RELEASE THE KARP! (might want to avoid Wonder Trade today.....)
In about seven hours Dookieshed and Nate from You Tube are apparently going to be doing a live stream event via Wonder Trade. The two of them as well as their followers are going to flood Wonder Trade with a ton of Magikarp. This isn't the first time this has been done either:
The above video is from when they did Operation Zubat Storm a couple of months back. Depending on your sense of humor this is either going to be very amusing or very annoying. As you'll see from the video from the previous event they actually had so many people joining in that there were several instances of Zubat for Zubat trades.
Just consider this either fair warning or the call to join the nonsense XD
TPM's self proclaimed firearms expert, former RPG mod, occassional smartass and all around enigmatic wonder ^_~
3DS Friend Code: 3196 4256 7846
XBL: Enigma1985 NYJ
Steam: enigmaticwonder
Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.
Hide in plain sight.
Never compromise the Brotherhood.
Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
-The Assassin's Creed