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Thread: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin [Now with over 1.5 million page views!]

  1. #41
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Grammar: Shonta is correct. In that instance, just let the question mark and the closing quotation mark end the sentence.

    Daydreaming: Oh, that happens to me all the time! It's especially bad when I'm driving. I'll be on my way to campus, or trying to go get groceries, and then I'll start thinking about something for, say, WotF. Ten minutes later I'll look around and say, "Wait, where am I?"

    Usually I'm at least still on a road at that point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  2. #42
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    Grammar: Shonta is correct. In that instance, just let the question mark and the closing quotation mark end the sentence.

    Daydreaming: Oh, that happens to me all the time! It's especially bad when I'm driving. I'll be on my way to campus, or trying to go get groceries, and then I'll start thinking about something for, say, WotF. Ten minutes later I'll look around and say, "Wait, where am I?"

    Usually I'm at least still on a road at that point.

    Yeah, I do this too, CT. Pretty sure I've had several situations when people have been talking to me at house parties about something insanely dull and, quite by accident, my mind wandered off to a cool idea for a story. I then float back to the conversation at hand and hope that "oh, really?" is an appropriate response at that point.
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    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  3. #43
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    I have the bad habit of daydreaming while listening to music through my earphones. Mom then gets onto me about not hearing her call me.
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  4. #44
    ♥ <(^o^)> ♥ Advanced Trainer
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    I'll give you a hint. It's cold.

    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Thanks for the help on grammar. :3

    Happened to me yesterday. Was with my friend Brooke at the mall, and she and her friends were talking about something that I found entirely boring (I still have no idea what they were talking about), and suddenly I was off in my own world, explosions tearing about the damn store we were in and aliens dragging costumers away...

    Either way, it happened at work too. I was counting the deposit (or supposed to be), and then on this blank piece of paper, words appeared, forming ideas, and a picture to go along with it.

    In the car I'm the worst, I'll stare out the window with my music blaring in my ears (slightly safer then mr_pikachu, I don't drive), and then off I go... >_>;

  5. #45
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    My next-door neighbour mistook me for a security guard today. I was fumbling with the padlock on my letter box and he walked into his front yard and asked if someone had locked their letter box shut, and offered me some WD-40 to loosen the lock for them. It was only after a minute of me spraying the padlock and muttering "this thing has been shitting me for about a year" that he realised it was me. O_O

    So, I've decided that wearing a leather jacket, cap and sunnies is a suitable disguise, for future reference, if you don't want someone to recognise you.
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    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  6. #46
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Gavin, I should adopt that attire when I enter the classroom to teach. Maybe the students would scamper away and give me a free day!

    ...Nah. I don't think I could pull off that look the way you can, sadly. I'd probably just look dorky. Or emo.

    Relatedly, grad school has returned with a vengeance. It's amazing how much time it takes to do all the tiny little preparatory tasks for the classes you have to teach, from amending quiz questions to creating new attendance sheets, and from sending 75 invitations to the course blog to telling the fifth straight student, "No, I'm sorry, but I can't add you to the class -- we're at the maximum enrollment capacity, and I can't really do anything about that."

    *sighs* It's been a long two days.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  7. #47
    ♥ <(^o^)> ♥ Advanced Trainer
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    I'll give you a hint. It's cold.

    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Bacccckkkk from camping all weekend. My second experience camping and it went so much better than the first... Except for Joel, we all hate Joel now.

    Gavin, that's some sort of awesome skill you have there. o: You could be a spy or something, blending in so well.

    mr_pikachu you should put up a sign "We have no more room for enrollment in [said class]. Go Away. Now. Or we'll feed you to the school's personal kraken, or something else as ridiculous but no less intimidating."



    I refuse to believe our campsite had to be up a cliff. It was murder trying to get up and down that thing, and the higher you climbed, the steeper it became. Honestly, I think I lost ten pounds just going up and down that cliff. There were also no railings, actual stairs, or anything that would make that climb even remotely safe. I'm surprised none of us hurt ourselves, it would've been a nasty fall :/

    The worst thing? I was staying with my best friend on another campsite, which was higher then the main one we all used to meet. It wouldn't have been so bad except for when you want to go to bed, it’s up the first death-cliff and onto another steep hill, just to make it to a bed that's on the hard, cold, bleh ground.

    So I learned my lesson.

    Air mattress all the wayyyy. We're going again in September apparently, I am excited! Though my body is sore and miserable at the moment. My nose has a painful sun burn on it! D:

    Anyways, good to see everyone’s alive. XD Imma go read a bit, then write, then collapse and sleep on my wonderful comfy omfg great bed…

    Random Writing Question Time: The difference between affected and effected. :3 Just a simple explanation please. I'm way too tired to understand big, fancy, words. XD XP

  8. #48
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Quote Originally Posted by Crystal Tears View Post
    [size=1]mr_pikachu you should put up a sign "We have no more room for enrollment in [said class]. Go Away. Now. Or we'll feed you to the school's personal kraken, or something else as ridiculous but no less intimidating."

    Oh, we have that sign. It's at the front of the department. No one pays attention to it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crystal Tears View Post
    Random Writing Question Time: The difference between affected and effected. :3 Just a simple explanation please. I'm way too tired to understand big, fancy, words. XD XP
    Simple? Okay, I'll do what I can.

    Generally, "effect" is a noun and "affect" is a verb. You can [I]affect[/] my nose by punching it.

    *gets punched*

    See the blood trickling down my face now? That was the effect of your wrath.

    NOTABLE EXCEPTION #1: "Effect" can sometimes be a verb, specifically used to describe something that makes something else happen or otherwise brings about change. If you successfully promote legislation that makes punching Grammar Nazis in the face perfectly legal, then you have effected that transition to a new era in anti-Grammar Nazi hate crimes.

    NOTABLE EXCEPTION #2: "Affect" can sometimes be a verb that describes the emotional or psychological state and/or response levels of an individual. Low affect levels are common among individuals with autism, for example, although it is very possible that your test will yield a similar result if you just punched the subject in the face.

    Confused yet? Don't worry. Just follow the first set of guidelines (before the exceptions), and you'll be fine the vast majority of the time. If you're writing a psych paper, you might also want to know the second exception, but you probably guessed that already. As long as you've learned from this, my nose will not have fallen in vain.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  9. #49
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Hm, I have a question too! Does anybody here know what the word 'ansoticca' means? My friend likes a band with that name and just sent me a text message where she asked if 'my foreign friends would know what it means'.

  10. #50
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Hmm, I can't say I've heard the word. Google tells me that "AnsoticcA" is a metal band, but beyond that I'm not familiar with any such dictionary term. My best guess is that it's a corruption of a word like "exotica," although that seems like a bit of a stretch.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  11. #51
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    If you successfully promote legislation that makes punching Grammar Nazis in the face perfectly legal, then you have effected that transition to a new era in anti-Grammar Nazi hate crimes.
    *glances at her fist* Oh... I thought it was legal >_>

    Sorry >_> *goes to wash blood off hand*

    This actually made me chuckle.

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  12. #52
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Brian, you make grammar fun!
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  13. #53
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    I've been struck with a dilemma. I noticed a while back that several authors here have signature banners for their stories, and I got jealous and wanted to do the same for my own tales. Now I have two - but it only occurred to me after spending a couple hours composing one of them that the picture, in and of itself, gives away a MAJOR plot twist that has yet to be revealed! So now I have to wait until I get to that point to offer up the image. Bah, what-a to do.

  14. #54
    Rl #32:Enjoy The Little Things Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    matt: I think you should wait until the plot is revealed. After all, spoilers can ruin the surprise. However, is you truly want a picture, then try drawing a character(s) banner.

    Anyway, I have a curious (maybe naive) question....

    Based on what I've seen in real life, many guys like to say "weird" phrases (flirting) to girls. To be honest, I can't do this.

    So I ask It is necessary for boys to know how to flirt?

    I know this might sound naive, but I don't see the big deal in saying something you don't mean. And it gets worse when those same phrases are repeated to every girl (boy) whom you consider attractive. I believe that if a compliment doesn't come from authentic inspiration, is not worth it. So I think that this does not let me be myself.

    If you hadn't noticed, well, I ask because some people have told me to try this (even my older brother). And to be honest, I suck at doing that. Unless I have a certain bond of trust with the person and I think very well what I want to say, I can't compliment someone just because they're *insert complimentary adjective here*

    So I ask, is it truly necessary to learn to do that?

    Optimist award 2012.

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  15. #55
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Depends on the girl, I think. Some can get easily taken in by shallow comments. But if you're not into that kind of girl then it's a completely optional skill.
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  16. #56
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    The quickest way to knowing where you stand with a woman is by being yourself. Be direct, but polite, and let her see who and what you really are. It'll save both of you time and energy that would otherwise be wasted by empty compliments and frivolous gestures.

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  17. #57
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Louis: I reckon just be yourself, but I also believe it's important to push yourself beyond your comfort zone and build more and more on your confidence. The more confident you feel in yourself and your own self-esteem, I find the more confident you are with letting other people know you are interested in them. And the more confident you are, the more they will likely be attracted to you. (This is based on my own experience mostly.)

    Having said that, I think this confidence should be natural and develop organically over time, and you still act as 'yourself'. I always find pick-up lines and cliches come across as really desperate and douchebag-esque and fake; you're better off being authentic. If you want an authentic person to like the authentic you, be authentic yourself. If you want a fake person to like the fake you, be fake.

    Hope that helps.

    Matt: Urgh, that sucks! How far away is the spoiler? Maybe wait a while until that spoiler is revealed and then plough on with the sig, because I bet it looks good.

    Other: I just got a second job (hoorah) so I'm now a student advisor at my uni as well as consultant at the bank. This is good for my financial situation but I'm now gonna be stressed out until the end of October trying to fit in my Honours work around two jobs. Still, the money will be worth it - I hate being a poor student!
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  18. #58
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Cool Gavin however curse you I wanted to post right after blade. Oh well a quote well have to do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post
    The quickest way to knowing where you stand with a woman is by being yourself. Be direct, but polite, and let her see who and what you really are. It'll save both of you time and energy that would otherwise be wasted by empty compliments and frivolous gestures.
    And I suppose you would be an expert on that Blade...

    Then again most girls are likely to shoot me down... -_-'

    (Spoiler:) I simply meant most girls would probably reject me and that is what I meant by 'shot me down' not that they would literally shoot me. however I'd suppose some of you around here would be grateful if they would literally shoot me.

    ~Charles Legend
    Last edited by Charles Legend; 14th September 2011 at 09:12 AM.
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  19. #59
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Legend View Post
    Then again most girls are likely to shoot me down... -_-'

    (Spoiler:) I simply meant most girls would probably reject me and that is what I meant by 'shot me down' not that they would literally shoot me. however I'd suppose some of you around here would be grateful if they would literally shoot me.

    ~Charles Legend
    Regarding the text in the spoiler tag: I hope you don't really feel that way, Charles. I want you, and everyone on TPM, to feel safe and included here, especially here in Fanfic where we're such a small community. You don't have to always get along with everyone but you should never interpret that as anyone wishing you harm, because I doubt a single person here would ever wish that on you or anyone.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  20. #60
    Rl #32:Enjoy The Little Things Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Charles: I think you might want to see my answer to a comment similar to that one

    Switching a bit without going off-topic, I thought that I was rejected by girls because I wasn't "attractive". But I noticed something (if I'm wrong, I'm more that open to be corrected)...

    I noticed that some girls (whom can be considered physically beautiful) are just following someone else's lead. What do I mean by this? Teenagers (and adult teenagers) might not know what they want yet. Because of this, they listen to other people's advices. However, if they relinquish their own tastes and likings to follow what other people think, they become a slave.

    Again, what do I mean by this? They become empty inside: a "pretty" girl wants to be heard, complimented and loved. And they believe that, if a boy teases them, flirts with them and hears them (hearing being different from listening), they are loved, and thus they become boyfriend and girlfriend ("cute" couples, anyone?). However, this lasts only for a short time, because certain things are brought to light: insecurity, lack of proper communication, lack of respect and of course, lack of knowledge of love....

    Anyway, keeping this short... since some of us prefer to be ourselves, we are "rejected" (not accepted for being unique, and even being perceived as "weird") both by these kind of girls and by society itself.

    At least, this is what I think, and this helps me to accept me as I am (of course, correcting what I know I have to correct and be myself: the nice, geeky and unattractive guy who like to help people and, even though he might even feel used sometimes, he enjoys being himself and giving a part of himself to make other people smile).

    I just saw the movie "She's out of my league" and this movie displays what I want to say here. So I recommend you to watch it.

    classy_cat18: Thanks for the advice and nope, I'm definitely not into that kind of girl.

    Gavin: I think you just described my situation with your comment. I admit that I do have self-esteem issues, and I believe that it is now that I'm learning to overcome them. Developing confidence has been a tough challenge for me, but it has been fun because I am slowly, but surely, seeing the rewards of it. Thanks for the advice too.

    Blade: OK, I have to save this for last because this comment was definitely the funniest one of them all. This is another one that describes my opinion on the matter, and it gives an authentic response (with the raw adjectives and all) of what it should be done. So I have to say thanks twice: one for the advice and two for making me laugh.

    Optimist award 2012.

    “There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.” (Linda Grayson)

    Thank you everyone... for being so kind and for bringing out the best in me! You are definitely awesome! ^_^

  21. #61
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Charles: Gavin's response mirrors my own thoughts.

    Louis: I think Blade said it best, really. Also, keep in mind that if you're looking for a real romance -- the kind that lasts years, or when it's the right one, a lifetime -- you'll want to spend your life being yourself. It won't do much good to act like someone you're not, woo a girl, then ultimately revert back to being yourself. Since you're not acting like yourself, that just attracts people who would fall in love with someone who isn't you, and that false front also pushes away those who might be inclined toward a relationship with the real Louis.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  22. #62
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Legend View Post
    And I suppose you would be an expert on that Blade...
    Is an expert really needed to lay down some common sense...?

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  23. #63
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Congratulations mattbcl for the 200th TPM post!

    What's up people? As for myself, I'm eagerly awaiting the Silver Pencils and E-zine. How's it going with them?

  24. #64
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikachu Yukitatsu View Post
    Congratulations mattbcl for the 200th TPM post!

    What's up people? As for myself, I'm eagerly awaiting the Silver Pencils and E-zine. How's it going with them?
    What he said, but with the waiting of the Writing contest too.

    BTW, happy 10 anniversary Mika. I wonder what will happen today. *is on expectation mode*

    Optimist award 2012.

    “There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.” (Linda Grayson)

    Thank you everyone... for being so kind and for bringing out the best in me! You are definitely awesome! ^_^

  25. #65
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Thanks! This far, I have only decided to celebrate by posting two new versions for some old Games in GGG, but if someone's planning something, I'm always in for surprises!

    Also, I don't think this will be my last post today!

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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikachu Yukitatsu View Post
    Congratulations mattbcl for the 200th TPM post!

    What's up people? As for myself, I'm eagerly awaiting the Silver Pencils and E-zine. How's it going with them?
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Wolf View Post
    What he said, but with the waiting of the Writing contest too.

    BTW, happy 10 anniversary Mika. I wonder what will happen today. *is on expectation mode*
    It's mostly waiting on me, fellas, so my apologies! I've been stuck on a uni assignment that seemed completely impenetrable until I finally sat down tonight and got my head around it at last. So I'm feeling slightly less overwhelmed.

    The SP votes are tallied now; I just need to make the results thread and post it up. I'll do it tomorrow.

    The Contest Judging has been completed by Brian; I just need to do the same to give it a full review by two judges. I'll TRY to do this tomorrow night, too, after the votes.

    The E-zine - that's Brian's territory. I think he might be waiting for the first two of these three pending projects before he posts it ... so it's really on me. As I said, I'll do my best to focus on this tomorrow night.

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    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  27. #67
    Rl #32:Enjoy The Little Things Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    But don't feel pressured by this, OK? We are expecting the results, not demanding them ^_^;

    Optimist award 2012.

    “There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.” (Linda Grayson)

    Thank you everyone... for being so kind and for bringing out the best in me! You are definitely awesome! ^_^

  28. #68
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    So I got drunk last night and made a whole heap of drunk posts in Mt Moon.

    Question for the glorious readers and writers of fanfic:

    1. Have you ever drunk posted? What happened?

    2. More broadly, ever done something you regret while under the influence?
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  29. #69
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Heh. Actually, I don't drink (though I have nothing against people who do), so I've never experienced this. Unless you include being delirious from sleeplessness, in which case that happens all the time. I imagine at least 3% of my posts on TPM would fall under that definition of "under the influence." I have, indeed, regretted and apologized for a number of those posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  30. #70
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    1. There are probably a couple of fic chapters and/or Battle Range posts that were created while under the influence. I couldn't point them out though. And other posts too but I don't think I've ever been drunk enough for it to make a difference.

    2. I often say things that I probably shouldn't say while I'm drunk, although the same thing could be true when I'm on a sugar high.

    And now I will find those drunk posts that Gavin made. Those were funny.
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Like Brian, I don't drink (and have no problem with people who do), so I don't know what drunk-posting is like. But when it comes to sleeplessness, sometimes I'll fall asleep mid-post and my fingers will continue typing - although they offer nothing legible. It's incredibly frustrating as it happens... and incredibly amusing after the fact. At that point, I usually delete the attempt and just go to bed.

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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Quote Originally Posted by mattbcl View Post
    It's incredibly frustrating as it happens...
    ...It's frustrating while you're asleep? You have a keen ability to get frustrated, friend.

    I will admit, there are times in graduate school when I wish I drank, mostly because I know that if I did, I'd be boozing at that moment to forget about the aggravations of the day. (There have been a few moments like that this semester.) Frankly, that's also part of why I don't drink -- I know myself, and I figure that if I started drinking and finding it useful for forgetting my problems, I would be unable to resist using my newfound tool.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Quote Originally Posted by classy_cat18 View Post
    1. There are probably a couple of fic chapters and/or Battle Range posts that were created while under the influence. I couldn't point them out though. And other posts too but I don't think I've ever been drunk enough for it to make a difference.

    2. I often say things that I probably shouldn't say while I'm drunk, although the same thing could be true when I'm on a sugar high.

    And now I will find those drunk posts that Gavin made. Those were funny.
    Haha damn, that would've been fun to read drunken fic chapters. ^_^

    Oh, and for the aforemention drunk posting spree and the drunken voice recording that was a gift to shazza, check the post count capsule.

    Brian and Matt: In a way I quite admire you guys for your sobriety. I imagine it must be quite hard. What is the drinking culture like where you each live? (And everyone else, for that matter?)

    And Brian, there is a degree of truth to your concern about starting drinking, I think. From personal experience, it can be far too easy to drink to numb depression or angst or whatever, rather than just to have fun.
    Last edited by Gavin Luper; 14th October 2011 at 09:46 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

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  34. #74
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Hehe, guess I'm not the only one who prefers not to drink.

    Well, I've never been drunk... and probably never will be. Alcohol has brought a traumatizing experience in my life. Of course, I have nothing against people who drink, unless they do any kind of harm when they do.

    And as for the second question... I don't need to be drunk to say many things I regret later. Spontaneous comments often result in offenses (although unintentionally, it happens)

    And this would make me qualify to answer Gavin's question: Puerto Ricans drink a lot. Young people at pubs, adults at social meetings, and since PR is a country with a lot of festive days...

    Everyone pops their eyes in amazement when one says: "I don't drink". Then they ask: "Not even one (beer)?" and I say: "Nope". Then they usually wait like 3-5 seconds (while processing the fact that I don't drink) and say: "Well, that's good, I guess..."

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    Well, it is good, Louis, from a health perspective: short-term effects aside, alcohol has a whole range of long-term health problems that can be attributed to it.

    I suppose my ideal these days is to have just a couple of beers most times when I drink.

    Back when I was 16-20 we used to binge drink two or three times a week. These days I would only binge drink maybe once every couple of months. I'm growing up.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Wolf View Post
    Everyone pops their eyes in amazement when one says: "I don't drink". Then they ask: "Not even one (beer)?" and I say: "Nope". Then they usually wait like 3-5 seconds (while processing the fact that I don't drink) and say: "Well, that's good, I guess..."
    I've had that conversation too many times to count, myself. When I was working toward my bachelor's (which I completed just before I turned 21, the legal drinking age in the U.S.), I sometimes just told people I was underage to avoid the hassle. Unfailingly, though, they would ask something along the lines of, "Well, you're going to be doing plenty of drinking when you turn 21, right?" and the annoying conversation would ensue anyway. I eventually stopped trying to play the "I'm not legal!" card, because it only made the discuss last even longer.

    These days, most people end with some sort of bewildered (or skeptical) compliment. Some instead work all the harder to push alcohol on me. It's strange.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    I've had that conversation too many times to count, myself. When I was working toward my bachelor's (which I completed just before I turned 21, the legal drinking age in the U.S.), I sometimes just told people I was underage to avoid the hassle. Unfailingly, though, they would ask something along the lines of, "Well, you're going to be doing plenty of drinking when you turn 21, right?" and the annoying conversation would ensue anyway. I eventually stopped trying to play the "I'm not legal!" card, because it only made the discuss last even longer.

    These days, most people end with some sort of bewildered (or skeptical) compliment. Some instead work all the harder to push alcohol on me. It's strange.
    I've never understood why people push alcohol on other people. Or drugs or anything else for that matter.

    I had the same experience last year and into early this year when I had 13 months completely sober. People were constantly asking "why?" and "just have one", etc.

    Apparently your own health and beliefs aren't good enough reasons for these people.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

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  38. #78
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    Just realised that clip has way too much profanity to be posted in here, so I'll link to the post in Mt Moon instead for people who don't mind language:

    (Thanks Brian for finding the post ^_^)
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

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  39. #79
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    I only have a couple drinks at a time, and I can easily go for weeks without alcohol. Add to that the fact that I only go after "sissy" drinks (wine coolers being the norm), and I'm fine. I don't go past tipsy and I've never had to worry about a hangover.
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    Default Re: Smiley Town, Episode II: Attack of the Grin

    I always hear Americans talk about wine coolers in movies and stuff - what are they?

    I'm guessing there'll be a similar term in Australia for them.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

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