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Thread: Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

  1. #1
    Cloyster Moderator
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    Default Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

    It's finally happening, the rumor mill has been churning away lately, and today we finally got what has been the closest thing yet to confirmation that Nintendo is revealing a new console at E3. Multiple gaming sites, including IGN and Kotaku are now reporting that Nintendo is set to unveil the successor to the Wii at its annual E3 press conference, which is expected to be June 6 this year based on the dates of Nintendo's past pressers.

    According to these reports, the system will be more powerful than the Wii's main competitors, the Xbox 360 and PS3, and will be aimed at hardcore gamers. Other features the new console is reported to have include backwards compatibility with Wii software, and support for resolutions up to 1080p. It's also being reported that Nintendo has already shown the system off to third parties.

    Earlier rumors have claimed that the new console will sport a powerful quad-core processor, Blu-Ray compatibility, and a built-in projector allowing the system to be played without even being hooked up to a TV.

    Whether or not there is any truth to these rumors might be revealed sooner rather than later. According to IGN, although the new system won't be unveiled until E3, a formal announcement by Nintendo is expected as soon as later this month. Stay tuned for more!
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    Default Re: Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

    This soon already? Wow
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    Default Re: Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

    They've released all their latest consoles on a 5-year cycle. The Wii came out in 2006, so 2011 would be right on schedule. If the new one is really coming out in 2012, that would actually make it a year late.
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    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

    NES: 1985
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    ...This isn't very surprising. Or soon.

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    Cheesecake! Moderator
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    Default Re: Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

    The projector part has me half-sold.
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    Cloyster Moderator
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    Default Re: Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

    So, I've been following the rumors on this thing all day... yeah, you need a scorecard just to keep track of it all. Here's what I've gathered:

    -It's codenamed Project Butterfly
    -It's codenamed Project Café
    -It'll have a quad-core processor
    -It'll have a tri-core processor
    -It'll be almost as powerful as the 360
    -It'll be "a notch above" the 360
    -It'll be comparable to the PS3
    -It'll be way more powerful than the PS3
    -It's confirmed that it'll support Blu-Ray
    -It's not confirmed yet if it'll support Blu-Ray
    -It's coming out in late 2012
    -It's coming out in early 2012
    -It's coming out in late 2011

    ... and then there's the controller. If I got this all straight, it's going to have dual-analog control, better motion control than the Move, a built-in camera, and (I wish I was making this up) a 6'' HD touchscreen (because HD resolution is so crucial to a 6'' screen amirite?). Trying to picture how they're going to include all of that on one controller is worse than trying to visualize 4 spacial dimensions. Apparently, it can also stream games from the console, function as a sensor bar, make you a sandwich, and cure cancer.

    But in all seriousness, the one thing that's been setting off my BSometer is the touchscreen, considering similar rumors were going around before the unveiling of the Wii and obviously never came true. I also haven't heard anything else on the projector, sadly. Supposedly though, there's supposed to be another surprise at E3, and maybe that's it? I don't know what to make of the other info, since none of it appears to be consistent. Welcome to the pre-launch, folks.
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    Default Re: Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

    The controller sounds like it's going to be shaped like half of a DS...

    Six inch screen, though? How the fuck will they fit that on a controller? It'll have to be the size of a frigging Xbox controller.

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    Default Re: Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post
    The controller sounds like it's going to be shaped like half of a DS...

    Six inch screen, though? How the fuck will they fit that on a controller? It'll have to be the size of a frigging Xbox controller.
    Sounds like something to look forward to though.

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    I just hope it doesn't come with a stylus AND a motion sensor. My brain can't wrap around that shit.

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    I know one thing it's going to cost as much as the Wii did plus an Arm and a Leg, and most likely be just as hard to find as it was as well... -_-

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    Default Re: Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

    I wonder what this means for Sony and Microsoft? I read somewhere awhile ago how neither company were intending on releasing any new console until 2014-2015.

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    Default Re: Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

    Most likely, it means Nintendo is going to get an early lead, which will lead to one of 2 things:

    1. Microsoft or Sony abandons their current plans in order to rush out the Xbox 720 or PS4 (respectively) a year or more early, potentially putting them even further in the shitter than they are now.

    2. Nothing changes, and this becomes the first generation in history where Nintendo has released two different home consoles, and their next one that will compete with the PS4/Xbox 720 isn't due until at least 2018.

    Considering how far behind the Wii is graphically and that its successor is (for this day and age) also behind, I can see a lot of idiotic jokes in the future about this new system being 'seven and a half gen' or some such. Time will tell, I suppose.

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    Default Re: Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

    I want the Wii Successor, badly. It took me while to get the Wii and it seems that this time around Nintendo is going to go all out for their fan base. >_>
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    Default Re: Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

    Today's big news seems to be that Nintendo Life started casting doubts on the Project Cafe rumors. They claim to have "inside sources" (just like everyone else), and claim to have info on the new console that's so juicy that they can't reveal it, but they do make a good argument for why Project Cafe isn't the real story on the new console.

    They say that Nintendo wouldn't use a French word for the codename. Nintendo does usually use English words, like Dolphin and Revolution, but cafe is also commonly used in English, so it can be considered a valid word in both languages. But the thing that convinces me is that they also mention that the screen makes no sense. 6 inches is way too big, and also why have a screen when you can just use a 3DS?

    My thoughts are that Nintendo will go with an evolution of the Wiimote and Nunchuck, one that would have all the buttons of a classic controller, so the Wiimote+Nunchuck combo could be used for all games.

    Well, whatever it is, we could find out next week. Nintendo is having an investor meeting next Tuesday in Japan, so the announcement could coincide with that.
    Last edited by Jeff; 18th April 2011 at 10:07 PM.
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    Default Re: Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post
    Six inch screen, though? How the fuck will they fit that on a controller? It'll have to be the size of a frigging Xbox controller.
    Called it.

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    Dun get why they dun just use their new portable as a subsidiary controller. :/ Wold be easy. Oh hey, play as console....then wanna level while on the go, take 3DS and play weird 3D minigames where they fight while you walk around :/

    Sync back up with new system, and continue on. Would save a hell of alot on development time :/ Not saying it would be the only controller, but it would be nice to have that option.

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    Default Re: Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

    Remember the Super Game Boy? Or the GBA cable that connected your GameBoy Advance to your Gamecube?

    It's about time for a new one of those, Nintendo. Get to work.

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    Default Re: Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

    The maker of SSF4 did mention a while back that the 3DS version will have some sort of connectivity with a console but he wouldn't be able to talk about it until E3. Sounds to me like there'll be more emphasis on connectivity this gen, which will be good to see.
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    Default Re: Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

    Very good to see. I still rock the GBASP cable, lol.

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    Default Re: Wii successor rumored to be revealed at E3, released in 2012

    Lucky bastard.

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