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Thread: U.S. (your?) Presidential Election 2016 :)

  1. #1
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default U.S. (your?) Presidential Election 2016 :)

    Okay, since we have no elections this year here in Finland I decided to try something more important.

    So no matter if it's Clinton or Trump, interesting times ahead to whole worlds. I myself find it a bit funny, to say, among my communities, since, even where politics should be a taboo, everyone is dissing Donald Trump so much that I'm willing to question it.

    and in before anybody else, how about #unbanDarkSage lol

  2. #2
    for all seasons Moderator
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    Default Re: U.S. (your?) Presidential Election 2016 :)

    All hail Lord Trump.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oslo View Post
    Tony is gay for little Snorlax.

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    SW-2628-7394-6108 Master Trainer
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    Default Re: U.S. (your?) Presidential Election 2016 :)

    help. get me out of this country. if yall weren't all married and shit, one of you could just wed me out of here! (i have a terminal degree and a great booty.)
    winner of the (a)ncient (2009), (v)intage, (2009), (v)eteran award (2011), (e)veryone wins! (2011),
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  4. #4
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    TBH, I don't like Trump, at all.

    If a candidate has been shown to be racist, sexist, etc., then there's something seriously wrong with that person IMO. That is exactly why I don't want him to be the next president of the United States. If he becomes president and draws a lot of negative attention because of things he said to offend certain groups of people, then it's his own fault. On the other hand, I'm not against Hilary Clinton, but I'm quite certain she would be a better president than Donald Trump. But, I've been noticing that if she becomes president, that she might not be the first female I right or wrong guys? I'm just hoping there isn't any conflicting research here.

    And regarding the Dark Sage thing, allow me to post a picture with what I think of that:

    aka Mikachu, I really hope you are kidding about wanting him unbanned.
    Knight of Time

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  5. #5
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Vigdís Finnbogadóttir

    Also, I was trollolling for TPM nostalgia with the Dark Sage remark.

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    Default Re: U.S. (your?) Presidential Election 2016 :)

    I'm rooting for Trump just because it's going to be funny as Hell. I'm already stocking up on popcorn.
    Last edited by Blademaster; 14th May 2016 at 02:30 AM.

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    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Re: U.S. (your?) Presidential Election 2016 :)

    Barry, I told you before, I'll adopt you

    Nothing Trump has said has made me believe he'll do a good job. Has anyone heard about the London Mayoral elections? Britain First are campaigning against the winner because he's Muslim... Makes me sad. Imagine Trump having to work with him? Too much sadness

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    Default Re: U.S. (your?) Presidential Election 2016 :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Magmar View Post
    help. get me out of this country. if yall weren't all married and shit, one of you could just wed me out of here! (i have a terminal degree and a great booty.)
    We're not all married. But you don't need to get married in order to leave the country. Come here if you want, no one will bother you. And according to some TV shows you may end up finding a "Latin lover".
    Last edited by Lady Vulpix; 11th May 2016 at 02:29 PM.

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    Товарищ Красный Master Trainer
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    Time to Make America Great Again!

    I'll support anyone over Hillary.

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  10. #10
    Cloyster Moderator
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    Oh yeah, that's going on.

    We weren't supposed to survive Bush, but we did. We weren't supposed to survive Obama, but we did.

    I'm not buying into all the craziness being thrown around this year. No matter who gets elected, we'll be fine.
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    I'm less worried about whether you'll survive than I am about what the consequences may be for the world as a whole. After all, you did survive Bush but the whole world is still dealing with the consequences of the war he started. But it's not like either of the candidates cares about that.

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  12. #12
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Default Re: U.S. (your?) Presidential Election 2016 :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
    Oh yeah, that's going on.

    We weren't supposed to survive Bush, but we did. We weren't supposed to survive Obama, but we did.

    I'm not buying into all the craziness being thrown around this year. No matter who gets elected, we'll be fine.
    Don't forget Reagan. Hell, I wasn't around for his election, but I'm pretty sure he was getting as much dread/negative attention as Trump if not more.

    Quote Originally Posted by RedStarWarrior
    Time to Make America Great Again!

    I'll support anyone over Hillary.
    Pretty much... this.

    I'll say this though, I'm not too crazy about Trump being in that position (some of you may have noticed my user title a few weeks ago, it was just intended as jimmy-rustling satire). However, in his defense, I do believe that a lot of the negative things people associate him with and are afraid of, is just some stuff that the media overexaggerates.

    For one, he didn't "call Mexicans rapists", which seems to be everyone's go-to scapegoat. He said that a lot of the ones crossing the border illegally are... which I'm sorry but many are. There is a lot of very shady shit happening at the border, even though the PC crowd likes to pretend there isn't (much like how the media desperately tried to cover up the Germany rapefest on New Years Eve in Cologne because it was perpetrated by Muslim refugees and God forbid anyone dare criticize Muslims, LOL while meanwhile they're busy trying to convince everyone that the USA is a 'rape culture' lmao). It seems to rustle a lot of jimmies for the PC crowd when people talk about minorities committing crimes, even if they aren't being hateful or generalizing, so instead they ignore them and pretend they don't happen.

    Which Trump wasn't. Hell, he even said they were "not bringing in their best", which directly acknowledges that he wasn't addressing Mexicans as a whole or making any sort of blanket statement. The PC media seems to have missed that part.

    So yes, I don't believe the guy is racist or prejudiced towards any minority or marginalized group. He's just anti-PC and likes to give SJWs the middle finger. Yes, that's bound to rustle a lot of jimmies and push a lot of buttons, but it's still not the same as being racist or sexist. The problem is many seem to think that not being PC makes one racist or something, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Hell I'm very critical of PC culture myself for the most part, but people who know me know that I'm neither of those things and have a heart of gold. I would be willing to hazard a guess that a lot of the support which has been helping him win isn't just from "uneducated" people (though I don't doubt many of them are), but a lot of people in the closet about being anti-PC who are secretly aggravated by the PC controlled environment they live in where you have to walk on eggshells to not offend anyone, and see him as a breath of fresh air.

    However, that's not to say he doesn't go overboard and cross lines. Not with his views and positions/stances, but with his behavior. He is without a doubt narcissistic, and a jerk and a bully. But I think my biggest concern with him is that seems to have a tendency to act before he thinks... which can be potentially dangerous for someone who's in the white house. Could definitely see him starting wars.

    So yes... he's a lot of things but most certainly not a bigot. But of course, anyone in politics who dares shy away from PC by criticizing or challenging it, is gonna get compared to George Wallace.

    Well anyway, hopefully Bernie Sanders can turn this around...
    Last edited by Zak; 14th May 2016 at 10:29 PM.
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    You know I am so burned out on politics I don't care.. I am just staying here in Japan.

  14. #14
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: U.S. (your?) Presidential Election 2016 :)

    *sees that Roy has the latest reply in this thread*

    "Well now I can finally see his opinion..."

    *sees Zak's lengthy reply*

    "A quotewar coming up?"

    *reads Roy's reply*


  15. #15
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    Default Re: U.S. (your?) Presidential Election 2016 :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikachu Yukitatsu View Post
    *sees that Roy has the latest reply in this thread*

    "Well now I can finally see his opinion..."

    *sees Zak's lengthy reply*

    "A quotewar coming up?"

    *reads Roy's reply*

    Sorry, if I were to give my opinion I would go with Hillary Clinton, her husband was pretty moderate and I had a pretty good opinion of her coming out of the Democratic Primary in 2008

  16. #16
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    Bernie Sanders. Failing him, Hillary. I won't support Trump under any circumstances. If the guy has to keep walking back all the nonsense he says (and he does), that's a pretty good indication he doesn't have a brain-mouth filter, and I want a President who has one of those. He's a pompous gasbag that has absolutely no experience nor business being in politics.

  17. #17
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    Trump has never worked a day in his life.
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  18. #18
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Default Re: U.S. (your?) Presidential Election 2016 :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikachu Yukitatsu View Post
    *sees that Roy has the latest reply in this thread*

    "Well now I can finally see his opinion..."

    *sees Zak's lengthy reply*

    "A quotewar coming up?"

    *reads Roy's reply*

    I must say, I'm kind of disappointed. I was looking forward to having some actual discourse.
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zak View Post
    I must say, I'm kind of disappointed. I was looking forward to having some actual discourse.
    Only one thing to do... #unbanDarkSage

  20. #20
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    Somehow I feel like he's not the only one on this forum who would have stuff to say in response to me.
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

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  21. #21
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    I wish there were more hours in the day. I barely have enough time to check in here and there as it is, since I'm moving cross country soon.
    winner of the (a)ncient (2009), (v)intage, (2009), (v)eteran award (2011), (e)veryone wins! (2011),
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    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: U.S. (your?) Presidential Election 2016 :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Link View Post
    Trump has never worked a day in his life.
    Really? He got that 4 billion dollars he's worth by not working, ever?

    Holy shit dude, tell me the secret. I got the not working part down; when's my first million coming in?

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    uh, obviously you rely on your father to get it

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    Quote Originally Posted by kurai View Post
    uh, obviously you rely on your father to get it
    Quote Originally Posted by Oslo View Post
    Tony is gay for little Snorlax.

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    [Democrat] '16!

    I'm pretty scared to see what batshit candidates pop up in future elections after they've seen what kind of behavior/opinions wins primaries now. :-/

  26. #26
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    Donald's victory in the primaries is kind of a parallel to how when the immoral/douchey high-school (or college) jock/bully gets all the girls and practically branch-swings from one to the other, while the lonely timid friendly "nice guy" who did everything his momma taught him frustratedly wonders why.

    It's reality and it happens for a reason. When you go out of your way to pander and have the constant mentality of "oh no what do I say I better not fuck this up", the majority are gonna assume you're easily manipulated and trying too hard to pander and are probably very scared of criticism (and will probably be correct).

    Whereas when you give less fucks, you probably will publicly take a lot of heat or get called an asshole, but at the same time more people will probably like you because it shows that things don't really get to you and you don't let people walk all over you no matter how hard they try. And that really is an admirable trait.

    For the first time in probably ever, Donald tried applying that to politics and sure enough it's working. It would seem not letting yourself be controlled by PC culture is a trait that a lot of people seem to admire enough to support.
    Last edited by Zak; 25th May 2016 at 10:07 AM.
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

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  27. #27
    for all seasons Moderator
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    And that mindset is why America will lose billions of dollars in tourism, should Trump become president.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oslo View Post
    Tony is gay for little Snorlax.

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    In hindsight that may be true, but we can't say that until it happens.

    Either way, that mindset exists for a reason. It's just human nature.
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

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  29. #29
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    Default Re: U.S. (your?) Presidential Election 2016 :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Zak View Post
    Donald's victory in the primaries is kind of a parallel to how when the immoral/douchey high-school (or college) jock/bully gets all the girls and practically branch-swings from one to the other, while the lonely timid friendly "nice guy" who did everything his momma taught him frustratedly wonders why.

    It's reality and it happens for a reason. When you go out of your way to pander and have the constant mentality of "oh no what do I say I better not fuck this up", the majority are gonna assume you're easily manipulated and trying too hard to pander and are probably very scared of criticism (and will probably be correct).

    Whereas when you give less fucks, you probably will publicly take a lot of heat or get called an asshole, but at the same time more people will probably like you because it shows that things don't really get to you and you don't let people walk all over you no matter how hard they try. And that really is an admirable trait.

    For the first time in probably ever, Donald tried applying that to politics and sure enough it's working. It would seem not letting yourself be controlled by PC culture is a trait that a lot of people seem to admire enough to support.
    It does seem like the PC Culture that has become more and more silly these past few years ( Trump 2016 written in chalk on a college campus causes protests ), along with safe zones, trigger words, and all the other stupid shit is contributing to Trump's rise. Despite how much I hate Trump, it is hard to vote against him when you see how his opposition acts, just to spite them.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Karrde View Post
    It does seem like the PC Culture that has become more and more silly these past few years ( Trump 2016 written in chalk on a college campus causes protests ), along with safe zones, trigger words, and all the other stupid shit is contributing to Trump's rise. Despite how much I hate Trump, it is hard to vote against him when you see how his opposition acts, just to spite them.
    I had that as my user title here for that very reason a month back, to see how many jimmies it would rustle. But unfortunately this board isn't active enough anymore to test that.

    Truth is, I do like him for giving that crowd the middle finger, and by that I mean calling them out on their bullshit.

    Hell I don't even hate him all that much. The only reasons I wouldn't vote for him are because A - he acts a lot without thinking and I could see him being a loose cannon starting wars, and B - him being elected isn't gonna make all that stuff go away, unfortunately. It'll only fuel them more.

    Too many SJWs obsessed with "Islamophobia" to the point that they fucking go out of their way to cover up any discussion about the New Years Eve Cologne rape-fest, because it was commited by Muslim refugees? Lmfao.

    That was a pretty brutal and violent crime, it's rather frightening that the same group of people who constantly tries to convince everyone that the USA is a "rape culture", went out of their way to cover up any discussion of something that is an actual rape culture? Really? Just because white people didn't do it?

    Last edited by Zak; 28th May 2016 at 08:12 PM.
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

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  31. #31
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    I dreamed of Donald Trump last night. He was visiting Ylivieska, Finland. He asked me "And who are you?" and I didn't reply anything, we only shook hands.

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    If it was Milo Yiannopoulous (sp?), I would vote for him in a heartbeat.

    No one puts SJWs in their place like he does. Plus he's got self-control.
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Karrde View Post
    Despite how much I hate Trump, it is hard to vote against him when you see how his opposition acts, just to spite them.
    If you want to go spite opposition, don't let me stop you -- there's a whole Internet out there waiting for you, and there's plenty of spite to go around. But I think it's a monumental and disrespectful waste of your vote to spend it against voters you don't like, rather than on the candidate who shares your ideals.

    And before I become a target for derisive terms like "social justice warrior," here's what it all boils down to this for me: Trump does not reflect my ideals in the slightest. I think his supporters are misguided but they're not deserving of my spite or hatred. That's a waste of my time and effort. I'm not focused on them or the choices they make. I'm focused on who I would want in that chair. Trump isn't that person... and so, quite simply, he won't enjoy my vote. Beginning and end.
    Last edited by mattbcl; 1st June 2016 at 01:14 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mattbcl View Post
    If you want to go spite opposition, don't let me stop you -- there's a whole Internet out there waiting for you, and there's plenty of spite to go around. But I think it's a monumental and disrespectful waste of your vote to spend it against voters you don't like, rather than on the candidate who shares your ideals.

    And before I become a target for derisive terms like "social justice warrior," here's what it all boils down to this for me: Trump does not reflect my ideals in the slightest. I think his supporters are misguided but they're not deserving of my spite or hatred. That's a waste of my time and effort. I'm not focused on them or the choices they make. I'm focused on who I would want in that chair. Trump isn't that person... and so, quite simply, he won't enjoy my vote. Beginning and end.
    But see this is my problem, I hate both of them equally right now and can think of things to not vote for either of them.

    Hillary Clinton:
    Pros: Will probably run the country in a more centrist vein like her husband, and will do a pretty good job at it.
    Cons: Is sleezy as hell, and is willing to break the law in any way to gain power and avoid any type of check on her powers.

    Donald Trump:
    Pros: Has good ideas in regards to illegal immigration that is desperately needed.
    Cons: Is sleezy as hell, does not really know what he is doing, and utterly untrustworthy.

    Both of them I completely dislike, so I gotta look for something.. to break the tie, although right now I am leaning toward Hillary if anything because I have a good idea how she will run the country.

  35. #35
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    Of course I have. I've also seen the one where he was at my University (which by the way, thank god I graduated before the SJW era began). You've probably seen it too... if you're familiar with the 'Trigglypuff' meme, that's where it originated.

    Also you should post more often, there's too many White Knights here.
    Last edited by Zak; 6th June 2016 at 01:23 PM.
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

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    I like Milo. I talk to him on Twitter occasionally.

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    Default Re: U.S. (your?) Presidential Election 2016 :)

    Quote Originally Posted by RedStarWarrior View Post
    I like Milo. I talk to him on Twitter occasionally.
    He just got suspended from there :/

    So I shall quote one of his recent tweets which I thought was clever and spot on -

    "The only good thing about being a male feminist is that you'll never have sex with a female feminist."
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

    We're not going to Guam... are we?

  38. #38
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    Default Re: U.S. (your?) Presidential Election 2016 :)

    Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.

  39. #39
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    Default Re: U.S. (your?) Presidential Election 2016 :)

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by kurai View Post
    uh, obviously you rely on your father to get it


    I'm seriously considering a lengthy overseas assignment just to get away from the madness, but in reality it's everywhere. As previously mentioned, there's the Britain First loonies and now they're going around thinking this is Assassin's Creed.

    Part of me kind of wishes I could believe in a promised apocalypse scenario, cause that's sounding like a decent option anymore. Everyone's too busy crying about how much they matter (bunch of special snowflakes) to do anything productive. At least I have no shortage of material for writing papers.
    Last edited by Drusilla; 17th June 2016 at 02:37 PM.

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    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

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  40. #40
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Default Re: U.S. (your?) Presidential Election 2016 :)

    So, in the wake of what's going on, anyone here still 'with her'?
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

    We're not going to Guam... are we?

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