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Thread: Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

  1. #41

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Hoshi Tsukimiya
    "And it's as simple as that!" I finished, calling Raichu back. I placed my hands on my hips. "Now, are there any questions?" I asked. No one raised their hand. Well, at least I could explain stuff... I heard the bell ring, so I dashed over to the bench, grabbed my bag, and ran inside. I looked at my schedule. "Advanced Algebra? Ick! I hate math!" I said to no one inparticular. I ran down the halls, found the room, and found a seat.
    Sorry it's so short, I have a really bad stomachache

  2. #42

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Oh hell no. I just remembered this post, and wrote a REALLY LONG RPG POST IT WAS SO GOOD AND SO LONG IT WASN"T EVEN FUNNY. And then it said it had too many images ""Including Smileys!" And when I pressed was GONE oh god the horror..

    Basically this is the run down of the post:

    Craig and Pokemon have lunch before arriving at the school..quite a nice scene.

    Craig arrives to school, gets dorm... makes his way to the dorm and then Pokemon Battle Class

    Craig sees previous things.. and then is selected to go on a battle between him choosing his Pokemon Talon, and fighting a kid Joey, who used a Kabutops named Slicer. The battle was filled with many quick "Sword battle" like moves, but in the end, Talon shoved his claw through the Kabutops, and then used a point blank range Hyperbeam (While having the claw through it) In the end, most of the kids were scared of Craig, yet they have only seen a morsel of Talon's power. In the battle Craig came off as cold, and evil. But in the other scenes he wasn't. I can't be damned writing it again, and no one is going to make me. Craig's next class is Film.

    Sign up:

    Name: Craig Symonds
    Age: 19
    Dorm #: 11
    Room mate: Boris Black
    Pokémon: OOh..this is a long one.

    Sky'ree (M)

    Sky'ree (or Sky) is very adventurous and rambuctious and loves flying around idly, surveying the sorroundings. Craig's first pokemon, and sole Pokemon most of his life. He is by-far one of the strongest Pidgeots in the world.

    Mirage (F)

    Mirage is a very cute, adorable Vaporeon and is usually seen right next to Craig's leg, but in battle she is fierce and won't take losing as an option.

    Shadow (M)

    Shadow is VERY loyal and VERY protective, there isn't that much else to say.

    Spectre (M)

    One of Craig's favourite 1 on 1 battle pokemon, as its super defense tool is incredibly useful. Spectre is the 2 time Bug Type Tournament Champ (Every year in Goldenrod they have 17 tournaments for each type, blah blah... It doesnt exist but it probably would in the pokemon world!) Spectre is very loyal and is usually very cheery and happy, the Nincada that used to house him was slain by a wild Charizard, causing Spectre to prematurely evolve.

    Talon (M)

    Talon is a very barbaric battler, he will do anything and everything to gain the upper hand, and has a miniature reputation. He is the off-spring of AJ's super Sandslash (The one that defeated 100 trainers in a row just as a Sandshrew) yet, out of battle is very caring for others and just tries to help out. Most likely Craig's strongest Pokemon.

    Arroweed (M)

    Arroweed prefers to use his expert agility and speed in battles, instead of a head on attack, but when he does attack, he unleashes his pins in full force. Talon's best friend, they can usually be seen chilling out. In battle, he never gives up. Best friends with Talon the Sandslash

    Are we going by Semesters (4 periods in 1 day) or all 8 at once mixed around? Semesters are better:)

    Pokemon Battle Technique
    Pokemon Breeding
    Communications (Film Editing..etc)

    Calculus (Note: Craig HATES math)

    Clubs/Bands: In a band at home (plays Bass), Pokemon Battle Club, PokeEgg Pals (Basically you raise Pokemon Eggs that the club finds and they raise them together)
    Personality: Kind / Nice to the people he knows, but can sometimes give off a "screw you!" attitute to those he doesn't know / approve of / like all that much. Sometimes he can say things that don't make sense.
    Appearance: Incredibly pale, with dyed black hair, grey eyes.Roughly 5'7 with a fairly light build. Wears a black t-shirt, jeans, and a "leather trenchcoat, usually kept open. Wears rings of skulls etc, a pendant of a Bird skull (It looks cool in real life.) and a pyramid studded wristband.

  3. #43
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
    ChobiChibi's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
    In your base, killing your dudes.

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Becki has had four lessons already... Hoshi has had 3, right? I could ignor the free period thing and have had 3 lessons... Nah! I like the free period!
    *riiiiinnnngggg* At last... Art was over... Now for lunch...
    "Hey Ampharos, return." I said as Ampharos came back to his pokéball.
    I walked back to my dorm and picked up my skateboard, there were no rules against using them!
    I skated out the main doors when i heard a yell from infront of me. There was a Charizard there, shooting flamethrowers at the passers by.
    "Woah! That's one distressed Charizard..." I said, "Wait! No! It can't be!" I emptied my bag. "OMG! That's my Charizard!" I yelled.
    I stuffed everything back in my bag and ran up to him.
    "Calm down buddy! It's ok! I'm here now!" I said calmly.
    He looked down at me, "roar... roar roar roar!" He had tears in his eyes.
    "I would never abandon you! Who told you that?" I said, shocked.
    He pointed towards Prof Davis.
    "Him! Come on Charizard, we have a little lesson to teach that b*****d!" I said.
    "Roar!" he said happily as he followed me.
    I stormed up to him, "What do you think you're doing, telling Charizard that i abandoned him! How dare you!"
    "Roar" roared Charizard, he grinned.
    "I didn't know he was yours!" He said.
    "I don't care, i want another battle! Right here, right now!" I yelled.
    "Okay, bring it on!"
    MWAHAHA! That evil evil teacher!

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  4. #44
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
    ChobiChibi's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
    In your base, killing your dudes.

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Nobody's posting... I might as well post...
    "Charizard, you up for a Tag team match?" I asked him.
    "Roar!" he nodded, stepping forwards. He grinned a I'm-a-big-Charizard-now, I'm-gonna-kick-your-*** grin.
    "Tag team, eh? Great. Go Politoad and Herracross!" He yelled, throwing 2 pokéballs.
    hmm... I need one more... But who shall it be? I thought.
    "Okay Leafy, come on out!" I said as i threw Leafy's green pokéball onto the floor.
    "A Meganium! Impressive." He said.
    "You better be impressed. Okay Charizard, scorch the little bug with Flamethrower. Leafy, what ever you do, don't let Charizard get hit by Politoad's water attacks. Use poisen powder on Politoad." I ordered.
    "Politoad, use water gun on Charizard's flamethrower. Herracross, use horn attack" he said.
    Arg! I would post what happens, but i've gtg. We could have 6 lessons in a day. 4 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon.
    Politoad shot a water gun at Charizard, Leafy quickly got in the way to stop it hitting him. Leafy turned around to face Charizard and smiled, he smiled back. They were both great at tag team, but they'd never done a battle together.
    Leafy moved from infront of Charizard, causing Heracross to hit Charizard instead of Leafy. He got mad and used fireblast instead of flamethrower on the annoying bug.
    "Charizard! Do as your told!" I told him, an evil grin spreading across my face. If he did something wrong, he would attack again doing it right. He always was a perfectionist.
    I was right, Charizard scorched the bug again but with Flamethrower. Leafy stood there laughing at the little char-grilled bug (lol! You get it? CHAR-grilled? Never mind...).
    Leafy used poison powder on Politoad who became poisoned.
    "Heracross is unable to battle!" Said Tracy, who had wondered out to lunch and found me battling. "Politoad has to battle on it's own! Crush it good, Becki!"

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  5. #45

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Hoshi Tsukimiya
    "Miss Tsukimiya, would you like to solve the equation?" "No..." I muttered under my breath, walking up to the board and writing down the answer. The teacher checked over my work. "Very nice, Miss Tsukimiya, you may sit down now." I sulked back to my seat and glared at the board. Stupid Mr. Sazanka just had to put me in a bad mood, didn't he? I doodled something that resembled Mr. Sazanka getting beat up by Seigi no Hoshi, which was me in a little star costume. I couldn't help but laugh at it. "What's so funny back there, Miss Tsukimiya?" "N...nothing!" I said, slamming my notebook shut. The teacher gave me a suspicious glare, but before she could do anything, the bell rang. I gathered my stuff and checked my schedule. "Finally lunch!" I said happily, running down the hall until I slammed into Mr. Sazanka. "You would think you would've learned in first grade not to run in the halls, missy!" he said coldly. "Well, I'm an 18 year old girl with the 6 year old mind!" I said sweetly. He glared at me and handed over a bright pink piece of paper. "Meet me in room 108 at 3:45 this afternooon, understood?" "Yes sir..." I grumbled, sulking towards the cafeteria.
    Blah, the end of the year sucks --;

  6. #46
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
    ChobiChibi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    In your base, killing your dudes.

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    "Leafy, lets make this quick! Charizard, use sunny day and after that, Leafy, use Solar Beam!"
    Charizard made the sun shine brighter. I watched people putting on sun block because it was so sunny and laughed. Leafy's solarbeam charged up quicker due to the boost of sun. It knocked out Politoad.
    "Hahaha. I haven't even been here for a day and i'm already better than you!" I said happily.
    He didn't reply, he just walked away. Charizard danced around a bit while Leafy enjoyed the sun.
    But you know what happens when it's suddenly sunny.... It rained...
    I quickly ran inside and had my lunch in the canteen.
    The bell rang, Hmm... Double Pokemon Medicine... Joy...

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  7. #47

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    *brushes off dust* icky dusty RPG... x_x;
    Hoshi Tsukimiya
    Once I got to the cafeteria, I bought another bag of Skittles and a can of Cherry Coke and sat in the corner. "Stupid teacher putting me in a bad mood..." I grumbled. I gave a quiet sigh and let out all of my Pokémon. Meowth quickly hopped into my lap, curled up and fell asleep.

    "Es!" my Espeon said, nudging my hand. I pulled a box of Pokéchow out of my bag and fed my Pokémon.

    Once I had finished my makeshift lunch, I wandered back into the halls and checked my schedule. "Pokémon Breeding? My god, who picks these classes...." I grumbled, walking to the Pokémon Breeding room, my Pokémon still following me, because there was a note that said to have your Pokémon out when you went to class. I found a spot in the corner and sat down, Umbreon stealing Meowth's former spot in my lap.
    Anyone? ._.;;

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