15th December 2010, 12:31 PM
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] All trips welcome!
Alright, let's try digging around the beached whales so they can get loose. Then we'll try the Strength/Helping Hand combo again.
15th December 2010, 08:07 PM
18th December 2010, 12:24 AM
2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold
Veteran Trainer
18th December 2010, 02:58 AM
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] All trips welcome!
Let's keep at it. Wailord crew, you know what to do.
When we finish here, we'll take another well-deserved break.
23rd December 2010, 04:55 PM
23rd December 2010, 10:58 PM
2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold
Veteran Trainer
23rd December 2010, 11:21 PM
25th December 2010, 09:13 PM
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] All trips welcome!
Two down, two to go...
Falconzord, meanwhile, check out that stream for anything suspicious.
26th December 2010, 11:26 AM
2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold
Veteran Trainer
26th December 2010, 12:09 PM
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] All trips welcome!
Let's investigate this shimmering sea then..
27th December 2010, 02:48 PM
I prefer "Bopp" to "Papa"
Cool Trainer
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] All trips welcome!
so Darkest, would you like to ref my first trip in the safari zone?
27th December 2010, 04:38 PM
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] All trips welcome!
Make a post in this thread, Papa.
27th December 2010, 11:33 PM
28th December 2010, 08:43 PM
2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold
Veteran Trainer
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] All trips welcome!
Saf Zone: Greyfox 80
Quest in ????
3 Ultra
|| ||
Caucus M || Falconzord M || Fenrir
Poison Heal On (+3) || Keen Eye || Synchronize
100/73 || 100/100 || 100/90
You make your way over, as Falcon and Caucus watch from above. That massive Wailord...if it even is a Wailord, starts to shiver oddly. You dash past and make for the stream, diving at it with Fenrir. The stream doesn't vanish, but you note it leads up away from this beach, to a weird alcove that goes underground. Falco caws...and you look up.
The stream seems to stretch for miles, but you see something with piercing blue eyes stare at you from beyond the mists.
What do you do?
Saf Zone: Wolfsong 60
Quest in Sunshine Fields
3 Ultra
|| ||
Rick || Ziva || Jabin
Pickup || Steadfast || Steadfast
100/82 || 100/56 || 100/36
Yay for freshness
You aren't sure what's up with that, but you follow anyway. The Ivysaur is oblivious to you, and the Budew trailing, even though the Budew all smell kinda sweet. It even relaxes you and soon you find yourself lagging behind.
The Shadow of a Fearow circles over head, and a Clefairy bounds by. The heck?
What do you do?
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
28th December 2010, 08:48 PM
28th December 2010, 08:52 PM
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] All trips welcome!
Let's see what's on the other side of that mist. I wanna meet the thing behind those piercing blue eyes.
28th December 2010, 09:00 PM
2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold
Veteran Trainer
28th December 2010, 09:02 PM
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] All trips welcome!
As you said, we're eager to mothereffin' explore this place. Let's do it, team!
28th December 2010, 09:06 PM
28th December 2010, 09:20 PM
2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold
Veteran Trainer
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] All trips welcome!
Saf Zone: Greyfox 82
Quest in ????
3 Ultra
|| ||
Caucus M || Falconzord M || Fenrir
Poison Heal On (+3) || Keen Eye || Synchronize
100/73 || 100/100 || 100/90
You dive in, Pokmeon following. Caucus lands next to you and Falcon flies overhead. Fenrir keeps stride with you, and you jump over rocks, splashing through shimmering stream and bogs. Many an insect clears out of your way as you runs for the blue streak left behind by those eyes.
You stop, and the eyes float there, a half mile off still. They study you, and Falcon. Falcon can't see to see it fully either.
What do you do?
Saf Zone: Wolfsong 62
Quest in Sunshine Fields
3 Ultra
|| ||
Rick || Ziva || Jabin
Pickup || Steadfast || Steadfast
100/82 || 100/56 || 100/36
Yay for freshness
The Budew notes you aren't moving and looks up. She sees the sphere, hears your ultimatum and sighs. Yeah, she's down for capture. You drop it, and it connects with her bulb. In a flash, shes sucked away, and the sphere teleports back to the front Desk.
You now look up, making sure you arent swooped at. You crouch, and wipe your pants off. They're circling you alright, as a few more fly over from the west, where that Ivysaur came from. Maybe its the sweet scent?
What do you do?
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
28th December 2010, 09:23 PM
28th December 2010, 09:25 PM
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] All trips welcome!
Caucus, if you're with us, use your Mind Reader to scope this thing out for us. Otherwise, I'll just hafta more forward a bit to get a better look.
28th December 2010, 09:57 PM
2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold
Veteran Trainer
28th December 2010, 09:59 PM
28th December 2010, 10:00 PM
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] All trips welcome!
Fenrir, use Flash, Caucus, Mind Reader once more. I wanna know what this thing is. If it tries to escape, Fenrir, use Mean Look!
28th December 2010, 10:07 PM
2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold
Veteran Trainer
28th December 2010, 10:10 PM
28th December 2010, 10:10 PM
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] All trips welcome!
Phione? Did you lose someone, little one? Is there someone looking for you?
29th December 2010, 06:45 PM
2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold
Veteran Trainer
30th December 2010, 11:35 AM
30th December 2010, 12:18 PM
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] All trips welcome!
Let's follow him... her... whatever it is...
30th December 2010, 06:06 PM
2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold
Veteran Trainer
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] Grey, Wolf, Chaos, Papa, DF and C~Dub
Saf Zone: Greyfox 86
Quest in Hidden Valley
3 Ultra
|| ||
Caucus M || Falconzord M || Fenrir
Poison Heal On (+3) || Keen Eye || Synchronize
100/73 || 100/100 || 100/90
You follow, eager to search this place. Taking danger by the hand you haphazardly lunge past a barrier set of rock and slide down a hillside, to keep up with Phione. Falcon dives in low to stay in sight and Fenrir lets Caucus catch a lift. The four of you stop for a moment as Phione stops over a pool.
You note the flora is VERY VERY plump and vibrant. Wonder what made this place special?
What do you do?
Saf Zone: Wolfsong 66
Quest in Ivy Woods
2 Ultra
|| ||
Rick || Ziva || Jabin
Pickup || Steadfast || Steadfast
100/82 || 100/56 || 100/36
Yay for freshness
Creeping along, you and Ziva seem quite calm in a forest with very few sounds. Ziva stops suddenly, causing you to pause. You loo past Ziva, and note quite large depressions in the ground below you.
What do you do?
((C~Dub. I found the last post pertaining to your zone that you didn't reply to, and pasted it here.))
Saf Zone: C~Dub 5
Quest in Abandoned Playhouse
2 Poke
Digit || Bronco
Both 100%
One finger shoots for the sky, and Bronco gives a lighthearted hop-and a massive flap of his wings. The first thing you note is the house. It moved. Scary. Bronco achieves lift and peers over the roof, bearing witness to a dirty storm drain, and a Bronzor rocking in it lazily.
Also up here, near the apex of the roof, was a Cyndaquil sunning itself.
Down by you, Digit beeps, alerting you to a crunching sound heading your way. You both look and see a Metang come around from the back of the house. It stops walking on both hands and floats upon registering your presence. Dun really...look..hostile.
What do you do?
Saf Zone: papabopp 1
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
3 Ultra, 2 Great, 1 Poke
|| ||
Hydro || Luna || Rich
Torrent || Early Bird || Swarm
100/82 || 100/56 || 100/36
Its gonna be a hot one.
*Bwafwash!* You are up..over and gone. With a flash, you four are smack damn on the coastal bay of Shinsuke volcano. It looms over you, a massive structure of natural upheaval. While the volcano looms in the foreground, you note the pagoda roofed building stretching to the sky in the northeast. It seems to sway with the heated breeze. Luna seems to enjoy the place thus far.
What do you do?
Saf Zone: Dogfish 33(1)
Quest in Skyline Terrace
1 Ultra, 1 Great
Ectabat || Gulliver
Both 100%
Heeding the Exeggutor's advice, you knock politely before stepping into the conference room. Chairs are arrange in an orchestral setting, and on the stage sits Mortimer, quite satisfied within his own grandeur (as vacant as it may be) Upon your arrival, he claps and hops out of his chair. Before you can get a word out, he's already on the assumed offensive.
"You! Ha, I knew you would return to turn yourself in! Come come now, you and your folk may be given leniency when you return the children to me and plead guilty to a most heinous crime indeed! To think; you were a mere visitor, ha!"
What do you do?
Last edited by DarkestLight; 30th December 2010 at 06:50 PM.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
30th December 2010, 07:09 PM
30th December 2010, 07:11 PM
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] Grey, Wolf, Chaos, Papa, DF and C~Dub
Falconzord and Caucus -- keep looking around. Fenrir, try to communicate with Phione. Ask him/her if this place has any secrets that I should know about.
30th December 2010, 07:12 PM
Advanced Trainer
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] Grey, Wolf, Chaos, Papa, DF and C~Dub
Oh good, he's awake. I'll explain and show him the letter. Perhaps he knows who uses this letterhead.
Back bitches
30th December 2010, 07:29 PM
2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold
Veteran Trainer
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] Grey, Wolf, Chaos, Papa, DF and C~Dub
Saf Zone: Greyfox 87
Quest in Hidden Valley
3 Ultra
|| ||
Caucus M || Falconzord M || Fenrir
Poison Heal On (+3) || Keen Eye || Synchronize
100/73 || 100/100 || 100/90
Fenrir and Phione manage to exchange a few sounds. You learn that this Valley is enchanted by the Legends of Water, but that currently, the flow of water is obstructed.
Falcon flies about, and just sees a bunch of lush plant life.
Caucus comes back, eating massive grapes. He says he saw a few Carnivine floating around a few feet to the east.
What do you do?
Saf Zone: Wolfsong 67
Quest in Ivy Woods
2 Ultra
|| ||
Rick || Ziva || Jabin
Pickup || Steadfast || Steadfast
100/82 || 100/56 || 100/36
Yay for freshness
You kneel and note the depressions lead forward. The footprints are massive, with 4 toes onto the front. The claws on the footprints dug deep into the ground. Ziva and you look down where they lead, and see a massive path of destruction. You also see a path heading west, away from the tracks.
What do you do?
Saf Zone: Dogfish 34(2)
Quest in Skyline Terrace
1 Ultra, 1 Great
Ectabat || Gulliver
Both 100%
You take a step back, and cut him off before he spews anymore nonsense. Upon confrontation with the letter, Mortimer steps back, flabbergasted. "What the deuce do you show me this for?!? I wouldn't know who conso--" His voice fades off as he actually reads the part about the next kidnapping.
"Tha--that--that's me! My god, that's me! I'm that next target. By George sir, this is a breakthrough. Come quick, we must tell all law enforcement about this! There isn't a moment to lose!!"
The stuffy Psyduck waddles toward the door, eager to reveal what you've just told him.
What do you do?
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
30th December 2010, 07:31 PM
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] Grey, Wolf, Chaos, Papa, DF and C~Dub
Phione, can you direct us to the obstruction? Caucus and Fenrir just unbeached a few wailord, I'm sure they can handle any other obstruction just fine.
30th December 2010, 07:32 PM
Advanced Trainer
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] Grey, Wolf, Chaos, Papa, DF and C~Dub
Let's play follow the Psyduck!
Ectabat, I want you to fly with me. Gullivver, I want you to offer Mortimer a lift. I'm giving you a responsability here...
If mortimer won't fly, then I'll walk, and I want you 2 flying above us and keeping several eyes out.
Back bitches
30th December 2010, 07:34 PM
30th December 2010, 08:39 PM
2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold
Veteran Trainer
Re: [SZ Ref Thread: DL] Grey, Wolf, Chaos, Papa, DF and C~Dub
Saf Zone: Greyfox 88
Quest in Hidden Valley
3 Ultra
|| ||
Caucus M || Falconzord M || Fenrir
Poison Heal On (+3) || Keen Eye || Synchronize
100/73 || 100/100 || 100/90
Phione ponders the request, and then nods happily. You and the others follow, but after a few feet, you begin to realize this valley has some secrets that may be better off left untold.
Phione stops at the mouth of a massive cave that goes underground. It resembles a massive sharp tooth mouth, stalagmites jutting up from the floor before you even enter its rocky orifice.
The Shimmering stream seems to germinate from there at some point which you cannot see. Zubat fly out en masse, and you all duck to avoid being hit by them. You also note that it is nearing nightfall...and all sorts of creatures seem to be waking up here. Phione darts in though, unafraid.
What do you do?
Saf Zone: Wolfsong 68
Quest in Ivy Woods
2 Ultra
|| ||
Rick || Ziva || Jabin
Pickup || Steadfast || Steadfast
100/82 || 100/56 || 100/36
Yay for freshness
You eagerly run north, Ziva following. You see the tracks as they seem unstoppable, appearing in felled trees that must have been in the beast's way. After a while, the tracks are joined by another set of large tracks, those these are rounder, with smaller numbs where toes should be.
You don't hear scuffling ahead, so maybe they're still a ways off. Overhead, Ziva hears the cries of a Pidgeot..a male most likely.
What do you do?
Saf Zone: Dogfish 35(3)
Quest in Skyline Terrace
1 Ultra, 1 Great
Ectabat || Gulliver
Both 100%
Mortimer exits the conference room, and immediately calls for a guard! You run over and Gulliver offers the Psyduck a lift. Mortimer fixes himself and denies the gesture, while a Bidoof agent runs up to assist him. You recognize the detective as one of the ones working in the office when you met Rebecca.
"Yes sir, what seems to be your dilemma?"
"I'm the next target of that dastardly kidnapper, it would seem! I want the whole TOWN to know about this!"
"Wh-what? How did you get ahold of this information?"
"Why, this young man told me so himself! He came across this information...wait." Mortimer's exuberance turns into caution, as the Bidoof joins him in a sequestered glance. "How DID you come about this brilliant piece of evidence?"
What do you do?
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
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