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Thread: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

  1. #1
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    Default Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Okay, i have a free slot and an idea for an arena that i'd like to try.

    Open 3-3
    Abilities are active.
    I choose first.
    You attack first.
    Banned moves: Rest, Perish Song, Attract, and Toxic.
    Arena: The Wolf’s Paw arena: Located in the middle of a grassy field is the arena in the shape of a Wolf’s Paw Print. The heel of the paw is filled with tall grass and trees. The first toe is a mixture of sand and dirt. The second toe is made up of ice. The third toe is water and the fourth is lava. Each of the claws is a small rock formation but the first one has a cave. This is den of the local wolf pack. There are three of them the Alpha (White) Beta (black) and Omega (silver). Most of the time they will leave you alone. This changes if you disturb them too much. Then one of them will come down and attack. For example, an occasional earthquake while might irritate them but they’ll let it slide. However constant use may cause one of them come down and attack for 5 hp damage. However, for every five rounds there is a small chance (5%) that the wolves might give a blessing. If the Omega appears (75% of that 5%) all pokemon on the field regain 10 energy points. If the Beta appears (24% of the 5%) all pokemon on the field gain 10 Health points. If the alpha appears (1% chance of the 5%) all pokemon gain both 10 health points and 10 energy points.

    DQ: 1 Week

    I choose Belle my Female Leafeon with the Leaf Guard ability.

    Any takers?
    Last edited by Wolfsong; 30th May 2010 at 01:54 PM. Reason: left out the amount of hp if the beta shows up and edit 2: adding the standard week dq
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  2. #2

    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. ??? (Ref: ???)

    I would like to take you on if it is okay for you ?

  3. #3
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    fine with me
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  4. #4

    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror (Ref: ???)

    Alright I choose Tomo, my male tangel with the chlorophyl ability

    Here we go Tomo, first use double team against the leafon if she attacks first because she is surely quicker. If she doesn`t attack use captivate against her. Then use bind against her . Lastly when your vines are on her use slam.

    double team/captivate - bind - slam

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror (Ref: ???)

    Okay, Belle start with swift. THen use a double team of your own and finish up with x-scissor
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror (Ref: ???)


    Location: The Wolf's Paw
    Rules: Rest, Perish Song, Toxic and Attract are banned
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: 1 Week

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡
    ‡ Round 1 ‡

    Ladies and gents, I bid you good day! Here in the aptly-named expanse known as the Wolf’s Paw Print, a firestorm of a match is sure to take place! On one side, we see Wolfsong descend from the mountainous crags to the north with her verdant Leafeon, Belle, in tow. From the grassy steppe to the south, newcomer Men of Horror approaches alongside Tomo, his tousled Tangela. The battlers meet in the heel of the paw where trees and long grass are abundant.

    Is everyone ready? ‘Cause I sure am!

    Belle begins the battle with an array of shimmering stars that tear through the air and strike their target. The ends of some of Tomo’s vines get shorn off in the process and fall to the ground, but he’s a resilient one and the appendages grow back almost instantly. In vengeance, Tomo spins on the spot which causes three identical clones to pop into existence. Uh-oh!

    Belle: <-5 EP>
    Tomo: <-6 HP; -4 EP; 3 clones>

    As Belle peers from one Tangela to the next to the next to the next, she realizes the odds aren’t exactly in her favour. As such, she levels the playing field by matching Tomo’s Double Team with one of her own! Tomo now is left with the task of figuring out which is the real Eeveelution. Taking a shot in the dark, Tomo extends his green tendrils and snatches at one of the Leafeons. Alas, luck isn’t on your side this time, my friend. The clone vanishes and the three remaining Leafeons stick out their tongues. Nyaah.

    Belle: <-3 EP; 2 clones>
    Tomo: <-4 EP; 3 clones>

    Now it’s Belle’s turn to play the guessing game. Swinging that fearsome leaf atop her head, she lunges at one of the Tangelas and… dear God, a clone! Tomo responds with a slam and… yes, he gets a clone, too! Oh, man! Do guessing games suck or what?

    Belle: <-5 EP; 1 clone>
    Tomo: <-7 EP; 2 clones>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > At 0 EP, Pokemon will begin to lose 1 HP for every 2 EP they consume
    > TEAM WOLFSONG to command next

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror (Ref: ???)

    Thanks for reffing ^^

    Okay, Belle. Start with sword's dance. Follow that up with aerial ace and finish up with shadow ball.
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  8. #8

    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Yea, thanks for reffing and lol at the clone thing

    Alright first Tomo, use swagger at first. Then use protect to to counter her aerial ace. If she doesn`t manga to attack in her rage use flash on her. Finally use stun spore.

    swagger - protect/flash - stun spore

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo


    Location: The Wolf's Paw
    Rules: Rest, Perish Song, Toxic and Attract are banned
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: 1 Week

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡
    ‡ Round 2 ‡

    As we enter the next round, Belle and her clone begin to put a bit of a show for us. Sashay to the left, pirouette, sashay to the right, leap through the air…. Suddenly, the Leafeon’s might began to grow considerably. Undaunted by this display, Tomo puffs up his chest (do Tangelas even have chests?) and struts around in circles. Belle gets a good look at the display and begins to feel… irked. Irked and stronger. Baad combo.

    Belle: <-5 EP; +4 Att; Confusion; 1 clone>
    Tomo: <-4 EP; 2 clones>

    Let me tell you… that’s one pissed Leafeon! In fact, she’s so red in the face that she’s practically a Flareon, but don’t tell her I said that. She lunges toward Tomo with an Aerial Ace, hacking and slashing and chopping away with her leaf, though the Tangela smartly throws up a blueish Protective shield. While he’s safe, his clones are left vulnerable and both succumb to the onslaught. However, in her rage-induced Confusion, Leafeon is expectedly careless: swinging her head-leaf side to side, she accidentally brings it down on not just Tomo’s clones, but also her own!

    At last, she backs away, panting. Golly, that anger sure caused her to expend more energy than usual! Tomo blinks. Now that was a show.

    Belle: <-8 EP; 0 clones>
    Tomo: <-12 EP; 0 clones>

    Still furiously confused, Belle ignores her trainer’s orders to execute the Shadow Ball and merely plops down on the grass to seethe a bit. Tomo tiptoes forward and wiggles so as to emit a cloud of golden powder. The Stun Spore settles in and, all of a sudden, Belle doesn’t feel so rage-filled anymore. In fact, she has bigger problems to deal with…

    Belle: <Paralysis>
    Tomo: <-4 EP>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > TEAM MEN OF HORROR to command next
    Last edited by Oslo; 4th June 2010 at 12:53 PM.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Alright, just one thing , you wrote that tangela executed the shadow ball but it was the leafeon who executed that attack. But doesnt matter

    Good work,okay, now Tomo first use reflect, after that use flash on her, finally use double team again

    reflect - flash - double team

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Okay Belle, start with a swagger of your own. FOllow that up with sunny day and finish with aerial ace.
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  12. #12
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Aha, fixed that little name snafoo. Thanks for pointing that out! And I'll have this up later on.

    EDIT: And here it is...


    Location: The Wolf's Paw
    Rules: Rest, Perish Song, Toxic and Attract are banned
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: 1 Week

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡
    ‡ Round 3 ‡

    Tomo, happy that his foe is momentarily incapacitated, throws up a translucent purple barrier that shines under the light. Hrm, it sure looks awfully sturdy. Belle pulls herself onto unsteady legs and prepares to strut around much like Tomo did a moment ago, but… the gods of Paralysis have other plans in mind. Her legs seize up. Bummer!

    Belle: <Paralysis!>
    Tomo: <-4 EP; Reflect>

    Once again, Tomo decides against attacking and chooses to wheedle away at his opponent in more nuanced ways. He hums for a moment before emitting a brilliant shock of light that blinds poor Belle! The Leafeon shakes this off and instead turns her gaze to the skies. Clouds appear to dissipate as the sun begins to burn brighter and hotter. (“Suuuuunny day, sweepin’ the clouuuuds away…”) As our two little Grass-types soak up the daylight, they experience unique effects. As his body produces more energy, Tomo becomes more nimble and agile. Belle, on the other hand, feels her body’s natural immunity heighten.

    Belle: <-4 EP; -1 Acc>
    Tomo: <-3 EP>

    Enjoying his newfound sense of speed, Tomo spins on the spot and once again brings three clones back into existence. Their reunion is short-lived; with a wicked leaping maneuver, Belle bounds over toward the Tangela and hacks and slashes the clones into oblivion. The Flying-type move strikes Tomo for some super-effective damage, but his barrier filters out some of the blow.

    Belle: <-3 EP>
    Tomo: <-4 HP; -4 EP; 0 clones>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > TEAM WOLFSONG to command next
    Last edited by Oslo; 4th June 2010 at 01:27 PM.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Okay Belle, start with swift. THen give him a taste of his own medicin with a flash and finish up with anohter aerial ace.
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  14. #14

    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Good work Tomo, first use quickly tickle on him to lower his defence and attack, afterwards use mimic to attack him with aerial ace and when he uses aerial ace on you use protect

    tickle - mimic(aerial ace) - protect

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo


    Location: The Wolf's Paw
    Rules: Rest, Perish Song, Toxic and Attract are banned
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: 1 Week

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡
    ‡ Round 4 ‡

    With her accuracy flagging, Belle plays it safe by launching a stream of spiraling stars at her foe. Tomo is quick to shake off the move and rebounds by extending his rubbery tendrils and, yeah, tickling the Leafeon into submission. Yay for awkward and creepy strategies? It pays off, however; Belle feels her might and fortitude dip a little as a result.

    Belle: <-5 EP; -1 Att; -1 Def>
    Tomo: <-5 HP; -3 EP>

    Belle decides to fight fire with fire—or, rather, Flash with Flash. She unleashes a shimmering blast of light that leaves Tomo in a near-blind daze. Still, the wiley little Tangela overcomes the assault on his accuracy and performs a Mimic on Aerial Ace. Now, how did that move go? The poor little vine ball wracks his brain in an attempt to recall exactly how Belle executed that particular move, but he seems to be having difficulty. Instead, he decides Swift is much easier to copy and, with a bit of improvising, successfully fires off a sequence of brilliant stars. Yeah, that’ll have to do.

    Belle: <-5 HP; -3 EP>
    Tomo: <-6 EP; -1 Acc>

    Shaking off those stars, Belle skips forward with another high-speed attack. Woohoo, yay for bypassing Paralysis three times in a row! However, Tomo says nu-uh to the attempt with another sturdy energy shield. Consider yourself Protect’d, beeyotch!

    Belle: <-3 EP>
    Tomo: <-12 EP>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > Okay, so I didn't realize Mimic could be used to execute a new move immediately, much like Mirror Move. However, I did a bit of snooping to see how other refs handle the move, and it apparently can! Hey, I'm learning!
    > One thing I do know about the move, though: you can't Mimic moves that occurred in previous rounds or moves that have yet to be executed, explaining why Tomo wasn't able to copy Aerial Ace.
    > As well, the Movelist categorizes Swift as a Physical move but I'm pretty sure that has to be a typo. I reffed it as Special instead, which impacted some of the calculations.
    > Aaaand... I forgot to mention this last round, but Reflect will last for one more round unless overcome
    > TEAM MEN OF HORROR to command next
    Last edited by Oslo; 5th June 2010 at 10:05 PM.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    (So that means, that I can use mimic only when I am the second to attack to respond to my opponents moves in the same round? )

    Tomo, use sludge bomb at him ,then use growth ,afterwards use use flash on him again. If he tries to use aerial ace use bind to stop his attack.

    sludge bomb/bind - growth/bind - flash/bind

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    You could also use Mimic as your first attack, so long as you're Mimicking your opponent's first move.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    ( ah I see, thanks for the explanation, now I understand the move I wanted to use it to see how you would describe it )

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    No worries. You're welcome to ask if you have any additional questions.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Okay Belle, start with yawn. Follow that up with heal bell. Finally finish with X-scissor if tangela is asleep and fake tears if he isn't.

    Yawn ~ Heal Bell ~ X-Scissor/Fake tears
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo


    Location: The Wolf's Paw
    Rules: Rest, Perish Song, Toxic and Attract are banned
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: 1 Week

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡
    ‡ Round 5 ‡

    As the battle heats up, Belle seems to be growing tired with things. She brings her paw to her jowl and… nadda. Ugh, you know that feeling when you have a yawn that just won’t come out? Yeah, that seems to be what Paralysis is doing to Belle right now. Tomo spots the opening a lets out a steaming Sludge Bomb! The bubbling blob of pure ick strikes Belle for some pretty potent damage. Suddenly, the Leafeon begins to feel rather ill. Poor girl.

    Belle: <-12 HP; Poisoning; Paralysis!>
    Tomo: <-8 EP>

    Poor Belle. Wrought by Paralysis and Poisoning, the Leafeon can all but keep herself upright. Feeling awful, the Leafeon turns her head skyward and shakes that little leaf of hers. Oddly enough, a high, almost jubilant ringing noise comes out. The promising noise gives Belle a sudden feeling of rejuvenation. Just like that, her qualms simply wash away. She’s a new Leafeon! Tomo watches this with envy and subsequently glows green, spiking his might.

    Belle: <-5 EP; Cured>
    Tomo: <-4 EP; +1 SpA>

    Belle is feeling just dandy at the moment, which is why it comes as quite a shock when she scrunches up her face and lets out these spine-tingling wails that echo out and out. (And the Oscar goes to…) Guilt wells up inside Tomo to the point that he begins to let his guard down a little. His pity is short-lived, however, as he lets out a blinding blast of harsh white light.

    Belle: <-3 EP; -1 Acc>
    Tomo: <-3 EP; -1 Def; -1 SpD>

    And with that, Tomo's Reflect fades to nothing.

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > TEAM WOLFSONG to command next

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Okay Belle, start with a small substitute. Follow that up with a couple of x-scissors
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  23. #23

    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    When he uses his substitue Tomo, just chill to restore your energy a bit, Then use double team to evaid his attack. Then use another sludge bomb

    chill - double team - sludge bomb

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo


    Location: The Wolf's Paw
    Rules: Rest, Perish Song, Toxic and Attract are banned
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: 1 Week

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡
    ‡ Round 6 ‡

    With both fighters still going strong on health, Belle peers around for something to take a blow or two in her stead. Eventually, she spies a wee spotted toadstool on the ground and names this her Substitute. Tomo, meanwhile, recognizes the significant disparity between his health and his energy and takes a moment for a little R&R. Don’t worry, little guy! There’s plenty of time to get back in this!

    Belle: <-10 HP; -4 EP; Sub: 10 HP>
    Tomo: <+6 EP>

    As Belle begins swinging the sharp leaf atop her head, Tomo recognizes that the Eeveelution is about to go in for another attack. He tries to stymie the move by splitting into clones, but Belle is too fast as she brings her leaf slashing across… a ficus. Huh? Uh, dude, that wasn’t Tangela. You just obliterated a big ol’ plant. Thrilled that his foe’s less-than-stellar accuracy got the best of her, Tomo manages to execute that Double Team and now finds himself in good company.

    Belle: <-5 EP; Sub: 10 HP>
    Tomo: <-4 EP; +3 clones>

    Hrm. Belle scrutinizes the situation and realizes the odds her X-Scissor landing were a lot better when there was just one Tangela to choose from… and even then it didn’t work! Okay, blind guessing time! She leaps at one of the Tangelas and goes for another sharp leaf-swinging attack and the clone promptly vanishes on the spot. Bummer. Tomo and the two remaining clones give one another a little high-five with their vines before releasing a second mighty glob of sludge. The Sludge Bomb strikes the toadstool and causes it to wilt on the spot. Bye-bye.

    Belle: <-5 EP; Sub: Broken!>
    Tomo: <-8 EP; 2 clones>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > TEAM MEN OF HORROR to command next

  25. #25

    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Good work Tomo (by the way, is sunny day still activated ? )

    Now first use flash if he tries any attack like swagger to change your status. If he uses aerial ace or swift use protect. If he uses any other damaging move just chill and hope that he will hit the clones. Then use bind when he tries to change your status. If not just chill. Then when your vines are near him due to bind use slam. If not relax again.

    flash/protect/chill - bind/chill - slam/chill

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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Urp, knew I forgot to mention something... but yeah, Sunny Day is donezo.

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Hmm... Aerial ace or swift huh. *grins* Okay, Belle start with magical leaf to find the real tangela. Then let's make use of that upped attack and hit him hard with two more x-scissors

    Magical Leaf ~ X-scissor ~ X-scissor
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo


    Location: The Wolf's Paw
    Rules: Rest, Perish Song, Toxic and Attract are banned
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: 1 Week

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡
    ‡ Round 7 ‡

    Sitting pretty with his little posse of clones, Tomo sees no reason to do anything but lie back and soak up the sunshine. However, Belle has other ideas and releases a flurry of shimmering leaves! The leaves arc and spin around the battlefield as if they have a mind of their own, tearing through the clones before slicing into Tomo. The move deals minimal damage, but Tomo correctly surmises that damage isn’t the point this time. Without his little Tangela buddies, he feels frighteningly naked.

    Belle: <-4 EP>
    Tomo: <-4 HP; +6 EP; 0 clones>

    As Tomo continues to regain some energy, Belle is quick to swoop in with an X-Scissor. She manages to avoid any nearby ficuses this time and tears right into Tomo for some pretty potent damage. The Tangela loses some vines as a consequence once more, but they grow back in no time at all.

    Belle: <-5 EP>
    Tomo: <-18 HP; +6 EP>

    Rinse and repeat! The feral Leafeon rips into Tomo once more and, though he tries to Relax, he finds it challenging what with that razor-sharp leaf and all.

    Belle: <-5 EP>
    Tomo: <-18 HP; +6 EP>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > Bug weakness + Belle's heightened Attack + Tomo's lowered Defence = Oww
    > TEAM WOLFSONG to command next
    Last edited by Oslo; 8th June 2010 at 03:49 PM.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Nice work belle, now double team. Then swords dance. Fially if you have clones relax otherwise flash
    Silver Wolf
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  30. #30

    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Dont worry Tomo, the battle is not over yet. Use sleep powder over every clone to be sure to make him asleep. Then if you actually manage to make him sleep use tickle on him. If he is still away or wakes up use flash on him. Then finally if he sleeps use tickle again, if not use reflect.

    sleep powder - tickle/flash - tickle/reflect

  31. #31
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo


    Location: The Wolf's Paw
    Rules: Rest, Perish Song, Toxic and Attract are banned
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: 1 Week

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡
    ‡ Round 8 ‡

    As our little match progresses, both fighters find themselves a bit lacking as far as energy goes. In an effort to conserve, Belle spins on the spot and brings three clones into existence to help shoulder a little of the strain for her. Tomo runs forward and, playing a guessing game, sprinkles one of the Leafeons with a little cloud of tiny white spores. The spores settle in and… wow, look at that. The Leafeon stumbles around in an effort to fight off sleep, as do the rest of the clones, before succumbing to the move. She’s out like a light. The clones imitate her slumbers as Tomo jumps for joy. Yaaay! It worked!

    Belle: <-4 EP; 3 clones>
    Tomo: <-4 EP>

    While Belle sleeps, Tomo gleefully has all the time in the world to launch his assault. He peers from Leafeon to Leafeon, trying to remember which one was the real deal. If it weren’t for all that pre-sleep stumbling, this wouldn’t be so difficult! In the end, he extends his vines to do a little Tickling but the chunky blue tendrils simply pass through a clone and obliterate it.

    Belle: <Zzz; 2 clones>
    Tomo: <-3 EP>

    It’s worth another shot, right? Once more, Tomo goes for a Tickle aaand… yeah, no dice. Clone again. The real Belle and her doppelganger continue so slumber away, oblivious to the poor Tangela’s mounting frustration.

    Belle: <Zzz; 1 clone>
    Tomo: <-3 EP>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > I would just like to wish a very happy birthday to Men of Horror! Yay!
    > TEAM MEN OF HORROR to command next
    Last edited by Oslo; 10th June 2010 at 03:08 PM.

  32. #32

    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Hehe thanks

    Use tickle the whole time , we need to lower his defence and especially his attack. If he uses sleep talk or snore use double team.

    tickle/double team - tickle/double team - tickle/double team

  33. #33
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Happy bday

    Belle Sleep talk until you wake up. IF you do, aerial ace then x-scissor for however many moves you have left.

    Sleep Talk/Aerial Ace ~ Sleep Talk/Aerial Ace/X-scissor ~Sleep Talk/Aerial Ace/x-scissor
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  34. #34
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo


    Location: The Wolf's Paw
    Rules: Rest, Perish Song, Toxic and Attract are banned
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: 1 Week

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡
    ‡ Round 9 ‡

    Still comfortably asleep, Belle rolls over and starts muttering some words. There’s something… hopeful about them? Tomo pays this no mind and spins on the spot, performing the kajillionth Double Team of the match. Now that there are four Tangelas squaring off against two Leafeons, Tomo feels pleased with his odds.

    Belle: <Zzz; -8 EP; 1 clone>
    Tomo: <-4 EP; 3 clones>

    Suddenly, Belle grunts herself away. She hops up to her feet with a yawn. Okay, time to get back in this! She speedily darts at Tomo and tears through each and every one of his little buddies before striking the real deal for some pretty potent damage. Extending his tendrils, Tomo begins Tickling Belle into submission. She succumbs to a spurt of uncontrollable giggles and subsequently lets her guard down.

    Belle: <-3 EP; -1 Att; -1 Def; 1 clone>
    Tomo: <-15 HP; -3 EP>

    Shaking off the laughter, Belle lunges in with her head leaf swinging to reduce that Tangela to chop suey, but the move only manages to sheer off some of his exterior vines. Woah, close call! Breathing a sigh of relief, Tomo goes in for a second Tickle which again hits its mark and, once more, Belle laughs and laughs and laughs.

    Belle: <-5 EP; -1 Att; -1 Def; 1 clone>
    Tomo: <-3 EP>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > Woah, I have never seen a Pokemon with such a huge disparity between health and energy as Belle right now...
    > For the sake of easing your curiosity, I'll just tell you now that the move Belle used while asleep was Wish and it will come true at the beginning of the next round.
    > TEAM WOLFSONG to command next

  35. #35
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Okay Belle, make anothter small substitute then use flash if it protects then relax and finish with relax

    Small Substitute ~ Flash/Relax ~ Relax
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  36. #36

    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Okay Tomo,use slodge bomb first, then relax and afterwars (lol) tickle him again.Just hope that the flash will pass trough one of your clones.

    sludge bomb - relax - tickle

  37. #37
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo


    Location: The Wolf's Paw
    Rules: Rest, Perish Song, Toxic and Attract are banned
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: 1 Week

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡
    ‡ Round 10 ‡

    Hrm, ten rounds and still nobody has bitten the dust. Will things change this time around? Belle doesn’t seem to think so, as she finds a spiky pinecone on the ground and decides that this will serve as her new Substitute. Woohoo! Tomo goes for the kill, attacking that pinecone with all he’s got. His Sludge Bomb effectively reduces it to gravy, destroying the thing on the spot. And that’s that.

    Suddenly, Belle begins to sparkle and she feels her health increase. Ooh, ooh, look! Her wish came true!

    Belle: <-10 HP; +15 HP; -2 HP from fatigue; Sub: Broken!; 1 clone>
    Tomo: <-8 EP>

    To make up for her own compromised accuracy, Belle fires off a dazzling burst of harsh light that leaves Tomo in a blinking stupor. He decides that fighting through this would be silly and instead seats himself on the grass where he enjoys some quick R&R before hopping back up on his feet. Okay, let’s do this!

    Belle: <-1 HP from fatigue; 1 clone>
    Tomo: <+6 EP; -1 Acc>

    It’s Belle’s turn to enjoy a break as the Leafeon curls up on a soft patch of earth. Tomo recognizes this as his chance to strike and extends his tendrils only to take out that pesky clone who’s been hanging around for the past few rounds. Laame. Despite all this Relaxing, both Pokemon let out yawns that signify their low energy levels. Anybody have a Red Bull or something?

    Belle: <+6 EP>
    Tomo: <-3 EP>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > Men of Horror, your clones all went bye-bye last round when Belle used Aerial Ace.
    > TEAM MEN OF HORROR to command next
    Last edited by Oslo; 11th June 2010 at 12:29 PM.

  38. #38

    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Oh I see, so thats why there werent any clones anymore lol
    Well first use stun spore, if he uses any attack like aerial ace or swift use protect, then relax again, finally ...relax again

    stunspore/protect - relax - relax

  39. #39
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    If you end up paralized, use heal bell otherwise use another double team. Follow up with another swords dance and finish by putting that upped attack to good use with giga impact.

    Heal Bell/Double Team ~ Swords Dance ~ Giga Impact
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  40. #40
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo


    Location: The Wolf's Paw
    Rules: Rest, Perish Song, Toxic and Attract are banned
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: 1 Week

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡
    ‡ Round 11 ‡

    Tomo manages to find the energy to skip toward Belle and sprinkle a little puff of some golden powder on her. The move does the trick, causing Belle to feel her mobility decline, but she fights back with another Heal Bell. The melodious noise echoes out and causes sends her Paralysis ebbing away. Back in action!

    Belle: <-4 EP>
    Tomo: <-4 EP>

    Feeling rejuvenated, Belle does a merry little dance on the spot and senses her physical brawn increase as a result. This Leafeon is ready to kick some shrubbery ass! Tomo, meanwhile, sits there and collects some more energy. He’s not out of this just yet…

    Belle: <-2 EP; -1 HP from fatigue; +2 Att>
    Tomo: <+6 EP>

    It’s action time! Sick of being dormant for so long, Belle leaps forward with a powerful Giga Tackle. Energy gathers around her frame, transforming her into a missile as she shoots forward and… obliterates a tree. Yep, a venerable oak suffers the damage and falls down with a deafening thud. Timber! Belle blinks. That… did not go as planned. Tomo, on the other hand, couldn’t be happier. Instead of jumping for joy, the chipper Tangela merely sits there and recuperates. But in his head, he’s jumping alright!

    Belle: <-6 HP from fatigue>
    Tomo: <+6 EP>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > Belle gets two actions for the next round as a result of Giga Impact
    > TEAM WOLFSONG to command next

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