hehe yay
*plots scheme to get points to spend on other ppl*
Christmas Tree
Oh yeah its time folks. Xmas Tree '10 has come!!! All those hard earned points, why not share some with those that are less fortunate, like me
You can:
~ Give someone points
~ Give someone a pokemon
~ Buy someone an egg
~ Give someone a stone
Of course there are rules. I just happily copy and paste them.
~ If you are buying a pokemon or an egg or a stone for someone, you must get it approved yourself before you give it away. So no free Wailord for everyone.
~ When you receive a pokemon or stone, you must then ALSO get it approved, with a link back here to the Christmas Tree.
~ When giving or receiving points, you post all transactions in the Bank like usual.
~ Do NOT use this topic to exclaim what Pokemon you need for your current menageries.
The Summer Tree Ends on January 4th
Happy Holidays. Uhh yeah I haven't a clue how I'm divy'ing stuff up this time..
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
hehe yay
*plots scheme to get points to spend on other ppl*
WOOP! Winter-in-the-northern-hemisphere tree!
OK guys, I'm gonna buy 6 Pokémon. For Chaos_Redefined, CEB, DL, Greyfox, Blademaster, and one for MoH.
Tell me what you want, and I'll sort it out. Name me the mon, not the egg ^_^.
(PS - Anybody who sees this, a Delibird, a Anorith and a Sunkern are all on my wishlist ^_^)
Last edited by Dogfish44; 6th December 2010 at 04:04 PM.
Back bitches
Bout Damn Time DL....
~Mew Master
ASB Battle Art
Bring your Battles to Life
Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.
We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!
Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096
haha give him a break
anyways... im still conjuring up what im gonna give and who im gonna give to, so dont worry
As presents, I'll hand two points to each of these persons:
Crazy Elf Boy
Merry Christmas!
Last edited by Mikachu Yukitatsu; 5th December 2010 at 10:38 AM.
Dogfish: I'll... get back to you on that. I'm not good at making decisions.
Mikachu: Thanks, mang!
RaZoR LeAf
men of horror
Crazy Elf Boy
Oslosis Jones
Mew Master
My plan is to have eggs hatch and you each get a baby
Thanks Mika! I will probably promptly spend this on other people XD
My list will come a bit later, I need to assess how my funds are since Ive been out of the battling for a lil bit ^-^()
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Thanks Mika!
I got a male Croagunk (Dry Skin) and Skorupi (Sniper) for DarkestLight. Seeing that you don't have a bipedal poison pokemon for your gym-team yet, I thought I'd give you one. Couldn't choose, so you got two! Poison/Fighting is pretty badass, but then you got Drapion with it's samurai Cross-poison (and wicked ability!). Have fun
Also got a Bulbasaur for Mike Mysterio, that gives you all of the Grass starters if I'm not mistaken?
Anyway, got loads of gifts left, but these were the first ones to pop up!
Last edited by MeLoVeGhOsTs; 6th December 2010 at 12:51 PM.
Thanks MLG, and yes now i have all the grass starters, and btw what gender is it?
Before I post my list of people to buy things for, I'd like to unload some members of my team that I won't be able to use. These aren't for anyone in particular -- just freebies for whomever wants 'em. Limit one per person, first come fist serve:
Ariados [Female]
Cacturne [Male]
Doduo [Male]
Kingler [Male]
Mothim [Male]
Ninetales [Female]
Nuzeleaf [Male]
Like I said, those seven are up for grabs, and will be given to the first person to ask for them, no questions asked. Now for my own shopping list.
Crazy Elf Boy
Crystal Tears
Darth Cookiemonster
Mew Master
RaZoR LeAf
Weasel Overlord
Last edited by Greyfox; 10th December 2010 at 12:44 AM.
Can I take Nuzeleaf? I'll add you to my shopping list in return, just tell me what you want ^_^. (2 points or a 'mon.)
Back bitches
Go for it -- don't worry about getting me anything though. Not unless you find something that screams my name.
Have 2 Points
Because living in guilt is hard :O.
Back bitches
Greyfox, may I have the Mothim, please?
Fair enough. And yes you may, Mikachu.
Thanks! I'll call her Koi!
EDIT: HEY BUT, how can Mothim be a Female?
Last edited by Mikachu Yukitatsu; 6th December 2010 at 04:41 PM.
I would love that Ninetales
Oooh, I'm sorry, Darthly, but that ninetales was going to be a gift for someone...
Here you go, Darth Cookiemonster, I got you a ninetales. =3
[Edit] You're right, Mik, Mothim's s'posed to be male. Don't know how I read it wrong. Nonetheless...
I am very confused on how that worked? didnt you say Ninetales was up for grabs?
Oooh Croagunk. Sweet. 4X weakness is kinda savage though.
However...Forgot about Drapion. But...
:: Prick scuttles over, spies newcomer:: -.-..
Now Prick...don't be a prick...we can use another Skorupi..
Thanks Muggles These two will get good use this upcoming year.
::Looks at all the others he's still yet to use:: >> Gonna hafta clone myself in order to get some good battle time..
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
dibs on ariados
Oh nvm thanks buddy, Merry Christmas
Shopping list:
Darth CookieMonster (Volt Egg)
DarkestLight (Mystery Egg)
MeLoVeGhOsTs (Dealer's Choice)
Aeyun (Nectar/earth Egg)
Mikachu Yukitatsu (Wonder Egg)
Dragonis (Nectar Egg)
You'll all get an egg, which one is your choice. You'll then get a recolour of whatever hatches. So please pick an egg that Vesuvius can grope and touch inappropriately.
Others surely to follow in the coming weeks.
Might get something for Grey too, depends if something hatches screaming his name. Which is entirely possible.
A lot of things scream my n--innappropriate.
Aa RaZoR! A Wonder Egg please!
I would love a Volt Egg please!
Dibs on the Cacturne, Greyfox?
greyfox, whats her abillity?
I think that's your call, papabopp.
Hmm... I see 2 potential eggs... So I would like 1 Nectar, and 1 Earth egg please.
My presents ARE coming, don't fret about that...
Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.
Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!
Ayeun's Safari adventures.
I'll get a Nectar Egg, if I could RaZor.
Hey Grey I'll take that Kingler of your hands.... Thanks in advance runs off to the Kitchen... err I mean the Approval Tower with it's Pokéball....
BTW Darkest sticky this tree or I'll knock this shrimp down and replace it with a decked out Giant Sequoias and it well take you ages to chop down come January 4th...:p
~Charles Legend
ASB VS Seeker Profile
“If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein
"The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to risk the consequences." --from Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham
"To build a story world, the author must be part artist, part engineer, and sometimes part mad scientist.." --from Fundamentals of world building by Jessie Verino
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates
This fella looks male Mike. Dunno. Your choice, though.
Also, Dan, you can choose the egg (and color) for me
I have some gifts For everyone who've been battling and reffing for me recently. I had no clue what to get anyone, so I bought some eggs and I'll let everyone on my list choose.
MeLoveGhosts > Beldum
Crown34 > Electrike M
Greyfox > Bronzor
Mew Master
You all can choose a baby. Unfortunately I couldn't get all the eggs this week, but I will get a couple more next week.
Volt Egg<--Elektrike M
Earth Egg<--Wooper M
Salaman Egg<--Torkoal F
Mystery Egg<--Beldum
Mineral Egg<--Bronzor
Nectar Egg<--Shuckle F
Hope y'all see something you like, Merry Christmas.
Last edited by Metallixs Girl; 11th December 2010 at 11:34 PM.
Can I have the bronzor?
[Edit] Chaz and Crown -- have at them. That just leaves Doduo, I believe.