Da hell? How'd I forget the link
Posting it for my satisfaction
Oh boy, this is gonna sap me of some points, but I've been putting this off for far too long.
It's evolution time.
-3 points
Experience: Same battle as for Snake
-3 points
-3 points
Experience: Not needed
-4 points
-3 points
Grand total: -16 points
Bank Post
Da hell? How'd I forget the link
Posting it for my satisfaction
Perfect Chaos gave me a Female Psyduck under the tree.
Thanks again! Her Ability shall be Cloud Nine. Name Psyiyie unless I come up with a better one later.
Final pickings from the soon to be firewood
Name Pending (m) Harvest
Approving La Polla Loca who learned Eruption a while ago.
Also approving Oregon, a male Yanmega with Speed Boost and Hex.
i'm just starting out and i want to do this team
@Iron Fist
@Rock Head
@Run Away
Welcome aboard. Approved.
Oh em gee you guys, my first evolution :3 Since I read that I'm allowed to do this while the battle's still going on after the Pokemon in question has fainted... I'm going to pay 3 points to evolve Orion, my white Charmander into a Charmeleon
[Orion] Charmander ♂ Blaze
Bank - http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/sh...postcount=1449
Exp - http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/sh...268#post563268
[Orion] Charmeleon ♂ Blaze
Then I'm going to use a Large Stone I got at the Tree to evolve him once more into a Charizard. I'm also going to change his ability from Blaze to Solar Power.
Gift Stone One of Two from the Tree - http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/sh...507#post561507
[Orion] Charizard ♂ Solar Power
What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?
Adopted Pokemon . ASB
I've never really played Metal Gear Solid, I just happen to know a bit about the franchise from watching some youtube videos.
So if that's what you're referencing, it went almost completely over my head. xD My servine's name is a reference to solid snake, yes, but I don't know the other two people you may be referencing there
Skye: Approved
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Gonna register...
Meditite (M Pure Power)
Yanma (M Compound Lens)
Mudkip (M Torrent)
Aron (M Sturdy)
You sir, are good to go. Now go battle!
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
oooooook, got 9 pokemon from the Breeding (was going to give some of the away, but maybe I can sell them in the trading tower (or not)).
Karrablast (F) @No Guard
Name: karracocktail (lolwut?)
Bellsprout (M) @Gluttony
Name: Venus
Tirtouga (M) @Solid Rock
Name: Gatrie
Staryu @Analytic
Name: Link (I think there's a double pun in there somewhere)
Wailmer (M) @Pressure
Name: Blowhole
Stunky (F) @Keen Eye
Name: Little Stinker
Skarmory (F) @Weak Armor
Name: Domo Arigato (keep in mind my other skarmory is Male with the Name "Robirdo"... I kid you not, I didn't even change his name Since I got it a week or two ago!)
Diglett (M) @Sand Force
Name: Mystery
Spinda (F) @Contrary
Name: Whoops
forgot to do these when i got them so im doing them now
first I got a Female Swinub from Perfect Chaos @Snow Warning gonna name her Bacon (I think Swinubs are related to pigs XD)
Next is a Male Basculin @Swift Swim gonna name him Phirana (cant spell tonight)
<a href="http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showthread.php?t=25324&page=7
link for first two
Third is a Female Ninetales @Flash Fire name=Naruto (favorite anime character)
Last is a Female Lapras @Water Absorb name= Kisame Hoshigaki (second favorite)
<a href="http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showthread.php?t=25324&page=6
link for last two
my three eggs hatched into the following Pokémon.
Pineco F: looks at my Fortress and Ditto snuck yet another of their eggs into the center... -_-
Cleffa M: wrong gender! -_- I was hopping for a female so I could call her Navi.
Cleffa|Lucifer|Male|Friend Guard
Natu F: Finally a Natu however it's the wrong gender my Natu I had before was Male, but I'll admit that I did not like the restart do to not being able to use my old team which I worked hard for, that and not getting to explore the historic parks of #009-14 Industries and Firestorm98 Egg Park, and why I don't really like the current safari zone... -_- I vow one day Firestorm Industries will rise from the ashes! but while she is not the same Natu I once had I'll take her...
Now since I bought three eggs dunning that deal I received a free small stone I'm using it on my Tepig to evole him into a Pignite...
Tepig|Porkchop|Male|Blaze -> Pignite|Snortsalot|Male|Blaze
~Charles Legend
Last edited by Charles Legend; 12th August 2012 at 05:13 PM.
ASB VS Seeker Profile
“If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein
"The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to risk the consequences." --from Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham
"To build a story world, the author must be part artist, part engineer, and sometimes part mad scientist.." --from Fundamentals of world building by Jessie Verino
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates
Don't mean to burst your bubble Charles but don't think you're allowed to change the genders of the Pokemon you receive. Says so in the Rules tower IIRC
Decided to return to ASB since i have some time on my hands now These are pokemon that i need to get approved from ages ago can i still get them approved?
okies, these are from people from the 2011 summer tree i know ages ago
firstly, from Metallixs Girl:
Dunsparce (F)
Ability: Serene Grace
link: http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/sh...&postcount=322
secondly, from Cynder:
Mr. Bubbles
Wooper (F)
Ability: Water Absorb
link: http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/sh...&postcount=342
thirdly, from Crystal Tears:
Meganium (M)
Ability: Overgrow
link: http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/sh...&postcount=366
Absol (M)
Ability: Super Luck
link: http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/sh...&postcount=375
thanks a heap
An evolution, plox!
Dear lord I can't wait to see how the color scheme works on this one
Bank post: Esta’ Aqui’
Experience: this battle
Last edited by BTPoke; 10th August 2012 at 09:05 AM.
Comer Faust * Icicle Crash& Lightning Rod
Sorry Grey, he didn't make the Troopers.(Yet...) But people are getting cut from there, you'll see. Gonna have to really rotate that squad to make it less hard on myself XD
Tentacool ish maine. Ability is the one where if you suck health from it, it hurts the reciever.
Autumn Sap Sipper
Now. I'll fix my seeker a bit rtomorrow
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Aquafresh my female Lapras and Puff my male Hydreigon have learned Megahorn and Dragon Dance respectively from the Tutor Shop.
Liquid Ooze
Move Tutorin'
Dendro (f) Poison Touch @ Mega Horn
Sent Yum Kaax (I really need a new name) for some dance lessons at the Tutor Shop
Yum Kaax [M]
*Dragon Dance
Everyone's approved.
Coming back from the Move Tutor Shop myself with some new toys:
>.> Wtf Sceptile and DD? Siickness . Approved. Hrm..I have a Toxicroak as well...a damn fearless one too...
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Been contemplating doing this for a while now, but figured might as well do it now.
EXP | Points | Large Stone
Going to evolve Ifrit, my Cyndaquil, into Quilava and then straight into Typhlosion
... ...
@Flash Fire
I feel I need another Evo
Evolving Casenova, my Male torchic, twice using the small stone and Large stone I got from here (may as well use those two from the tree before I forget about them) all the way up to a Blaziken!
Better watch out, Oslo. Next time I battle you, our Blaziken better be duking it out
nevermind. I'm going to have to hold off on that, considering I just now realized Casenova's in the battle w/ Wolfsong that I didn't remember until now :3
Last edited by BTPoke; 23rd August 2012 at 09:07 PM.
Evolving again!
[Season] Deerling ♀ Chlorophyll
[Season] Sawsbuck ♀ Serene Grace
Exp: http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/sh...003#post566003
Bank: http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/sh...postcount=1462
What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?
Adopted Pokemon . ASB
I get a free catch/evo for winning a gym battle correct? if so, i'm evovling Ivy my Servine into serperior.
Servine (F)
Ability: Overgrow
Serperior (F)
Ability: Contrary
And i'd also like to evolve my Purrloin nala.
She had her experience here
Paid here.
She had her experience here
Purrloin (F)
Ability: Limber
Liepard (F)
Ability: Limber
Yo Grey, mind giving us an approval please? I'd like to take my new Typhlosion to the Tutor Shop before its too late
Evolving yet again!
[Nemesis] Eevee ♀ Adaptability
[Nemesis] Umbreon ♀ Synchronize
Exp: http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/sh...467#post567467
Bank: http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/sh...539#post567539
What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?
Adopted Pokemon . ASB
Sorry, everyone. Had meant to take care of this ages ago.
Getting Jabin approved again now that he knows Sacred Sword
Gallade M
Ability: Steadfast
Sacred Sword
Apprizzoved before snide comments erupt.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Evolving another one :3
[Ashes] Cyndaquil ♀ Blaze
[Ashes] Quilava ♀ Blaze
Exp: http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/sh...585#post568585
Bank: http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/sh...658#post568658
Last edited by Skye; 7th September 2012 at 07:47 PM.
What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?
Adopted Pokemon . ASB