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Thread: War of the Forums

  1. #681
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#80)

    Faiz: Yes, it's Orochimaru. But your mystery prediction may not be quite as accurate as you expect. Unless you're right, in which case it's very accurate.

    Interesting, you say? You don't know the half of it. ^_^

    PC: I'll say this much: Martin's gonna give Jay the fight of his life. You'll see what I mean very, very soon.

    And don't you pity the Pika? How's a master programmer and defender of the planet supposed to get any respect?

    Sage: Yes, it's time to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-duel!

    *gasps for breath*

    ...Ahem. Yes. Well. Jay's certainly not going to make it easy for the mods... or will he?

    Sike: Hey, welcome to the group! It must've been hard to read all those pages in one sitting. Thanks for your dedication. It's good to have you as a reader, so stick around! ^_^

    But, whoa. That's quite a list! Uh...

    #4: Yes, insults will get you on Blade's bad side in a hurry.
    #6: Even now, that's one of my favorite pages. But I must say, I'm astonished at how well that last line work; it didn't seem to me like it quite fit.
    #8: Lil' Pika, on the other hand, is still my favorite quote. ^_^
    #12: Ehehe. It's fun when plot catalysts can also be funny.
    #13: Those are some of the most thoughtful questions Blademaster's ever uttered.
    #14: There was a reason I included that last quote in the trailer!
    #21: The Exorcist really proved to be a useful inspiration for that scene.
    #28: You've gotta admit, it's not the most attractive name.
    #29: Funny and easy to make! There's nothing better than a good-looking cop-out.
    #32: Oh, yes. The F-word is filled with sparkly magic!
    #46 & #47: ...Does anyone in WotF get any respect? XD
    Extra #1: Underwear makes everything better. ^_^
    #51: That's a high-stakes exam, isn't it?
    #52: He sucks, and yet he's not dead. I'll take that compromise!
    #53: Shock and awe! It works, I tell you!
    #57: It's bad when even Mr. "Salute the Flagpole" is embarrassed.
    #58: Such a revelation! Our elders always embarrass us so much...
    #60: Like I said, Eva is awesome.
    #63: As I mentioned before, that wasn't the original line. But it's probably better this way.
    #73: Well, what did you expect from him? ^_^
    #77: I love using that delayed shock. It's one of my favorite techniques.

    *gasps and wheezes*


    #80: Burn, baby! Burn!

    Personally, I know "Reckless Fire" best as the title of s-CRY-ed's first opening theme.

    Oh, a side note. This is only the second time that two characters have appeared together in one panel. The first time was the introduction of Samchu and eevee-shayna.

    ...While we're on the subject, had I been a little more knowledgable about them, I wouldn't have used Chobits. No, Revolutionary Girl Utena would have been much more appropriate. Live and learn!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  2. #682
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#80)

    "INFRACTION LEVEL TWO! FLAMING!" And then he unleashed this wicked jet of FIRE. Perfect. Not only was that cool simply by virtue of involving FIRE, but also great due to the fact that you managed to find images that were absolutely perfect for that scenario. ^^

    ...Lol, that paragraph kind-of-sort-of-in-a-way made me sound like a pyromaniac. XP FIRE, FIRE, FFFFFFIRE! 8D *cough* Uh, yeah, boss work once again. ^^

  3. #683
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#80)

    Man, Martin is kicking some serious A.

    But... Why do I get the feeling that Jay's not down quite yet?

    This is getting good again. I'm anxious to see where it goes.

  4. #684
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#80)

    Revolutionary Girl Utena, eh? That comment will likely amuse eevee when she sees it. (she's currently at a college orientation thing and probably won't see it for a week or so.)
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  5. #685
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#80)

    Interesting techniques. I thought Flaming was level 3?

    Although against an escaped criminal I would have used Infraction level 50: Permaban evasion. But of course, flaming is more appealing to the eyes of most readers.

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  6. #686
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#80)

    XD Go, old guy! Roast that son of a bitch!

    Get more chapters up pronto-like, Brian - this is getting better and better, like an action movie!

    (holds up bucket)

    Popcorn, anybody?

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  7. #687
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#80)

    You have included someone burning alive. This fic's rating is now a 10000000/10.

    I'm interested to see Jay's counterattack. Also, what did Infraction Level One actually do to Jay? Tie him up? Beat him senseless with pieces of soggy, over-salted ham?

    Please say it was the second option. That gives me a highly entertaining mental image.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hinoryu
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  8. #688
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#80)

    Ooh, how would we portray permaban evasion? The flaming amuses me. Nice job finding a photo that shows two people as well. Although... Jay hasn't flamed since he escaped... (Come to think of it, what would be the equivalent of spamming that Becca did to justify dh using the spam thing? )
    2007 Golden Pens: Co-winner of Best Poem (Rain Eternal) and Best Reviewer
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  9. #689
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#81)

    Sike: Yeah, I've been looking forward to that part for a very long time. That's part of why I was so amused when Gavin asked about further infractions; I already knew what was coming down the road.

    Pyromania is fun!

    Sage: Yeah, Martin's really got game! But perhaps Jay has some fight left in him... then again, he did just get torched. What will happen next in this fight? It's up to you to read on and find out! ^_^

    MTR: If it's amusing, then the comment did its job. Heh heh.

    ...But I really was serious about that.

    Gabi: WotF looks at "levels" a little differently than that. Let me explain. Spamming is a basic infraction, worth one point. Flaming is worth three. Since there's no infraction worth two points, I consider flaming to be one step up from the most basic infractions. That puts it at level two, under the WotF standard.

    And I have my reasons for not using higher-level infractions. Ehehe...

    Blade: Whoo, you're enjoying this, huh? I'm glad you like it. ^_^

    Action movies aren't made in a day, though. Just be glad I'm updating this faster than my other fics...

    And I'll take some popcorn! I should think the creator of this "movie" would deserve some... no butter, if you please.

    starjake: You have no idea how much that first paragraph made me laugh.

    Ham? No, sorry. You'll know when I do that. I'll have Martin call, "Infraction Level Twelve! Soggy Salty Ham Barrage!"

    Ada: How would we portray permaban evasion? I think the better question is, how would I portray permaban evasion? Flaming is fun, yes. And that was as good of a reason as any to make Jay's character Orochimaru.

    As for your last comment... perhaps things just work differently here. Maybe when an infraction is given, it's more like the one given it is doing the act in question. Or something like that, at least. But isn't it more fun that way?

    Okay! Maybe this page will shake up your perceptions...

    #81: Many of you were curious about that first "high-level infraction"... now you know the truth.

    But what's the problem? Why should the rebels be concerned?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  10. #690
    phOEnixsong, not EO, plzthx Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#81)

    I get the feeling that Jay's not part of their plans after all. Hm.

    Yay, pyromania! And, with nothing more intelligent to say, I take my leave. New laptop is holding my brain hostage, you know. I must figure out how to make the stupid internet work on it, yes.

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

  11. #691
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#81)

    (hands Brian a pan of Jiffy Pop) No butter. Enjoy.

    Anyone here ever watched the anime Case Closed? If so, you'd know how answers can just suddenly 'click' in your head from out of nowhere, as they so often do for Detective Conan...

    And I really wish I knew how to put in spoiler tags, because that last comic jostled my brain and knocked everything into place in just that way - I think I see *exactly* what's happening now. The whole comic up to this point is cle-

    (bites tongue)

    ...I have a theory here... It's not obvious, it's not sensible, and it's probably not correct. But I just have this feeling...

    At least two of the four major factions of this comic are in for a very, VERY rude awakening if I'm right...

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  12. #692
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#81)

    Alright, I'm back and I've missed what feels like half the book/album/whatever. So, time to catch up with my replies (the short, short version)!

    #69: "We've learned that you're an evil, demonic little boy who needs to die." An excellent line from MH. Blademaster departs! I'm sure he'll be back.

    #70: Jay - the legendary terrorist! We should've known! But how did this happen? He must have had some kind of outside help? In we rush, blindly ...

    #71: There goes Gavin, getting all battle-like. The action begins! I thought the 'delta formation' was cool though, I don't know why but it made me laugh. Poor Brian, getting stuck with the multitasking desk job.

    #72: Hehe, Mega Horny is so sarcastic. But he possesses a powerful gift? Intriguing. And who'd have thought it?

    #73: Mega Horny's sarcasm continues, even under the fierce gaze of Dark Sage. I loved the last panel in this one: Mega Horny's face and his dialogue, too. Classic. And Dark Sage's deadpan reply. Excellent.

    #74: First panel was a crack up; and the last panel was cool too. Adds some detail to the plot and plus there's Dark Sage's line about Mega Horny "undoubtedly deserving" some injuries.

    #75: The mods are turning on each other! Or at least, mr_pikachu is angsty at the other mods. They must unify to succeed! It's the only way. I also thought mistysakura's frying pan in panel 3 was a great shot to use for that part of the fic.

    #76: Spaceships! They must be the incoming aliens, surely? I cracked up at this guy's eyebrows ... honestly ... I really can't think who he might be, other than someone in Fanfic who was posted to look out for us or something. Dunno. Yay for the Uninvited reference, too.

    #77: That was a pretty unexpected twist, to be honest. I was focusing more on the aliens as a threat than Dark Sage and his crew. The plot explodes further. Liked the last panel, too.

    #78: Aw. We're not that bad, are we? How can they be wanting to overthrow us? Crush the worthless peons, I say! ... ehehehe ... Damn these rebels, taking advantage of our legal loopholes.

    #79: Gasp! Jay is RIGHT THERE! Typical of the mods not to notice until the very last minute.

    #80: Martin busts out with the infractions again - but takes it to the next level! How awesome was the 'flaming' thing, though? Quite a cool way of depicting action in a static picture. I think having both characters in the same panel together helped make it more 'visual'. Also, Jay looks extremely evil.

    #81: Hmmm ... loopholes again. We really should've been keeping a closer eye on these guys. But this is interesting now - what's going on with the earlier infraction? Shuppet Master did that infraction thing, we panicked, then there was a second one in a different sector, and that was Jay. Is it possible that Shuppet Master inadvertently allowed Jay to escape with his attack? And now another twist - more trouble is around the corner!

    ... That took an extremely long time, but I'm glad I got it done at last. Now I can return to being up-to-date with this. And, as usual, I'm hanging out for the next page. Great work so far, Brian; this is still a really original, fresh and colourful concept.
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  13. #693
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#81)

    Ah... interesting. I guess it's a case of bad timing on Shuppet Master's side.

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  14. #694
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#81)

    Hmm... The big plan seems to have hit a big snag...

    But... If I didn't spring Jay... Who did?

    It seems this War might turn into a three-way - or even four-way - conflict, turning into a "last faction standing" situation.

    This could get ugly...

  15. #695
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#81)

    I just came in on Bri-,er, Sage's request(great, I can't use his real name anymore because mr._pikachu is Brian ) because he said my character is Jaden Yuki and I was laughing at all this.

    This was just amazing. So, I'm Dark Sage's student in this comic, and I beat the **** out of Mega Horney, eh? Nice, although I'd never really harm anyone on the forums.

    Keep up the good web-comicking, mr._pikachu!
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorak
    Ever wonder what it'd be like if a person who could barely speak English were to rom-hack one of the Pokemon games, replace the characters, plot, and Pokemon with ones of his own creation, while at the same time making a terrible mockery of the English language as a whole?

    Of course not. Because that'd suck really, really hard. Unfortunately, even though you didn't think about it, this guy did.

  16. #696
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    Default War of the Forums

    My apologies for not replying sooner to your latest installment. I confess that it is because I was... reading other people's fics! I do hope you can forgive my infidelity... XP

    Anyway... Uhhhhh-ohhhhh... Looks like things aren't quite going according to plan for Dark Sage and the rebels. o.o Hee hee... that's sure to have some interesting consequences... *wrings hands in gleeful anticipation of possible mayhem on the horizon*
    Last edited by Sike Saner; 31st July 2007 at 06:27 PM. Reason: "8wrins"? XD

  17. #697
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#82)

    Phoenixsong: That would be an interesting development. But in that case, did someone else release him? Or did he escape under his own power?

    Pyromania is awesome. And don't fight the computer to get your brain back! Just have the device upload your consciousness to the internet. Believe me, life's more fun when you're online.

    Blademaster: Iffy Pop? Hmm...

    I've watched a little bit of Case Closed, so I know what you mean. As for the spoiler tags, you can add them (Spoiler:) like this. I did so in the first two posts of this thread in order to create the character guide. Just put the word "spoiler" in tags. Simple!

    Of course, if your idea is obscure, illogical, and incorrect, it probably doesn't need spoiler tags. Then again, everything here is completely crazy, so you never know...

    And I find it rather funny that you used the word "faction" in your post. Yes... very funny indeed...

    Gavin: *sees list of comments*


    #69: Yeah, it seemed fitting for MH to say something like that. As for Blademaster, it's clear that you ignored the title of that page.

    #70: Yes, it's Jay! But how did he get out? Hmm... good question.

    #71: Yeah, Gavin's taking this mission very seriously. And wisely so. The “delta formation” was just a short way for me to say they'll be moving with one person in front and two in the back. Glad it made you laugh, though. ^_^ And Pika gets the lamest job, as usual!

    #72: Sarcasm is fun. As for his gift, well... you've already seen it, haven't you?

    #73: Yes, the sarcasm lives on! Sasshi's expressions are really what made me choose him as Mega Horny's character. And I was worried that Dark Sage's retort might have been a little longwinded, but I guess it worked.

    #74: Yeah, I love using a couple of humorous panels in the midst of big revelations. Especially when it allows me to further develop the relationships between characters.

    #75: Fear the frying pan! ^_^ Yeah, not everyone is happy about this arrangement. It's definitely creating some animosity...

    #76: Who knows? Maybe I'm pulling yet another trick on you. And yeah, those eyebrows are entertaining. As for who that new character is, I'm not saying a word. But I'm glad you appreciated the reference.

    #77: Threats all around! But who is allied with whom? Just how much do these groups have to do with one another?

    #78: I have to say, he makes us look pretty bad. Is he right in his critique? Or is there more to the story? Considering that you want to crush the peons, I'm starting to wonder if he's correct...

    #79: How irresponsible of us!

    #80: When I saw your comment about the spamming infraction ages ago, I must've laughed for a solid minute because I knew what was coming. (I think you suggested techniques based on Harry Potter spells.) And yes, that was as good of a reason as any to make that Jay's character. In addition to the general evilness of his appearance.

    #81: We always need to keep our guard up! That's what I've been trying to tell you... and there's definitely something weird happening. But what? How scared should we be?

    ...You just gave me carpal tunnel syndrome. Are you happy now? ^^;;

    Gabi: Bad timing or faulty planning? You be the judge.

    DS: This snag may be troublesome... but what trick did Jay use for his prison break?

    And yes, the War may be rather catastrophic. But for who? And how will the groups deal with the ensuing conflict?

    Shuppet: Hey, welcome! I was wondering if you'd join our group. It's good to have you here! ^_^

    I'm glad you like your character. Yes, you gave Mega Horny a royal pounding. But can you keep that dominance over him, now that he's training under your sensei as well?

    Well, I hope you keep reading. Even though you're disappointed in my birth name.

    Sike: Ehehe, don't worry about it. I see you were reading Knights to Remember, anyway. Since that's part of one of my favorite sagas here, I'll forgive you. You cheating son of a...

    *coughs* Ahem. You know what they say about the best-laid plans... we'll see how well Dark Sage and company deal with this wrench in the works.

    Of course, there are still many more developments on the horizon. Whether that horizon is metaphorical or literal.

    #82: Perhaps she's not as invisible as she thinks, huh?

    (Yes, I love references to things on the forum. Invisible mode is cool, to a point.)

    This title references an old fic by Shadow Trainer Ash.
    Last edited by mr_pikachu; 31st July 2007 at 10:39 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  18. #698
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#82)

    Hmm... A lady in red...

    Is this one of Becca's alien friends? Things just got more complicated.

    Between this new visitor and the guy with the eyebrows, things might heat up rather quickly.

    I'm liking this more with each passing day. Each strip makes me want more. Keep it up.

    - DS

    EDIT: I now also assume that the guy with the eyebrows is most likely Andrew.
    Last edited by Dark Sage; 31st July 2007 at 10:48 PM.

  19. #699
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#82)

    Ah, more women. That's waht this fic needs! FEMALE POWER!
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  20. #700
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#82)

    Okay, so mystery lady mentions Saff. I'm guessing that's short for Saffire Persian, which would imply that mystery lady is from Fanart. With that said, mystery lady would probably be someone well known from Fanart, which leads me to believe that she is Iveechan or Agent Elrond (both previous mods). And eyebrows man seems to be a guard of some kind, but I haven't a clue who would take that role - all the mods of Fanfic are taken, and you've covered a lot of the major non-mod movers and shakers as well.

    I suppose it's a round-about way of saying it, but I eagerly await the next issue.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  21. #701
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#82)

    Oooooh. Who is she? It must be someone from Fanart or something, given they have employed Saffire Persian's "cloaking device" (I'm assuming that's who you meant by "Saff".) Or maybe someone from yet another forum ... hmmm ... I'm gonna take a random stab at Kalah (not literally).

    Eyebrow Man appears again. He must be some kind of omniscient fanficcer. Andrew!

    Hehehe - I didn't expect you to actually reply to all my comments, but thanks anyway! I'll have to go back and reread some things I think. Sorry for giving you carpal tunnel syndrome.
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  22. #702
    phOEnixsong, not EO, plzthx Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#82)

    The mods can see through Invisible Mode due to their Modliness. This person who is allegedly Andrew, however, does not need Modliness to accomplish this task; he has the Magical Evil Eyebrows of Impending Doom. They can see through invisible mode, shoot lasers and shred sensitive documents, too. And eat steak. And change babies. Yes.

    Um. Yeah. Nice forum reference. And I actually don't think that's Andrew or another mod-type figure; presumably, this person who is allegedly Ivee or Agent (MAN I miss them... Fanart just isn't the same without them *sniff*) knows who all of the mods are and would probably recognize them. She certainly knows that they can get around the "cloaking device". Therefore, if a person she doesn't recognize is able to see her... I don't think he's a mod. That does make him kinda creepy, though. (As if those bricks on his face weren't creepy enough.)

    Oh, yeah, and if it has to be one of the aforementioned people, my guess is she's Agent. Although I never got around to reading any of them, I know that Ivee had several fics going; she'd be familiar with Fanfic, and her comment in the first panel is henceforth unnecessary. Agent, on the other hand, loves to write, but I don't think she ever bothered much with Fanfic; she prefers original writing to fanfiction, so yeah. She wouldn't be as knowledgeable about the place. She could be anyone, really, though.
    Last edited by Phoenixsong; 1st August 2007 at 11:59 AM.

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

  23. #703
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#82)

    What? Invisible mode is Saff's now? Hmm... I wonder who she is... I did think Agent Elrond, but no other people who have left the forum have appeared in the fic (well besides Jay who had to break out of prison). So maybe it's someone from Becca's planet. A PCG mod? But if they're a mod, then the eyebrows guy probably isn't a smod (I still think it's Andrew) but someone else with almighty powers. Maybe Kevin, since he's practically a stranger to TPM now. Yay, Fanfic's a nice place!
    2007 Golden Pens: Co-winner of Best Poem (Rain Eternal) and Best Reviewer
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    Listen to Rain Eternal -- a song.

    Random thought: 2+2=5.

  24. #704
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#82)

    "W-why is that guy staring right at me? Can he SEE me?"--Of course he can see you, dear. You see, I, too, believe that extraordinary eyebrows, like those of the man whose sight has apparently penetrated your invisible mode, give their owner strange and incredible power! (I am convinced that former R.E.M. drummer Bill Berry has a whole arsenal of unibrow-based powers. o.o As if I needed another reason to love the guy. )

    The mentioned "Saff" is surely Saffire Persian, unless there's a member of this board going by the name of Safflower or something. XD As for Mr. Eyebrows and Ms. "Invisible", I've no guesses myself, so I'll just wait and see who they turn out to be.

  25. #705
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#82)

    Nice to see a serious panel in between all the comedy. Who are those new chaacters? We'll find out soon enough.

    EDIT: I was thinking of doing something similar to this using movie screenshots from Harry Potter and other films, but I don't have the necessary equipment(you probably used Comic Book creator to make the dialogue balloons, huh?).
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorak
    Ever wonder what it'd be like if a person who could barely speak English were to rom-hack one of the Pokemon games, replace the characters, plot, and Pokemon with ones of his own creation, while at the same time making a terrible mockery of the English language as a whole?

    Of course not. Because that'd suck really, really hard. Unfortunately, even though you didn't think about it, this guy did.

  26. #706
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#82)

    Eyebrow man= Andrew, since he used to mod the fanfic and was promoted to a super mod.

    the Lady in a red dress I have no clue... unless maybe she is Gabi/ Lady Vulpix.

    Maybe instead of them being a team of mods from one board Becca and her friends have formed a female only mod alliance, I wounder if they have i am guessing it would not be to Farfetch'd to have them try to get Ada to join them... LOL J/k

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  27. #707
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#83)

    DS: Who's the lady in red? And will she go dancing with you? Good question. Don't expect an immediate answer. ^_^

    And Mr. Eyebrows has his own secrets, I'm sure. Like his identity, which you seem to believe is Andrew. But what will happen next? I hope you enjoy the pages to come...

    B4: Girl power! Woo!

    Hypotenuse: You're the first person who caught the word "Saff" in that post. But perhaps this is the biggest trick of all... I have a lot of secret, elaborate plans. Should your first assumption be wrong, the following analysis is a moot point. As for eyebrows man, I'm not about to just give you the answer for free!

    The next page will arrive in just a few paragraphs.

    Gavin: Noooooo! Don't stab Kalah! She's a nice person!

    Eyebrows Man may or may not be Andrew. Who's to say? Not me, at least not right now. You'll find out soon enough.

    And you should be ashamed of yourself. My hands are still sore! *pops all 28 finger joints at once*


    Phoenixsong: Finally, someone who disagrees with the popular opinion! That seems like a pretty big assumption to me as well... but yes, his facial features are truly impressive. Almost like they grant him super powers!

    ...But those are really lame super powers. Even worse than not dying from a titanic bludgeoning.

    That's an interesting theory. It does hinge on whether the incoming guest knows who the mods are, but you've definitely done a bit of thinking about it. Curious idea; I have to admit, it's worth a second look. Even if those eyebrows are terrifying to view.

    And I'll respond to your last paragraph with a short comment: I'm not saying a thing. Hee!

    Ada: Hey, I've made plenty of references to people who have left the forum. Like The Decapitated Mole, for instance. Sure, he's never exactly appeared, but still! It could be a PCG mod, but that doesn't leave many possibilities... and why the heck do you all think that sushibrow is Andrew?

    Sike: Oh, yes. Extraordinary eyebrows must provide extraordinary powers. Why else would anyone wear them if they didn't? It all makes perfect sense!

    I plan to coerce one of my friends into creating an account here under the name "Safflower" in the next few days. Yeah. That's totally not a complete and utter lie. Totally.

    Shuppet: Heh. I may have a few more serious pages up my sleeve... we'll see how the tone plays out.

    I did get the balloons from the free version of Comic Book Creator; you're right. But when I experimented with it, I realized that I didn't like how the program itself worked. So I kept the images and ditched the program in favor of Paint Shop Pro and Animation Shop. They work much better for me.

    Charles: Okay, let's have a show of hands. Does anyone not think that Eyebrows Man is Andrew?

    ...I see.

    So, you think this is an alliance of the ladies? It's certainly possible. After all, what war is more vicious than the battle of the sexes? But that would be an interesting recruitment process, since the other mods might not take too well to that.

    Here's hoping you all take well to the next page!

    #83: Does Jay have a trick up his sleeve? Or has he finally lost it?

    "Facade" was also the title of a one-shot written by Andrew. And I think it perfectly describes the contrast between the worry that Jay shows and... whatever that was in the last panel.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  28. #708
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#83)

    Ooooo, Jay has one last fail-safe plan ready. Wonder what its going to be.

    And for the record, I have no clue who the hot chick from Cowboy Bebop and Fuzzy Eyebrows are.

  29. #709
    phOEnixsong, not EO, plzthx Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#83)

    I don't think it's Andrew *raises hand* but you already knew that.

    Oh, c'mon. Laser-blasting, steak-eating eyebrows are AWESOME. What other superpowers could possibly justify their existence? They're too scary not to have such a purpose.

    Yes, my theories are a touch presumptuous. Ah, well. They're fun to work through, at any rate.

    Hm... yes. What does Jay have up his sleeve? Curiouser and curiouser...

    ...I would have liked to see a bit more of the fight, though. But, seeing as that hinges on how many pictures you could find of whoever Martin is blasting whoever Jay is [/iggnant], that is quite possibly difficult. Ah, well.

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

  30. #710
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#83)

    No clue what Jay thinks he's going to do (or what he thinks is going to happen independently of him)--perhaps some sort of forbidden art of deadly doom or something. *shrugs*

    He seems pretty confident in whatever he's expecting to do/expecting to happen, but there's no guarantee it'll get a chance to even happen before he gets his butt handed to him. Furthermore, he might get his butt kicked even if whatever he's expecting does happen, so hmm.

    On the other hand... that title has me wondering if maybe those infractions haven't been as effective as Jay's let on... he could possibly be faking feeling their effects. o.o

    Of course, if such is the case, it may well turn out that his deception didn't work...

  31. #711
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#82)

    Thanks, Brian.

    Now I can potentially spoil the whole comic for everyone right here in public! Yahoo!


    (Spoiler:) We have 5 current factions in this comic: Fanfic, PCG, Dark Sage and his goon squad, Jay, and Eyebrows. Way I see it, PCG has sprung Jay from jail, either because he's working for them or because of his grudge against Fanfic overall (This is more likely in my opinion.), and he is their 'decoy' while they send down another/more of their own in that spaceship to rescue Becca. So, while Jay (which Shuppet Master likely picked up on and sees as a potential threat to his boss' mission) has the Fanfic Mods occupied, PCG is on a rescue mission. And Eyebrows is likely indeed Andrew, or perhaps even Chris the Admin - he must be someone high on the food chain to see through PCG's parlor tricks.

    So what does this all mean? The summary:

    Fanfic: Is distracted by Jay
    Jay: Is working for PCG
    PCG: Has sent a ship down to rescue Becca and/or attack Fanfic
    DS' cronies: Have picked up on Jay's and/or Fanfic's efforts and it's making them nervous
    Eyebrows: Is onto PCG

    That is all. Thank you.

    Anyway, I'm done ranting. 'Bye now!


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  32. #712
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#83)

    Jay has Snivellus hair in panel 3! Hehehe and "It hurts" ... well ... that's obvious, you foolish escapee. Anyhoo, good page: I'm not sure if Jay actually does have some kind of secret weapon/back-up, but if he doesn't, I think he's deluded. Three mods onto one crazy guy - he's gonna lose.
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  33. #713
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#83)

    Wow... this is taking interesting turns.

    And if 'eyebrows' is, as many suggest, Andrew, I hope he doesn't get away with whatever he's planning.
    Last edited by Lady Vulpix; 2nd August 2007 at 07:53 AM.

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#84)

    PC: Either Jay has a last-ditch plan, or he's bluffing. Against himself.

    The two characters you mentioned, by the way, are Faye Valentine and Commander Amarao.

    ...What, that wasn't what you meant?

    Phoenixsong: Well, thank you for thinking outside the box. Then again, it's not always bad to stay in such a safe, comfortable shelter...

    Your theories are indeed entertaining, I'll say that much. As is the prospect of carnivorous eyebrows. Illogical, perhaps, but still exceptionally humorous. ^_^;

    Fight scenes are indeed tricky for a work like this. I can't exactly draw whatever scenes I want because I can't draw. Still, action scenes can get very, very interesting if they're done properly, no matter what format you use. That's my goal.

    Sike: A forbidden art of deadly doom, you say? Interesting way of putting it. I suppose it's not entirely out of the question...

    There's no such thing as a perfect plan, of course. We'll have to wait and see if Jay really has something big up his sleeve, or if anything he might try will fizzle out pitifully.

    That's a clever way of approaching the title of #83. As the song goes, "You may be wrong, but you may be right..." And no, I don't remember the name of the song. Or the artist. Shut up.

    Blade: I'll respond with a non-spoiling (Spoiler:) It's intriguing how you've arranged the characters in their respective "factions." I admit that I've mentally devised certain groups as well. But does your design match mine? As for the interplay of different actions and events... well, a lot of things are happening at once. The key question to ask may be whose activities are benefiting others.

    So what does this all mean? The summary:

    People: Doing stuff
    People: Doing other stuff
    People: Doing some stuff
    People: Doing still more stuff
    People in a different time zone: Sleeping

    That is all. Thank you.

    Gavin: Yes, Jay has a very weird hairstyle. And fire is hot! Didn't anyone ever teach Jay that? As for whatever plan Jay may have, the odds are definitely against him. Either he thinks the odds won't matter, or he's insane. Either way works.

    Gabi: Oh, I love plot twists. You should know that I love plot twists. I hope everyone else does, too. ^_^

    And you're really taking this rivalry with Andrew to an entirely new level. "I hope that the guy who may be a fictional character representing Andrew in someone else's Fanfic doesn't succeed in whatever good or bad plans he may have!"

    The first half of the fight has ended. Get ready for the halftime show!

    EDIT: This halftime show comes complete with a slip of the brain, Blademaster. ^_^;

    #84: Has a wrench been thrown into the works? Or could this in fact be helpful for the rebels?

    "Axis and Allies" references terminology used during World War II as well as the board game based on the same thing.

    ...Oh, and the spat between Mega Horny and Shuppet Master was partially inspired by Edward's Napoleon complex in Full Metal Alchemist.
    Last edited by mr_pikachu; 2nd August 2007 at 08:59 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  35. #715
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#84)

    Hmm... Seems to me that it is in the rebels' best interests that Jay NOT escape. The old "the enemy of my enemy" situation.

    I like the way you keep us guessing, Bri. It makes me keep coming back every night to see if anything new has been revealed. A good story never gets boring, and this one certainly hasn't.

  36. #716
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#84)

    Why'd DS ask Mega Horny for a report and then Shuppet Master responded?

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  37. #717
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#84)

    That threw me off too...I think he was asking Mega Horny to stop so he could hear SM's report.

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#84)

    Hrrhhmmrhm. Intellesting, yes? I missed that little oopsie, though, eh.

    So, with this confirmation that DS didn't plan on Jay's escape a new question arises: what will happen if something goes wrong? What kind of threat does Jay pose to the rebels? And seeing as it's kinda boring to point out that something might go wrong if nothing does... oh, I don't think Jay is finished yet. No sir.

    This one was up rather earlier than your others, hm? Good. Work faster, slave, work faster! Mwahahaha! *cracks bullwhip*

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

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  39. #719
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    Phoenix: o_o;, oh my....

    Anyways, I'd figure that the distraction the mods are dealing with in the Archives would work towards the rebels' favor. Apparently, DS doesn't seem it would go out that well. I wonder why...maybe something to do with the all-seeing Fuzzy Eyebrows?

    Can't wait for #85

  40. #720
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#84)

    You know I'm just playing along, or at least you should know. I don't normally think of Andrew unless his name is brought up or I see his posts.

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