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Thread: .hack//SIGN premiered today...

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    Originally posted by Barunson
    .hack//SIGN sux. Its just people flapping their 2- framed mouthes
    I guess some people don't like something called 'plot'.
    .hack isn't suppose to be some flashy battle action show, that's what the games are for.
    .hack//SIGN and .hack//LIMINALITY are their for the plot only, so if you're a explosion and fighting seeker, this anime isn't for you.

    Back to subject, I've never seen all of .hack//SIGN, just pieces. I have .hack//INFECTION and beaten it and watched the DVD. I've rented and beaten .hack//MUTATION and watched it's DVD also. I can't wait for OUTBREAK to come out, so I can beat it too. I plan to buy all the games, also. Although it's $200+

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    I LOVE .hack//SIGN.

    But what's up with BT? I know why her name is BT because of the lettuce, but why does she hate it (does she hate it???)?

    Also, what the hell does she do for a living? And Bear?

  3. #43

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    I don't know about BT, but I know what Bear is. I don't want to say just in case, but here's a hint. Have you ever noticed how he is knowledgable on such a wide variety of topics?

    Anyways, I originoly came to post to start up an earlier discusion. Remember how we were guessing at who is was in the opening that was dancing? My guess is Helba. 1) It kind of looks like her 2) She's a hacker and would be able to actualy get into all of those wierd places and moves

  4. #44

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    Originally posted by FerioFlareon
    As for where to get em, I think's got at least the opening single and the first OST... probably has em. If you want a specific song or two I can upload mp3s [for you to download]. PM me if so.
    As for the OST's, the first one was released in DVD 1 special edition, the 2nd in DVD 2 special edition, the Liminality OST in DVD3 special edition, and the .hack//EXTRA OST in DVD 4 special edition.

    FerioFlareon - If you *really* want to know who Morgana is, PM me, because I don't want to put one big spoiler thing here... I've seen all 26 eps, I've seen all of .hack//Udeden and i'm pretty sure I can answer your question.

    Mew Master/Drifter Mirage - No, Tsukasa is dead, but a lot of the... him stuck in the game thing is really well explained in .hack//Udeden... so if you want a spoiler you can PM me.

    Unfournately .hack//Udeden has been liscensed (well, that's good) but because of that you can't torrent it (that's bad). Oh well.

    But as to what Bear is... it's not really *that* much of a spoiler and I got it from .hack for Dummies... but I won't say in respect for most people...

    .hack//LIMINALITY is a very good series especially when you comprehend how it connects with infection, mutation, outbreak, and quarantine. I really enjoyed Liminality #2, and can't wait for Outbreak (even though it was pushed back to October :'()

    As for the dancer in the op, I'll get to that later as this post is already long enough.... Helba is one hypothesis, another is that it's a commerical. Check .hack for dummies for more info.

  5. #45
    Master Trainer
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    hack//SIGN is alright. if it didn't take nearlt all of the episode for the major events to happen, then it would be better. I still think it's worth watching though. The whole Subaru/Tsusuki thing is nice, plsu they all have cool costumes, and Subaru is way hot.

  6. #46

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    Originally posted by FerioFlareon
    How many .hack// series are there and what are they? Are they all related to one another?
    This is the order of all the .hack stuff:

    Novel .hack//Ai Buster

    Anime .hack//sign

    Video Games .hack//infection, mutation, outbreak, and quarentine.

    The 4 OVA's take place at the same time as the game

    Manga/Anime .hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet

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