I'll take the Pawniard, please!
Giving away!
Tangela F
Snover M
Pidgey F
Stunfisk M
Growlithe M
Pawniard M
Solosis M
One per person, please! Since I can't give away a million like the other folks here.
I'll take the Pawniard, please!
Oh the solosis! I want it so bad!
I swear, I`ll be giving away some gifts too...
Hmm...I have a plethora of Fire-types already...ah what the hell
I'll take the Growlithe Gigya, thanks
Could I have the Pidgey?
What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?
Adopted Pokemon . ASB
um i was wondering if i had to approve my large and small stones (see im still a noob at this)
so if someone could tell me that would be great
hey gig could i have the snover (my first ice-type XD)
Last edited by Greyfox; 16th July 2012 at 10:40 PM.
You don't need to get them approved Emerald just save the links so you can show them in the future whenever you plan on using them.
Adding the links to your Vs. Seeker would be your best bet
I'd like the Snover
Ash, Emerald already claimed the Snover.
What's left:
Tangela F
Stunfisk M
Turtwig M and F
Cyndaquil M
Totodile F
Piplup F
Sableye M - @Stall
Ash0011: Torchic F, Snivy F, Totodile M, Aerodactyl F.
BTPoke: Claydol.
Chobi Chibi: Tepig F, Eevee M.
Chris 2.1: Chimchar M.
Cynder: Piplup M, Eevee F.
DarkestLight: Sawsbuck F.
Emerald_Gen.3: Torchic M, Chimchar F, Squirtle M,, Blaziken M.
EraGam: Snivy M, Mudkip M, Oshawott F.
Gigya: Charmander M, Mudkip F.
Perfect Chaos: Bulbasaur M, Treecko M, Eevee M.
RaZoR LeAf: Tauros M.
Skye: Cyndaquil F, Totodile F.
Wolfsong: Treecko F.
Same rules apply. If you haven't already gotten three gifts from me, you can feel free to choose another.
Meanwhile, I've got a list of specifics here:
Ayeun, I'm giving you one of my latest catches because, why not? Here's Tam, my Illumise with @Prankster.
Cynder, you are constantly proving yourself a worthwhile asset of this forum, so I'm granting you a wish... sorta. You've been clamoring for *Aeroblast for a long time now, and while I can't necessarily give it to any of your pokémon, I can give you Falconzord, my male pidgeot with @Keen Eye... who just so happens to've just learned the attack!
DarkeskLight, you're a samurai, and I want to give you one of my favorite pokémon -- Comar Faust, my male marowak. He's got @Lightningrod and has recently learned *Icicle Crash. Enjoy!
Oslo, you won't be back until after the tree is cut down and sold to slavery, but when you get back, there'll be a gift for you in the spot where it used to be. Oregon, my male yanmega with @Speed Boost belongs to you now. He's got *Hex.
RaZoR LeAf, you've come and gone and come again much like myself. I'm giving you one of my favorite gen 4 pokémon -- Danaë, my female lucario with @Steadfast and *Magnet Bomb. She'll be a great asset to your team.
Last edited by Greyfox; 17th July 2012 at 06:47 PM.
fudge I need to read these better, how about the tangela then?
oOOH And I was considering rocking Marowak for the Gym too >.> This might have to transpire. Thankee!
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
I guess for my second pick from Greyfox, I'd like to request his female Totodile xD
What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?
Adopted Pokemon . ASB
...You're giving me THE Falconzord? o:
With Aeroblast? o:
Hey Gigya, I'll take the Stunfisk. Now that gives me two!
And I suppose there's one Pokemon that just doesn't sit right with my team, so if anyone wishes to have Jade, the male Yanma with Compoundeyes, then it's all yours.
Alright, that's all for this week. I might do this again next week.
EDIT: Everyone who asked for one of my gift poke's, it's yours, just get it approved.
giving 5 points to Cynder for the little (secret) sprite Project she did for me (Thanks)
Bank Post
Thanks for the points, and I'll work on the avatar when I get the time :3 (what you asked for is fine, by the way! x3)
One more week for the tree. Might have a slew of stuff to give out too...depending on how I feel tonight.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
You're feeling like you should win "Most Generous" at the ASB Awards![]()
Now that I think about it, Cyn, you should really consider spriting it so that it looks like the actual Falconzord. That there would make it beastly.
That is one kick-ass looking Pidgeot Cyn![]()
Yep, it was pretty much the first thing I did after I got him xD
Seriously Cynder, I'm very jelly of your spriting skills![]()
I want to take spriting lessons from Cynder the Falconzord looks amazing
Ok. In no particular order
Perfect Chaos
You guys really gave ASB a much needed boost, and I appreciate that. So, since I have a disgusting habit of hoarding points, I'm going to toss out even spattering of 25 points to each of ya. Yeap yeap, that should fuel your team efforts for a while.
Don't think I missed any of the newbies...I hope :/ Even though BT is suddenly rich..
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Suddenly... points. Points everywhere. Thank you, DL! Once I'm off my laptop-that-suddenly-only-lets-InternetExplorer-work and onto my Google Chrome-Using Computer, I'll get onto reffing some shtuff.
I have 25 new points... THANKS DARKLY![]()
A wild DARKESTLIGHT appears!
Points scattered everywhere!.
Seriously Darkly, thank you very mucho for generous donation to the Perfect Chaos Miscreant Foundation! We'll make sure all funds are used for the sole purpose of raising hell here in the TPML!
o.o; Daaamn. *hugs DarkestLight* Thank you!![]()
What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?
Adopted Pokemon . ASB
Do I even DO ASB anymore?
Probably not. Maybe so. But certainly not enough to warrant a team of 32 Pokemon. So...
"Blastboxer" Exploud(F) - Soundproof
"Lady Bow" Gastly(F) - Levitate
"Il Piantissimo" Smeargle(M) - Technician
"Seedy Sally" Aipom(F) - Pick Up
"Robirdo" Skarmory(M) - Keen Eye
"Hooktail" Flygon(M) - Levitate
"Preying Mantas" Frillish(M) - Cursed Body
"Drillbit Crab" Dwebble(M) - Shell Armor
"Blizzaurus" Lapras(F) - Water Absorb
??? Ninetales(F) - Flash Fire
"Tutankoopa" Cofagrigus(M) - Mummy
??? Ninjask(M) - Compoundeyes
"Bony Beetle" Shedinja(N) - Speed Boost
??? Bronzong(N) - Levitate
??? Victreebel(F) - Chlorophyll
??? Frillish - Cursed Body
??? Krabby(M) - Hyper Cutter
??? Larvitar(F) - Guts
??? Darumaka(F) - Inner Focus
??? Deino(F) - Hustle
??? Croagunk(M) - Poison Touch
??? Teddiursa(M) - Quick Feet
It's first-come-first-serve.
Dig in, kids!![]()
Also the skarmory, plz, if taking 2 at a time is alright.
I'll have your Aipom please Blade. And your Shedinja too. And if three's not overdoing it, then Deino as well, thanks.
Might I have your Larvitar? :3
What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?
Adopted Pokemon . ASB
I actually didn't consider that... Well, you asked nicely, so I guess it's fine.
Not nice enough. The first two I'll allow but for the time being you should be more gracious of the newer folks. You have like 40 Pokemon in that banner anyway.
Go for it.