I'm up. I send out you send out and attack?
I'm going to use Dreamcatcher my female Sigilyph with Magical Guard.
Battle meh
I'm up. I send out you send out and attack?
I'm going to use Dreamcatcher my female Sigilyph with Magical Guard.
Last edited by Mr. Madister; 14th September 2012 at 08:52 AM.
Signature under construction (Once I have access to more than a mouseless Macbook and a DSi)
White Version Friend Code: 4041 2948 7053
I'll go with Elektro!
He's my Manectric. Male, Static
Charge, Charge beam, Thunderbolt
Calm Mind x2 ~ Cosmic Power
Signature under construction (Once I have access to more than a mouseless Macbook and a DSi)
White Version Friend Code: 4041 2948 7053
Hmm should probably decide on the arena/rules
Indigo Platue. No OKHOS
Works for me. Now we just need a referee.
Signature under construction (Once I have access to more than a mouseless Macbook and a DSi)
White Version Friend Code: 4041 2948 7053
Still no referee? :<
Signature under construction (Once I have access to more than a mouseless Macbook and a DSi)
White Version Friend Code: 4041 2948 7053
Will ref. Expect it up tonight.
How many Pokemon?
I'm reffing this as a one on one until told otherwise.
Location: Indigo Stadium
Rules: OHKO moves are banned
Abilities: Active
DQ Time: One week
‡ Pre-Round ‡
‡ Round 1 ‡
Good day, all ye who populate ASB! Today, we're in for a treat: zomg, papabopp has returned from wherever he was hiding! Callooh! Callay! Etcetera! To celebrate, Mr. Madister will be joining us for a good ol' Pokemon battle here in that most vanilla of all arenas... Indigo Stadium! Who will come out on top? Who will be left humiliated and forced to crawl home with their tail between their legs? Let's find out!
The trainers release: papabopp summons a snapping thunder doggy to the field while Mr. Madister calls upon a bizarre... flying... thing. Okay. Anyway, commands are issued and the battle begins. Elektro closes his eyes and begins to accrue an electrical Charge as Dreamcatcher enters a zen state of mind. Boosts aplenty.
Elektro: <Charged>
Dreamcatcher: <-4 EP; +1 SpA; +1 SpD>
Elektro puts his Charge to good use with a powerful beam of golden light. It catches one of Dreamcatcher's wings and sends her into a tailspin as the thunder doggy earns a bit of a boost. Huzzah! Dreamcatcher, meanwhile, keeps Calming her Mind.
Elektro: <-2 EP; +1 SpA>
Dreamcatcher: <-12 HP; -4 EP; +1 SpA; +1 SpD>
Elektro sizzles and pops as he directs a heavy jolt of electricity into a forking, long-ranged attack. The sizzling strike catches Dreamcatcher unawares and hurts a good deal, but she merely replies by netting more boosts. The question is, will they pay off in the end?
Elektro: <-7 EP>
Dreamcatcher: <-19 HP; -4 EP; +1 Def; +1 SpD>
‡ Post-Round ‡
> At 0 EP, Pokemon will begin to lose 1 HP for every 2 EP they consume
> Elektro will remained Charged for one more action
> TEAM MR. MADISTER to command next
Last edited by Oslo; 20th September 2012 at 01:26 PM.
Cosmic Power x2 ~ Roost
Signature under construction (Once I have access to more than a mouseless Macbook and a DSi)
White Version Friend Code: 4041 2948 7053
Will charge boost physical Electric attacks as much as special ones? If so, then,
Thunder fang~charge~thunder fang
If not then, Crunch~ Thunder fang~ thunder fang
Yar, Charge boosts all Electric moves.
Location: Indigo Stadium
Rules: OHKO moves are banned
Abilities: Active
DQ Time: One week
‡ Pre-Round ‡
‡ Round 2 ‡
We enter the second round of our little battle as Elektro sinks his sizzly fangs into his crazy bird jar thing I-don't-know-what-else-to-call-it opponent. The attack deals extra damage thanks to the lingering Charge and leaves Dreamcatcher unable to retaliate with a move of her own. Curse you, flinch gods.
Elektro: <-4 EP>
Dreamcatcher: <-16 HP; Fln>
As Elektro builds another Charge, Dreamcatcher directs some Cosmic Power through her body in order to bolster her defences. Methinks the time for that may have passed.
Elektro: <Charged>
Dreamcatcher: <-4 EP; +1 Def; +1 SpD>
Elektro rips into Dreamcatcher with a second Thunder Fang, this one dealing almost as much damage as the last. Dreamcatcher, meanwhile, perches in the middle of the stadium and begins to regain lost health.
Elektro: <-4 EP>
Dreamcatcher: <-15 HP; +15 HP; -13 EP>
‡ Post-Round ‡
> Elektro will remained Charged for two more actions
> TEAM PAPABOPP to command next
Thunder Fang~Charge~Wild Charge
Aerial Ace away from the Thunder Fang, then use Stored Power, then Protect.
Signature under construction (Once I have access to more than a mouseless Macbook and a DSi)
White Version Friend Code: 4041 2948 7053
Location: Indigo Stadium
Rules: OHKO moves are banned
Abilities: Active
DQ Time: One week
‡ Pre-Round ‡
‡ Round 3 ‡
Our battle marches onward as Elektro lunges toward Dreamcatcher with a mouthful of electricity. He opens his mouth wide and prepares to chomp down hard upon his opponent, but Dreamcatcher zips out of harm's way at the last second. The Sigilyph then rakes her pointed tail against Elektro's face, dealing damage to the Manectric at last.
Elektro: <-4 HP; -4 EP>
Dreamcatcher: <-4 EP>
Even though Elektro hasn't expended the entirety of his last Charge, he begins Charging again. Dreamcatcher then erupts with a colossal blast of pink energy that throws Elektro across the stadium. Holy Miltank! Who saw that coming?
Elektro: <-22 HP; Charged>
Dreamcatcher: <-7 EP>
The round comes to an end as Elektro launches his body forward to exact a little vengeance. However, Dreamcatcher hides within a Protective bubble and suffers no damage as a result.
Elektro: <-7 EP>
Dreamcatcher: <-8 EP>
‡ Post-Round ‡
> Elektro will remained Charged for two more actions
> TEAM MR. MADISTER to command next
Stored Power ~ Cosmic Power ~ Stored Power
Signature under construction (Once I have access to more than a mouseless Macbook and a DSi)
White Version Friend Code: 4041 2948 7053
Protect~double team~thunder bolt
Location: Indigo Stadium
Rules: OHKO moves are banned
Abilities: Active
DQ Time: One week
‡ Pre-Round ‡
‡ Round 4 ‡
Elektro is starting to sweat. Even though he's winning by a tidy margin, he knows Dreamcatcher is capable of pulling a comeback after that destructive Stored Power. Thus, when Dreamcatcher rockets off a second energy attack, the Manectric envelops himself in a Protective bubble. The Stored Power bursts against the shield and fizzles away to nothingness.
Elektro: <-8 EP>
Dreamcatcher: <-7 EP>
Eager to maintain his odds, Elektro does a little spin and conjures up four tail-wagging clones who join their master in a queue. Dreamcatcher, meanwhile, bolsters her fighting chances by channeling some vital energy through her delicate body. She hums as her powers of defence increase.
Elektro: <-4 EP; 4 clones>
Dreamcatcher: <-4 EP; +1 Def; +1 SpD>
Elektro erupts with a blaze of light. The electric attack dances across the field and hits its target, diffusing through Dreamcatcher's body... but not nearly as effectively as that Round 1 Thunderbolt. Elektro looks from thunder doggy to thunder doggy before eventually shooting off an attack. The supercharged beam is broad enough to catch two Manectrics in its blast radius: one pup vanishes into thin air, but the other is struck and hurtled backwards. His remaining clones vanish.
Elektro: <-26 HP; -8 EP; 0 clones>
Dreamcatcher: <-13 HP; -7 EP>
‡ Post-Round ‡
> TEAM PAPABOPP to command next
Probably should have put up a light screen much earlier.
Light screen~Wild charge~Thunderfang
If Dreamcatcher is told to use stored power in one of either the second or third action then sub in protect. If they use Stored power in the second action then sub Wild charge for Thunderfang in the third.
Stored Power x3
Signature under construction (Once I have access to more than a mouseless Macbook and a DSi)
White Version Friend Code: 4041 2948 7053
Location: Indigo Stadium
Rules: OHKO moves are banned
Abilities: Active
DQ Time: One week
‡ Pre-Round ‡
‡ Round 5 ‡
With the health differential the smallest its been since the match's beginning, all eyes are on the battlers to see what's gonna go down from here. Elektro releases an energy pulse that takes the shape of a golden plate of light suspended before him. Dreamcatcher, meanwhile, erupts with yet another blast of Stored Power. The broad beam passes through the Light Screen before hitting Elektro for weaker damage. And with that, his lead is gone.
Elektro: <-13 HP; -4 EP; LSn>
Dreamcatcher: <-7 EP>
Dreamcatcher keeps up the assault, flapping her spindly wings hard and shooting off another Stored Power attack. Elektro once again goes on the defensive, this time with a Protective shield that stops the Sigilyph's attack wholesale.
Elektro: <-8 EP>
Dreamcatcher: <-7 EP>
As flickers of light cover his frame, Elektro bounds toward Dreamcatcher for a full-bodied tackle. He electro-tackles the ornamental bird thing hard to the ground but ends up botching the landing in his recklessness, lighting injuring his shoulder in the process. Doing what she does best, Dreamcatcher strikes hard with yet another Stored Power. Light Screen or no, Elektro feels its effects.
Elektro: <-13 HP; -3 HP recoil; -7 EP>
Dreamcatcher: <-13 HP; -7 EP>
‡ Post-Round ‡
> Elektro's Light Screen will remain in effect for three more actions
> TEAM MR. MADISTER to command next
Last edited by Oslo; 12th October 2012 at 12:19 AM.
Stored Power x3
Signature under construction (Once I have access to more than a mouseless Macbook and a DSi)
White Version Friend Code: 4041 2948 7053
Wild Charge+Wild Charge+ Wild Charge
Location: Indigo Stadium
Rules: OHKO moves are banned
Abilities: Active
DQ Time: One week
‡ Pre-Round ‡
‡ Round 6 ‡
It's down to this! All eyes are shielded as Elektro begins to generate an astonishing amount of electricity that folds around his body like golden armour. He throws his body at Dreamcatcher and pins the spindly Flyer to the ground with one reckless leap. He incurs a little recoil from the botched landing, but when the electricity fades comes apparent that doesn't matter: sprawled out on the ground, Dreamcatcher lies stiff and unmoving. Put a fork in her, 'cause she's d-d-done.
Elektro: <-6 HP recoil; -21 EP>
Dreamcatcher: <-27 HP; -7 EP>
‡ Post-Round ‡
Good work, guys! It would have been cool to see a Flyer take down an Electric-type but, alas, combos kills are dangerous beasts. Still, it was tremendously close which made for an exciting match. For a well-fought battle, papabopp takes home two points while Mr. Madister gets one. Oslo also gets two.
*vanishes in a puff of Sears catalogues*
Last edited by Oslo; 12th October 2012 at 12:08 PM.