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Thread: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

  1. #401
    But he's still here! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong
    Mega Horny

    Please quote even if you post right after the update. Since the lileep is lying still, you watch a few seconds to make sure that it isn't knocked out completly and it moves ever so slightly indicating that it is playing possum. Though it is still weak, you throw a pokeball, and the Lileep is sucked inside and a faint ding sounds. Congrats. YOu caught a L.8 M Lileep. Continuing on, you soon come across a Duskull playing tag with a cacnea. Lastly, you see a pidgey wearing socks.

    Sorry, i did quote, must have deleted it somehow.

    Lileep, Nelly, sludgebomb. Move on, in deeper. I gotta find me some big stuff.

  2. #402
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow

    Moving swiftly on, you soon encounter a rough looking Lairon who trots over and gives you a good once over before wandering away, towards a Shuckle. Someway beyond them, a Quagsire pops his head out of the sand and squints up into the sky, looking worried.
    What are you going to do?

    Keep on a' keepin' on. Move on.

    ASB Team:Can you believe I only wanted 6?

    Thanks, Saffire Persian!(If you like the banner, go ask her to make you one, too.)

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  3. #403
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Split update again. I'm getting hannah steve and kyle ans she's getting me mh and ace

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Switching locations to the Forest, you immediately see an Illumise who's merrily flitting about the canopy. A flock of Pidgey are currently roosting in one of the trees, while below them a Sunkern and Exeggcute are playing.
    What are you going to do?

    I'll continue on not interested in those and I already have a pidgey.


    You offer the Beautifly a pokeball, too tempted to pass up the chance. She looks at it and closes her eyes to think for a bit. Finally she openes her eyes, grins, and taps the ball. She is quickly sucked inside and a faint ding is heard. Congrats. You caught a L.12 Shiny F Beautifly. What will you do now?

    Knight of Time

    Eyeing the zangoose and delcatty warily, you tell the delcatty that you will move onward without her if she battles the zangoose sicne you don't want to get hurt. She whimpers, and takes off after you as you move on. Soon, you stumble across a Venusaur, playing wtih a young oddish. A Dunsparce watches them. What will you do?

    Dark Dragonite

    Telling the smoochum on your shoulder that you want to catch someone first, you promise to still help her find her mom. Sending out your pokemon, you target the sableye. The duskull flees as soon as he sees you. The sableye tries to follow but by now Glalile has blocked off the possible escape route. The sableye glares at you before lashing out at Glalile scratching him before the ground beneath him begins to shake. Spooky soon joins in with a very mean look, followed by seriously disorientationg teh dark ghost. the sableye now tries night shade, but only succeeds in hitting himself. Finally, Glalile and Spooky launch their final attacks simultaneously. The sableye is completly kncoked off of his feet. He lies down, completely still for a few minutes before sturggling to stand. Taking hte chance, you hurl an ultra ball and the sableye is sucked inside. A ding sounds. Congrats you caught a L.9 M Sableye. What will you do now?
    Silver Wolf
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  4. #404
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong
    You offer the Beautifly a pokeball, too tempted to pass up the chance. She looks at it and closes her eyes to think for a bit. Finally she openes her eyes, grins, and taps the ball. She is quickly sucked inside and a faint ding is heard. Congrats. You caught a L.12 Shiny F Beautifly. What will you do now?
    Shrine of the Sun

    We'll fly on now.

    Walking onwards, a Treecko darts in front of you, being chased by a Nincada. He's laughing, when suddenly the ground begins to shake and a massive Armaldo comes bursting out from the foliage. o_O He plants himself in front of the Treecko and lets out an angry roar, looking all set to turn the gecko into mince-meat.
    What are you going to do?

    Mega Horny~
    With your new Lileep, you continue. A group of Ledyba buzz overhead as you walk, when a blue blur shoots through them, causing them to scatter. The blur banks and you realise it's a Swellow, playfully flying at the Ledyba to watch their reactions. A Doduo is sitting nearby, her back to the scene, though she occasionally throws longing looks over her shoulders.
    What are you going to do?

    There's nothing there, so you trek on. The heat is begining to get the best of you, however, so eventually you decide to sit down and rest. As you do so, a Corsola comes walking past, sweating and looking frantically about. However, there's nothing in view except a Gligar soaring above while below an Onix's coils are looming above the sand.
    What are you going to do?

  5. #405
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong
    Knight of Time

    Eyeing the zangoose and delcatty warily, you tell the delcatty that you will move onward without her if she battles the zangoose sicne you don't want to get hurt. She whimpers, and takes off after you as you move on. Soon, you stumble across a Venusaur, playing wtih a young oddish. A Dunsparce watches them. What will you do?

    I'm going to tell the Delcatty I'm sorry I had to stop her from battling the Zangoose, but at this point, I'll still continue on with her despite the fact the Venusaur is quite a tempter here since I have my Blastoise and Charizard.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  6. #406

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong
    Dark Dragonite

    Telling the smoochum on your shoulder that you want to catch someone first, you promise to still help her find her mom.  Sending out your pokemon, you target the sableye.  The duskull flees as soon as he sees you.  The sableye tries to follow but by now Glalile has blocked off the possible escape route.  The sableye glares at you before lashing out at  Glalile scratching him before the ground beneath him begins to shake.  Spooky soon joins in with a very mean look, followed by seriously disorientationg teh dark ghost.  the sableye now tries night shade, but only succeeds in hitting himself.  Finally, Glalile and Spooky launch their final attacks simultaneously.  The sableye is completly kncoked off of his feet.  He lies down, completely still for a few minutes before sturggling to stand.  Taking hte chance, you hurl an ultra ball and the sableye is sucked inside.  A ding sounds.  Congrats you caught a L.9 M Sableye.  What will you do now?
    N. Caverns

    As promised, I will do my best to find Smoochum's mom, returning my pokes, and sending out Coheed(M Lv.17 Arcanine), have him use Odor Sleuth to try and find her.

    Oh his name will be something along the lines of HLS(Heartless Sora), and in fashion, have the egg move of my favorite spell from KH, either Recover or Moonlight,
    ~The Real Crystal Articuno~
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    Thanks Saffire Persian for the rad banner!!

  7. #407
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    There's nothing there, so you trek on. The heat is begining to get the best of you, however, so eventually you decide to sit down and rest. As you do so, a Corsola comes walking past, sweating and looking frantically about. However, there's nothing in view except a Gligar soaring above while below an Onix's coils are looming above the sand.
    What are you going to do?

    While I recover, I'll watch the Corsola, who probably needs shade/water.

    ASB Team:Can you believe I only wanted 6?

    Thanks, Saffire Persian!(If you like the banner, go ask her to make you one, too.)

    ASBRPG Card

  8. #408
    But he's still here! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Mega Horny~
    With your new Lileep, you continue. A group of Ledyba buzz overhead as you walk, when a blue blur shoots through them, causing them to scatter. The blur banks and you realise it's a Swellow, playfully flying at the Ledyba to watch their reactions. A Doduo is sitting nearby, her back to the scene, though she occasionally throws longing looks over her shoulders.
    What are you going to do?

    move on. Look for thick areas.

  9. #409
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Charles Legend~
    Pidgey takes one look at your face and screams, before taking flight and hiding in the same tree that Cam had hidden in. Your three Pokémon glance at each other while a Shroomish and Chikorita come running and hiss 'shhh'. They motion over to the left and you realise that an Ursaring is loping past.
    What are you going to do?

    think 'cool a Ursaring, he may be no snorlax but if I manaage to get him, he could come in quit handy, or wait is it a she, I can never tell.' then ask the Shroomish and Chikorita if the Ursaring has been causing trouble for the two of them and is there is any way I can help them out. then have Cell-me go gather some fire wood.

    ~Charles Legend
    ASB VS Seeker Profile

    “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein

    "The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to risk the consequences." --from Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham

    "To build a story world, the author must be part artist, part engineer, and sometimes part mad scientist.." --from Fundamentals of world building by Jessie Verino

    “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

  10. #410
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    The Delcatty is fine about not getting to battle the Zangoose and follows you quite happily as you walk by the tempting Venusaur and away. Giggles fill the air as a Jumpluff comes floating by, waving at a Shroomish who's futiley chasing her and laughing as well. A Aipom and Cleffa are observing them as they go by and smiling.
    What are you going to do?

    Pocketing your Sableye's ball, you decide to fufill your promise and send out Koheed to try to sniff out the Smoochum's mum. He sniffs the baby, searches along the floor a bit, then howls and takes off. Running after him, you enter a new cavern where a Piloswine is attempting to protect a Swinub and fight off a Misdreavus at the same time. Koheed has paused and is gazing at the trio.
    What are you going to do?

    Settling down until you recover, you watch the Corsola continue to struggle valiantly on. She's begining to shake quite violently, and so you're just wondering whether or not you should, you know, do something to help her, when suddenly she keels over and lies still. o_O
    What are yo going to do?

    Mega Horny~
    Pressing onwards, you specifically try to look for thicker areas of vegetation, though in the gloom, everything looks the same. Becase of this, you nearly step on a Paras who is tundling along quite happily. He yelps and scratches your ankle, but before you can respond an Aerodactyl comes blasting through the air above you.
    What are you going to do?

    Charles Legend~
    Liking the look of the Ursaring, you quickly ask the other two whether or not he/she has been causing trouble for them. The Shroomish glances over at the bear and hurridly whispers back 'well, if you define trouble as spending virtually all night and all day hunting then yes, she does. And she's too dangerous to fight off.' While you process this, Cell is off tugging at low/discarded branches and has soon got quite a pile of wood ready.
    What are you going to do?

  11. #411
    But he's still here! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Mega Horny~
    Pressing onwards, you specifically try to look for thicker areas of vegetation, though in the gloom, everything looks the same. Becase of this, you nearly step on a Paras who is tundling along quite happily. He yelps and scratches your ankle, but before you can respond an Aerodactyl comes blasting through the air above you.

    mmm. Interesting. I'll get Glalie to halt its flight with an icy wind while a fellow bug Pokemon, Scyther asks Paras why its so happy and about Aerodactyl in general.

  12. #412

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Pocketing your Sableye's ball, you decide to fufill your promise and send out Koheed to try to sniff out the Smoochum's mum. He sniffs the baby, searches along the floor a bit, then howls and takes off. Running after him, you enter a new cavern where a Piloswine is attempting to protect a Swinub and fight off a Misdreavus at the same time. Koheed has paused and is gazing at the trio.
    What are you going to do?
    N. Caverns
    Coheed, try a Roar to scare Misdreavus off, if that doesn't work, try a Flame Wheel, then Flamethrower. If they(Piloswine/swinub) are safe, continue on my hunt for Jynx.
    ~The Real Crystal Articuno~
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    Thanks Saffire Persian for the rad banner!!

  13. #413
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow

    Settling down until you recover, you watch the Corsola continue to struggle valiantly on. She's begining to shake quite violently, and so you're just wondering whether or not you should, you know, do something to help her, when suddenly she keels over and lies still. o_O
    What are yo going to do?

    ...Well, it seems too cruel to move on. I'll try to douse her with some water from my canteen. If she recovers, I'll ask what she was doing here. If she doesn't...I'll use a Pokeball.

    ASB Team:Can you believe I only wanted 6?

    Thanks, Saffire Persian!(If you like the banner, go ask her to make you one, too.)

    ASBRPG Card

  14. #414
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    The Delcatty is fine about not getting to battle the Zangoose and follows you quite happily as you walk by the tempting Venusaur and away. Giggles fill the air as a Jumpluff comes floating by, waving at a Shroomish who's futiley chasing her and laughing as well. A Aipom and Cleffa are observing them as they go by and smiling.
    What are you going to do?

    Well, I happen to have an adopted female Cleffa (Flora), so I'm going to move on again with the Delcatty trailing me.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

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  15. #415
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Charles Legend~
    Liking the look of the Ursaring, you quickly ask the other two whether or not he/she has been causing trouble for them. The Shroomish glances over at the bear and hurridly whispers back 'well, if you define trouble as spending virtually all night and all day hunting then yes, she does. And she's too dangerous to fight off.' While you process this, Cell is off tugging at low/discarded branches and has soon got quite a pile of wood ready.
    What are you going to do?

    tell the Shroomish and Chikorita that I was not planning on battling her, and show them my Master ball, then I well throw it at the Ursaring.

    then I well ask the two if they want to stay for diner as I take out some cooking supplies including some food that I found earlier but forgot to say I did. (such dandelion roots and such, err if that is allowed) from my pack, as Cam [Treecko] lights a small pile of the wood with his Dragon breath.

    Then have Wes [Paras] help Cell-me [ditto] set up a a make shift tent (basically a piece of cloth hung over a piece of rope strung between two trees) as I cook dinner and tell the Shroomish and Chikorita of my travels so far.

    Actions: throw my master ball at Ursaring., have Cam use Dragonbreath to light the fire, then have Wes help Cell pitch the tent. All while I am talking to the Shroomish and Chikorita.

    ~Charles legend
    ASB VS Seeker Profile

    “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein

    "The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to risk the consequences." --from Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham

    "To build a story world, the author must be part artist, part engineer, and sometimes part mad scientist.." --from Fundamentals of world building by Jessie Verino

    “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

  16. #416
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    There's nothing there so once more, you trek on. A cluster of yellow against the grass gradually turns into a Mareep flock that's happily lazing, grazing and so on and so forth. A Togepi and Voltorb are playing amongst the flock, when they accidentally run into a young Mareep who whimpers and bolts for it. There's a stir in the flock before an Ampharos appears, climbing to her feet to investigate the disturbance.
    What are you going to do?

    Hm... Tempting, but I'll move on.
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  17. #417
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Hi. First time playing this and I would like to travel to the Meadow please.

  18. #418
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    Sorry for the delays, but last week i had finals and a couple papers due. I'll try to have an update done by Tuesday at teh absolute latest. Apologies for the delay.
    Silver Wolf
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  19. #419
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Don't have long but who i don't get tonight i'll get tomorrow unless Jeff gets them.

    Also Hannah is possibly without internet access til sometime in June or July

    Mega Horny

    Quickly grabbing two pokeballs off your belt, you send out your pokemon. Scyther quickly asks the paras what it is so happy about, and the pokemon smiles. "It's my birthday." he states simply as if that explained it. When you inquire about the aerodactyl, the paras simply shrugs. "Sorry, I don't know much about him." Shrugging your shoulders, you turn your attention to Glalie and tell him to use icy wind to halt the dactyl's flight. As soon as the freezing air hits the dactyl he banks sharply and squawks loudly. When he sees you, he eyes are burning with anger. Uh oh, looks like you made him mad. What will you do now?

    Dark Dragonite

    Thinking quickly, you tell your arcanine to roar loudly. He does so, and the misdreavus's eyes fly open in surprise. She turns around, spots, you then zooms through the wall. Satisfied that the ghost is gone, you turn your attention to hte piloswine and the swinub. After making sure that they are okay, you continue on. In the next room you encounter an absol glaring at a jynx. The smoochum with you squeaks excitedly, unfortunately drawing hte absol's attention as well as that of a sneasel in the room. What will you do?


    Thinking quickly, you douse the unfortunate corsola with water from your cantene. It seems to work and she quickly jumps to her um... legs. She begins to profusely thank you for the help. However, when you ask her how she came to be int he desert she freezes. Then, almsot in tears, she looks up at you. "I can't remember." What will you do?

    I've got to get some sleep now. IT's after midnight. I'll try to get the rest romorrow morning unless jeff gets to you before me.
    Silver Wolf
    Amy's Links

    Adoptees, Captees, Expedia, & Plushies
    Recent Success: Christopher Redman (12-16-11)

    Got CSI?
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  20. #420

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong

    Dark Dragonite

    Thinking quickly, you tell your arcanine to roar loudly. He does so, and the misdreavus's eyes fly open in surprise. She turns around, spots, you then zooms through the wall. Satisfied that the ghost is gone, you turn your attention to hte piloswine and the swinub. After making sure that they are okay, you continue on. In the next room you encounter an absol glaring at a jynx. The smoochum with you squeaks excitedly, unfortunately drawing hte absol's attention as well as that of a sneasel in the room. What will you do?
    [b]N. Caverns{/b]

    I'll return Coheed, and send out Xena(Lv.15 F) Zangoose, Swords Dance, Strength, Body Slam Absol
    ~The Real Crystal Articuno~
    Looking for AC/CC battles, PM me...
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    Thanks Saffire Persian for the rad banner!!

  21. #421
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong


    Thinking quickly, you douse the unfortunate corsola with water from your cantene. It seems to work and she quickly jumps to her um... legs. She begins to profusely thank you for the help. However, when you ask her how she came to be int he desert she freezes. Then, almsot in tears, she looks up at you. "I can't remember." What will you do?[/color][/center]

    Amnesia, eh?

    I'll offer to let her travel with me, and see if she recognizes anything. If she accepts, we'll move on. If not...then I suppose I'll keep going anyway.

    ASB Team:Can you believe I only wanted 6?

    Thanks, Saffire Persian!(If you like the banner, go ask her to make you one, too.)

    ASBRPG Card

  22. #422
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Okey doke, I'm getting Knight of Time, Charles Legend, and Darkfire, and Amy will pick up the rest.

    You move along in the meadow, but you stop suddenly when you hear the Delcatty break out in a fit of giggles. You turn in its direction and watch as a Chansey tries frantically to catch an Exeggutor for some as-of-yet unknown reason. Another giggle catches your attention: you turn your head and see a Clefairy sitting in a tree, also watching the spectacle. What do you do>

    You toss your Master Ball at the Ursaring. It wiggles once... twice... thrice...
    Congratulations! You've caught a level 15 female Ursaring!
    Meanwhile, Cam uses a stream of turquoise flame to light the twigs. Soon, you and your companions find yourselves sitting around an eldritch green campfire. As Cell and Wes set up a tent, you regal your guests with your tales - they hang on your every word. What do you do?

    You move on through the meadow, but you have to stop quickly - you dive out of the way as a Dodrio zips past, a nearby group of Hoppip floating off unintentionally in the bird's wake. A loud cawing turns your head to the sky - a huge flock of Spearow and Fearow are flying in the same direction. Itr all seems terribly mysterious. What do you do?
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  23. #423
    But he's still here! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong
    [center][color=skyblue]Mega Horny

    Quickly grabbing two pokeballs off your belt, you send out your pokemon. Scyther quickly asks the paras what it is so happy about, and the pokemon smiles. "It's my birthday." he states simply as if that explained it. When you inquire about the aerodactyl, the paras simply shrugs. "Sorry, I don't know much about him." Shrugging your shoulders, you turn your attention to Glalie and tell him to use icy wind to halt the dactyl's flight. As soon as the freezing air hits the dactyl he banks sharply and squawks loudly. When he sees you, he eyes are burning with anger. Uh oh, looks like you made him mad. What will you eat next?

    try your best to put him to sleep Sableye, with Hypnosis while Glalie keeps him busy with a continuos icy wind.

  24. #424
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    My part of the Split update.

    Bison Woes

    Welcome and sorry about the delay in getting to you. Ready to capture some pokemon, you stemp into the lush meadow. It's a beautiful day, and you can hear the pidgeys chirping. As you walk along, you soon become aware of a pair of bulbasaurs talking as a zigzagoon runs in a zigzagging circle around them. What will you do?

    Dark Dragonite

    Quickly recalling your arcanine, you reach for another pokeball on your belt. When you're sure that you have the right one, you release your zangoose who emerges with a snarl. Almost immediately a ring of swords appear around her before disappearing inside Xena's body. She quickly runs towards teh absol who intinctively disappears into the shadows snickering as Xena rushes past crashing into the wall. She gives a strangled cry and turns around to see the absol smirking at her. The absol doenst' notice that she is charging towardsd him once more and when Xena slams into the absol, she pins him down. The absol tries to weakly scratch at her. What will you do?


    Offering to let the corsola travel with you, the water rock type quickly accepts. Continuing on, the two of you stumble upon a graveler rolling around in circles for some reason. A sandshrew pops her head out of her burrow and watches on curiously. Meanwhile, a Rhydon is watching you closely his eyes narrowed. What will you do?

    Mega Horny

    Wait a minute, i just realized something. How does sableye know hypnosis. I don't see it under sableye's legal bred on moves, the tm comaptibility list, or even under the XD moves ^^; Sorry woudl have mentioned it before, but I'm just now noticing it. ^^;

    Quickly reaching for antoher pokeball, you send out sableye who sees the angry aerodactyl and winces. Meanwhile, glalie keeps on attacking with his icy wind. Aerodactyl manages to knock glalie aside with his wing attack before turning back to glare at you. Plucking up the courage, sableye quickly tries to put the ancient flier to sleep with hypnosis but is unsure how. Meanwhile, Glalie once more blasts aerodactyl with icy wind which cause teh dactyl to land on the ground this time. What will you do?
    Silver Wolf
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  25. #425
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong
    Bison Woes

    Welcome and sorry about the delay in getting to you. Ready to capture some pokemon, you stemp into the lush meadow. It's a beautiful day, and you can hear the pidgeys chirping. As you walk along, you soon become aware of a pair of bulbasaurs talking as a zigzagoon runs in a zigzagging circle around them. What will you do?

    That's all right. For now, I'll bypass them and continue.

  26. #426
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong

    Offering to let the corsola travel with you, the water rock type quickly accepts. Continuing on, the two of you stumble upon a graveler rolling around in circles for some reason. A sandshrew pops her head out of her burrow and watches on curiously. Meanwhile, a Rhydon is watching you closely his eyes narrowed. What will you do?

    I'll ask the Corsola if she sees anything she recognizes. If not, then I'll approach the Sandshrew and ask her if she has noticed the Corsola traveling around before.

    ASB Team:Can you believe I only wanted 6?

    Thanks, Saffire Persian!(If you like the banner, go ask her to make you one, too.)

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  27. #427

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong
    Dark Dragonite

    Quickly recalling your arcanine, you reach for another pokeball on your belt. When you're sure that you have the right one, you release your zangoose who emerges with a snarl. Almost immediately a ring of swords appear around her before disappearing inside Xena's body. She quickly runs towards teh absol who intinctively disappears into the shadows snickering as Xena rushes past crashing into the wall. She gives a strangled cry and turns around to see the absol smirking at her. The absol doenst' notice that she is charging towardsd him once more and when Xena slams into the absol, she pins him down. The absol tries to weakly scratch at her. What will you do?
    N. Caverns

    Xena, while we have the upper hand(bad pun), flail, and scratch at that Absol!!
    Zangoose don't take kindly to snickering Absols
    ~The Real Crystal Articuno~
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  28. #428
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlueAvenger
    You move along in the meadow, but you stop suddenly when you hear the Delcatty break out in a fit of giggles. You turn in its direction and watch as a Chansey tries frantically to catch an Exeggutor for some as-of-yet unknown reason. Another giggle catches your attention: you turn your head and see a Clefairy sitting in a tree, also watching the spectacle. What do you do?

    Ooh, another Chansey (I recall I ran into another one earlier in the Meadow). I'm going to wait to see if the Chansey manages to catch the Exeggutor for whatever reason she is after it, and if she does manage to catch the Exeggutor for whatever it did, I'm going to do the same thing I did with the previous Chansey, telling this one how much I miss my old one, and would hopefully like to have a new Chansey someday (I'm going to also tell this Chansey that I wish I could have been able to help a previous Chansey evolve (I think I recall the last Chansey I ran into wished she could evolve), telling her the last one had a responsibility she couldn't give up). If the Chansey here understands how I feel, I'll hold a Pokeball out for her if she's alright with it.

    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  29. #429
    But he's still here! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong
    Eating. How does sableye know hypnosis. I don't see it under sableye's legal bred on moves, the tm comaptibility list, or even under the XD moves ^^; Sorry woudl have mentioned it before, but I'm just now noticing it. ^^;

    Quickly reaching for antoher pokeball, you send out sableye who sees the angry aerodactyl and winces. Meanwhile, glalie keeps on attacking with his icy wind. Aerodactyl manages to knock glalie aside with his wing attack before turning back to glare at you. Plucking up the courage, sableye quickly tries to put the ancient flier to sleep with hypnosis but is unsure how. Meanwhile, Glalie once more blasts aerodactyl with icy wind which cause teh dactyl to land on the ground this time. What will you eat? [/color][/center]

    hmm, sorry. Sableye, go climb a tree. Glalie, try and freeze Aero's wings to the gorund with ice beam while Scyther relaxes it by giving its now laying form a back massage with the blunt side of your scythes.

  30. #430
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlueAvenger
    You move on through the meadow, but you have to stop quickly - you dive out of the way as a Dodrio zips past, a nearby group of Hoppip floating off unintentionally in the bird's wake. A loud cawing turns your head to the sky - a huge flock of Spearow and Fearow are flying in the same direction. Itr all seems terribly mysterious. What do you do?

    Er... I'll go in the direction they're coming from and see what's over there.
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  31. #431
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    I've talked it over with Jeff and we have decided to hire Steve (dark dragonite) to help out here. My apologies things have been rather stressful irl here but hopefully soon they will be resolved.

    Anyways, welcome to the CC Steve.

    P.S. I'll try to get back into the swing of things soon. Sorry for the delays and also for sounding like a broken record.
    Silver Wolf
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  32. #432

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Thank you Amy and Jeff!!
    I hope I serve this place well, an update should be imminent...
    ~The Real Crystal Articuno~
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  33. #433

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    My first update...please don't lynch me for any errors, as a great man named Homer Simpson once said: "It's my first day." plus, it's 1:30am...

    Bison Woes
    Continuing on through the lush, green meadow, you catch a glimpse of a hoppip floating by towards a tree, followed closely by a treecko. A little further ahead is an Ampharos, resting. What will you do?

    Corsola doesn't seem to recognize anything, other than a weird indent in the desert floor, and upon asking Sandshrew, all you can make out is something about seeing an Aerodactyl drop something it couldn't make out, and that it was attacked by a Rhyhorn, and took off, possibly holding something still. What will you do?

    Knight of Time
    You watch as Chansey outdoes herself, and tackles Exeggutor, giving it a good ice beam before taking it's egg back. Chansey turns, content with herself, only to be a little nervous of seeing a trainer. As you explain, Chansey becomes less tense, and decides you should get a chance(no pun intended). Congrats!! You caught Chansey(F) Lv.12 What will you do now?

    Mega Horny
    Sableye, as you asked, is climbing a tree, a bit confused to the meaning...meanwhile, Glalie fires an icebeam at Aero's wings and the ground, making the 2, one surface. As Scyther begins massaging Aero's back, it relaxes a little, but feeling a knot get rubbed, squirms, breaking one wing free. What will you do?

    You dart off, trying to see what all the commotion is about, when you spy the bird pokemon flying circles around a pikachu and mareep, standing back to back, trying ot fight them off, but are tired, and vastly out numbered.
    What will you do?

    Me, I can chill, when you guys get a chance, until then, I guess I'll keep updating...
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong
    Dark Dragonite

    Quickly recalling your arcanine, you reach for another pokeball on your belt. When you're sure that you have the right one, you release your zangoose who emerges with a snarl. Almost immediately a ring of swords appear around her before disappearing inside Xena's body. She quickly runs towards teh absol who intinctively disappears into the shadows snickering as Xena rushes past crashing into the wall. She gives a strangled cry and turns around to see the absol smirking at her. The absol doenst' notice that she is charging towardsd him once more and when Xena slams into the absol, she pins him down. The absol tries to weakly scratch at her. What will you do?
    N. Caverns

    Xena, while we have the upper hand(bad pun), flail, and scratch at that Absol!!
    Zangoose don't take kindly to snickering Absols
    ~The Real Crystal Articuno~
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  34. #434
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragonite
    Bison Woes
    Continuing on through the lush, green meadow, you catch a glimpse of a hoppip floating by towards a tree, followed closely by a treecko. A little further ahead is an Ampharos, resting. What will you do?

    Temtping, but I think I'll continue to look around.

    Congrats DD!

  35. #435
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragonite
    Knight of Time
    You watch as Chansey outdoes herself, and tackles Exeggutor, giving it a good ice beam before taking it's egg back. Chansey turns, content with herself, only to be a little nervous of seeing a trainer. As you explain, Chansey becomes less tense, and decides you should get a chance(no pun intended). Congrats!! You caught Chansey(F) Lv.12 What will you do now?

    Hey, nice to see a new CCCC worker here! Congrats, Steve.

    Great, I finally managed to get a new Chansey. I'm going to name this one Venus, and I'm going to make her bred-on move Sweet Kiss (from XD), her free TM Psychic, and her trait Serene Grace. From there, I'm going to keep going, telling the Delcatty she can still follow me if she wants to.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

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  36. #436
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragonite
    Corsola doesn't seem to recognize anything, other than a weird indent in the desert floor, and upon asking Sandshrew, all you can make out is something about seeing an Aerodactyl drop something it couldn't make out, and that it was attacked by a Rhyhorn, and took off, possibly holding something still. What will you do?

    Congrat on the job, DD!

    I'll ask the Sandshrew which way the Aerodactyl went, and we'll follow after it.

    ASB Team:Can you believe I only wanted 6?

    Thanks, Saffire Persian!(If you like the banner, go ask her to make you one, too.)

    ASBRPG Card

  37. #437

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Thanks guys, I will do my best...Well, it's been a lousy day with a lot of tiring work around the house(building rock garden type stuff), and having to pay $500 to have my car run worse now than it did before...I'm just barely able to push myself, but I wanted to get all 3 of your reffings tonight...I apologize if they are lacking in substance...I'll try to make up for it tomorrow...

    Bison Woes
    Still not interested in the pokemon you have spotted, you travel on, passing by an oddly mad looking Wigglytuff having a not-so-friendly conversation with a Zangoose, who is covered in flower petals. As you stare at the intriguing exchange, you catch the glimpse of a shadow speeding behind a patch of bushes.
    What will you do?

    Knight of Time
    You keep pushing on through the grass, and aromatic flowers covering the meadow, Declatty cheerfully trotting behind, watching a trio of Treecko, Chikorita, and Lileep playing a game similar to tag. It all looks innocent enough, until they bump into a Tropius, who was trying to nap, and is now very grumpy.
    What will you do?

    Sandshrew points off in a northern direction, and off you and Corsola go, after the truth of Corsola's past. After what seems like forever walking through a hot desert, you manage to find what looks like a cave surrounded by bones, and a blue bow that Corsola frantically remembers, and urges you into the dark cave, where you can just barely hear a cry for help.
    What will you do now?
    ~The Real Crystal Articuno~
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    Thanks Saffire Persian for the rad banner!!

  38. #438
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragonite

    Bison Woes
    Still not interested in the pokemon you have spotted, you travel on, passing by an oddly mad looking Wigglytuff having a not-so-friendly conversation with a Zangoose, who is covered in flower petals. As you stare at the intriguing exchange, you catch the glimpse of a shadow speeding behind a patch of bushes.
    What will you do?

    Hm, I will go try to find out what the shadow was.

    You're doing great, DD!

  39. #439
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragonite

    Knight of Time
    You keep pushing on through the grass, and aromatic flowers covering the meadow, Declatty cheerfully trotting behind, watching a trio of Treecko, Chikorita, and Lileep playing a game similar to tag. It all looks innocent enough, until they bump into a Tropius, who was trying to nap, and is now very grumpy.
    What will you do?

    Well, if the Tropius turns to me to blame for interrupting its nap, I'm going to tell it that it wasn't me who woke it up, and that it was the Pokemon I just ran into here (aka the Treecko, Chikorita and Lileep). If the Tropius finds on its own that the other Pokemon woke it up (and it ends up ignoring me), then I'll press on with the Delcatty.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

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  40. #440
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragonite
    Sandshrew points off in a northern direction, and off you and Corsola go, after the truth of Corsola's past. After what seems like forever walking through a hot desert, you manage to find what looks like a cave surrounded by bones, and a blue bow that Corsola frantically remembers, and urges you into the dark cave, where you can just barely hear a cry for help.
    What will you do now?

    A cry for help! Zounds! I'll release Omen, my F Absol, and we'll enter the cave, trying to find the voice.

    ASB Team:Can you believe I only wanted 6?

    Thanks, Saffire Persian!(If you like the banner, go ask her to make you one, too.)

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