Oslo's Journey
Round 1
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You arrive on Shinsuke Volcano, and stare in awe at the giant volcano. A rattata brushes past your leg as you watch a ponyta trot around the edge of the volcano.
What do you do?
This area is for the Safari Zone journeys that I ref. If you want me to ref a safari zone trip, just ask. If you think I've forgotten you, gimme a prod. If you want a specific pokemon, feel free to ask. It means I know what you are actually looking for...
Each post will contain information for only 1 person's safari zone trip.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Oslo's Journey
Round 1
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You arrive on Shinsuke Volcano, and stare in awe at the giant volcano. A rattata brushes past your leg as you watch a ponyta trot around the edge of the volcano.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 23rd September 2010 at 01:06 AM. Reason: Editted in round number
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
I will trek toward the shore where I will recall Love and Surf on Snore's back due east. Big Bird (who is shiiny) can follow behind in the air.
Oslo's Journey
Round 2
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You begin surfing east, and eventually it gets dark. A school of Lanturn provide light as you continue onwards. Eventually, you see a Mantyke coming towards you.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 23rd September 2010 at 01:05 AM. Reason: Editted in round number
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Ask the widdle Mantyke if it knows the way to Triangle Island.
Oslo's Journey
Round 3
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
It laughs and points you in the right direction. Turns out, if you had have kept heading in this direction, you wouldn't have found anything. Suppose that's what happens when you just randomly decide to go east...
Now that you are headed in the right direction, you continue on your way. You go past some horseas and some tentacools, each with dazed looks on their faces.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 23rd September 2010 at 01:05 AM. Reason: Editted in round number
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Yay, we're on the way! Maybe ask around to find the reason for their dazed looks?
Oslo's Journey
Round 4
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You try talking to them, but they don't seem to notice your existence.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 23rd September 2010 at 01:05 AM. Reason: Editted in round number
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Continue on my merry way with caution.
Oslo's Journey
Round 5
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You eventually find a beach shore. Upon arriving, you find your mind continuously wandering. As you continue onwards, you notice a lot of pokemon sleeping. A pair of nidoran, one male, one female, lie by a tree. An abra is asleep in one of the branches, presumably teleporting there.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 23rd September 2010 at 01:05 AM. Reason: Editted in round number
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Okay, let's begin wandering. As precautions, I will keep Love in his Pokeball for the time being and have Big Bird cast a Safeguard around our party.
If any of us start looking too dazed/sleepy for our own goods, I want Big Bird to use Heal Bell.
Oslo's Journey
Round 6
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
Big Bird uses Safeguard, and you find your mind crisp for a while, until Safeguard wears off. Big Bird continues to refresh the effect every so often. When the effect does wear off, you feel a nudge towards the center of the island, but it is wiped clean by Safeguard again.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 23rd September 2010 at 01:05 AM. Reason: Editted in round number
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Let's hike toward the center of the island, then.
Oslo's Journey
round 7
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You start heading towards the center of the island. As you begin to get closer, Safeguard's effects reduce in radius and duration, until eventually, you are forced to stop, with Big Bird throwing up Safeguards, then relaxing until he gets her energy back.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 23rd September 2010 at 01:04 AM. Reason: Editted in round number
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Let's peer about and see what Pokemon are nearby.
Oslo's Journey
Round 8
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You find a pokemon sleeping. At first you think it's a male Nidoran, but then it snores and changes to a Skitty. Each snore, it changes again.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 23rd September 2010 at 01:04 AM. Reason: Editted in round number
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Okay, ignore the Skitty. It's probably a Ditto. Instead, I will recall Snore and hop aboard Big Bird, having her fly way up into the air above and outside the radius of this little bit of sleepy hocus pocus. Once up there, I want to scout what's going on in the island's center.
Oslo's Journey
Round 9 - knew I forgot something
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
Once on Big Bird's back, you fly up over the sleepy hocus pocus area. You see a forest patch, too thick to determine what is underneath. Chocobos, maybe? Around it, nothing extraordinary odd stands out. Pretty flowers everywhere
What do you do?
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Swan dive into the forest, Safeguarding as much as possible!
Oslo's Journey
Round 10
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You dive in, doing your best to keep safeguard up, and land in the forest. At this proximity, you are doing everything in your power to stay awake, but Big Bird is completely out of it.
Before you stands Cresselia.
"HUMANS! Why are you here?"
What do you do?
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
I'm here to... CAPTCHA YOU!
I then choose to lunge at it. And yeah, I fight dirty.
Oslo's Journey
Round 11
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
As you touch Cresselia, you collapse. When you get up, your pokeballs are gone, in their place a scabbard. You can't see through one of your eyes, and you quickly determine this to be due to the eyepatch covering it. As you try to walk away, you find that your right leg has been replaced with a wooden peg. You suddenly jump as the parrot on your shoulder yells "Polly wants a cracker"
Cresselia is gone.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 04:56 AM. Reason: Post count screwed up. Same reason for all future ones.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Yay! I am Osbeard, Scourge of the Seven Sea Routes.
Okay, I want to try to hobble along on my wooden leg. Get Polly to scout if needed.
OK... I've just been informed that I'm supposed to wait longer before you SEE a legendary. I had this planned out so it would take a fair while before you get to do anything with cress again, but now I wanna confirm with DL.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Oslo's Journey
Round 12
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You hobble out of the patch of forest, and you don't recognize anything. You ask Polly to scout ahead. Polly responds by saying "Squawk! Polly wants a cracker! Squawk!" You are pretty sure that roughly translates to "I'm not scouting for you."
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:01 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Okay, so Polly's a bitch. Whatever. Let's walk around and check this place out for ourselves with specific attention to nearby Pogeys. Arr!
Oslo's Journey
Round 13
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You start hobbling along, and find a complete lack of pokemon. You do, however, manage to find a town. There seems to be discussion of a pirate crew harassing the town.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:02 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Linger inconspicuously in the background and listen in on the conversation.
Oslo's Journey
Round 14
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
Pretty soon, you begin to realize that the pirate crew that is harrassing the town might be doing so under your orders. (In the interest of keeping this PG, I'm gonna ask that you stick to pillaging.) A few of your crewmates run by, with sacks over their backs, dropping gold as they run past.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:02 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
I choose to follow after my crewmates! I wanna get this booty and get out of this silly town before a mob comes!
Oslo's Journey
Round 15
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You follow your crewmates, but the overall trend seems to involve some of them flying into houses, grabbing gold, then going to the next house. Leaving appears to be low on their priority list.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:02 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Well, when in Rome...
Find the nearest unlooted house and steal all their valuables.
Oslo's Journey
Round 16
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You find some jewelry and some provisions lying around. A couple of pirates with full bags are running out of town. Others are still ramsacking random houses. For a moment, you see a flash of black and white streak past, but it's gone before you can identify it.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:02 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Obscure flashes are my greatest weakness. Chase after it if I can.
Oslo's Journey
Round 17
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
You turn into the street in which it ran, but there are too many side-streets that it could have gone into.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:03 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Return to the house, snatch up as much stuff as I can and find out where my pirate chums are going. I wanna follow.
Oslo's Journey
Round 18
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
The pirates return to the ship. Once you get there, you notice that several crew members are clearly afraid of you, while others welcome you back with a bit too much enthusiasm. You swear you can see brown on their noses.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:03 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Go about my business in my regular arrogant piratey way. Okay, so now that we have lots of loot, we must clearly bury it for no good reason! Let's sail until we find some random uncharted island and do just that!
Oslo's Journey
Round 19
Quest in Shinsuke Volcano
As the pirates set sail, you look back at the island. An awesome sight, but then you notice the black and white flash from before, at the top of a cliff. It stops at the peak, and you see what appears to be an Absol howling.
What do you do?
Last edited by chaos_redefined; 27th September 2010 at 05:03 AM.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Okay, let's make a U-turn and go after that Absol!