
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    I'd be up for that! x3

  22. #62
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Again, sorry my June is packed full of trips towards the tail end. I'll be in Montana/Wyoming till Sunday and back home by Sunday Night/Monday morning...
    ~Mew Master

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    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

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  23. #63
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    No sweat. I'll take this over...and try to emulate Oslo's reffing criteria..

    i Judge your entertainment!
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    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  24. #64
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Okay... back... things have calmed down finally.

    Okay... so Taunted against... a fish... that shouldn't be able to breathe.... or move that well out of water.... that should be suffocating....


    Ooooookay then, biology aside, since we're taunted better go and just Shock Wave the begjeezus out of it.

    Shock Wave~Shock Wave~Shock Wave
    ~Mew Master

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    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

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  25. #65
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Alright then, let's use Swagger followed by 2 Revenges. If it's unable to attack due to confusion, use Toxic instead of Revenge, and if it happens twice use Double Edge.

  26. #66
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Sooooooo sorry. Will have this up tonight. Least keep it going a bit 'fore Oslo gets back.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  27. #67
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)


    Location: The Dragon Roost
    Rules: See Gym rules
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: One week

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡

    ‡ Round 8 ‡

    The hiatus over-and my new skin in place-we return to the scene of the crime, err battle. Jib has nary a peaceful though inside what could be called a cranium, and all he wants is to see that fish spin over a roasted fire. Even though fire would have been the smarter way to go, electricity works just fine.

    Rahno welcomes the blast with closed eyes, feeling scales twinge with every charge. When it passes, he shakes his fins out and raises up on his tail. Fins extend out and beckon the phantom to...Come at him, bro.

    Oooh Jib is pissed now. First called a Cottonfro, and now teased like some sort of Jabroni? The Spiritomb snarls and puffs out, real to deal some hurt.

    Jibakurei: <-4 EP; +2 Atk, Cfn>
    Rahno: <-9 HP; -4 EP>

    Thought of simple malice are probably evolving into premeditated homicide in Jib's mind. The phantom released a second Shocking revelation about the closing end times for Rahno, whom welcomes the charge and retaliates with a swift strike that sends him across that keystone! The brick structure swings up, and slams into Jibs ethereal face-but it knocks him down.

    Jibakurei: <-9 HP; -4 EP; Water-type>
    Rahno: <-9 HP; -6 EP>

    Jib phases through its keystone (but somehow not out of it?) and rights itself, but feels that the keystone is against him! So, with no regard for how it may seem in the eyes of the benevolent dragon above, Jib headbutts his own keystone, and sends his base flying. Yep. he goes with it- Rahno laughing all the way.

    The aquatic survivor flops over and adds misery to the situation, by having Jib smell his fins up close. Dried out fish left in the sun all day, ugh, just Toxic. Or, just Rahno, you know.

    Jibakurei: <-4 HP; Cfn>
    Rahno: < -2 EP>

    That smell was anything but pleasant <-3>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > TEAM CYNDER to command next

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  28. #68
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Before I post my moves, are the Pokemon Black and White 2 tutor moves allowed to be used? I have a full list of them in case you were wondering.

  29. #69
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    No not as of yet.

    i Judge your entertainment!
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    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  30. #70
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Oh, alright. Shame. xD

    Double Edge ~ Zen Headbutt ~ Hidden Power

  31. #71
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    GAH! Sorry sorry, been crazy this month. >.<

    Okay, I refuse to lose to a useless fish... That's supposed to be minus 18 HP if I'm reading the Reffing correctly... so it should be at.. what? ...56?

    Let's see....

    Center yourself and clear your Confusion with a Calm Mind. Then dodge his Headbutt with a Faint Attack before poisoning that fish fillet with a Toxic of your own.

    Calm Mind~Faint Attack~Toxic
    ~Mew Master

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    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

    Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
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  32. #72
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Side note: Pe2k has been down for a while now...


    Location: The Dragon Roost
    Rules: See Gym rules
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: One week

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡


    ‡ Round 9 ‡

    The tried and true words of Mew float over Jib and he decides that maybe listening is a good course of action. Internal reflection, achieving Zen, finding peace on the mountaintop-that would alleviate his confusion! Right? It might, but it doesn't help when your flopping competitor comes right over and rams the living stuffing out of you.

    Rahno backs up, his left fin having to suffer from that.

    Jibakurei: <-11HP; -3EP; +SpA/D>
    Rahno: <-3HP; -6EP>

    Pleased with that final strike, the Aztec dragon of revere screeches to the heavens.At least someone's enjoying the battle. No longer encumbered with thought of carnivorous balls of fluff, Jib tries to meld into the ..non existent shadows. Crazy sunlight everywhere. Rahno takes advantage of the delay-merely by achieving his more aggressive Zen side and ramming it home!

    Jib figures it out though, and vanishes right before contact was made! A keystone kick, and Rahno was back down on his side.

    Jibakurei: <-4EP>
    Rahno: <-9HP; -5EP>

    Rahno chomps and flops to face Jib. The phantomb decides to play fire with fire, and lobs out a toxic mass. Rahno spies the incoming and gears up to make his move. Orbs radiate from out of his focus, and he flings them away to try and pierce that Toxic blast. It however, is thicker than it looks, and smothers two of the spheres, all while splashing on top of Rahno.

    But Job, he falls over! The rest of the strike connected, and it seemed to hurt like a ton of bricks.

    Jibakurei: <-6HP; -3E>
    Rahno: <-2EP; Txc; HP: Rck>

    That smell was anything but pleasant, and now both were enduring it. <-6; -3>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > TEAM MEW MASTER to command next
    Last edited by DarkestLight; 25th July 2012 at 06:29 PM.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  33. #73
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Oi, DL, you forgot to change that fish's health again, also Double Post

    Lets see... *opens up Attack Dex again*

    The average fish has over 300 bones in their body. Let's start breaking them. Use Psychic to keep it immobile, turned around so it can't hit you with its attacks and start pulling it apart bone by little bone. Start off by breaking its jaw to stop it from trying to confuse you with words again.

    ~Mew Master

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    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

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  34. #74
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Alrighty then Rahno, if he's going to be like that...

    Start off with a Substitute large enough to take 1 Psychic and still stand for a second, then use Double Team. He can't hit something he can't locate properly! Then take your own back and hit him with Crunch for what he tried to do.

  35. #75
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)


    Location: The Dragon Roost
    Rules: See Gym rules
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: One week

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡

    ‡ Round 10 ‡

    Rahno tries to keep up appearances for this next set of rounds, flopping around long enough to try and dissuade Jib from delivering any series of blows. Jib however, feels a bit angered that the fish has lasted this long, and flings out a invisible tether to grip that mighty morsel in place.

    All at once, time stops for the aquatic life form, and pain begins to grow in its jawline. In no time at all-a concurrent pop can be heard, and that jaw tilts and crumbles sideways.

    Hrm. Crumbling jawline...if I didn't know better...yeap. The whole dang fish crumbled right after.

    Jibakurei: <-6EP>
    Rahno: <-8HP; -7EP; Substitute: Broken>

    With the fish ruse...infiltrated, Jib scowls and looks for the true aquatic foe. But there is a new problem. A massive school of fish waits for him. Each standing still and facing a different direction, Jib blindly sweeps anther visible grab over the one facing away and to the right of him.

    Lucky grab! Or could it be the arena somehow helped Jib spy the true Rahno? In either case, the fish was stuck, unable to even wriggle in protest. A quick twist, and the fish seemed well...broken like Batman.

    Jibakurei: <-6EP>
    Rahno: <-10HP; -4EP>

    Still holding the fish still as if he was a prized catch, Jib goes for a more appropriate pose. Mentally holding Jib tail up, he twists Rahno's tail do the fish looks like its been caught in a wire -perfect fisherman's pose! The ghost laughs at his achievement, but Rahno glares daggers at him. This is not over, the seas will have retribution.

    Jibakurei: <-7EP>
    Rahno: <-10HP; Can't move!>

    That smell was anything but pleasant, and now both were enduring it. <-9; -6>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > TEAM CYNDER to command next

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  36. #76
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Right, that wasn't very nice. At all. But you're not out yet!

    Get back at that thing with a final Revenge + Double Edge for all that it's done to you - make it HURT. If it tries to stop you with a psychic attack use Rage to stop it getting a mental hold on you while you attack, and if you see it go to use Protect wait until the barrier falls before attacking.

  37. #77
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    Hey ossy possy. You can has this back.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  38. #78
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    *high-five* Thanks for covering it while I was gone! I'll be sure to follow your method of reffing Toxic to stay consistent.

  39. #79
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    That was the only thing I couldn't find in an old ref of yours. Is it 1,3,5?

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  40. #80
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [GYM] Cynder vs Mew Master (Ref: Oslo)

    It starts at three and then increases by two. It's small potatoes, though, so I don't mind tweaking it for this battle. You got the rest of my damage calcs spot on.

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