Darkest Light’s Safari Adventure
Round 21


Sonikku, the Donphan -
Puck, the Zigzagoon -
Marauder, the Staraptor
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Male -
Male -
Sturdy -
Pickup -
HP: 95| HP: 95 | HP: 100
EN: 90 | EN: 85 | EN: 95


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HP: 80| HP: 100 | HP: 80
EN: 85| EN: 80 | EN: 85
Def +3 ] Protected by Beedrills | Def + 3
| To hit the Vespiqueen, you must defeat or move the Beedrills |
Ultra ball x 4
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Sunshine Fields
A large rolling plain that overlooks the Pokemasters land, the grass is soft and the air tasty. A plethora of grass Pokemon are found here as they enjoy the tickling breeze and the bright sunshine. Bird and normal-types are also found here. Far far far to the north, a small rocky outcropping exists.
You shout out "It doesn't have to be this way Queen of the Bees! I just want safe passage to the shrine! But if its a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get. (yeah, that sounded cool.)" Vespiqueen is impressed by your display, and promises you a reward should you be able to defeat her and her guards.
Marauder tosses up a whirlwind, blowing one of the Beedrills out of possition (50% to hit Vespiqueen). Sonikku begins 'Spin dash set 1', and uses both Defense Curl and Roll out on the remaining Beedrill, striking for average damage. Puck applies a Thunder wave for good measure, slowing the bug down. The whirlwinded Beedrill attempts to return to possition, but is being held in place (2 more actions, returns to guard duty at end of round), whist the remaining Beedrill uses Rage, directed at Sonikku, for light damage. Vespiqueen strikes at Puck with a Hyper Beam for Heavy damage.
Targeting the remaining Beedrill, Marauder hits it solidly across the chest with a vicious wing attack, for heavy damage. Puck throws a Thunder wave in to the whirlwind, adding insult to injury, while Vespiqueen recharges. The free Beedrill attempts to attack, but Paralysis sinks in, stunning it.
Finishing off, Sonikku rolls back at the Beedrill, striking for Heavy damage, allowing Marauder to sweep in and thwack it with its wing for Heavy damage. Puck opens up with his Blizzard, striking all three bugs for heavy damage, but suffering the affects of Preasure once again. Whirlwind Beedrill is no longer traped, but unable to attack due to dizziness. Rocked Beedrill uses Rage on Sonikku again, for average damage, and Vespiqueen uses heal order once more.
Whirlwind Beedrill returns to his guard possition, but Rocked Beedrill is unable to cover his full guard spot (25% chance to strike Vespiqueen)
What’s the plan, Mr DL?


Sonikku, the Donphan -
Puck, the Zigzagoon -
Marauder, the Staraptor
()))))))))))))))))))) -
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()))))))))))))))))))) -
HP: 89| HP: 70 | HP: 100
EN: 80 | EN: 80 | EN: 85
Def + 2 | No change | No change


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()))))))))))))))))))) -
HP: 80| HP: 100 | HP: 50
EN: 85| EN: 50 | EN: 80
Def +3 | Protected by Beedrills | Def + 3
Paralyzed | Should have gotten better help | Paralyzed
Dizzy | To hit the Vespiqueen, you must defeat or move the Beedrills | Unable to cover
| 25% chance to hit |
Unless interrupted or misses, Sonikku will continue to roll out for 3 more actions