If you happen to have duplicated Body Slam, put it on Pikachu, Dodrio and Hypno aswell.
Put Hyperbeam on Dodrio if you have the money. The faster it's speed, the higher the critical hit ratio. Combined with the damage of Hyperbeam (and the no recharge if you faint the opposing pokemon) that makes one killer move. Mimic and Substitute are other options. Give it Body Slam if you still can.
Raichu, Thunderbolt, Thunderwave, Bodyslam, filler. Again the fillers are mostly Mimic, Substitute, Seismic Toss, or maybe Submission for Golems and Rhydons.
Hypno. Now this is a pokemon I like. Psychic is a staple. Then, Hypno isn't really THAt powerful or fast, but its strenght is equally devided stats. That means it can furfill a decent support-function. It gets Thunderwave (or even Hypnosis), Psychic, Body Slam, Seismic Toss (this can be very nice), Mimic (yes most fillers are limited in RBY) or Rest (it has no recover or anything). It can also learn Reflect, which can be nice with Rest.
Vaporeon. Blizzard > Icebeam in RBY because of better accuracy. Surf is good. Then the rest will be fillers again. Body Slam, Mimic, Rest (and maybe Acid Armor).
I'd already invest in the evolution of Nidorina since both fury swipes and double kick aren't really worth the wait. It's stats are pretty equal, so go for a mixed sweeper. The combination of Ice and Electric can hit almost any typecombination so go for Thunderbolt/Blizzard if you can, added with Earthquake and Body Slam.
Charizard, is again a mixed sweeper. It can Swordsdance, so make use of that. Flamethrower or Fireblast as a STAB attack. Then Swordsdance+Earthquake. Last move should be something neutral normal, like.. Body slam? or Hyperbeam.
RBY is pretty limited, but I really enjoy the metagame
So my best advice is: use the glitch and copy the Swordsdance, Body Slam, Blizzard and Earthquake, Seismis Toss, Thunderwave and Mimic TMs.