Location: The Wolf's Paw
Rules: Rest, Perish Song, Toxic and Attract are banned
Abilities: Active
DQ Time: 1 Week
‡ Pre-Round ‡
‡ Round 29 ‡
As Vivi is recalled to her ball at long last, Men of Horror pauses in deliberation before selecting the little water-skater’s replacement. With a burst of brilliant red light, out comes a chipper little mollusk. Ooh, it’s my old Omanyte! Hello, Squiggles!
Once again the faster fighter, Nate manages to eke out a quick Taunt, jabbering how Omanytes taste good cracked open and fried in butter. As a result, Squiggles loses the willpower to form a Substitute and instead lets out a long, burbling sigh.
Nate: <-4 EP>
Squiggles: <Taunted>
Enjoying his control, Nate swoops downward and curls up his wing into a fist… or something just like one, anyway. Punching birds are a bit nebulous. Squiggles responds by lifting up a few nearby rocks with her mind and hurling them at Nate. Suddenly, she begins to feel mysterious strength suffuse her body. She doesn’t really understand where these stat boosts could be coming from, but hey, why ask?
Nate: <-9 HP; -8 EP>
Squiggles: <-8 HP; -4 EP; +1 Att; +1 Def; +1 SpA; +1 SpD; +1 Spd>
Nate rolls his eyes. Of coooourse the little shellfish would get the unlikely stat increase. Right. He targets Squiggles with a potent Dark Pulse that does a little damage, while Squiggles tries to addle Nate’s mind with a Supersonic, but can’t seem to muster up the initiative to do so. The memory of that nasty Taunt lingers with her.
Nate: <-4 EP>
Squiggles: <-4 HP>
‡ Post-Round ‡
> Squiggles will remain Taunted for two more actions
> TEAM WOLFSONG to release and command next