Ooh. So I suppose leaving the island is probably not a swell idea.
Continue heading toward said cliff. Oslo wants Love.
Oslo's Journey
Round 20
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You perform a u-turn, and head back to the port, and your crew gets off the ship. As you start heading towards the cliff where Absol stood, you hear a loud sound behind you. You turn to see a large whirlpool that was not there beforehand. Had your ship continued on the path it was taken, it most likely would have been swallowed.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:03 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Ooh. So I suppose leaving the island is probably not a swell idea.
Continue heading toward said cliff. Oslo wants Love.
Oslo's Journey
Round 21
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You head towards the cliff edge, but your crew refuses to go with you. Your crew refuses to adventure with you, but you are distracted once again by the flash of black and white, followed by Absol appearing again. By the time your crew has a chance to respond to your claims that it is there, it has already disappeared again.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:07 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Ignore the crew. Whatevs. Wait for Love to reappear.
Oslo's Journey
Round 22
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
As the crew starts to head back, you start heading towards the cliff where you saw Absol. As they begin heading off, they take a shortcut by sliding down a cliff. What they didn't notice is what is at the base of the cliff: Quicksand.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:07 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Oh no. Chase after the crew and warn them!
Oslo's Journey
Round 23
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
They figure it out the same way you do. They are falling into the quicksand
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:07 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Oh no!
I need to find some kind of... rope or vine or something to save them... while maintaining my distance so as not to get sucked in too. And tell them not to struggle. I guess.
Oslo's Journey
Round 24
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You rip off your shirt and use it as a makeshift rope. Several of the chicks in your crew find your chest very manly. You manage to save a couple of your crewmates, who then work with you to save the rest.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:07 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Hey ladies. ;D Call me, mmkay?
Once everyone is free, I want to get them to follow me up the cliff. They're gonna get their asses owned by quicksand if they don't.
Oslo's Journey
Round 25
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You begin to lead your crew further up the cliff. The trip is mostly uneventful, and you see no sign of Absol along the way. You reach the top of the cliff, and find Absol. Most of your crew is freaked out by it's appearance, but you recognize it as Love. It moves up to you and rubs against you.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:08 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Hop aboard my noble steed and begin searching for Snore Warrior and Big Bird!
Oslo's Journey
Round 26
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
Love seems unable to support your weight. Upon learning this, it looks vastly upset.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:08 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Okay, fine, we're hoofing it. But I swear I'm as svelte as they come...!
(Make a resolution to cut down on the grog.)
Oslo's Journey
Round 27
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
As you begin climbing back down the cliff, Love stops and howls for a moment.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:08 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Okay, so we probs don't want to go down the cliff. Icky quicksand down there, anyway.
Keep climbing up the mountain.
Oslo's Journey
Round 28
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You begin going up the mountain. A minute after you turned around, an avalanche sweeps through the spot you would have been walking through had you kept going. Seeing you safe, Love nuzzles you affectionately.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:08 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Keep going up the mountain... don't stop and don't go back.
Oslo's Journey
Round 29
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
As you continue back up the mountain, Love appears to be upset about something.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:08 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Ask him what the hell is wrong.
Oslo's Journey
Round 30
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
Love turns away, then rushes forward. He is clearly wanting to take the lead for the time being.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:09 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
By all means. Lead on.
Oslo's Journey
Round 31
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
Eventually, Love stops and refuses to let anyone move past him.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:11 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Okay, time to start belting out the Whitney.
Love, I love you. I'm sorry for riding on you. And I'm sorry for not thanking you. You saved our asses from such hazards as a whirlpool, quicksand, a rockslide and so on. You wouldn't be able to do that if you weren't awesome. And you are.
You rock.
Your name is Love because I LOVE YOU.
Oslo's Journey
Round 32
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
A roar is heard from far behind Love when you start singing. It begins to approach louder and louder, and your crewmates notice a mountain lion. They begin to panic, but you and Love don't notice it, your bonding being significantly more important. As you finish bonding, both the lion and Love fade. You notice a weight at your side. Feeling around, you find a pokeball at your waist, which wasn't there before.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:12 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Time to go find Snore Warrior and Big Bird. Up the mountain!
Oslo's Journey
Round 33
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You continue your trek up the mountain and eventually reach the top. From there, you can see that the whirlpool has cleared up, and the town is starting to organize a town meeting of sorts.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:12 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Um... go down the mountain and secretly eavesdrop on the meeting? If it sounds like they have pirate bloodlust, make for the ship and leave this wretched isle.
Oslo's Journey
Round 34
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You head down towards the base of the mountain, and back into town. You sneak in and listen to some of the meeting, and then head for the ship with great haste. You are now on the wide open ocean.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:12 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Begin scouting for land. Also, keep eyes peeled for any big yellow birdies or morbidly obese floating mammals.
Oslo's Journey
Round 35
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You see a relatively large island, most of it being forest. You can see a spot to dock, even if it is more just a bit of beach with conveniently placed logs.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:12 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Okay, dock here and explore. Again, eyes peeled for Snore Warrior and Big Bird...
Oslo's Journey
Round 36
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You land on the island, and start exploring. One of your crew mates suggest that you split up, allowing you to cover the island more quickly.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:13 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Sure, let's split up.
Oslo's Journey
Round 37
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You split up, and meet again in an hour. Some of the pirates are missing, others say that those pirates went into a cave. They can show you were it is, if you are interested.
What do you do?
Side note: You may realize that posts 11-36 are editted. This is because they were initially numbered 10-35 instead. They are now fixed.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Ooh, yes! Let us go into the cave and save our pirate chums!
Oslo's Journey
Round 38
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You start to investigate the cave, and you find random gold coins randomly scattered around the place. Eventually, you come across two paths: The one to the left continues the gold coins, but there are footprints indicating that your crew members went to the right.
What do you do?
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Follow the prints!
Oslo's Journey
Round 39
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You follow the path with the footprints, and eventually come to an empty circular room, with an exit on the opposite side. A pedestal lays in the middle.
What do you do?
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Approach the pedestal and examine.