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Thread: My fanfiction thread is a 404 error now!

  1. #1
    SW-2628-7394-6108 Master Trainer
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    Default My fanfiction thread is a 404 error now!

    I just uploaded a huge chapter to Culture Wars, and now for some reason, whenever I click the thread, I get a 404 error. What's going on? Yikes!

    Fortunately, I was able to go back in my browser, find the "Submit Reply" page, and copy-paste the text, as well as all the text of the first 9 chapters. I thought I almost lost 28,000 words o_o; #panic

    Edit: Apparently, the problem fixed itself... I'm not sure what's up with that. Sorry! I'm just going to leave this here for a little while in case it happens again. I had changed the title to match what's happening in the new chapter, and then it went *poof* x___x;;
    Last edited by Magmar; 11th July 2013 at 12:35 PM.
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  2. #2
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Re: My fanfiction thread is a 404 error now!

    It works okay for me

    X-rated since April 2012!

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: My fanfiction thread is a 404 error now!

    you changed the title and forum urls are now based on the title

    a redirect was probably missing/delayed

  4. #4
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: My fanfiction thread is a 404 error now!

    So can we make two topics with the same name? Does that delete the earlier thread?

  5. #5
    SW-2628-7394-6108 Master Trainer
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    Default Re: My fanfiction thread is a 404 error now!

    Quote Originally Posted by kurai View Post
    forum urls are now based on the title
    Gotcha! Thanks! That explains where the problem came from. Since with time a fanfiction gets quite long it probably takes longer for the thread to adjust to a new title.
    winner of the (a)ncient (2009), (v)intage, (2009), (v)eteran award (2011), (e)veryone wins! (2011),
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